K6JEY: “Test Equipment for Hams, including Vector Network Analyzers Explained” at the Billerica ARS Meeting, April 3, 2024

Billerica ARS logoThe April 3, 7:00 PM Billerica Amateur Radio Society meeting will be in person, at the Chelmsford Bible Church, 128 Gorham Street, Chelmsford, and  on Zoom.  […]
We are pleased to announce that our guest speaker for this meeting will be Douglas Bruce Millar, K6JEY. He is a retired electrical engineer with over 50 years of experience in the field. He will give a presentation entitled “Test Equipment for Hams, including Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs) Explained.” In his presentation, Doug will discuss the different types of test equipment available to hams, emphasizing vector network analyzers. He will explain what VNAs are, how they work, and how they can be used to characterize components and troubleshoot circuits. 
Doug got his novice ticket in 1957. He has always liked VHF and up, and he has EME stations on 2m, 70cm, and 23cm. But Doug doesn’t stop there. He also has microwave stations on 10, 24, 47, and 79 GHz, and he’s well on his way to completing a station for 140 GHz. Doug enjoys HF DXing especially boat anchors and HF AM. He usually checks in to the AMI West Coast net on Wednesdays at 8 PM, on 3870 kHz. 
Due to the inclement weather forecast for tonight, the Board of Directors has decided that tonight’s club meeting at 7:00 PM ET WILL BE ZOOM ONLY! We are doing this because we hold the safety of our members as the highest priority. 

[For Zoom conference details, email Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, at w1lus -at- hotmail -dot- com.]


Boston ARC QDX Build Class Begins April 18, 2024

Boston ARC logoBoston ARC President Brendan Baldonado, NW1S, writes on the BARC mailing list:
I am excited to announce that the Boston Amateur Radio Club is teaching a QDX building class. 
What is a QDX, you ask? Well it’s a digital ham radio transceiver, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, that operates at 5 watts on the 10 meter amateur radio band. 
This class is going to be geared towards Technician class licensees, newer hams with limited experience in soldering, antenna concepts and digital modes. So, if that sounds like you, we encourage you to take the class.
This offering of the QDX build class has been sponsored by an Amateur Radio Digital Communications grant, and the materials cost, a $110 value, has been completely covered by that grant. The class still has a nominal fee of $75 which is being donated to Artisans Asylum for their continued support and help of the Boston Amateur Radio Club.
The class will be on Thursday evenings, beginning on April 18th, for 5 sessions. 
A quick class description:
This class is a brief introduction to basic electronic circuits, building toroids, soldering, building antennas, and operating on amateur radio digital modes. We will be building a QRP Labs 10m QDX-M single band radio and a QRP Guys No-Tune end-fed half wave antenna.
The class will consist of five sessions, every Thursday at 6pm, beginning on April 18th, held at the Artisans Asylum Holton St. building.
During the class we will:
Build a small portable antenna
Learn about some basic electronic components
Learn how to solder
Learn to make toroids
Build a small 5 watt radio for the ten meter band
Learn to operate on digital modes
While this class does not have any prerequisites, we are building a radio for use on amateur radio frequencies, so a Technician class amateur radio license is preferred (but not required) to take the class and keep the radio. Be advised that in order to transmit using your radio outside of class meeting times, you will need an amateur radio license issued by the FCC.
For more information on licensing and a schedule of test sessions contact the Boston Amateur Radio Club at w1bos@arrl.net.
The class listing is here if you wish to sign up: 
If you have experience with soldering and building kits but wish to take the class, we would ask that you wait and give those newer to the hobby and kit building a chance to sign up for the class. In a week or so if there are spots left I will resend a email for all others that may be interested.
Any questions please email me, Brendan at nw1s.brendan@gmail.com
Thanks everyone!

K9HI: “Project ASCEND” at Nashoba Valley ARC Hybrid Meeting, March 21, 2024

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes on the Nashoba Valley ARC mailing list:

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club’s March meeting is TONIGHT, March 21st at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell). We start gathering at 7 PM to socialize before the meeting starts.

For our March meeting, Phil Temples, K9HI, will give a presentation on “Project ASCEND.” Project ASCEND (“Amateurs Supporting a Collaborative Environment for New ham Development”) is a comprehensive program designed to advance the Amateur Radio experience for the Technician class amateur and provide the needed mentoring and connection with the active ham community. It is a multi- faceted, high-touch program that leverages the time- honored tradition of mentoring – but with the goal to support and nurture hundreds to thousands of new and inactive hams.

