Presentation: Technological Changes, 1970 to Present, and Implications for Amateur Radio as an Emergency Communications Service


On behalf of the Minuteman Repeater Assn., I invite you to attend a talk on the subject of “Technological Changes, 1970 to Present, and Implications for Amateur Radio as an Emergency Communications Service” which I will present at the MMRA quarterly meeting, Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 7:00 p.m at the Northborough Public Library, Main Street (Rte. 20) Northborough.  I also ask that you pass along this announcement to your respective organizations for the benefit on anyone who might be interested.  I hope you can attend and provide valuable feedback.  Anyone may attend, admission is free, membership in the MMRA (and, indeed, an Amateur Radio license) is not required.

Thanks for your help in passing the word.

Tom Carrigan

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