HABGab and StratoScience Balloon Launch, Natick, July 2023

Seth Kendall, KC1PZY, writes on July 22, 2023 at 6:27 AM:

HABGab 2023 is officially on for today.  We will be launching from:

Tantasqua Vocational Regional High School

319 Brookfield Rd, Fiskdale, MA 01518

Frequencies, tracking information, updated countdown, etc:

We will be starting on site set up at 9am.  Launch scheduled for 1pm.  We’d love to see you there or hear you on the air!



HABGab banner
Seth Kendall, KC1PZY, writes:
Enjoy making rare contacts and participating in experimental projects?  The New England Weather Balloon Society, in partnership with the Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society, is launching a special event high altitude balloon (HAB) repeater this July in Eastern Massachusetts. 
We would like to welcome all amateur radio operators in New England to participate in this experimental flight by calling into the repeater as it flies over 30 km high.  We will be issuing QSL cards to all confirmed contacts.
This flight will also be transmitting live video from the payload on 1.2 GHz, and live streaming to YouTube from our ground station at New England Sci-Tech.

Also traveling onboard will be a number of student projects by members of the StratoScience Lab class at New England Sci-Tech and BFCCPS school in Franklin, MA.

Please be aware that the date of the event is highly dependent on weather and readiness, so make sure to regularly check the HABGab Launch Page for up to date information about the date and instructions for making contact: https://nescitech.org/habgab.

Cape Cod Ham Clubs Team Up At MA Maritime Summer Camp

From nediv.arrl.org:

The Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) and the Barnstable Amateur Radio Club (BARC) teamed up to present an overview of amateur radio to 200 junior high school boys and girls at a two week summer camp held at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Bourne on Monday, July 17.  The two hour evening program included a demonstration of HF and VHF operation, a cube sat demonstrator, a discussion of the use of amateur radio for public service and emergency operation and an opportunity for the participants to get on the air themselves.  The benefit of  amateur radio for anyone pursuing an engineering career was highlighted.  Local opportunities to get their technician license were offered including mentoring and donations of equipment to get started.  Antennas and other on-air club members were  pre-staged to provide the attendees with an enjoyable on-air experience.

Presenters Norm, WA1NLG (BARC President), Bruce, WA3SWJ and Chris, WA1CMR (FARA President) with support by club members Ralph, N1YHS, Rob K1UI and Lem, W1LEM (taking photo) answered questions following the presentation and helped get some of the attendees on the air. 

Many of the attendees expressed an interest in learning more about amateur radio and obtaining a license. 

The evening continues an initiative being pursued by the clubs to work together on projects that benefit amateur radio on the Cape and especially EmComm.  The two clubs together have a membership of 300 hams.  Cape District Emergency Coordinator, Frank, WQ1O, has recognized the need for the Cape to be self-sufficient for an extended period of time following a natural or man-made disaster.  This makes this cooperation between clubs essential to support emergency operations anywhere on the Cape, regardless of any club affiliation.

HamXposition to Offer Tech-In-A-Day, August 26, 2023

HamXposition logo

Do you have a friend or family member who needs that extra little “push” to obtain their Tech ticket?

The Northeast HamXposition is holding Technician Study course at the convention on Saturday, August 26, 2023. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. at the Convention in Marlboro, MA.

The course includes: (6) 45-minute “Study” segments, with 15 minute breaks between sessions and also includes an hour and 15 minute Lunch Break. (9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.)

The examination for Technician Class will be conducted 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Cost and Requirements: ($30.00)

  • Fees: $15 (Includes materials and snacks)
  • Test Cost: $15 (Required by FCC) Students under age 18 $5.00
  • Bring Photo ID & Federal Registration Number (FRN) (Obtained by registration at fcc.gov/CORES) https://apps.fcc.gov/coresWeb/publicHome.do

Contact Bill Poulin, WZ1L, techinaday@hamxposition.org, to register of if you have any questions about the Tech-In-A-Day study course.

USS Salem ARC, N1SLM, QRV for Museum Ships On The Air, June 2-4, 2023

N1SLM Museum Ships On The Air Flyer 2023The USS Salem ARC N1SLM, will be on the air during Museum Ships On The Air, June 2 from 0000Z (8 PM ET) until June 4 2359Z (3:59 PM ET). 

The event will feature license exams onboard, Sunday, June, June 4 at 11 AM.

