Baystate Marathon – Amateur Radio Operators Needed Sunday October 20, 2024

KA8SCP-Terry Stader – MEMA Region 1 RACES Radio Officer and ARRL ARES District Emergency Coordinator for Region 1 RACES writes:

This year’s Baystate Marathon and Half-Marathon race is scheduled for Sunday October 20, 2024.

Amateur Radio operators have been asked once again to support the Baystate Marathon and Half Marathon. This year the event is on Sunday, October 20th.

Our operational time period is from approximately 0700 until event completion (estimated 1400). Our assistance has been requested by Lowell Office of Emergency Management and Lowell Fire Department. The communications team will be employing Amateur Radio to provide this communications asset.

Amateur Radio will be used for:
* Accountability Net: the purpose of this net is to coordinate with a race public information booth the status of runners who are unable to complete the race for any issue to any one is seeking this information.

Race info may be found at
Course map is found at

Please contact me if you can assist or would like more information.

Please share with others that may be interested. This is a pretty laid back
event and suitable for first time public event participation.


Terry M. Stader – KA8SCP
MEMA Region 1 RACES Officer
ARRL ARES Eastern MA District Emergency Coordinator for Region 1 RACES

K1USN SST Open, September 13, 2024

K1USN SST logoFrom K1USN Happenings, August 13, 2024:


CW ops and contesters from around the world are invited to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the K1USN weekly Slow Speed Contest (SST) by participating in a new event, the K1USN SST OPEN (SSO) to be held annually starting on Friday, September 13 from 2000-2359Z.

From its inception in September 2020, the twice-weekly SST has encouraged CW newcomers to join with experienced ops in a relaxed contest at speeds less than 20WPM. Contest sponsors strongly urge all participants to operate at 12WPM or less to provide new CW ops with a comfortable “on ramp” to CW operating and contesting.

The same speed rules will apply in the Slow Speed Open with the hope that every station that wishes to jump in will be welcome at a pace comfortable for them.

A CW Speed multiplier has been added to the score calculation as an incentive to go slow, (via the submittal form). This speed multiplier is based on your fastest sending speed used during the contest.

Certificates with score and claimed maximum operating speed (honor system) will be available to all entrants.


DATE and TIME: September 13 2000-2359 UTC

Goal: Work as many stations as possible during the four hours on multiple HF bands (160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meters).  Exchange: Name and State/Province (Non US-VE =DX) Score =Total Points x CW Speed Multiplier x Total State/Province/DX Multipliers

Stations may be worked once per band.  

50 point Bonus for working K1USN once per band.

Post log summary on Do NOT mail logs to K1USN

For Complete SSO information including rules and FAQ’s:

Boston ARC POTA Event, Medford, August 10, 2024

Parks On The Air logoBrendan Baldonado, NW1S, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:
Following the great success of our POTA event in July we’re hosting another in August. 
We are planning August 10th at the Mystic Lakes Playground area. It is a little out of the city but there are a few Purple line stations nearby for those that are public transport dependent. We are also hoping to coordinate carpools with anyone that may need that too. 
So Shannon Beach at Mystic lakes has a large parking lot, although I imagine on weekends it gets very busy. (Satellite pictures included below) There are two more lots south of the main lot, and they may expand the parking I’m not sure. Mystic Lakes is between Arlington and Winchester just east of route 3. The parking lot is off of the Mystic Valley Parkway which can have terrible traffic at all times of the day. 
This is our first time going to this location so it’s going to be a bit scrappier than normal. As always we will use the .23 BARC repeater for coordinating onsite. There are only a few tables so bringing a table and chairs will be useful. 
So Bring a radio, and an antenna and power, if you need one you can borrow someones radio usually and we can all take turns. Bring your own lunch and snacks as you see fit. The plus side of this location is that if you want to bring family or kids there is a playground and a beach for swimming. 
If we get enough interest maybe we can bring a propane grill and have a cookout. So make your interest known now! 
Important information:
What: BARC Summer POTA 2!
Where: Shannon Beach Playground, Mystic Lakes State Park 
481 Mystic Valley Pkwy, Medford, MA 02155
When: August 10th, at 10 a.m to 2 p.m.
Who: Anyone that wants to join.
Bring: Food, Water, Sunscreen, and your portable operating station. (Radio, Antenna, Coax, Power)

Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net – Monday August 5th, 2024 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater System

Hello to all…

The August Eastern Massachusetts ARES section net will be Monday August 5th, 2024 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater system.

