Marconi Day Special Event Station KM1CC on Sat, Jan 18

On Saturday, January 18, the Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club will  operate Special Event Station KM1CC in Wellfleet, MA, grid FN51, to celebrate  the 122nd Anniversary of Marconi’s first transatlantic wireless message from the USA. The message was sent by Marconi from his South Wellfleet, MA USA station to his Poldu, UK station.

KM1CC will be active 1500 UTC-2100 UTC  using CW, SSB (multiple bands) and digital FT8 standard frequencies.   Check for real time SSB frequencies.   For CW, check  -“spotted” KM1CC for frequencies.

The KM1CC operators hope to work you on Saturday!


“Three Dots” at Harbor Stage Company, Wellfleet, August 19-20, 2024

Three Dots poster“Blending vivid theatricality and meticulously researched history, Three Dots tells the story of one of our region’s proudest accomplishments— in 1903 the first transatlantic telegraphs from America to Europe were sent from a station on the cliffs of our small seaside hamlet: Wellfleet, MA.  An insightful look at the science and the psyches behind this remarkable event.” 

For more information, visit

International Marconi Day, 2024

KM1CC logoFrom ARRL News:

03/22/2024—This year, International Marconi Day (IMD) is on April 27. Italian inventor and electrical engineer Guglielmo Giovanni Maria Marconi was born on April 25, 1874, and is credited for inventing the radiotelegraph system, creating Marconi’s law, and sending the first wireless transmission over the open sea.

IMD was created to honor Marconi and is hosted annually by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club, GX4CRC. The purpose of the day is for amateur radio enthusiasts around the world to contact historic Marconi sites using communication techniques similar to those that he would have used.  

The 24-hour event will operate from 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC, and registration is required. Participants can register at GX4CRC’s registration web page.  

Stations in the United States, including Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club, KM1CC, in Massachusetts, are already registering for the event. KM1CC hosts several on-air events each year to keep the accomplishments and story of Marconi and his wireless station site in South Wellfleet alive. In 1975, the Wellfleet station was listed as a National Historic Landmark on the National Register of Historic Places and is now part of Cape Cod National Seashore, a unit of the National Park Service. When possible, KM1CC sets up a temporary radio station inside the park. More information about KM1CC is available on their Facebook page.

International Marconi Day Honoring Marconi on his 150th Birthday, April 27, 2024

KM1CC logoFor more information:
Barbara Dougan, trustee Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club-KM1CC

Date:   Saturday, April 27, 2024

What:  International Marconi Day  – Honoring Marconi on his 150th Birthday

Marconi’s 150th birthdate is April 25, 2024 (born 1874).  To celebrate his contributions to wireless, simply turn on a radio and give a nod and a smile to Marconi for his lifetime efforts in advancing wireless.

International Marconi Day is Saturday, April 27, 2024. Historic Marconi radio stations around the world go on the air to make two-way contacts with each other and other amateur radio operators.

Where:  Marconi Station Site, Wellfleet, MA      Saturday April 27 from 10 AM-3 PM.  (The event will be held inside the Salt Pond Visitor Center, Eastham in case of inclement weather.)

Who:  The Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club and the Barnstable Amateur Radio Club are partnering with Cape Cod National Seashore to serve as an official International Marconi Day Station. 

The public is invited to visit the site to learn about Marconi’s historic Wireless Station that is famous for sending the first wireless transatlantic message from the USA to Europe (1903) and its ship-to-shore messages.  High frequency radio operators will make live contacts around the world using Morse code and voice. A radio talk in station is planned for visitors to make local radio contacts and learn how to become amateur “ham” radio operators.  Weather permitting, a kite antenna will be used for some radio contacts.

Bust of Marconi
For the 100th Anniversary of Marconi’s birthdate-April 25, 1974, a large ceremony was held to dedicate a Marconi sculpture at the historic Marconi Wireless Station Site. (NPS files)



N1EA Book Review: “Radio History: Ship Shore” in CQ Magazine

"Radio History: Ship to Shore" book coverCongratulations to David Ring, N1EA, of Green Harbor, MA, for his book review of Spurgeon “Spud” G. Roscoe’s book “Radio History: Ship Shore.” Ring’s review appears in the October, 2023 issue of CQ Magazine.  The book is available on

“From flags and pennants to Morse code and complex telecommunications, ‘Radio History: Ship Shore’ is a treatise on the navigational aids vessels have used over the centuries. Author Spurgeon “Spud” G. Roscoe takes the reader on a journey through the evolution of communication systems globally, from the days of Columbus to modern times.”

Ring is certainly familiar with his subject matter, having served as a radio officer in the United States Merchant Marine. Ring himself made marine communications history on October 4, 1980, when he and fellow radio officer James N. Pfister, NS1L, serving aboard the US flagged supertanker “Williamsburgh” (call sign WGOA), picked up an SOS from the passenger cruise ship MS Prinsendam, call sign PJTA (Netherlands Antilles) in the Gulf of Alaska . The Prinsendam was on fire and burning out of control when Ring and Pfister picked up her SOS.