Gardner H. Winchester II
, KA1BTK writes on CAARA list:
“Please join us at [the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association] for Tuesday evening’s Open House, 4:00 – 9:00 PM or any time in between!
This week, we want to try something new. We’re going to try to run a bit of an info session. The topic will be Amateur Radio “Go-Bags” for emergency and public service operations. Several members have assembled Go-Bags and Go-Kits and we would like to see what you have and share your thoughts.”
The Cape Ann ARA club station is located at 6 Stanwood Street, in Gloucester Massachusetts, Tel. # 978-282-7645. They operate the 2-meter W1GLO repeater on 145.130 MHz (– input, with a 107.2 PL tone)