The USS Salem is located at the US Naval Shipbuilding Museum, 549 South Street, Pier 3, in Quincy. 

For a QSL card, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to USNSM, PO Box 165, Quincy MA 02170.

Programming Repeaters Using CHIRP Class at Artisans Asylum in Boston, May 13, 2023

UPDATE: “Setup 2 Meter Handheld for Boston Repeaters” has been rescheduled to  for May 27th at 11 AM.

Boston ARC logo 

Ethan Hensen, KC1OIP, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:

I wanted to share the news that I’ll be teaching a class at Artisans Asylum on May 13th at 11am! The class is “Setup 2 Meter Handheld for Boston Repeaters” and is intended to help out hams (or potential hams) with programming their CHIRP compatible radio! It’ll be a combination of presentation and live demos, might even be able to help program some radios if time allows. I wanted to thank Greg, AC1NY, for helping me get this class together and reviewing the slides.

Please share the link around with anybody you think might be interested or feel free to sign up if you need a refresher on how to program using CHIRP. Hopefully this will be the first of many sessions of this class and will encourage others to submit class proposals.


Ethan KC1OIP

NWS Boston/Norton SKYWARN Training in New England

SKYWARN logoRob Macedo, KD1CY, writes on the SKYWARN_Announce list:

For the first time since the COVID19 pandemic started in March 2020, NWS Boston/Norton is now offering live/in-person classes for 2023. In addition, one virtual SKYWARN Class will be offered as well.

Additional SKYWARN Training classes are in planning. This includes the following locations:

New Bedford/Acushnet Mass area
Gardner MA
Walpole MA
Northeast HamXposition in Marlborough, Mass (Late August 2023)

The following is the current 2023 NWS Boston/Norton SKYWARN Training Class Schedule for the spring season. Please distribute widely to anyone interested in becoming a SKYWARN Spotter and we will update as additional classes are confirmed! We also noted that 1 class is full and waitlisted and we may consider additional classes near those areas later this year. Links to the schedule showing the full class list and the full class list appears below:

SKYWARN Training Schedule – 2023 – WX1BOX Link: https://wx1box.org/skywarn-training-schedule-2023/

SKYWARN Training Schedule – 2023 – NWS Boston/Norton Link: https://www.weather.gov/box/skywarn#fragment-2a

Full SKYWARN class list below:

Tuesday April 18th, 2023 – 630-830 PM:
Sandwich Police Department
255 Cotuit Road
Sandwich MA 02563
Taught by: NWS Forecaster
Registration is required via Eventbrite at the following link:

Wednesday April 19th, 2023 – 630-830 PM:
Spencer Town Hall – Great Hall
157 Main Street
Spencer, MA 01562
Taught by: NWS Forecaster
Registration is required via Eventbrite at the following link:

Thursday April 20th, 2023 – 600 PM-800 PM:
UMASS – Lowell Mark & Elisia Sabb
Emerging Technologies and Innovation Center
40 University Avenue
Lowell, MA 01854
Taught by: NWS Forecaster
Registration is required via Eventbrite at the following link:

***This class is geared toward the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community***
Wednesday May 3rd, 2023 – 630-830 PM:
The Learning Center for the Deaf
848 Central Street
Framingham, MA 01701
Taught by: NWS Forecaster
Registration is required via Eventbrite at the following link:

***This class is geared toward the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community***

Thursday May 4th, 2023 – 500-700 PM:
Providence Emergency Management Agency
591 Charles Street
Providence, RI 02904
Taught by: NWS Forecaster
Registration is required via Eventbrite at the following link:

Saturday May 6th, 2023 – 930-1130 AM:
Whitman Police Department
20 Essex Street
Whitman, MA 02382
Taught by: Amateur Radio Coordinator
Registration is required via Eventbrite at the following link:

**Class Full – Join Wait List**
Tuesday May 9th, 2023 – 600-800 PM:
Springfield Public Safety Complex
1212 Carew Street
Springfield, MA 01104
Registration is required via Eventbrite at the following link:

**Class Full – Join Wait List**

Saturday May 13th, 2023 – 930-1130 AM:
Virtual SKYWARN Training Webinar via GoTo Webinar
Registration is required through the GoTo Webinar process at the
following link:

Tuesday May 16th, 2023 – 500-600 PM (Note: This class is limited to one
hour due to facility time constraints):
Oak Bluffs Public Library
56R School Street
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557
Registration is required via Eventbrite at the following link:

Tuesday May 30th, 2023 – 600-800 PM:
Elmwood Community Center
1106 New Britain Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06110
Registration is required via Eventbrite at the following link:

Again, we will provide updates when new SKYWARN training classes are added to the schedule. Also, if specific groups are interested in a live or virtual class, the Amateur Radio Coordinator team would be able to support those groups as needed. Thanks to all for their support of the NWS Boston/Norton SKYWARN program!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/wx1box

Cape Ann ARA “Tech In A Day” Class Produces Five New Hams

CAARA logoFive individuals passed their exams at a recent Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association “Tech In A Day” course and are now  Technician class amateurs:

Larry Swift – Gloucester, KC1SOV
Sander Schultz – Gloucester, KC1SOT
Mark Klemm – Danvillle, NH, KC1SOW
Andrew Traskos – Newton, NH, KC1SOU
Brian Lloyd – Gloucester, KC1SOO

“We invited them back to CAARA for their “Now You are Licensed” discussions on Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 12 Noon,” reports CAARA VE Bill Poulin, WZ1L. “I want to present them to the board and the CAARA membership, and welcome them to Amateur Radio formally.”

Poulin says that they will discuss local repeaters, show them 10 meters, introduce them to Echolink, and, of course, answer any questions. 
“I will give a plug for ARRL membership.  I know a few of them took QST Magazines I had on the table.”
CAARA will offer the new amateurs a one-year membership. They’ve also been invited to participate in the club’s nets.
WZ1L believes that some will begin studying for their General class licenses.


Whitman ARC Offering Amateur Extra Licensing Class

Recent licensing class held by the Whitman ARCBob Azanow, WA1Q, writes In K1USN Happenings, February 23, 2023:

[The Whtman ARC Amateur] Extra class started on Tuesday, February 21 […]. But there is no problem catching up if you would like to join; just give our training manager Ross, W1EKG, a call, email, and or show up at the Whitman Police Station on Thursday evening, February 23.

Classes will run Tuesday and Thursday each week until April 13. The VE session will be Tuesday, April 18 at 7 PM.

Sorry for the late notice on this. More info found at the training link including Ross’s phone number: http://www.wa1npo.org/training/training.htm.

Beaver Works / MIT Amateur Radio License Class for High Schoolers Begins March 4, 2023

Beaver Works MIT Ham Radio Class flyerDaniel Sheen, KC1EPN, writes:

The folks over at W1MX have been organizing an amateur radio class for high schoolers with Beaver Works at MIT for the spring. It starts on March 4th and we still have space for more people, I was wondering if any of your members know anyone who might be interested?

The signup link is here: https://mit-bwsi.formstack.com/forms/bwsi_spring_2023_hamradio


New General Class Element 3 Question Pool Goes Into Effect On July 1, 2023

ARRL VEC logo/bannerFrom ARRL VEC Newsletter, February 2023:

General Class Element 3 Question Pool Errata Released 

The NCVEC Question Pool Committee (QPC) has released the latest errata for the 2023 – 2027 General Element 3 question pool, which goes into effect on July 1, 2023. Nine questions were modified (G1B01, G1C01, G1C02, G5C02, G7C10, G9B05, G9C09, G9D09, and G9D10) and two questions (G9C06 and G9D13) were withdrawn from use. 

The pool is available as a Microsoft Word document and PDF. These changes are reflected in the new General Pool download file dated February 1, 2023. 

New General Examinations will take effect for exam sessions on July 1, 2023

The newly revised general pool must be used starting July 1, 2023. VECs and VEs will have new test designs available starting on that date. Previously supplied versions of ARRL VEC General-class exam booklets (2019 series) and computer-generated General-class exams from the 2019 question pool are valid until midnight on June 30, 2023. The ARRL VEC will supply its officially appointed, field-stocked VE teams with new General exam booklet designs around mid-June. 

Cape Ann (MA) Amateur Radio Association Technician In A Day Session, February 25, 2023

CAARA logo

Our Technician In A Day Session is a study course.  The course allows you to become licensed by the Federal Communications Commission.

You should obtain a copy of the ARRL Technician Class License Manual.  You may purchase this book at Ham Radio Outlet or any other amateur radio related store.

You should read the book.  The information contained therein will allow you to answer questions on a 35 question test for obtaining your Technician License.

There are videos on Youtube at W4EEY that explain the theory and cover the questions to enhance your knowledge.   You may also take practice exams at hamstudy.org for comprehension.