We will also have a report on the Bromfield School Science Fair judging, and talk about the upcoming Groton Road Race.

Need directions? Click here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG

978-772-2773 or bruce.blain@charter.net




VE6HQ: “VHF-UHF Test Bench Equipment—A Practical and Cost-Effective Approach” at Sci-Tech ARS Hybrid Meeting, March 19, 2024

New England Sci Tech logoThe Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society will meet on-line and in-person on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 7 PM and feature: “”VHF-UHF Test Bench Equipment—A Practical and Cost-Effective Approach” by Don Westacott VE6HQ, 


Amateur radio operators are sometimes faced with the challenge of making effective test measurements while limiting investment in a large range of expensive test equipment. This presentation is aimed at practical and cost-effective methods that provide useful results for testing radio equipment operating at VHF and UHF frequencies.


Don has pursued a lifelong interest in science and engineering beginning as a youth in western Canada, receiving his first amateur radio license at the age of 15. Don has a degree in Electrical Engineering and has worked in the Energy Exploration industry in Canada, the United States, Europe, South America, the Middle East and the Far East. He is the holder of numerous U.S. patents, has been a guest lecturer at the Colorado School of Mines, and received the prestigious Hart Energy Innovators Award. After more than 50 years, he rejoined the amateur radio ranks and is currently active on 20 meters and VHF / UHF bands.

K9HI: “Project ASCEND” at the North Shore Radio Association Hybrid Meeting, Peabody, March 18, 2024

North Shore Radio Association logoThe North Shore Radio Association meets on Monday, March 18, 2024 at 7:30 pm. Doors open at 7 pm at Peabody Municipal Light Plant. This evening’s meeting will be both in-person and via Zoom.
NOTE: To get to the meeting location of the Peabody Municipal Light Plant, Warren St Ext. for the next few months, you MUST turn right on to Endicott St from Rte 114; Endicott Street at Lowell Street has been closed.

Phil Temples, K9HI, will present on Project ASCEND (“Amateurs Supporting a Collaborative Environment for New ham Development”), a comprehensive program designed to advance the Amateur Radio experience for the Technician class amateur and provide the needed mentoring and connection with the active ham community. It is a multi- faceted, high-touch program that leverages the time- honored tradition of mentoring – but with the goal to support and nurture hundreds to thousands of new and inactive hams.

Barnstable ARC To Begin Girl Scout Outreach Initiative

Girl scouts practicing Morse code

Lem Skidmore, W1LEM, writes on the Barnstable ARC mailing list:

As I mentioned at the BARC Membership meeting last Monday, we are beginning to work with Girls Scouts on the Cape.

Our focus will be the ARRL Radio and Wireless Technology Patch Program and World Thinking Day on the Air 

Both programs are naturals for introducing STEM topics, which are a focus for Girl Scouts.

With 10 troops on the Cape, we need a lot of support for this program.  Anyone interested in this initiative would be a great asset. In particular, we would like to invite women and anyone with Girl Scout experience, including those with daughters or granddaughters in Girl Scouts

BARC’s Girl Scout Programs Liaison is Mary Jo, KC1TNF (mayjocrna@comcast.net).

Please contact Mary Jo or me if you are interested or would like more information.

73, Lem W1LEM

Barnstable ARC Hosts Eversource Honorees

[At the March 4 Barnstable ARC meeting,]  Eversource was thanked by Representative Christopher Flanagan for doing good work for the community getting the private power system restored to the Barnstable Amateur Radio Club’s repeater.
Rep. Flanagan is a true leader and gets it done.
—Barnstable Amateur Radio Club Facebook page
Shown here: Ty Mike Pierce, General Manager of Eversource Cape and Islands and Mike Maguire, Sr., Lineman Supervisor of Eversource.
Shown here: Ty Mike Pierce, General Manager of Eversource Cape and Islands and Mike Maguire, Sr., Lineman Supervisor of Eversource.

K1BG: “Affiliated Club Coordinator Role and Suggestions For Our Club” at Billerica ARS Hybrid Meeting, March 6, 2024

Billerica ARS logoBruce Anderson, W1LUS, writes on the Billerica ARS mailing list:

The March 6 meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society will be in person, at the Church 182 Gorham Street Chelmsford, and on Zoom.