For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1: (Click the ARES box to see the repeaters and other systems linked)

We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net. We will have several announcements for the net and if a NTS practice message is made available, we will have a NTS practice message sent over the net as we started doing those messages in these nets starting in October 2023.

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503
Email Address:
Like us on Facebook –
Follow us on Twitter –
Subscribe on YouTube –

Reminder: August 5th, 2024 MEMA RACES/ACS Communications Test Net

N1YLQ-Michael Leger, Region 2 RACES Radio Officer writes:
Hello to all,
   This email is the typical monthly message to let everyone know that
Monday evening, August 5th, 2024 is our first non-holiday Monday of the month
and, as such, will be the next RACES/ACS/Preparedness Net night. I would
like to thank the stations that checked into our nets last month. I would also like to
thank those stations who participated in yesterday’s ARES Emergency Exercise. The notice for the 
exercise was relatively short, but from initial reports it seems that the event was well attended.
      As always, I am looking for Net Control stations to staff our sector
nets for the evening. While each of the sector nets and the HF and Winlink nets should all be covered
this month, we are always looking for NCOs to help provide practiced support in the event of a communications Emergency. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in this role! 
      For any operators interested in performing the duties of Net Control
Station (NCS), there are materials available to make the task fairly simple
and straight forward. The net pre-amble and role call lists are available at with the role-call lists on the left column near
the bottom. If anyone is worried that they may mess up running a net, please
remember that, in many cases, a less than perfect net is WAY better than no
net at all! At the conclusion of any net, any operator that acted as Net
Control Operator is asked to please send a note to
<>  letting me know who ran the net and who checked
in so that the proper numbers can be reported to our served agencies. We
cannot always count on our normal net control operators to be available in
the event of a large scale emergency, so every RACES operator should be
prepared to act as NCO if needed when disaster and emergency strikes!
Winlink Net Instructions From Don Rolph: 
*Winlink Net*
To participate:
– create a check-in form using the Winlink standard checkin form
– send via Winlink after 6 AM EST Mon. August 5th and before midnight EST August 7th
  (any mode, but include mode in check-in form) to KF1D
   I continue to ask that any operators who have the time, please try to
check into sector nets from near-by sectors. This will allow our Net
Control Operators to practice fielding nets with a strong check-in count and
will also serve to help practice with relays or modified sector assignments
in the event that a single repeater is out of service.
   For those operators who serve as Net Control Operators, please try to
remember to send me a list of the stations and communities that check into
your nets. The numbers are reported to MEMA to show them our level of
participation. I am continuing to work on a graphical map based report to
show which parts of our section have strong coverage and which areas may
need a more targeted recruitment campaign to improve our ability to provide
back-up communications in an emergency.
    I appreciate you all answering the call to help our communities remain
prepared. Thank you all for helping us keep things on track and prove that
we remain a consistent source of communication capability to the
Commonwealth. This net provides a monthly reminder to our communities and
served agencies that we stand ready with a quiet professionalism prepared to
serve as a voice to whomever needs one to get help and resources to where
they need to be.
 If you know someone who would benefit from being on this list, please have
them contact me at   < and I will
add them to this distribution. Thank you all!
      If anyone has any questions or comments I can be reached by e-mail or
cell phone. Thanks for being a part of our team and I look forward to
hearing back on who can participate this month.
Michael Leger (N1YLQ)
MEMA Region #2 RACES Officer
C: 508_995_0203

Massachusetts RACES Nets – Monday 8/5/24 for HF, Region 2D VHF, NBEMS & Winlink – Times and Details Below

Don Rolph, AB1PH, Walpole area ARES Emergency Coordinator writes:

The MEMA RACES nets are held on the first Monday of the month, unless the first Monday is a holiday, when it is delayed one week,  For August 2024, the RACES nets will be held on Mon August 5th at:

80 meter Voice net
5:45 PM ET
Frequency:  3930 KHz working up to the first free frequency
Matt KC1PFA will be net control

Region 2D VHF net:
7:30 PM ET VHF net on 146.865 MHz PL 103.5 (Sharon Repeater)
We will have  a general call up of any RACES, ARES, or other interested stations.  If there is time, we will have a simplex test.

