Norwood ARC To Offer Tech, General, CW Classes

Norwood ARC logoThe Norwood Amateur Radio Club will kick off 2005 with a bang, with an offering of Technician, General, and CW classes, according to NARC president Barry Devine, K1BFD. “At the top of our list … is setting the schedule for our Amateur Radio licensing classes.”

NARC also plans to hold a VE workshop designed to help its members obtain their ARRL Volunteer Examiner certification.

NARC expects to have the classes scheduled by the end of February.

—Thanks, Norwood ARC K1JMR Newscarrier, January 2005

Marlborough CERT Classes To Begin February 2, 2005

CERT logoAs reported in a previous story (“Marlborough CERT Certification Program Forming“) the Marlborough Emergency Management Agency has scheduled Community Emergency Response Team training for interested members of the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club. The classes begin February 2, 2005 for six consecutive Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. at the Marlborough Central Fire Station. Due to the certification requirements, it is important that you commit to attending the entire series of classes.

Interested parties should contact Donald Cusson at To learn more about the CERT initiative, visit

—Thanks, Algonquin ARC QRZ, February 2005

HF Interference Case In Billerica Successfully Resolved

ARRLAn interesting case of HF interference reported by a Billerica ham has been successfully resolved, reports EMA Official Observer Coordinator Mike Goldberg, K1LJN.

The amateur reported the interference to the FCC in late December. He was experiencing “strong pulse type interference” that appeared to be coming from the northeast of his location in excess of S9 using a directional yagi antenna. Further, he reported that the center frequency tended to drift between 21.2-21.3 MHz; it was on 24 hours a day and it contained a “strong 60 Hz component.” The rise and fall times were reportedly 1-2 millseconds along with a 10 millisecond “slow” ramp.

“ARRL Headquarters, at the request of Riley Hollingsworth at the FCC, asked us to look into this complaint,” reported Goldberg.

“The interference bore a strong resemblance to interference reported in the area in October on 75 meters,” commented ARRL staffer Chuck Skolaut, KØBOG, who is also the International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 Monitoring System Liaison. “At that time, it was suspected as coming from Lowell, MA, but I never received confirmation and the reports stopped.”

Numerous members of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society drove through the ham’s neighborhood searching for the signal, but could not detect it. Finally, the amateur identified the source of the interference.

“It turns out that the culprit is a CMOS based security system that I designed and built 13 years ago. I haven’t nailed down the exact cause but it is from the controller using CMOS ICs,” said the amateur. “I would never have guessed that it was coming from my own house. It’s funny that it popped up after all these years.”

[Ed. Note: You can find general information on the ARRL’s web site on how to identify and combat RF interference and Electromagnetic Interference, at:]

“EMA ARRL Web Of The Past”

EMA ARRL web site, circa 1998Shown here is a snapshot of the old Eastern MA ARRL web site circa December, 1998. At the time, our site was hosted by QSL.NET. The site consisted of static HTML pages. Elaine Chase, N1GTB served for many years as the site’s webmaster.

Today’s EMA ARRL web site content is served up via a content management system from a MySQL database.

One may view archives from other dates of this site–or any other internet site–by visiting


NEDXCC logoThe Monday January 24, 2005 NEDXCC meeting has been CANCELLED.

Please help us spread the word to anyone you know who usually attends NEDXCC meetings.

Due to heavy snows in Beverly, the town of Beverly has instituted a downtown parking ban. It is likely the ban will still be in effect on Monday. This will make it extremely difficult for members to find sufficient parking.

In addition, we are uncertain of the status of the church’s availability for a meeting because of the snow and the need for snow clearing to be finished.

Again, the meeting is CANCELLED.

We will meet again on February 28, 2005.

Tom K1TW
NEDXCC Board, chair

EMa ARES Mobilization Begins 1/22 at 1600 ET

EMaSEC Rob Macedo, KD1CY writes:

“All Eastern Massachusetts ARES personnel are requested to go to Standby Moblization effective 4 PM Saturday, January 22, 2005. A major Nor’easter/blizzard will impact Eastern Massachusetts with 20-30 Inches of snow, potential for snow/wind damage, and moderate coastal flooding. The greatest threat for major infrastructure damage is first and foremost on Cape Cod and the Islands and East Coastal Massachusetts. With Blizzard Warnings now expanded to much of Eastern Massachusetts, there is now a risk for severe and possibly damaging conditions well inland even into parts of Western Massachusetts and that threat will need to be monitored. Once the storm begins, travel will rapdily deteroriate and become potentially life-threatening across the region.

