“Goodbye, HossTraders… Hello, NEARFest!”

An effort by a northern New England amateur to revive a Deerfield tradition has apparently succeeded. Mike Crestohl, W1RC announced yesterday on an amfone.net discussion list that a flea market–to be known as NEARFest–is a “go” for May 4-5, 2007 at the Deerfield, NH Fair Grounds. Joseph DeMaso, K1RQG and others ran the HossTraders flea market at that location for many years, before switching it to Rochester, NH and later, Hopkinton, NH.

“It’s official,” writes W1RC. “The grand tradition will continue! … But we’ve got to behave ourselves if we want to continue hosting the Near-Fest there. The Web site will be up within a day or two and will be the only official source of information about the ‘Fest.”

[See also: Hosstraders “Officially QRT”]

Thanks N1VUX

New England Area Flea Markets, Feb. 26, 2007

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2007 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2007 Contact Source
3 March Montreal PQ UMS @CtrRoussin $5@9 $10/T ti146.7- 514 640 8846 W+

4 March WashingtonTwnshp NJ BARA Auction 1PM Jim K2ZO 201 664 6725 F

17 Mar Pomfret CT ECARA @CommSch Paul KE1LI 860 928 2456 A

18 Mar Henniker NH CVRC @Comm Sch Jim NS1E 603 428 7436 A

31 Mar Londonderry NH IRS @Lions Sellers$10@7 $3@9 Gayle KB1LHA 781 598 1442

31 Mar Lewiston ME AARC ME St Conv @Ramada Ivan N1OXA 207 784 0350 A

31 March Laval PQ @ PolyvGeorges Vanier @9AM VE2REL +

1 Apr Framingham MA FARA @KeefeTechSch $5@9 $25/T Steve KB1NIV 508 872 9336

15 April Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

21 Apr Manchester NH NEAntqRC @BingoCtr $15@7:30$5@8:30 Charlie 603 898 4821

21 Apr S Portland ME PAWA @AmLegion Peter N1PS 207 642 7840 W

21 April Montreal PQ MARC @RCLegion $5@8:30 $10/T James VE2VE 514 697 7205 W+

22 April Enfield CT NEWS East VHF UHF Conf Mark K1MAP 413 566 8118

22 April LaGrangeville NY MBARC @TymorPk $6@8$10@6 Janet KC2LUR 845 896 4721 W+

28-29 April Watertown MA Photographica @ACEC ~photo~ John 781 592 2553 F

28 April Wallkill NY OCARC @ CommCtr $5@9 $10/T Edward N2XJI 845 534 3492 W+

29 April Southington CT SARA @HS $20@6:15 $5@8 Chet KA1ILH 860 628 9346 F

12 May Halifax NS HARC+DARC @Forum $4@9 Sell@6 Murray VE1MMD 902 490 6421 R

12 May Rensselaer NY EGARA Thomas KC2FCP 518 272 1494 A

20 May Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

26 May Vernon CT NARC @Tolland Ag Ctr Wayne N1GUS 860 487 1921 A+

1-3 June Rochester NY RARA Harold K2HC 585 424 7184 W

2 June Rochester NH GBRA @CommCtr Free@9 $10/T@8:30 KarenKB1KBE 207 698 1618 W

3 June Newington CT NARL @HS $15/T $10/TG $5@8 George AB1GL 860 289 1445 W

10 June Queens NY HoSARC Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 A+

LAST UPDATE 2-26-07 de W1GSL http://swapfest.us P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 2-26-07 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2007 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2007 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Falmouth MA FARA http://www.falara.org/

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html

Newington CT NARL http://www.narlhamfest.org/

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.pawa-maine.org/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Manchester NH NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

LaGrangeville NY MtBARC http://www.wr2abb.org/Hamfest.htm +

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Wallkill NY OCARC http://www.w2ho.org/ +

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Montreal PQ UMS http://www.ve2ums.ca/agenda/pub_2007_hamf.pdf +

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Montreal Area MARC List http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/festcal.html +

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

Framingham Flea Market “Pre-Flea Sale” March 10, 2007

Framingham ARA logoThe Framingham Amateur Radio Association‘s April 1, 2007 Spring Flea Market and Exams will feature a new twist–a “Pre-Flea Sale.” Paid-up club members will be entitled to a 15 percent discount on a large number of club inventory items.