Don AB1PH will be net control.

HF 80 meters NBEMS net:
Dial Frequency:  3584.5 MHx
Center Frequency: 1500 Hz
Initial mode: THOR22

We will have checkins, followed by an ICS-213 format message using FLMSG.
Don AB1PH will be net control

Winlink Net:
Bryan Marcotte KF1D will be net control.
Send a winlink checkin form to KF1D, copy AB1PH, between 0600 Monday Aug 5 and 2400 Monday Aug 5.
We look forward to you checking in!

Don Rolph

Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net (EMHN) – Saturday 8/3/24 – 1000 AM EDT

Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH writes:

Good Evening,

On Saturday August 3, 2024 the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Group will hold an Eastern MA Hospital Net commencing at 10:00AM.

We realize that some locations, individuals, and groups may be subject to COVID restrictions. We encourage everyone who is affected by these restrictions to utilize their home or mobile stations to check into the net if possible. Even if you cannot reach all the systems being used, please check-in on those you can.

We will use the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Plymouth Repeater 146.685 tone 131.8
2. West Bridgewater Repeater 146.775 dcs 244
3. DMR -Talkgroup 8851 Time Slot :1 on the following NEDECN repeaters: Boston 449.175 -5.M CC:1, Hingham 146.430 -1.5M CC:1, Sagamore 145.200 – 0.6M CC:10, Dennis 146.470 -1.5M CC:11, East Falmouth 145.210 -0.600 CC:9, Martha’s Vineyard145.180 -0.600 CC:10, and Walpole 145.380 -0.600 CC:12.
4. Falmouth Repeater 147.375 tone 110.9
5. Simplex 147.420

We will then return to the Plymouth Repeater for Net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check-in procedure which is: Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to any health care facility, EOC of any city or town as well as RACES or ARES members to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested in trying your hand at Net Control please let us know. We can be reached by sending an email to or replying to this message. The goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many individuals and groups as possible.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct these monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event.

We hope to hear you Saturday.


Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH

Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Wide Exercise – Operation “Big Blow” – Saturday 8/3/24 – 1000 AM-1200 PM EDT

Hello to all…

Understanding the short notice, Eastern Massachusetts ARES is conducting a section wide exercise code named Operation “Big Blow” for this Saturday 8/3/24 from 10 AM-12 PM. Eastern Massachusetts ARES members or any general Amateur Radio Operators are welcome to participate. You need not be an ARES member to participate. The document details frequencies and modes and u can utilize as many or as few modes as you would like during the exercise and also note some local area repeater start times for nets may occur during the 2-hour window and not right at 10 AM. Information is below:

This document may be updated one last time on Friday 8/2/24 with minor changes/finalization of plans. We hope many can participate despite the short notice and thanks to all for their continued support of Eastern Massachusetts ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Email Address:
Like us on Facebook –
Follow us on Twitter –
Subscribe on YouTube –

Boston ARC Parks On The Air Activation, July 27, 2024

Boston ARC logoBrendan Baldonado, NW1S, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:
The BARC Summer POTA event is this Saturday!
What: 2024 BARC POTA event
Where: Herter Park / Charles State Reserve
When: 10 am on July 27th
Bring yourself and a radio if you have one, and lunch and refreshments.
I am planning to Park at the parking lot labeled Christian Park Parking, the address is 1075 Soldiers Field Road. When coming from Downtown or Easterly routes, It is the third parking lot after the set of lights  after the Arlington/Route 3 split near the Elliot Bridge. From Westerly routes it’s the third parking lot after making the reverse direction on Soldiers field road. We will plan to be East of the Herter Park amphitheatre. Any changes will be posted via this thread on the morning of. 
We will meet around 10 am and set up, for any new people to POTA we can help you activate your first park. I will plan to be there for a while for anyone that can’t make 10 am. Let me know when you can be there and I’ll make sure to stick around. 
We can all go for some adult beverages at the Owls nest around the corner after. 
A review of the POTA website for rules is encouraged,
Otherwise the goal is to have some fun, play some radio, get on and learn HF if you’ve never done so before.
Questions and Comments can be answered here or in a less public way with a direct email to me,
Reply if you are planning on or thinking of coming to the POTA event!
Thanks and see you all there.
Brendan – NW1S

Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net (EMHN) – Saturday 7/13/24 – 1000 AM EDT

Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH writes:

Good Afternoon,

On Saturday July 13, 2024 the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Group will hold an Eastern MA Hospital Net commencing at 10:00AM.