  1. You should apply and obtain a FCC Registration Number at: https://apps.fcc.gov/coresWeb/publicHome.do
  2. You will be charged a slight fee for this course. Normally, $15.00 for the Examination and $10.00 for materials, snacks and drinks which will be provided for the session.
  3. The Tech In A Day Session will be almost a full day session (8 am to 5pm)
  4. The first Study Session begins at 9:00am for 45 minutes and you will be given a 15 minute break before the next session begins at 10 am.
  5. Three study sessions will be held before a lunch break (approximately 11:45am-1:00pm)
  6. There will be three more study sessions in the afternoon to run to 4:45 pm.
  7. Testing will begin approximately at 5:00 pm.

You will be administered an examination of 35 questions of which you must score at least 26 out of 35 or better to PASS.

Upon completion and passing of your examination you will be handed a Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination) (CSCE Form).

Your call sign should be process in 10-12  business days.

If you would like more information, you may email us at caarave@caara.net or Telephone (978) 504-9112 for more information.

Massasoit ARA Technician Class, Middleboro, January 14, 2023

Massasoit ARA logoFrom the Massasoit ARA MARANews, November 2022:

Space has been reserved at Reedy’s Archery (Middleboro) downstairs lanes to conduct a [Massasoit Amateur Radio Association] Technician class beginning Saturday, January 14, 2023 and concluding with an exam on February 18, 2023. The class should run from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM for six Saturdays. John, N1BSO and Phil, N1XTB will be instructors.

Boston ARC to Resume Volunteer Exams

Boston ARC logoJoe Chapman, NV1W, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:

We are finally resuming BARC volunteer exams after the pandemic. The  next exam session will be held on Tuesday, October 18, at 7:30 pm at the Artisans Asylum in Allston. For more information, see
https://www.barc.org/barc-exam-sessions/. For directions to the Artisans Asylum, see https://www.barc.org/directions-to-artisans-asylum-allston/. For more information, contact me directly at nv1w@arrl.net or 617-267-6349.

You must register for the exam session at least one day in advance, either with me or Jim Clogher, N1ICN, at n1icn@arrl.net. We cannot accept walk-ins.

ARRL accredited VEs: I welcome and appreciate your participation and help. Please let me know if you intend to attend so that I can let you know of any changes or if we have to cancel the session.


Joe Chapman NV1W / ARRL Volunteer Exam Liaison, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Whitman ARC “Introductory Course” Set to Begin September 1, 2022

The Whitman Amateur (Ham)Whitman ARC logo Radio Club is offering an introductory, Technician level course to the public.

  • Communicate locally or the world
  • Bounce your signal off the moon or through ham radio satellites
  • Check in while you are driving
  • Operate maritime mobile while on your boat
  • Participate in disaster relief communications

The opportunities are endless.

The course will prepare you with the knowledge to pass the 35-question multiple choice exam offered at the end of the course.

The class will start on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the community room at the Whitman Police Station and run the following Tuesdays and Thursdays until the exam on Thursday,  September 29. Although a good idea, one does not have to make all of the classes to participate. You may visit us at our information booth at the Marshfield Fair or for further information on the course, contact Ross, W1EKG, at 781-447-9104 or warc.training@gmail.com.

New England Sci-Tech Students’ Experiments to Launch on NASA Rocket

Rocket experiment payloadTwo students from New England Sci-Tech have team projects that will be part of a NASA rocket payload, according to New England Sci-Tech President Bob Phinney, K5TEC.

Their experiments were delivered to NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility and integrated into the nose cone last week. According to idoodlEDU CEO Amber Agee-DeHart, “The launch is scheduled [to launch on June 23, 2022] sometime between 5:30-6:00 AM EDT. Right now the forecast calls for partly cloudy skies that morning with light winds.”

To view the SR-8 launch (NASA RockOn/RockSat-C mission) on Thursday, 23 June 2022 starting around 05:20 EDT, visit NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility YouTube channel: <https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAWallops/featured>. Streaming will begin 20 minutes before launch. You can also view it on the www.cubesinspace.com homepage.

idoodlEDU Inc., is a501.c.3 charitable organization and responsible for business development and fostering strategic partnerships. idoodleEDU designs programs, curriculum and tools to help teachers and students around the world discover and harness their creative intelligence and to engage in more meaningful and richer learning experiences in preparation for a globally connected, knowledge and skills-based economy.