According to FARA’s Sumner Weisman, W1VIV, “Non-club members can receive a five percent discount off our already low flea market prices.”

The Pre-Flea Sale will be held at FARA on Saturday, March 10, at 10:00 a.m. So that club organizers may have an idea of attendance, they request interested parties to please e-mail w1viv@arrl.net.

New England Area Flea Markets, Jan. 23, 2007

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2007 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2007 Contact Source
17 Feb Marlborough MA AARC @MidSch $5@9 $20/T@7 David 508 357 2272 ext 1# F

18 Feb Westford MA Radio 38 Antique @Regency $10@8 Cindie ARC 866 371 0512 +

24 Feb Milton VT RANV @HS Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589

24 Feb Chelsea ME AARA @CrystalFalls Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075 A+

25 Feb Hicksville NY LIMARC @LevvitHall $6@9 $20/T@8 Rich K2KNB 516 694 4937 F

4 March WashingtonTwnshp NJ BARA Auction 1PM Jim K2ZO 201 664 6725 F

17 Mar Pomfret CT ECARA @CommSch Paul KE1LI 860 928 2456 A

18 Mar Henniker NH CVRC @Comm Sch Jim NS1E 603 428 7436 A

31 Mar Londonderry NH IRS @Lions Sellers$10@7 $3@9 Gayle KB1LHA 781 598 1442

31 Mar Lewiston ME AARC ME St Conv @Ramada Ivan N1OXA 207 784 0350 A+

1 Apr Framingham MA FARA @KeefeTechSch $5@9 $25/T Steve KB1NIV 508 872 9336

15 April Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

21 Apr Manchester NH AntiqueRC @BingoCtr $15@7:30 Charlie AB1CI 603 898 4821 +

21 Apr S Portland ME PAWA @AmLegion Peter N1PS 207 642 7840 W+

22 April Enfield CT NEWS East VHF UHF Conf Mark K1MAP 413 566 8118

28-29 April Watertown MA Photographica @ACEC ~photo~ John 781 592 2553 F

29 April Southington CT SARA @HS $20@6:15 $5@8 Chet KA1ILH 860 628 9346 F+

12 May Halifax NS HARC+DARC @Forum $4@9 Sell@6 Murray VE1MMD 902 490 6421 R

12 May Rensselaer NY EGARA Thomas KC2FCP 518 272 1494 A+

20 May Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

1-3 June Rochester NY RARA Harold K2HC 585 424 7184 A

3 June Newington CT NARL @HS $15/T $10/TG $5@8 George AB1GL 860 289 1445 W+

17 June Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

14 July Union ME PBARC @ CommCtr $4/T@7 $5@8 Scott KB1DSW 207 354 6809

LAST UPDATE 1-23-07 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 1-23-07 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2007 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2007 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Falmouth MA FARA http://www.falara.org/ +

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html

Newington CT NARL http://www.narlhamfest.org/ +

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.pawa-maine.org/fleamarket.html +

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest06.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

New England Area Flea Markets, December 2, 2006

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2007 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2007 Contact Source
17 Feb Marlborough MA AARC @MidSch $5@9 $20/T@7 David 508 357 2272 ext 1# F