We realize that some locations, individuals, and groups may be subject to COVID restrictions. We encourage everyone who is affected by these restrictions to utilize their home or mobile stations to check into the net if possible. Even if you cannot reach all the systems being used, please check-in on those you can.

We will use the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. West Bridgewater Repeater 146.775 dcs 244
2. Dartmouth Repeater 147.000 tone 67.0
3. DMR -Talkgroup 8851 Time Slot :1 on the following NEDECN repeaters: Boston 449.175 -5.M CC:1, Hingham 146.430 -1.5M CC:1, Sagamore 145.200 – 0.6M CC:10, Dennis 146.470 -1.5M CC:11, East Falmouth 145.210 -0.600 CC:9, Martha’s Vineyard145.180 -0.600 CC:10, and Walpole 145.380 -0.600 CC:12.
4. Attleboro Repeater 147.195 tone 127.3
5. Simplex 147.420

We will then return to the West Bridgewater Repeater for Net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check-in procedure which is: Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to any health care facility, EOC of any city or town as well as RACES or ARES members to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested in trying your hand at Net Control please let us know. We can be reached by sending an email to or replying to this message. The goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many individuals and groups as possible.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct these monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event.

We hope to hear you Saturday.


Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH

South Shore Health Amateur Radio Group
55 Fogg Rd. Mail-Stop 42
South Weymouth, MA 02190

Saturday July 6, 2024 Eastern MA hospital Net postponed to Saturday July 13th, 2024 at 1000 AM EDT

Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH writes:

Good afternoon everyone,

The South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Group will hold the Eastern MA Hospital Net on July 13,2024.

The NET usually held on the first Saturday of the month is being postponed 1 week until July 13th.

Given the first Saturday in July is so close to the July 4th holiday, and many folks are extending the holiday through Friday and into weekend, we thought it best to hold the NET on the following Saturday.

Jeff N1SOM, will send out a notice with the repeaters being used on the 13th sometime this week giving everyone an ample opportunity to be prepared for the NET.

Happy 4th of July! We hope to hear you on the air Saturday July 13th.


John K1JRO and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH

South Shore Health Amateur Radio Group
55 Fogg Rd. Mail-Stop 42
South Weymouth, MA 02190

Reminder: July 1st, 2024 MEMA RACES/ACS Communications Test Net

Mike “Sparky” Leger, N1YLQ, Region 2 RACES Radio Officer writes:

Hello to all,

This email is the typical monthly message to let everyone know that
Monday evening, July 1st, 2024 is our first non-holiday Monday of the month
and, as such, will be the next RACES/ACS/Preparedness Net night. I would
like to thank the stations that checked into our nets last month. I would also like to
thank those stations that have helped with Skywarn operations over the last few
weeks as the weather has kept that comms team particularly busy!

Please note that the 80m HF Voice net will have a Net Control Op with lower than
usual power. Please use relays and patience as necessary to move messages through
the net this time around.

As always, I am looking for Net Control stations to staff our sector
nets for the evening. This month I am working my shift with the fire department and will
be unreliable at best as NCOfor the Sector 2A net. If anyone would like to act as NCO, for the 2A net please let me know! The other Sector Nets and the HF and Winlink nets should all be covered this month for NCOs.

For any operators interested in performing the duties of Net Control
Station (NCS), there are materials available to make the task fairly simple
and straight forward. The net pre-amble and role call lists are available at and with the role-call lists on the left column near
the bottom. If anyone is worried that they may mess up running a net, please
remember that, in many cases, a less than perfect net is WAY better than no
net at all! At the conclusion of any net, any operator that acted as Net
Control Operator is asked to please send a note to
letting me know who ran the net and who checked
in so that the proper numbers can be reported to our served agencies. We
cannot always count on our normal net control operators to be available in
the event of a large scale emergency, so every RACES operator should be
prepared to act as NCO if needed when disaster and emergency strikes!