For the standby mobilization, we ask all ARES members to go to their nearest SKYWARN repeater and relay reports of snowfall, wind damage etc. for NWS Taunton. If you are a capable net control or liaison, offer your services in that capacity to help SKYWARN Net Controls. Please see the Blizzard Coordination Message to be posted on the EMa ARES web site and via the SKYWARN email list tomorrow morning for the final email update on SKYWARN Operations.

Given the potential for travel to be paralyzed, any type of ARESMAT or ARES mobilization for shelters that might occur if conditions are bad enough may wait until later in the day Sunday or even Monday. Keep that in mind if such mobilzation is needed. Have your Go Kit prepared and ready to go and any battery operated equipment or generators for home used prepared and ready to use in case the storm warrants use of such equipment. Please stay in touch via Amateur Radio by going to your local SKYWARN Repeater during the event or ARES/RACES repeater once we are in the recovery phase of the storm.”

Cape Cod ARES Stands Down…Reschedules This Weekend's Exercise

Hello to all….


At approximately 6 PM Monday, Cape Cod ARES stood down after participating in shelter and field operations for the Cape Cod Red Cross Chapter. Operations lasted for roughly a 48 hour period with support at the Red Cross Chapter EOC and with shelters around Cape Cod. The support Cape Cod ARES provided was tremendous and lasted for a long continuous period. Since that support was given and the Hams of Cape Cod ARES need time to dig out and be watchful of yet another storm for the middle of the week, Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O, Cape Cod ARES District Emergency Coordinator has postponed his exericse for January 29th and has rescheduled it for Saturday February 12th, 2005 at 10 AM. Further details on the drill will be posted as we get closer to the exercise.The Blizzard of 2005 is the first blizzard that Southern New England has experienced since the April Fools Day Blizzard of April 1st, 1997. It brought sustained winds of 30-50 MPH with wind gusts of of 75-84 MPH over the Southern New England coast line. Moderate Coastal Flooding occurred along portions of the Northeast Massachusetts coast line with numerous shore roads flooded in Scituate and Hull and splashover reported in other parts of the East Coastal Massachusetts area. In addition, the extreme cold has made it very difficult to dig out from the storm.

Conditions this week will remain extremely cold. A moderate snow storm is expected at mid-week and there is a low probability of yet another coastal storm in the Sunday-Monday timeframe of next week. These threats will need to be monitored.

A HUGE THANK YOU to the tremendous support given by ARES and SKYWARN for this event. The National Weather Service had a tremendous response with all the reporting of severe winter weather and ARES personnel that manned EOC’s and shelters in parts of the section did a tremendous job. It is an honor and a privilege to lead such a profesional volunteer organization.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Openings Available At Handiham Radio Camp, Malibu CA 2/27-3/6

Handiham logoOpenings are still available for persons with disabilities who wish to attend the Courage Center Handiham Radio Camp in Malibu, California, February 27 through March 6, 2005.

Camp Joan Mier is a fully-accessible facility featuring comfortable accommodations and great food.

“Our ham shack is equipped with a triband beam overlooking the Pacific. Talk about a great location,” says Handiham Coordinator Pat Tice, WA0TDA. “If you have been considering a first license or upgrade, or just want to learn operating skills in a friendly environment, give us a call toll-free and request a Radio Camp application.”

The cost is $225 for the week, which includes food, lodging, normal caregiving (no need to bring a caregiver), radio classes, and recreational opportunities. Handiham staff will meet your flight at LAX if you arrive by air. Camp is designed to make it easy for people with disabilities to enjoy a week of worry-free ham radio learning and fun.

For more information, contact Courage Center Handiham at 1-866-426-3442 email or visit

EchoLink Talk At Colonial Wireless, Jan. 26

Minuteman statue, ConcordVOICE OVER IP and EchoLINK – Linking HAMs everywhere!
Wednesday 26.JAN.05 7:30 pm
Concord/Carlisle High School
500 Walden Street
Concord, MA
Questions: N1CRC, W1JGS, N1FFF 145.110 MHz, PL 110.0

Don’t miss this months meeting of the Colonial Wireless Association that is scheduled for next Wednesday 1/26. This months’s presentation will be on the growing popularity of Voice over IP (VoIP) technologies, how they can extend Amateur Radio Operators capabilities and reach, and their application for emergency communications (RACES, ARES, etc.). Rich N1CRC, Joe W1JGS, and Fred N1FFF will talk about the most popular VoIP applications, including IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project), EchoLink, and WinLink 2000, and will do a live demonstration of Echolink, including QSO’s with various Hams around the world and participation in a national ARES/Races Echolink net.

Please be advised that because of our internet connection requirements for this presentation the meeting room for this meeting has been moved to the CCHS TV STUDIO – which is in the opposite corner of the high school.