New England Sci-Tech is a non-profit STEM+ education center and makerspace in Natick, Massachusetts, dedicated to project-based, hands-on learning for youth and families across the New England community.



NASA launch at Wallops

Launch now on Friday, June 24 at 5:30 AM -4GMT  EDT

See @cubesinspace on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for more updates

www.cubesinspace.com for live streaming on Friday or NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility YouTube channel


Best regards,


Bob Phinney, K5TEC, President
New England Sci-Tech Inc.

Four-Week, In-Person Technician Course Offered by Nashoba Valley ARC Beginning May 16, 2022

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

Please share this with friends and family members who are interested in getting an Amateur Radio License.

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club (NVARC) is offering a free amateur radio licensing course beginning on May 16th. The eight night course will prepare students for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Technician licensing exam that will be offered at the completion of the course. The Technician level radio operator’s license is the first of three amateur licenses offered by the FCC. Each license has increased levels of operator privileges.

The course consists of twice weekly sessions beginning on Monday, May 16th, and meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays for four weeks (May 16th through June 8th ). The course will be held at the Pepperell Community Center, 4 Hollis Street, Pepperell, MA 01463. Sessions will start at 7 PM and last for 2 hours. An FCC license exam will be scheduled for the end of the sessions. The course is free, but there will be an FCC required $15 testing fee if you take the exam. The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, Level 1, Technician, 4th ed, will be the study guide used for the class. A limited number of study guides may be purchased from the instructor for $20 or online from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) or Amazon.

This course is open to all, there are no age limits. Pre-registration is required, no walk-ins will be allowed. To register you must contact the instructor, Bruce Blain at (508) 341-5124 or via email at bruce.blain@charter.net.  

Important Message from ARRL VEC

ARRL logoImportant Message from ARRL VEC

By Maria Somma, AB1FM, ARRL VEC Manager

The FCC released a Public Notice on March 23, 2022, stating that the amateur radio application fees, including those associated with Form 605 application filings, would become effective on April 19, 2022. The Federal Communications Commission’s authority to impose and collect fees is mandated by Congress.

The $35 application fee, when it becomes effective on April 19, will apply to new, renewal, and modification applications that request a new vanity call sign. The fee will be per application.

Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, and modification applications to upgrade an amateur radio licensee’s operator class*, will be exempt from fees. (*this new information was just confirmed by FCC staff on Tuesday, March 29.)

VECs and Volunteer Examiner (VE) teams will not have to collect the $35 fee at exam sessions.

Once the FCC application fee takes effect, new applicants will pay the $15 exam session fee to the ARRL VE team as usual and pay the $35 application fee directly to the FCC by using the CORES FRN Registration system. VEC and VE team licensing procedures will not change.

When the FCC receives the examination information from the VEC, it will email a link with payment instructions to each qualifying candidate. The candidate will have 10 calendar days, from the date of the application file number being issued, to pay. After the fee is paid, and the FCC has processed an application, examinees will receive a second email from the FCC with a link to their official license or, in very rare instances, an explanation for why the application was dismissed or denied. The link will be valid for 30 days.

Per usual procedures, examinees that pass multiple exams at one session, will have one application transmitted to the FCC reflecting the highest-level license class earned. Again, our procedures will not change. The new license candidates will have an extra step before the license is issued. VE teams can point candidates to our FCC Application Fee webpage. Our new ARRL VEC CSCEs also include information about the application fee and points candidates to the webpage. The FCC rule pertaining to CSCEs will not change. CSCE credit will continue to be valid for 365 days, starting from the date of issuance.

For VE teams holding exam sessions the weekend before April 19, the FCC advised that applications not received by the FCC before April 19 will be subjected to the fee. The ARRL VEC urges teams to upload sessions via our documents upload page to get your sessions to us as quickly as possible. Assuming the FCC electronic batch filing (EBF) system is functioning properly on Monday, April 18, the VEC staff will work to get these to the FCC before April 19. Email the VEC department at VEC@arrl.org for the upload instructions.

Additionally, the FCC stated that the fee for applications processed and dismissed will not be refundable. This includes vanity requests where the applicant does not receive the requested call sign. However, returned applications that are missing information will not require an additional fee, if the missing information is submitted to the FCC within the proper amount of time.