Winlink Net Instructions From Don Rolph:

*Winlink Net*

To participate:

– create a check-in form using the Winlink standard checkin form

– send via Winlink after 6 AM EST Mon. June 3rd and before midnight EST June
4th (any mode, but include mode in check-in form) to KF1D

I continue to ask that any operators who have the time, please try to
check into sector nets from near-by sectors. This will allow our Net
Control Operators to practice fielding nets with a strong check-in count and
will also serve to help practice with relays or modified sector assignments
in the event that a single repeater is out of service.

For those operators who serve as Net Control Operators, please try to
remember to send me a list of the stations and communities that check into
your nets. The numbers are reported to MEMA to show them our level of
participation. I am continuing to work on a graphical map based report to
show which parts of our section have strong coverage and which areas may
need a more targeted recruitment campaign to improve our ability to provide
back-up communications in an emergency.

I appreciate you all answering the call to help our communities remain
prepared. Thank you all for helping us keep things on track and prove that
we remain a consistent source of communication capability to the
Commonwealth. This net provides a monthly reminder to our communities and
served agencies that we stand ready with a quiet professionalism prepared to
serve as a voice to whomever needs one to get help and resources to where
they need to be.

If you know someone who would benefit from being on this list, please have
them contact me at and I will add them to this distribution.
Thank you all!

If anyone has any questions or comments I can be reached by e-mail or
cell phone. Thanks for being a part of our team and I look forward to
hearing back on who can participate this month.


Michael Leger (N1YLQ)
MEMA Region #2 RACES Officer
C: 508_995_0203

New Amateur Satellites Expected to Launch on July 2, 2024

AMSAT logoJoe Fitzgerald, KM1P, writes on the Sci-Tech ARS mailing list:
Several satellites carrying Amateur radio payloads are expected to launch next week.    While launches are often delayed due to technical and weather issues, presently the launch is scheduled 0403 UTC July 2, or slightly after midnight local time.  New England Sci-Tech and its crack team of orbital analysts stands ready to supply the amateur radio community with the Two Line Elements, AKA TLEs that describe the orbit of an earth satellite via daily bulletins.  TLEs are used by tracking software to determine exactly when satellites will pass overhead, and where to point your antennas.

The satellites in this mission are designed to be in a “sun synchronous” orbit which takes advantage of the slight bulge of the earth at the equator nudge the orbit the orbit such that it passes over ground stations  at approximately the same times every day.    Since this launch is at 9 pm local time, we expect these satellites to pass over us at about 9AM and 9PM daily .   This orbit was chosen in part to assure that these spacecraft are always in sunlight reducing the need for on board batteries.    If you don’t want to stay up to watch the launch, don’t despair, you can listen for the new baby satellites on Tuesday morning once the rotation of the earth places us under the orbital plane of these birds.    Below is a summary of the satellites transmitting in the amateur satellite service, more details of these and other payloads transmitting in other services are available.

MESAT-1 has a 30 kHz wide V/U Transponder plus a 1k2 BPSK telemetry downlink. Telemetry downlink 435.800 MHz with transponder downlink 435.810-435.840 MHz, and transponder uplink 145.910-145.940 MHz   Note:   the ham radio equipment on this spacecraft was provided by NEST partner AMSAT.
Serenity has a  4k8 FM with AX25 on 437.100 MHz
CatSat UHF downlink using 9k6 or 38k4 GMSK but will also relay WSPR and FT8 signals from HF. Downlinks on 437.185 MHz and 10470.00 MHz
KubeSat 1 UHF downlink using 9k6 GMSK. A downlink on 437.085 MHz
SOC-i UHF downlink using 4k8 GMSK. downlink 437.125 MHz
-Joe KM1P

Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net – Monday July 1st, 2024 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater System

Hello to all…

The July Eastern Massachusetts ARES section net will be Monday July 1st, 2024 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater system.

For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1: (Click the ARES box to see the repeaters and other systems linked)

We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net. We will have several announcements for the net and if a NTS practice message is made available, we will have a NTS practice message sent over the net as we started doing those messages in these nets starting in October 2023.