Topic: ARRL Club Coordinator Role and Suggestions For Our Club
Time: Mar 6, 2024 07:00 PM

Presenter: Bruce Blain K1BG

Bruce is the ARRL Eastern Mass Affiliated Club Coordinator, past president of the Norwood Amateur Radio Club, founding member, and past Vice President of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club where he currently serves as a board member. He is also a member of the First Operators Club, CW Ops, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club, and the Radio Club of America. Bruce has been a member of the ARRL for over 50 years. He has been “advising” CW Academy classes for the past 4 years, where he is currently a “youth academy” advisor. Attracting and mentoring young people and supporting local radio clubs are areas that Bruce is passionate about.

N1JDH: “Magnetic Loop Antennas” at Cape Ann ARA Meeting, March 9, 2024

CAARA logoCape Ann ARA President Brandon Hockle, NQ1W, writes on the CAARA list:

Just a quick reminder that CAARA’s members meeting will be held this weekend Saturday 3/9 at noon inside the Stanwood St. clubhouse.

This month we’ll be treated to another presentation in Paul Kreuger’s Antenna Talks Series. This talk will focus on magnetic loop antennas, their design, performance, and radiation patterns. These have been a lot of fun and I always learn something new from Paul. Hopefully you will too,
Lunch will be provided by Bill Morris W1WMM for a small donation to the CAARA repeater fund. This fund is being established to help CAARA cover the many thousand dollar upgrade and repair work on our 2m antenna at Blackburn Park.
I look forward to seeing you all up there, it should be a great time!

WA1JXR: “NanoVNA” at Waltham ARA Online Meeting, February

Waltham ARA logoRich Comer, K1RBC, writes on the Waltham ARA mailing list:

The next meeting of the Waltham Amateur Radio Association will be on February 28, 2024 at 7:00 pm via ZOOM. (Zoom opens at 6:30 PM.)

We will start with a short business meeting. In the interest of time, the DRAFT minutes from the Jan 2024 meeting are provided below and will not be read during the meeting. Please take a minute and review.


Following club business, Greg/WA1JXR will give a presentation: Introduction to the NanoVNA Vector Network Analyzer

The presentation is on the NanoVNA Vector Network Analyzer, an inexpensive unit used to measure antennas and other RF devices. The presentation will introduce the NanoVNA and show you how it works and performs RF measurements. Finally we will perform a measurement on an actual Amateur Radio Antenna and demo the free NanoVNA software.



Rich, K1RBC

Club Treasurer

Eversource to the Rescue – W1MA/R has power again

The [Barnstable ARC] W1MA wide-area repeater lost commercial power last week following the loss of a 4000 volt private line feeder.  After several days of BARC repeater committee members backing up the W1MA BARC repeater’s batteries with a generator,  Eversource has repaired, at its own expense, a failed insulator on a pole feeding 4000 volts to the repeater site in Dennis on Cape Cod.  The insulator failed after a snow  storm but had likely been in service for 70 years. The repeater is a primary Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) facility on the Cape and is used for a variety of other purposes as well, including a 6 AM weather net that many public service officials listen to.

The BARC repeater committee also determined that the affected lines were in contact with some evergreens on the property and those trees had to be trimmed before the line could be re-energized.  It was also determined that the failed component was unable to be serviced with a man-lift and there was only one contractor, not employed by Eversource,  who was qualified to climb the affected pole and perform the repair.  Eversource has those qualified people and no additional Eversource or other inspection is required for Eversource work.

Long-time BARC member and past President Steve Boyson, N1VLG, used his contacts with Eversource to arrange for the repair at no cost to the ham community (saving thousands of dollars) and also arranged for the trees to be quickly trimmed.  With Steve’s quick action and the work of the BARC repeater committee, the repeater has been returned to full service after only a week on battery/generator power.

This is the second time Steve has enlisted Eversource to help the ham community.  Eversource donated the installation of three poles to support the antenna at the Scout Camp Greenough where BARC is installing an amateur radio station using an ARRL club grant.  Eversource showed by its quick response and willingness to help that it supports the ARES mission of amateur radio.

Thanks to the repeater committee work together with the outstanding individual  contribution by Steve, N1VLG, the BARC repeater is again performing its work on Cape Cod.