Monitor Terror Threat for Inauguration Day and Iraqi Election

Inauguration Day is today and the Iraqi election is soon to follow later next week. With these events that signify liberty, this may be a time where terrorists may attempt to strike. ARES members are asked to monitor the media more closely over the next week and have their HT with them for the next 1-2 weeks until this time period has passed.While the terror threat has not been raised, it would be wise that Amateurs monitor the media and have their HT with them in case an incident occurs. Certainly, terror attacks tend to happen when we least expect it and are impossible to predict. Therefore, treat this like an exercise in personal preparedness. Have a personal ready go kit prepared and have radio equipment prepared just in case its needed. If an incident occurs, monitor your local ARES, RACES or SKYWARN repeater and be prepared to start an informal net if necessary. Remember the best place to be if an incident occurs is at home. If you’re at work or out and about when an incident occurs, head home when possible and monitor the situation from there. ARES/RACES leadership will eventually get into position and provide updates on any potential deployment from any recovery from an incident.

As we’ve said many times in the past, the most likely event to occur is nothing but its certainly good to be prepared. Treat this as another exercise in personal preparedness and a reminder of what to do if an incident with little or no advanced warning occurs.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

USS Salem ARC: QRV For Scouting!

K1USN QSL cardJC Cunningham, W1AI writes:

The USS Salem K1USN radio club is going to be busy with the scouting program in the coming months:

* Sat Jan 22 – 25 scouts in the afternoon
* Sat Feb 12 – 73 scouts in the afternoon
* Sat Mar 5 – 68 scouts in the morning and 160-190 in the afternoon
* Sat Mar 12 – 40 scouts in the morning and 172 in the afternoon
* Sat Mar 19 – 100 scouts in the morning and 119 in the afternoon

What are you going to do to help?

Several people have expressed disappointment that the scouting activities are always on Saturdays, when they are unavailable for a variety of reasons. Well, there’s one activity that needs to be done during the week (either days or evenings). That’s the job of volunteer coordinator. I’ve been doing it for a couple of years now, and I’m ready to pass the torch. I plan to stay active with the scouting program, but primarily in the role of occasional volunteer.

What you need to do this job is:

* Good organizational skills
* Good communication skills
* The ability to get along with people

What the job entails:

* Find out from the ship what scouting events are coming up
* Send emails (and/or make phone calls) to get volunteers
* Send more urgent emails (and/or make phone calls) if your first email doesn’t raise enough volunteers
* Make sure that enough people, with sufficient USS Salem experience, have volunteered to get the job done
* Letting the ship know by Friday morning what our participation will be
* Send a final email letting everyone know what will or won’t be happening

The volunteer coordinator does not ever have to go to the ship. In fact, this is a job that could just as well be done from Hawaii as Massachusetts! (Know that would be my preference!) That makes it perfect for people who want to help out, but who live a long ways from Quincy!

Please contact me to volunteer, or if you need more information.

JC Cunningham, W1AI

Outgoing USS Salem K1USN Radio Club Scouting Program Volunteer Coordinator

Northeast TCP Association Special Presentation 1/22/05

New England TCP Assoc logoThe NorthEast TCP Association is hosting a special meeting on Jan 22, 2004 at 10 a.m. on the premises of Russet Communications at 360 Merrimack Street in Lawrence.

The agenda includes a very short business meeting and a discussion of radio networking projects. Other packet radio groups are urged to attend.

Peter Butler, W1UU, will give a short presentation on the Russet Wireless ISP and a tour of the facilities. It is hoped that this meeting will show how commercial wireless technologies can stimulate further amateur applications of wireless networking, nodebuilding, and required skills.

Food will be served; a small donation is requested to offset the costs.

For more information and to RSVP, contact Peter Butler, W1UU at

New England Public Service List January 14, 2005

       PSLIST                                             January 14, 2004

Public Service Volunteer Opportunities in the New England Division

Listing public events at which Amateur Radio communications is providing
a public service and for which additional volunteers from the Amateur
Community are needed and welcome. Please contact the person listed to
identify how you may serve and what equipment you may need to bring.

The most up-to-date copy of this list is maintained as

**** Every event listed is looking for communications volunteers ****

Date Location Event Contact Tel/Email

Feb 5 Pelham NH Boy Scout Klondike Derby Bill AB1AV 603-465-7396
Apr 18 Hopkinton MA Boston Marathon
to Boston Register at
Apr 24 Groton MA Groton Road Race Ralph KD1SM 978-582-7351

This list is published periodically as demand warrants by Stan KD1LE
and Ralph KD1SM. Our usual distribution is via packet to NEBBS, via
Internet mail to the arrl-nediv-list and ema-arrl distribution lists,
and on the World Wide Web (see URL above). If other mailing list
owners wish us to distribute via their lists we will be happy to
oblige. Permission is herewith granted to republish this list in
its entirety provided credit is given to the authors and the URL
below is included. Send comments, corrections, and updates to:

(via packet) KD1SM@K1UGM.#EMA.MA.USA,
(via Internet) KD1SM@ARRL.NET.