24 Feb Milton VT RANV @HS Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589

25 Feb Hicksville NY LIMARC @LevvitHall $6@9 $20/T@8 Rich K2KNB 516 694 4937 F

4 March WashingtonTwnshp NJ BARA Auction 1PM Jim K2ZO 201 664 6725 F

17 Mar Pomfret CT ECARA @CommSch Paul KE1LI 860 928 2456 A

18 Mar Henniker NH CVRC @Comm Sch Jim NS1E 603 428 7436 A+

31 Mar Londonderry NH IRS @Lions Sellers$10@7 $3@9 Gayle KB1LHA 781 598 1442

1 Ap Framingham MA FARA @KeefeTechSch $5@9 $25/T Steve KB1NIV 508 872 9336 +New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2007 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2007 Contact Source
17 Feb Marlborough MA AARC @MidSch $5@9 $20/T@7 David 508 357 2272 ext 1# F

24 Feb Milton VT RANV @HS Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589

25 Feb Hicksville NY LIMARC @LevvitHall $6@9 $20/T@8 Rich K2KNB 516 694 4937 F

4 March WashingtonTwnshp NJ BARA Auction 1PM Jim K2ZO 201 664 6725 F

17 Mar Pomfret CT ECARA @CommSch Paul KE1LI 860 928 2456 A

18 Mar Henniker NH CVRC @Comm Sch Jim NS1E 603 428 7436 A+

31 Mar Londonderry NH IRS @Lions Sellers$10@7 $3@9 Gayle KB1LHA 781 598 1442

1 Ap Framingham MA FARA @KeefeTechSch $5@9 $25/T Steve KB1NIV 508 872 9336 +

15 April Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

22 April Enfield CT NEWS East VHF UHF Conf Mark K1MAP 413 566 8118

28-29 April Watertown MA Photographica @ACEC ~photo~ John 781 592 2553 F

12 May Halifax NS HARC+DARC @Forum $4@9 Sell@6 Murray VE1MMD 902 490 6421 R
LAST UPDATE 12-2-06 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 12-2-06 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2006 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2006 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Falmouth MA FARA http://www.falara.org/ +

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html

Newington CT NARL http://www.narl.net/1.htm

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest06.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

Flea mailing list

New England Area Flea Markets, Oct. 28, 2006

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2006 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2006 Contact Source
28 Oct Waterford CT TCARC Auction @OswegatchieSch@10 Tom WA2RYV 860 464 6555 T

28 Oct Montreal PQ MSSARC @PlDesaulniers $5@9$10/T@6 Roch VE2DU 514 765 0363 W

28-29 Oct Watertown MA Photographica @ACEC ~photo~ John 781 592 2553 W

3 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @6:30PM Jim KK1W 413 245 3228

4 Nov Londonderry NH IRS @Lions Sellers$10@7 $3@9 Gayle KB1LHA 781 598 1442

11 Nov E Falmouth MA FARA @KoC $5@9 $10/S@7 Ralph N1YHS 508 548 6405 F

2007 Contact Source
17 Feb Marlborough MA AARC @MidSch $5@9 $20/T@7 David 508 357 2272 ext 1# F

24 Feb Milton VT RANV @HS Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589

25 Feb Hicksville NY LIMARC @LevvitHall $6@9 $20/T@8 Rich K2KNB 516 694 4937 F+

4 March WashingtonTwnshp NJ BARA Auction 1PM Jim K2ZO 201 664 6725 F

15 April Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

22 April Enfield CT NEWS East VHF UHF Conf Mark K1MAP 413 566 8118

28-29 April Watertown MA Photographica @ACEC ~photo~ John 781 592 2553 F+

12 May Halifax NS HARC+DARC @Forum $4@9 Sell@6 Murray VE1MMD 902 490 6421 R
LAST UPDATE 10-28-06 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 10-28-06 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2006 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2006 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/ +

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/ +

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm +

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html +

Newington CT NARL http://www.narl.net/1.htm

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest06.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm +

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

New England Area Flea Markets, Oct. 3, 2006

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2006 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2006 Contact Source
6,7 Oct Hopkinton NH HossTraders @FG x7 I89 Joe K1RQG 207 469 3492 W