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503
Email Address:
Like us on Facebook –
Follow us on Twitter –
Subscribe on YouTube –

Massachusetts RACES Nets – Monday 7/1/24 for HF, Region 2D VHF, NBEMS & Winlink – Times and Details Below

Don Rolph, AB1PH, Walpole area ARES Emergency Coordinator writes:

The MEMA RACES nets are held on the first Monday of the month, unless the first Monday is a holiday, when it is delayed one week, For July 2024, the RACES nets will be held on Mon July 1 at:


Time: July 1 @ 6:45 PM ET
Frequency: 3930 KHz moving up to the first free frequency

Net Control: Matt KC1FA


Region 2D VHF net:
7:30 PM ET VHF net on 146.865 MHz PL 103.5 (Sharon Repeater)
We will have a general call up of any RACES, ARES, or other interested stations. If there is time, we will have a simplex test.
Jim WJ1R will be net control.


HF 80 meters NBEMS net:
Dial Frequency: 3584.5 MHx
Center Frequency: 1500 Hz
Initial mode: THOR22
We will have checkins, followed by an ICS-213 format message using FLMSG.
Alan WA1AR will be net control


Winlink Net:
Bryan Marcotte KF1D will be net control.
Send a winlink checkin form to KF1D, copy AB1PH, between 0600 Monday July 1 and 2400 Monday July 1.

We look forward to you checking in!

Don Rolph

Reminder: June 3rd, 2024 MEMA RACES/ACS Communications Test Net

Hello to all,

    This email is the typical monthly message to let everyone know that Monday evening, June 3rd, 2024 is our first non-holiday Monday of the month and, as such, will be the next RACES/ACS/Preparedness Net night. I would like to thank the stations that checked into our nets last month as well as those stations that participated in the section emergency exercise that occurred this past weekend. This month kicks off Hurricane Season and we should all be getting on the ball to be able to assist and respond to emergency communication needs in our communities. While the peak timeframe of concern for our part of the country tends to be on the later end of the season, forecasters seem quite concerned that this season may be much more… fruitful… than recent seasons and will bear close watching all season long.

      Please note that the 80m HF Voice net will be cancelled this month as there is expected to be no NCO available for the net. More information should be coming out in the near future regarding trying to bolster the NCO capabilities of this important, statewide and region wide net. The 80m NBEMS net is expected to continue as scheduled in its normal monthly fashion.

      As always, I am looking for Net Control stations to staff our sector nets for the evening. This month I expect to be able to run the Sector 2A net, however, if anyone would like to act as NCO, for the 2A net please let me know! I have NCS operators for the other remaining nets.

      For any operators interested in performing the duties of Net Control Station (NCS), there are materials available to make the task fairly simple and straight forward. The net pre-amble and role call lists are available at and with the role-call lists on the left column near the bottom. If anyone is worried that they may mess up running a net, please remember that, in many cases, a less than perfect net is WAY better than no net at all! At the conclusion of any net, any operator that acted as Net Control Operator is asked to please send a note to letting me know who ran the net and who checked in so that the proper numbers can be reported to our served agencies. We cannot always count on our normal net control operators to be available in the event of a large scale emergency, so every RACES operator should be prepared to act as NCO if needed when disaster and emergency strikes!

Winlink Net Instructions From Don Rolph: 

*Winlink Net*

To participate:

– create a check-in form using the Winlink standard checkin form

– send via Winlink after 6 AM EST Mon. June 4th and before midnight EST June 8th  (any mode, but include mode in check-in form) to KF1D

   I continue to ask that any operators who have the time, please try to check into sector nets from near-by sections. This will allow our Net Control Operators to practice fielding nets with a strong check-in count and will also serve to help practice with relays or modified sector assignments in the event that a single repeater is out of service. 

   For those operators who serve as Net Control Operators, please try to remember to send me a list of the stations and communities that check into your nets. The numbers are reported to MEMA to show them our level of participation. I am continuing to work on a graphical map based report to show which parts of our section have strong coverage and which areas may need a more targeted recruitment campaign to improve our ability to provide back-up communications in an emergency.