W6BI: “Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network” at Wellesley ARS Hybrid Meeting, February 20, 2024

Wellesley ARS President Dan Brown, W1DAN, writes on the Wellesley ARS mailing list:
Hope everyone is enjoying a nice President’s day.  <…>
Tomorrow night (February 20, 2024 at 7:30 PM) we will be at the Kingsbury Room at the Wellesley Police Station, as well as on Zoom. Orv Beach, W6BI, will introduce us to the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network.
[To obtain Zoom link, contact Dan Brown, W1DAN, at danbrownw1dan  _at_  gmail  _dot_  com.]

N1DG: “DXing” at Billerica ARS Hybrid Meeting, Chelmsford, February 7, 2024

Billerica ARS logoPlease join us at the Billerica Amateur Radio Society meeting on February 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM. This month we are holding our meeting both in-person at the [the Chelmsford Bible Church, 128 Gorham St. (Route 3A), East Chelmsford, MA 01824] and on Zoom. We will have a large screen at the church to view the Zoom portion of the meeting. The speaker will be attending via Zoom.
Don Greenbaum, N1DG, of Duxbury, MA grew up in New York City and the NJ Shore. His father, WA2UDV, was his radio mentor and two other siblings also had their licenses by the time Don became WN2DND at age 11 in 1962. After Don advanced to WB2DND and became active in traffic nets and DX earning WAS and DXCC before going to college and becoming inactive for 10 years. Upon his return to the bands after incentive licensing, Don upgraded to Extra class and changed his call to N1DG. He has continued his love of DXing and contesting, Don has worked all entities on mixed modes and only needs P5 on CW. His mixed country total stands at 358 and he has DXCC on 9 bands and 5BWAZ. His Challenge total is 3,056. 

K9HI: “Project ASCEND” at the Barnstable ARC Meeting, February 5, 2024

Barnstable ARC logoPhil Temples, K9HI, will give a presentation on “Project ASCEND” at the Barnstable Amateur Radio Club at 7 PM on February 5, 2024.

Project ASCEND is a comprehensive program designed to advance the Amateur Radio experience for the Technician class amateur and provide the needed mentoring and connection with the active ham community. It is a multi- faceted, high-touch program that leverages the time- honored tradition of mentoring – but with the goal to support and nurture hundreds to thousands of new and inactive hams.

BARC meetings are held monthly on the first Monday of each month, at 7 PM at the Brewster Police Department – Community Room, 631 Harwich Rd (Rt 124), Brewster, MA 02631.

Meetings are conducted in person with a Zoom session for folks who are unable to travel to Brewster. Invitations with the Zoom invite are emailed prior to the Monthly Meeting.  For contact information, visit https://barnstablearc.org/?q=node/237.

AED Training at Southeastern MA ARA Club House

Southeastern MA ARA logoRichard A. Netinho, AC1JG, writes on the SEMARA mailing list:

Just a reminder, we are having a training on the new AED [automated external defibrillator] and hands only CPR. This training will be held on Sunday 2/4/24 after the coffee hour at 11:00AM. There is no cost associated with this training. It should not be longer than 1-2 hours. All are welcome to attend. Try to respond to this email, so we will bring enough handouts and certificates.

K9HI: “Project ASCEND” at Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association Meeting, February 10, 2024

CAARA logoPhil Temples, K9HI, will give a presentation on “Project ASCEND” at the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association at 12 noon on February 10, 2024.

Project ASCEND is a comprehensive program designed to advance the Amateur Radio experience for the Technician class amateur and provide the needed mentoring and connection with the active ham community. It is a multi- faceted, high-touch program that leverages the time- honored tradition of mentoring – but with the goal to support and nurture hundreds to thousands of new and inactive hams.”

The CAARA clubhouse is located at 6 Stanwood Street in Gloucester.



AC1KY: “Aircraft Tracking with SDR” at Framingham ARA Hybrid Meeting, February 1, 2024

Framingham ARA logoJohn Iwuc, KB1VXY, writes on the Framingham ARA list:
Please register for our upcoming FARA meeting on Thursday Feb 1, 2024 at 7 pm at the McAuliffe branch of the Framingham Library on Water Street, and on Zoom.  Please register even if you are going to the library.
[Area hams and those not yet licensed but interested in amateur radio are welcome to attend. Non-members may request an invitation by sending an email to John president@w1fy.org.]