7 Oct Lake Placid NY NNYARA Thomas WB2KLD 518 827 4800 A

8 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv $20/sp $7@9 John N1GNV 203 440 4468 F

14 Oct Nashua NH NE Antique RC ** Moved see 21 Oct ** Marty 603 755 2839 +

15 Oct Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

21 Oct Greenwood NS GARC @CommCtr $3@10 S@8 Eric VE1CFY 902 765 4468 W

21 Oct Manchester NH Antique RC @BingoCtr Charlie AB1CI 603 898 4821 +

22 Oct Lindenhurst NY ToBARES @KoC $6@9 $25/T@7 Walter KA2RGI 631 957 0218 W+

28 Oct Waterford CT TCARC Auction @OswegatchieSch@10 Tom WA@RYV 860 464 6555 T

28 Oct Montreal PQ MSSARC @PlDesaulniers $5@9$10/T@6 Roch VE2DU 514 765 0363 W+

28-29 Oct Watertown MA Photographica @ACEC ~photo~ John 781 592 2553 W

3 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @6:30PM Jim KK1W 413 245 3228

4 Nov Londonderry NH IRS @Lions Sellers$10@7 $3@9 Gayle KB1LHA 781 598 1442

11 Nov E Falmouth MA FARA @KoC $5@9 $10/S@7 Ralph N1YHS 508 548 6405 F

2007 Contact Source
24 Feb Milton VT RANV @HS Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589 +

15 April Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 +
Third Sunday April thru October

22 April Enfield CT NEWS East VHF UHF Conf Mark K1MAP 413 566 8118

12 May Halifax NS HARC+DARC @Forum $4@9 Sell@6 Murray VE1MMD 902 490 6421 R+
LAST UPDATE 10-3-06 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 10-3-06 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2006 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2006 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/ +

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/ +

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm +

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html +

Newington CT NARL http://www.narl.net/1.htm

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest06.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm +

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

Flea mailing list

Falmouth ARA Flea Market Approved As ARRL Hamfest

Falmouth ARA logoARRL Headquarters has given the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association the “thumbs-up” for its November flea market.

In a letter dated September 19, 2006 to FARA’s Ralph Swenson, N1YHS, ARRL Convention Program Manager Gail Iannone wrote, “We’re pleased to tell you that Director Frenaye has approved the application of the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association to hold an ARRL approved hamfest in Falmouth, MA on November 11, 2006.”

This santioned event is now listed on the ARRL Hq. web site at http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html?dosel=1&subtype=section&selsect=EMA.

Whitman ARC Saftler’s Flea Market “A Success”

Whitman ARC 2006 flea marketThe Whitman Amateur Radio Club’s Saftler’s Flea Market fund raiser held on Labor Day was a success, according to club president Bruce Hayden, NI1X.

“We were rained out on Sunday but Monday turned out to be a perfect day for a flea market,” Hayden writes. “We had 25 club members and 5 area hams who stopped by to socialize, drop off goodies to be sold at the club table, help man the club table and help put WA1NPO on the air.”

–Whitman ARC The Spectrum, September, 2006

New England Area Flea Markets, 09/01/06

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2006 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2006 Contact Source
9 Sept BallstonSpa NY SCRACES fri6P $5+5/T+15cmp Darlene N2XQG 518 587 2385

9 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG Rt32 @8 Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075

9 Sept Windsor CT VintageRCM @115Pierson Ln $10/Sp@7 Chris 860 243 1447 W+

10 Sept Dartmouth MA SEMARA @54 Donald St Tim N1TI 508 758 3680

10 Sept Bethpage NY LIMARC @Briarcliff $15/S@7:30 $6@9Rick K2RB 516 526 6975 F+

16 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW rt146 8A flea+auct Rick K1KYI 401 725 7507

