Steve Schwarm, W3EVE writes:
I am in real need of 20 hams for the Jimmy Fund Walk on September 19th. This is a very low key event compared to the Marathon. The assignments run from late morning to about 6 PM and are along the Boston Marathon route. Most of the locations are in the last half of the course. It is in support of the Red Cross First Aid stations and if I can get the hams on the transport busses. The only requirement is a 2 meter HT with tones and you must be at least 18 years old. Some walking is needed but it is not the same amount as the marathon.
Please contact me if you can volunteer. Talk it up with other to get them to volunteer. This is a very good cause and our support is important to its success. This is a very good first public service event.
If you have any questions, please contact me via email ( or cell phone 508-922-9688.
Thanks and 73
Steve Schwarm, W3EVE