The Region #2 and State Net Schedule for this evening is as follows:

Net Frequency/Offset Time
Sector 2A 147.00 /+0.60  PL 19:30 Local
Sector 2B 145.39/-0.60  PL 67.0 20:00 Local
Sector 2C Winlink Net Check-In 6AM-Midnight Local Time
Sector 2D 146.865/-0.60  PL 103.5 19:30 Local
6-Meter State Net 53.31 / -1.0  PL 71.9  


Note: Net activity on this repeater has been hit and miss. Please report any activity.

19:00 Local
MA RACES HF Net 3930 KHz LSB moving up to 3955 KHz until there is a clear frequency CANCELLED THIS MONTH
MA MEMA NBEMS Net Frequency:  3584.5 MHx, Center Frequency: 1500 Hz, Initial mode: THOR22 19:00 Local

    I appreciate you all answering the call to help our communities remain prepared. Thank you all for helping us keep things on track and prove that we remain a consistent source of communication capability to the Commonwealth. This net provides a monthly reminder to our communities and served agencies that we stand ready with a quiet professionalism prepared to serve as a voice to whomever needs one to get help and resources to where they need to be.

 If you know someone who would benefit from being on this list, please have them contact me at and I will add them to this distribution. Thank you all!

      If anyone has any questions or comments I can be reached by e-mail or cell phone. Thanks for being a part of our team and I look forward to hearing back on who can participate this month.


Michael Leger (N1YLQ)

MEMA Region #2 RACES Officer

C: 508_995_0203 

Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net – Monday June 3rd, 2024 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater System

Hello to all…

The June Eastern Massachusetts ARES section net will be Monday June 3rd, 2024 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater system.

For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1: (Click the ARES box to see the repeaters and other systems linked)

We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net. We will have several announcements for the net and we will continue the NTS practice message that we started doing in these nets in October 2023.

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503
Email Address:
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Massachusetts RACES Nets – Monday 6/3/24 for HF, Region 2D VHF, NBEMS & Winlink – Times and Details Below

Don Rolph, AB1PH, Walpole area ARES Emergency Coordinator writes:

The MEMA RACES nets are held on the first Monday of the month, unless the first Monday is a holiday, when it is delayed one week. For June 2024, the RACES nets will be held on Mon June 3 at:


No 80 Meter HF net given there is NCS station available this month.


Region 2D VHF net:
7:30 PM ET VHF net on 146.865 MHz PL 103.5 (Sharon Repeater)
We will have a general call up of any RACES, ARES, or other interested stations. If there is time, we will have a simplex test.
Don Rolph as WA1PLE will be net control.


HF 80 meters NBEMS net:
7:00 PM ET
Dial Frequency: 3584.5 MHx
Center Frequency: 1500 Hz
Initial mode: THOR22
We will have checkins, followed by an ICS-213 format message using FLMSG.

Don Rolph AB1PH will be net control.


Winlink Net:
Bryan Marcotte KF1D will be net control.
Send a winlink checkin form to KF1D, copy AB1PH, between 0600 Monday June 3 and 2400 Monday June 3.

We look forward to you checking in!

Don Rolph

Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net (EMHN) – Sunday June 1st, 2024 – 1000 AM ET

Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH writes:

Good Evening,

On Saturday June 1, 2024 the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Group will hold an Eastern MA Hospital Net commencing at 10:00AM.

We realize that some locations, individuals, and groups may be subject to COVID restrictions. We encourage everyone who is affected by these restrictions to utilize their home or mobile stations to check into the net if possible. Even if you cannot reach all the systems being used, please check-in on those you can.

We will use the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Plymouth Repeater 146.685 tone 131.8
2. West Bridgewater Repeater 146.775 dcs 244
3. DMR -Talkgroup 8851 Time Slot :1 on the following NEDECN repeaters: Boston 449.175 -5.M CC:1, Hingham 146.430 -1.5M CC:1, Sagamore 145.200 – 0.6M CC:10, Dennis 146.470 -1.5M CC:11, East Falmouth 145.210 -0.600 CC:9, Martha’s Vineyard145.180 -0.600 CC:10, and Walpole 145.380 -0.600 CC:12.
4. Sharon Repeater 146.865 tone 103.5
5. Simplex 147.420

We will then return to the Plymouth Repeater for Net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check-in procedure which is: Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to any health care facility, EOC of any city or town as well as RACES or ARES members to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested in trying your hand at Net Control please let us know. We can be reached by sending an email to or replying to this message. The goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many individuals and groups as possible.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct these monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event.