16 Sept Alexander ME SCVARC @ElmSch Skip KB1HXC 207 454 2156

16 Sept Montreal PQ WIARC @Shriners $5@9 $15/T@8 VE2CWI W

17 Sept Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

17 Sept Newtown CT CARC James KD1YV 203 775 1946 A

30 Sept Drummondville PQ CRdD @StBernardCol $5@9$15/T@7 Jacques 819 478 2847 R+

1 Oct Queens NY HoSARC 47-01 111st $5@9 $10/sp@7:30 Steve 718 898 5599 F

6,7 Oct Hopkinton NH HossTraders @FG x7 I89 Joe K1RQG 207 469 3492 W

7 Oct Lake Placid NY NNYARA Thomas WB2KLD 518 827 4800 A

8 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv $20/sp $7@9 John N1GNV 203 440 4468 F

14 Oct Nashua NH NE Antique RC ** Moved see 21 Oct ** Marty 603 755 2839 +

15 Oct Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

21 Oct Greenwood NS GARC @CommCtr $3@10 S@8 Eric VE1CFY 902 765 4468 W

21 Oct Manchester NH Antique RC @BingoCtr Charlie AB1CI 603 898 4821 +

22 Oct Lindenhurst NY ToBARES @KoC $6@9 $25/T@7 Walter KA2RGI 631 957 0218 W+

28 Oct Waterford CT TCARC Auction @OswegatchieSch@10 Tom WA@RYV 860 464 6555 T

28 Oct Montrial PQ MSSARC @PlDesaulniers $5@9$10/T@6 Roch VE2DU 514 765 0363 W+

28-29 Oct Watertown MA Photographica @ACEC ~photo~ John 781 592 2553 W

3 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @6:30PM Jim KK1W 413 245 3228

4 Nov Londonderry NH IRS @Lions Sellers$10@7 $3@9 Gayle KB1LHA 781 598 1442

11 Nov E Falmouth MA FARA @KoC $5@9 $10/S@7 Ralph N1YHS 508 548 6405 F
LAST UPDATE 9-1-06 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu r can not be responsible for changes or errors.
Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details. This list will be
posted monthly to USENET. Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu - SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2006 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2007 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 9-1-06 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2006 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2006 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/ +

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/ +

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm +

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html +

Newington CT NARL http://www.narl.net/1.htm

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest06.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm +

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

New England Area Flea Markets, August 1, 2006

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2006 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2006 Contact Source
12 Aug St Albans ME PARC @ Snownobile club George WA1JMM 207 965 8864 A

12 Aug Ledyard CT RASON @Fire Co Rt 12 Tom KB1JIJ 860 536 6430 A

19 Aug St Albans VT STARC 8AM @ Highgate Common Arn N1ARN 802 285 6457 W

20 Aug Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

20 Aug Adams MA NoBARC @BoweFld @8AM S@6 Al K1SAV 413 743 1619 W

25-27 Aug Boxboro MA FEMARA NE Conv @HI Mike K1TWF 978 250 1236 A

9 Sept BallstonSpa NY SCRACES fri6P $5+5/T+15cmp Darlene N2XQG 518 587 2385

9 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG Rt32 @8 Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075

10 Sept Dartmouth MA SEMARA @54 Donald St Tim N1TI 508 758 3680

10 Sept Bethpage NY LIMARC @Briarcliff $10/S@7 $6@9 Rick K2RB 516 526 6975 W+

16 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW rt146 8A flea+auct Rick K1KYI 401 725 7507

16 Sept Alexander ME SCVARC @ElmSch Skip KB1HXC 207 454 2156

16 Sept Montreal PQ WIARC @Shriners $5@9 $15/T@8 VE2CWI W

17 Sept Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

17 Sept Newtown CT CARC James KD1YV 203 775 1946 A

1 Oct Queens NY HoSARC 47-01 111st $5@9 $10/sp@7:30 Steve 718 898 5599 F

6,7 Oct Hopkinton NH HossTraders @FG x7 I89 Joe K1RQG 207 469 3492 W
7 Oct Lake Placid NY NNYARA Thomas WB2KLD 518 827 4800 A