KG1U: “Radio Programming” at Genesis ARS Meeting, Plymouth, January 31, 2024

Michael Bennett, KG1U, writes on the GARS Now mailing list:
[The Genesis Amateur Radio Society] will hold its next meeting Wednesday, January 31 at 7 PM at the Plymouth Airport in the Admin Bldg. We hope to see you there. Short business meeting then a discussion on radio programming. I will help program radios if I have the cable and software.

73 for now,


PART CW Training and Kit Purchase

PART of Westford logoPART of Westford President George Allison, K1IG, writes:

The Police Amateur Radio Team (PART) of Westford, MA, is getting ready for Field Day (only five months away!), and one of the things we’re doing is CW training. We’ll be running a course for CW newbies (probably using the CWOps curriculum), and our members show a lot of interest in learning.

We’ve also made a bulk purchase of Morserino kits for our members. If you haven’t seen a Morserino, it’s quite a gadget, incorporating a keyer, display, code reader, touch paddles, speaker, CW trainer, and LoRa transceiver. It’s about the easiest kit you’ll ever build; one hour is all it took me, and it worked the first time!

If bought individually through the Morserino website, these keyers are about $100 with free shipping (very slow, through the post office with no tracking), or about $130 with DHL shipping (about 5 days from Austria, with tracking). Since we ordered 20 kits, Morserino gave us a bulk discount, so the kits, with DHL shipping, cost $94 each. Shipping in bulk accounted for much of the savings: shipping one kit via DHL is $30, shipping 20 kits was $72. PART has a kit-building fund that subsidized some of the cost, so we offered the kits to members for $50 each, and they quickly sold. 

Other clubs may want to make a bulk purchase. It takes at least 14 to get a discount, and I found that corresponding directly with the head of Morserino (info@morserino.info) about a bulk purchase is more effective than ordering through the website. If one club can’t get enough orders, perhaps several clubs can get together.

I was surprised by the interest in CW, especially among the newer hams and the “no-code Extras,” and I’m looking forward to fights in the Field Day CW tent for operating time!

W1DYJ: “A 10m FM Antenna to Fit into My Attic” at the Minuteman Repeater Association Hybrid Meeting, January 17, 2024

MMRA logoThe Minuteman Repeater Association (MMRA) will hold its membership meeting on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at New England Sci-Tech in Natick from 7:30—9:30 pm. Larry Banks, W1DYJ, will present “A 10m FM Antenna to fit into my Attic.”

This is a hybrid meeting:

Members: log into your account on MMRA.ORG to obtain the ZOOM info.
Non-members: send an email to contact@mmra.org to request the ZOOM info.

“In my role as the MMRA TIaOS Net Manager, I should be able to monitor all of our repeaters. I didn’t have 10m FM capability. 

“I have a homebrew 6m FM ground plane in my attic to monitor the MMRA 6m repeater. I decided to put a 10m FM antenna in my attic without adding another coax run. The attic height is ~5’ and a 10m ground plane is at least 8’ tall with ~16’ diameter radials, so I had to shorten both the height and the length of the radials.

“And how do I feed it in parallel with the 6m GP? This gave me an opportunity to learn about using coax as a matching network. This is the story.”

Larry was licensed in 1962 as novice KN1VFX and became W1DYJ in 1966. From 1969 to 1985 he was an engineer and project manager for Hewlett-Packard Medical R&D in Waltham and Andover MA, involved in developing diagnostic cardiac equipment. In 1985 he was asked to organized the cardiac R&D lab’s CAD environment and the SW Testing and Quality group, along with managing the Printed Circuit Layout group, the technical library, ongoing technical education, and ISO9001 as the R&D Section Manager for “R&D Process Improvement.” In 1993 he moved to HP Medical Education to be responsible for technical and project management training. When Agilent split out of HP in 1995, he became AgilenTechnology’s global program manager for their Learning Management System. He “retired” in 2005 and then consulted for Avago Technologies (now Broadcom) on eLearning technologies through 2012.

Larry holds three degrees in EE from MIT. He spends his time chasing DX and contesting in Woburn, traveling with his wife Maren and attending as many jazz and classical concerts as they can. He is the net manager and newsletter editor for the MMRA, publications editor for HamXposition, a member of the YCCC, and a member of the Merrymeeting ARA in mid-coast Maine where they used to have a second home in Harpswell.