CEMARC BBQ, ARES Workshop at SEMARA 8/9/03

combined CEMARC, EMA ARES logosFrank Murphy, N1DHW writes:

Time is getting close for the BBQ at the Southeastern MA ARA on August 9th. If you are planning to attend just the BBQ lunch, please reply to this email, or call me, Frank N1DHW, 617-491-8451 so SEMARA can plan for food. If you plan to attend just the BBQ, arrive about 10:00 a.m.

Spread the word to those in your club who might want to attend. You are on the CEMARC mail list and others in the club depend on YOU to forward CEMARC info. Talk it up on the repeater.

Better yet, attend the all day ARES Workshop being conducted at SEMARA that day, and really have a day out. The Workshop is from 9:00 – 4:30, with a 2 hour break for the BBQ lunch.

Workshop details, and directions to SEMARA can be found at:


Hope to see you there.


– – – – – Please pass this information on. – – – – – – –

The CEMARC Group has concluded arrangements for the start of a YOUTH NET.

The YOUTH NET will air starting Sunday, November 10th at 7:00pm. This net will be a directed net, with a Teen Net Control Operater, strictly for youth\’s up to Grade 12. Subject matter will be at the descreation of the net attendee\’s. All young operators are welcome.


The Minute Man Repeater Association, through Kevin Paetzold, k1kwp, has graciuosly made available their linked system to air this net, and will have control operator\’s monitoring. In addition, Ann Weldon, ka1pon, a mother, grandmother, Club President, and school teacher, has agreed to act as a mentor and help to coordinate this net.

What can you and I do? First, talk up the net start. Then, advise all youth that you are aware of to try connecting to one or more of the MMRA repeaters before the net start, to see which repeater is best for them from their QTH. Help them decide if you can. Check MMRA web site for list of repeaters. <http://www.MMRA.org>

The future of amateur radio, and our clubs depends on the young operaters. Their future in continuing in the hobby depends on us. Let\’s not fail them, our ourselves.

(*) While no adults will be recognised during the Net, parents who desire to sign on their child, under their control, using their call, may do so. However, once the Net starts, no adults will be recognised, only the child who was checked in.

Please direct any questions to:
Frank Murphy – N1DHW (n1dhw@arrl.net) or
Ann Weldon – KA1PON (aweldon@aol.com) or
Kevin Paetzold -K1KWP (k1kwp@arrl.net)

CEMARC Meeting at Boxboro



The [New England Division] Convention Committe has granted CEMARC a place on the activity schedule to hold our summer meeting on Sunday morning at 9:00am. I hope that at least one delegate from each radio club in Eastern Mass. will take the time to attend. If you can’t attend, please ask for someone from your club to attend and represent the club.I would like to ask each delegate to submit agenda items to me as soon as possible. I realize that many clubs do not have summer meetings, so I’m asking those of you receiving this note to forward it on to your own club members for discussion topics, that would be of interest to such a potenially large audience.


Remember,CEMARC meetings are open to all amateur operators, not just the club voting delegates.


I look forward to hearing your suggestions for the agenda soon, also looking forward to meeting with all of you at the Convention.


Check for latest info.


Frank Murphy – n1dhw EMass. ACC