Barbara Dougan, N1NS writes:
Please make a QSO with KM1CC to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the first wireless Transatlantic message sent from the USA to Europe on January 18, 1903. This message was from President Theodore Roosevelt to King Edward VII; it was transmitted in International Morse code by Marconi from his Wireless Station in Wellfleet- now part of Cape Cod National Seashore. KM1CC will operate from the former Coast Guard Station, Eastham, MA-USA FN 51, Barnstable County.
When: Thursday, January 17 about 1800 EST through Sunday, January 19, 2013 1500 EST
Conditions and bands permitting find us +-10 kHz
17M 18.080 CW 18.160 SSB 20M 14.030 CW 14.260 SSB 40M 7.030 CW 7.130, 17.260 SSB 80M 3.530 CW 3.660, 3.860 SSB
We will post frequencies on We plan to operate mostly CW, but will switch to SSB now and then.
Please view KM1CC’s Facebook page for more information and photographs.
Barbara Dougan, N1NS, KM1CC trustee