The Taunton SKYWARN Amateur Radio Club, WX1BOX recently received a gift of a high quality vinyl banner, courtesy of the Taunton Area Communications Group. It is on display at the NWS Taunton offices. TACG president Greg Glynn, W1VFB made the presentation to Carl Aveni, N1FY, who is Eastern MA ARRL Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, and one of the primary SKYWARN operators at the Taunton SKYWARN ARC.
“I have found in the past that identification of a service or entity is essential to getting the message out as to what we do as amateur radio operators,” remarked Glynn. “When clubs or operations identify who they are, people will stop and ask about who and what we are and when you don’t they will tend to look and walk on by.”
–Thanks, TACG News, Feb. 2011