Youth Licensing Grant Program

Anticipating the implementation of the fee in 2022, the ARRL Board of Directors, approved the ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program in July 2021. Under the program, ARRL will cover a one-time $35 application fee for license candidates younger than 18-years old for tests administered under the auspices of the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (ARRL VEC). Qualified candidates also would pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL VEC. ARRL is finalizing details for administering the program.

Further news and instructions will follow as the FCC releases them. Details for the ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program will be posted when available. For additional information, visit the resources below.

ARRL VEC Application Fees webpage:


ARRL News Story: arrl.org/news/new-amateur-radio-license-applications-fee-to-become-effective-april-19-2022

FCC CORES Video Tutorials: fcc.gov/licensing-databases/fcc-registration-system-cores/commission-registration-system-video-tutorials

FCC Registration Help: apps.fcc.gov/cores/publicHome.do?help=true

Amateur Extra “Continuous” License Classes Online, March-November, 2022 at New England Sci-Tech in Natick

From nescitech.org:New England Sci Tech logo


This ONLINE ham radio license course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio AMATEUR EXTRA license exam, the THIRD of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book. You get a full 24 hours of instruction over eight 3-hour classes. Take the course from anywhere – it’s ONLINE!

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Recommended text: ARRL Extra Class License Manual, 12th edition, for exams through June 30, 2024, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician and General level material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed General but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at half price) one of our Tech and General courses to catch up.

Amateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!


Class Rotation: Classes are taught almost every Sunday evening and repeat every 8 weeks.

Because the order of topics is less important at the Extra level, you may jump into the sequence at certain start points* and take 8 classes to cover all 10 of the question pool topics.

*Starting Sun Mar 13, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Continuing Sun Mar 20, 7-10pm Eastern – class 2
Continuing Sun Mar 27, 7-10pm Eastern – class 3
*Starting Sun Apr 3, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3
Continuing Sun Apr 10, 7-10pm Eastern – classes 5
*Starting Sun Apr 17, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5
Continuing Sun Apr 24, 7-10pm Eastern – classes 7
Continuing Sun May 1, 7-10pm Eastern – classes 8

*Starting Sun May 15, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Continuing Sun May 22, 7-10pm Eastern – class 2
Continuing Sun May 29, 7-10pm Eastern – class 3
*Starting Sun June 5, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3
Continuing Sun June 12, 7-10pm Eastern – classes 5
*Starting Sun June 19, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5
Continuing Sun June 26, 7-10pm Eastern – classes 7
Continuing Sun July 3, 7-10pm Eastern – classes 8

*Starting Sun July 24, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Continuing Sun July 31, 7-10pm Eastern – class 2
Continuing Sun Aug 7, 7-10pm Eastern – class 3
*Starting Sun Aug 14, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3
Continuing Sun Aug 21, 7-10pm Eastern – class 5
*Starting Sun Aug 28, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5
Continuing Sun Sep 4, 7-10pm Eastern – class 7
Continuing Sun Sep 11, 7-10pm Eastern – class 8

*Starting Sun Oct 2, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Continuing Sun Oct 9, 7-10pm Eastern – class 2
Continuing Sun Oct 16, 7-10pm Eastern – class 3
*Starting Sun Oct 23, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3
Continuing Sun Oct 30, 7-10pm Eastern – class 5
*Starting Sun Nov 6, 7-10pm Eastern – 8 classes 6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5
Continuing Sun Nov 13, 7-10pm Eastern – class 7
Continuing Sun Nov 20, 7-10pm Eastern – class 8


Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, FREE access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, FREE enrollment in any of our Morse Code classes, and a guest pass to the Sci-Tech Radio Rooms and online radio club meetings for 3 months.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Zoom Link: Approximately 2 days before the session begins you will receive an email with instructions to access the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.


YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC AMATEUR EXTRA exam within a few days of finishing the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

[To register: <https://nescitech.org/shop/online-license-course-extra/>]

Whitman ARC Technician Course Begins March 15, 2022

Whitman ARC logoFrom K1USN Happenings, Feb. 24, 2022:

The next license class [the Whitman Amateur Radio Club] will be offering will be for the Technician (beginner) amateur radio license. Ross, W1EKG, will be starting the class on March 15th, with classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7 to 9 PM at the Whitman Police station. If you are interested, please email WARC.Training@gmail.com. A VE exam session will be offered at the end of the class.

For questions or to sign up for the class, please Email Ross, W1EKG, at bavarianradio@comcast.net or warc.training@gmail.com or call Ross at 781- 447-9104