8 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv $20/sp $7@9 John N1GNV 203 440 4468 F

14 Oct Nashua NH NE Antique RC ** Cancelled ** Marty 603 755 2839 +
LAST UPDATE 8-1-06 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 8-1-06 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2006 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2006 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/ +

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/ +

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm +

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html +

Newington CT NARL http://www.narl.net/1.htm

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest06.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm +

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

New England Area Flea Markets, July 1, 2006

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2006 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2006 Contact Source
8 July Union ME PBARC @CommCtr Scott KB1DSW 207 354 6809 A

16 July Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

22 July Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $5@8 $2@9 @StStan Marty 603 755 2839 F

12 Aug St Albans ME PARC @ Snownobile club George WA1JMM 207 965 8864 A

12 Aug Ledyard CT RASON @Fire Co Rt 12 Tom KB1JIJ 860 536 6430 A+

19 Aug St Albans VT STARC 8AM @ Highgate Common Arn N1ARN 802 285 6457 W

20 Aug Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

20 Aug Adams MA NoBARC @BoweFld @8AM S@6 Al K1SAV 413 743 1619 W

25-27 Aug Boxboro MA FEMARA NE Conv @HI Mike K1TWF 978 250 1236 A

9 Sept BallstonSpa NY SCRACES fri6P $5+5/T+15cmp Darlene N2XQG 518 587 2385

9 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG Rt32 @8 Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075

10 Sept Dartmouth MA SEMARA @54 Donald St Tim N1TI 508 758 3680 +

16 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW rt146 8A flea+auct Rick K1KYI 401 725 7507

16 Sept Alexander ME SCVARC @ElmSch Skip KB1HXC 207 454 2156 +

16 Sept Montreal PQ WIARC @Shriners $5@9 $15/T@8 VE2CWI W+

17 Sept Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

17 Sept Newtown CT CARC James KD1YV 203 775 1946 A

1 Oct Queens NY HoSARC 47-01 111st $5@9 $10/sp@7:30 Steve 718 898 5599 F

6,7 Oct Hopkinton NH HossTraders @FG x7 I89 Joe K1RQG 207 469 3492 W

7 Oct Lake Placid NY NNYARA Thomas WB2KLD 518 827 4800 A

8 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv $20/sp $7@9 John N1GNV 203 440 4468 F

14 Oct Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $5@8 $2@9 @StStan Marty 603 755 2839
LAST UPDATE 7-1-06 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 7-1-06 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2006 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2006 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/ +

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/ +

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm +

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html +

Newington CT NARL http://www.narl.net/1.htm

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest06.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm +

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

Flea mailing list

New England Area Flea Markets, June 9, 2006

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2006 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2006 Contact Source
11 June Newington CT NARL @ShrinerHall $6@8 $20/T George AB1GL 860 463 0948 +

11 June Bethpage NY LIMARC @Briarcliff Rick K2RB 516 526 6975 A

18 June Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

8 July Union ME PBARC @CommCtr Scott KB1DSW 207 354 6809 A

16 July Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

22 July Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $5@8 $2@9 @StStan Marty 603 755 2839 F

12 Aug St Albans ME PARC @ Snownobile club George WA1JMM 207 965 8864 A

12 Aug Ledyard CT RASON @Fire Co Rt 12 Tom KB1JIJ 860 536 6430 A+

19 Aug St Albans VT STARC 8AM @ Highgate Common Arn N1ARN 802 285 6457 W

20 Aug Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

20 Aug Adams MA NoBARC @BoweFld @8AM S@6 Al K1SAV 413 743 1619 W

25-27 Aug Boxboro MA FEMARA NE Conv @HI Mike K1TWF 978 250 1236 A

9 Sept BallstonSpa NY SCRACES fri6P $5+5/T+15cmp Darlene N2XQG 518 587 2385

9 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG Rt32 @8 Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075

