All Welcome to special session of EM2MN on Boston 145.23 Repeater as part of SET

Greetings All,

Whereas the section Simulated Emergency Test (SET) in Eastern Mass will be taking place this Saturday November 12 from 10 AM to 12 PM;

Whereas the ARRL has taken a renewed interest in emergency communications capabilities including preparedness of the National Traffic System in nationwide emergency communications during infrastructure failures; and

Whereas the FCC has given Amateur Radio a multitude of frequencies available for use based in part for it’s availability for public service;

I am therefore encouraging all traffic handlers and participants in NTS nets to show support for the SET this weekend. The exercise plan can be found at and special note can be found regarding NTS participation on page 8. In addition to what is noted there, the Eastern Mass 2 Meter Traffic Net will hold a special session on the Boston 145.23 repeater tomorrow, Saturday Nov 12 from 10 AM to 12 Noon with Net Manager Peter KC1HHO as Net Control. Anyone regardless of NTS or ARES affiliation is welcome to check in, pass traffic or listen to see how an NTS net is conducted and traffic is passed. Traffic handlers are encouraged to list a radiogram addressed to Section Traffic Manager Marcia Forde KW1U in Maynard MA, stating your participation in the net and information about the equipment you are using. Others are encouraged to ask questions and participate at whatever level they chose. While we will be using standard radiogram format for messages for this exercise, it is important to note that NTS leadership has begun training in use of ICS formats, generally used by emergency service groups.

For those unable to make the Boston repeater, feel free to check into the net  running on the Minuteman repeater network with Joe W1HAI as NCS as mentioned in the link noted above.

I apologize for short notice. We hope to see as many there as can make it. Thanks for your participation.

73, Marcia KW1U
Section Traffic Manager

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