We make an attempt to confirm entries with the coordinator unless the
information is from another published source. We very much appreciate
the assistance we have been receiving from our 'scouts'; everyone is
welcome to send us postings.

Refer to for the most
recent version of the PSLIST.

Framingham ARA License In A Weekend March 11-13, 2005

Framingham ARA logoThe Framingham Amateur Radio Association announces its annual License in a Weekend Class for entry-level Technician class March 11-13, 2005 at the Danforth Museum in downtown Framingham.

Everyone is welcome. The $40 fee includes the text book, lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and the FCC exam fee.

For more information, call Ed Weiss, W1NXC at 508-881-2301, visit or e-mail at

“Buzz-Buzz” Interference Resolved!

MMRA logoAn unusual interference problem plaguing the Minuteman Repeater Association’s 146.61 repeater in Marlborough since the spring of 2004 has been solved, according to MMRA’s DeMattia, K1IW.

The two-second on, one-second off buzzing noise would sometimes be present for hours, days, even weeks at a time. There were also times when it would disappear for hours, days, or weeks. MMRA members invested countless hours tracking down the source. They found it was emanating from the vicinity of a house in a residential neighborhood about one-quarter mile from the repeater.

Limited cooperation on the part of the homeowner hindered their ability to determine what in the home was actually causing the interference. “At the time that we were investigating this, we noticed one other detail which turned out to be quite important,” notes DeMattia. “A similar sounding interference, weaker in strength, was coming out of another home in the same neighborhood. This led us to suspect that perhaps it was some sort of utility problem.” K1IW and company reported the interference to all three utility companies, cable, telephone, and power. Although each of the utilities visited the neighborhood, they could not find any problem.

The MMRA team eventually discoverd six different sources of this strange interference. Three homes in Marlborough and three in Northborough were identified, where each source appeared to be on different frequencies in the range of 141 to 152 MHz.

“One of the last homes discovered turned out to be a neighbor of mine in the same neighborhood,” says DeMattia. “I paid him a visit one day and he was very cooperative. Inside his home, the signal was more of a continuous buzz than intermittent.” K1IW disconnected power to each circuit in his home one at a time; the interference changed from the constant buzz back to the intermittent one. In the kitchen, the group found that a cordless phone charger was causing the interference. When the phone was removed from the cradle, the noise would stop. When they returned the phone to its cradle it started again.

The MMRA crew eventually identified the problem: a parasitic oscillation, tuned by the junction capacitance of the charging indicator LED and the leads that connect it to the circuit board of the charger.

DeMattia says the ARRL is going to report the problem to Motorola and it will hopefully be fixed in future production units.

The Minuteman, Volume 34, Number 3, January 2005

SEMARA Receives Donation of DVD Programs

SEMARA logoThe library at the Southeastern MA ARA is about to get a whole lot more interesting, thanks to the efforts of Bob “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV. Doherty is donating a set of DVDs with ham-related materials to the club’s library for use by its members. Doherty has personally produced and created many of the titles himself.

“Over the last couple of years, we have put together a number of video DVDs. We’ve donated some to the ARRL. They sell them on their web page.” Doherty adds, “We receive no compensation for this, nor do we expect any.”

K1VV says some of the DVD programs have been shown on Braintree cable television.

The set includes:

* New England Museum of Wireless and Steam
* International Lighthouse Weekend
* Real Radio Ft Burnside RI W1NZR Military Radio equipment.
* Marconi 100th Anniversary Cape Cod, January 18,2003
* FISTS CW Event on the USS Salem Quincy, Ma.
* South Shore Fox Hunters’ Association
* STEAM UP at the New England Museum of Wireless and Steam
* JOTA- Scouts Jamboree On the Air, Cape Cod, Ma.
* SET- Simulated Emergency Test Bridgewater, Ma.
* BPL – Broadband Over Power Lines
* ARRL – Trip and tour of the American Radio Relay League Newington, Ct.
* The Mighty 4 Watter – CQ Magazine April 1956 rebuilt Tube QRP rig
* 1934 Collins 30FX Transmitter Restoration by Don K1DC
* Museum Ships Event – USS Salem Quincy, Ma.
* DXCC – ARRL DX Century Club

In response to K1VV’s offer, another SEMARA club member has donate a new DVD player to the club.

Thanks, SEMARA Mailing List