10 Sept Dartmouth MA SEMARA @54 Donald St Tim N1TI 508 758 3680 +

16 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW rt146 8A flea+auct Rick K1KYI 401 725 7507

16 Sept Alexander ME SCVARC @ElmSch Skip KB1HXC 207 454 2156 +

16 Sept Montreal PQ WIARC @Shriners $5@9 $15/T@8 VE2CWI W+
LAST UPDATE 6-9-06 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
22 April Enfield CT NEWS East VHF UHF Conf Mark K1MAP 413 566 2404 +
LAST UPDATE 6-9-06 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2006 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2006 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/ +

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/ +

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm +

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html +

Newington CT NARL http://www.narl.net/1.htm

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest06.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm +

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

SEMARA Flea Market Receives ARRL Approval

SEMARA flea tableARRL Headquarters has given the Southeastern MA ARA the “thumbs-up” for its September “Tailgate” flea market.

In a letter dated June 2, 2006 to SEMARA’s Tim Smith, N1TI, ARRL Convention Program Manager Gail Iannone wrote, “We’re pleased to tell you that Director Frenaye has approved the application of the Southeastern MA Amateur Radio Association to hold an ARRL approved hamfest in Dartmouth, MA on September 10, 2006.”

This santioned event is now listed on the ARRL Hq. web site at http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html?dosel=1&subtype=section&selsect=EMA.

For further information about the flea market or SEMARA, visit: http://www.semara.org.

New England Area Flea Markets, 06/01/06

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2006 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2006 Contact Source
2 June Feeding Hills MA HCRA TG Party @CongCh @6PM Dave KB1MU 413 596 6605

2-4 June Rochester NY RARA @FG Harold K2HC 585 424 7184 A

3 June Hermon ME PSARC @HS Roger KA1TKS 207 848 3846 A

4 June Queens NY HoSARC 47-01 111st $5@9 $10/sp@7:30 Steve 718 898 5599 F

11 June Newington CT NARL @ShrinerHall George AB1GL 860 463 0948 A

11 June Bethpage NY LIMARC @Briarcliff Rick K2RB 516 526 6975 A

18 June Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

8 July Union ME PBARC @CommCtr Scott KB1DSW 207 354 6809 A

16 July Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

22 July Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $5@8 $2@9 @StStan Marty 603 755 2839 F

12 Aug St Albans ME PARC @ Snownobile club George WA1JMM 207 965 8864 A

12 Aug Ledyard CT RASON @Fire Co Rt 12 Tom KB1JIJ 860 536 6430 A+

19 Aug St Albans VT STARC 8AM @ Highgate Common Arn N1ARN 802 285 6457 W

20 Aug Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

20 Aug Adams MA NoBARC @BoweFld @8AM S@6 Al K1SAV 413 743 1619 W

25-27 Aug Boxboro MA FEMARA NE Conv @HI Mike K1TWF 978 250 1236 A

9 Sept BallstonSpa NY SCRACES fri6P $5+5/T+15cmp Darlene N2XQG 518 587 2385

9 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG Rt32 @8 Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075

10 Sept Dartmouth MA SEMARA @54 Donald St Tim N1TI 508 758 3680 +

16 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW rt146 8A flea+auct Rick K1KYI 401 725 7507

16 Sept Alexander ME SCVARC @ElmSch Skip KB1HXC 207 454 2156 +

16 Sept Montreal PQ WIARC @Shriners $5@9 $15/T@8 VE2CWI W+
LAST UPDATE 6-1-06 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2007 Contact Source
22 April Enfield CT NEWS East VHF UHF Conf Mark K1MAP 413 566 2404 +
LAST UPDATE 6-1-06 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2006 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2006 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/ +

Watertown MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/ +

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm +

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html +

Newington CT NARL http://www.narl.net/1.htm

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm

Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Rochester NH GBRA http://www.kb1kbe.com/hamfest06.html

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

St Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.9bit.qc.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html

Greenwood PQ GARC http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm +

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket.htm

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html