We hope to hear you Saturday.


Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH

Reminder: May 6th, 2024 MEMA RACES/ACS Communications Test Net

Hello to all,

    This email is the typical monthly message to let everyone know that Monday evening, May 6th, 2024 is our first non-holiday Monday of the month and, as such, will be the next RACES/ACS/Preparedness Net night. I would like to thank the stations that checked into our nets last month as well as those stations that participated in the section emergency exercise that occurred this past weekend.

      As always, I am looking for Net Control stations to staff our sector nets for the evening. This month I am on my 24 hour Fire/EMS shift (Yes, Group A on my department has been landing on net night a lot in the last few months hopefully that will end soon!) and I may not be able to run the Sector 2A net. As such, I am looking for any interested operator that may want to take that net to prevent the net from not occurring. If there is no Net Control Operator at the start of the net I strongly encourage any of the on-frequency stations to take over as NCO and run the net and submit a net report via email. If anyone would like to act as NCO, for the 2A net please let me know! As always I am looking for NCS operators to lead the Sector 2B (Plymouth County) net. Sector 2D has already arranged for an NCS operator for this month’s net and Sector 2C is a Winlink only net on a monthly basis.

              For any operators interested in performing the duties of Net Control Station (NCS), there are materials available to make the task fairly simple and straight forward. The net pre-amble and role call lists are available at and with the role-call lists on the left column near the bottom. If anyone is worried that they may mess up running a net, please remember that, in many cases, a less than perfect net is WAY better than no net at all! At the conclusion of any net, any operator that acted as Net Control Operator is asked to please send a note to letting me know who ran the net and who checked in so that the proper numbers can be reported to our served agencies. We cannot always count on our normal net control operators to be available in the event of a large scale emergency, so every RACES operator should be prepared to act as NCO if needed when disaster and emergency strikes!

 Winlink Net Instructions From Don Rolph: 

*Winlink Net*

To participate:

– create a check-in form using the Winlink standard checkin form

– send via Winlink after 6 AM EST Mon. May 6th and before midnight EST May 7th  (any mode, but include mode in check-in form) to KF1D

    I continue to ask that any operators who have the time, please try to check into sector nets from near-by sections. This will allow our Net Control Operators to practice fielding nets with a strong check-in count and will also serve to help practice with relays or modified sector assignments in the event that a single repeater is out of service. 

   For those operators who serve as Net Control Operators, please try to remember to send me a list of the stations and communities that check into your nets. The numbers are reported to MEMA to show them our level of participation. I am continuing to work on a graphical map based report to show which parts of our section have strong coverage and which areas may need a more targeted recruitment campaign to improve our ability to provide back-up communications in an emergency.

The Region #2 and State Net Schedule for this evening is as follows:

Net Frequency/Offset Time
Sector 2A 147.00 /+0.60  PL 19:30 Local
Sector 2B 145.39/-0.60  PL 67.0 20:00 Local
Sector 2C Winlink Net Check-In 6AM-Midnight Local Time
Sector 2D 146.865/-0.60  PL 103.5 19:30 Local
6-Meter State Net 53.31 / -1.0  PL 71.9  


Note: Net activity on this repeater has been hit and miss. Please report any activity.

19:00 Local
MA RACES HF Net 3930 KHz LSB moving up to 3955 KHz until there is a clear frequency 18:45 Local
MA MEMA NBEMS Net Frequency:  3584.5 MHx, Center Frequency: 1500 Hz, Initial mode: THOR22 19:00 Local

    I appreciate you all answering the call to help our communities remain prepared. Thank you all for helping us keep things on track and prove that we remain a consistent source of communication capability to the Commonwealth. This net provides a monthly reminder to our communities and served agencies that we stand ready with a quiet professionalism prepared to serve as a voice to whomever needs one to get help and resources to where they need to be.

 If you know someone who would benefit from being on this list, please have them contact me at and I will add them to this distribution. Thank you all!

      If anyone has any questions or comments I can be reached by e-mail or cell phone. Thanks for being a part of our team and I look forward to hearing back on who can participate this month.


Michael Leger (N1YLQ)

MEMA Region #2 RACES Officer

C: 508_995_0203