KM1NDY: “Practical Portable Radio Operation” at Sci-Tech ARS, April 6, 2021

Mindy Hull, KM1NDYThe Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society will feature a presentation by Mindy Hull, KM1NDY, on “Practical Portable Radio Operation” on April 6, 2021 at 7 PM. 

With the availability of lightweight lithium batteries, portable operations is an increasingly mainstream and accessible pursuit of the amateur radio hobbyist. The excitement of radio field operations no longer needs to be relegated to official Field Days, with structured “On-the-Air” programs such as the Summits-on-the-Air (SOTA) and Parks-on-the-Air (POTA) providing endless and timeless remote communication opportunities. Portable radio is also where the outdoorist meets the amateur operator, requiring a complementary but different skill set from its participants than that acquired in the home station. While amateur radio is often (rightly) showcased for its highly technical foundation, portable operation brings in the interest and skills of hikers, backpackers, campers, survivalists, and preppers. This talk will discuss gear choices (both radio and outdoor), strategies for various types of portable operation, and activities that promote field communications. The goal is to give you the info you need to go do this yourself.

For Zoom conference information, email Bob Phinney, K5TEC, at bobphinney -at- nescitech -dot- org or call 508-720-4179.

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