Eastern MA Stations Active for Museum Ships Weekend, June 2-3, 2018
“As of today there are now 106 ships/museums listed as active participants and the K1USN Radio Club will join them for the Museum Ships Weekend beginning Friday evening, June 2 at 0000 UTC (8:00 PM EDT). Check out the list here – http://www.nj2bb.org/museum/
“We want to be on the air as much as possible during the entire 48-hour weekend event. Operators are needed to help keep [K1USN’s] three HF stations on the air. Please let me know if you are available to spend some time during the weekend. Remember that K1USN was the originator of this fantastic operating event that is now sponsored by the crew onboard the Battleship New Jersey. They have done a wonderful job promoting this event and continue to issue special certificates to stations that manage to work 15 participants during the weekend.
“I wish to remind everyone that Museum Ships Weekend is NOT an actual contest. There will be operating time available for operators with all skill levels. Due to the large number of anticipated contacts (1000+ in 2017) we do all logging using N1MM+ logging software. It’s quite simple to use and we will be happy to offer instructions.”
Additionally, look for other local museum ship stations on the bands:
- Mike Rioux, W1USN and Bob Reiser, AA1M plan to activate the USS Cassin Young, WW2DD, in the Boston Navy Yard in Charlestown.
- Henry Brown, K1WCC, plans to activate a German Seehund, or “midget” submarine, WW2MAN, the Seehund U-5075 Amateur Radio Association in Quincy.
- Rick Emord, KB1TEE and crew will activate the USS Massachusetts from Battleship Cove using the callsigns NE1PL and N1EPL at Battleship Cove, Fall River. [See also: NE1PL QRV for Museum Ships on the Air, USS Massachusetts, June 1-3, 2018]
- The historic Essex-built schooner, the Evelina M. Goulart may be activated by Jim Hurd, W1LDL as W1E in Essex.