EMA Simulated Emergency Test Nov. 9, 2002
Call for EMA 2002 SET Players
Please discuss with your Clubs
Subject: [mras_general] Call for EMA 2002 SET Players
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 21:55:46 -0400
From: “Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN”
To: “Mass RAS General”
Greetings to all…
I am pleased to announce the EMA section will hold the annual Section Emergency Test (SET) on Saturday November 9, 2002. As most of you know, the League requires at least one emergency communication exercise per year. These exercises may be accomplished on a local, district, and section level. Additional exercises can be held at any time by any of those leaders. For example, our Cape Cod and Islands District has already held 10 exercises just this year!
The theme this year will be functionality of mobile emergency communication teams, formed in each district in EMA. Our districts run roughly along county lines, headed by a DEC, but also can include important geographical areas like the North Shore (including Cape Ann), South Shore, Cape Cod and the Islands. Teams will be formed using ARES members, and teams that are already formed in clubs are invited to participate as well.
These teams will be tasked to solve a communications problem created by an emergency of some kind (we’ll decide that later) away from their base of operations. Once the problem is revealed, they’ll have to get out there, set up communications with emergency power (mobile only allowed on the way) and to use simplex on at least primary frequencies. We want these teams to pass traffic to their DEC and other teams in their district, as well as any other districts. Short haul HF will be requested by some teams using conventional HF and NVIS methods. Mode selection on VHF/UHF/HF will at the discretion of team leaders, as the goal is to successfully pass traffic from the problem site.
Please do a follow up with your DEC. Details are now just being worked out. Our website www.emaares.com will continually have more information, so please check it often. Please also join the Mass/RACES/ARES/SKYWARN General Yahoo group for messages, if you have not already done so, in order to receive any updates and information.
RACES involvement this year will be limited to participation by each Regional RACES Officer and State RACES comms, meaning Terry in Region 1, Tom [Kinahan, N1CPE] in the big bunker, and Bob Mims, Sr. [WA1OEZ]in the Bridgewater bunker. It is unlikely that individual towns will participate. We’re asking them to receive reports and to task at one of the teams in their region (through the DEC) to solve a problem similar to that described above. That problem will be known only to the RACES officer until SET day.
Tactical communication (ham to ham) will be allowed only for contact and coordination. All traffic passed to solve the problem requires record format using NTS. So if you’re a bit rusty on NTS or net procedures, please plan to attend one the NTS classes being offered this fall to be held in October and November. You might also consider joining us at the ARES Workshop to be held in Attleboro on 10/26, to review some of the field procedures. [See the Calendar listings in the latest newsletter or net report for full training listings.]
We think it will be very good practice for all, and a lot of fun. I hope you will join us. In the meantime, please discuss participating at your next club meeting next month. Please also consider participating as an ARES member in an ARES team. We are also looking for team leaders, so sing out! Please follow up with your EC or DEC for any additional questions you may have.
For your convenience, we’ve broken down the [EMA] club list by EMA ARES District [below on the district directory webpage].