AF1T: “How and Why Antennas Work” at Nashoba Valley ARC Meeting, March 20, 2025

Nashoba Valley ARC logoThe Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club‘s March meeting is Thursday, March 20th at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell). We start gathering at 7 PM to socialize before the meeting starts. NVARC has a special treat in store for you at the March meeting.  Dale Clement, AF1T, will be talking about antennas.  NVARC has had Dale speak before, but we have enough new members and new hams that we just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have him speak again.  Dale demonstrates practically and visually how and why antennas work.  Trust me: He’s entertaining, and you will learn a lot.  Do not miss this meeting!

The Board of Directors would also like to discuss possible plans for the N1MNX repeater system with membership, April elections of officers, Field Day in June, etc.  So please plan on attending the meeting.

If you need directions to the club meeting, please click <> here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks, and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG
978-772-2773 or  <

HamX 2025 Ticketing Open



Ticketing is now available for HamX ’25, to be held August 21 through 25 at the Best Western Hotel and Conference Center in Marlborough, Mass.

Tickets to the Friday DX/Contest dinner, as well as the convention, are available online here.

We have special news concerning our Friday DXCC dinner:

DX Engineering (“DXE”) has graciously agreed to be the official sponsor for the Northeast HamXposition Friday evening DX/Contest Banquet. According to DX Engineering CEO Tim Duffy, K3LR, the company will donate six $100 gift certificates toward purchase of products from the company, along with a major prize of an Icom IC-7610 with a retail value of $3,250.00. 

The HamXposition Committee wishes to express its sincere appreciation to Tim Duffy and the DX Engineering team for their generosity! 

The IC-7610 will be the major door prize for the Friday DXCC Dinner, which is featuring well-known international DXer/Contester Ned Stearns, AA7A. Ned will talk about Remote DXpeditioning and the Radio-In-a-Box (RIB) technology.

Learn more about the entire convention at

WJ1B: “How to Become a POTA Hunter” at Sci-Tech ARS Hybrid Meeting, March 18, 2025

New England Sci Tech logoMarch 18, 2025: “How to Become a POTA Hunter” by Harold Kramer, WJ1B.

Description: Parks on the Air, POTA, is one of the fastest growing and most popular programs in Amateur Radio today. This presentation will provide an overview of the Parks on the Air program and will emphasize the tools, techniques, and practices for becoming an effective POTA Hunter. Hunters are stations that are not operating in a park, but rather, usually at their home stations. Hunters are essential to the POTA program because without Hunters, the Activators, stations located in a park, would have no one to work!  

Bio: Harold retired eight years ago as the Chief Operating Officer of the ARRL and Publisher of QST. He still writes Product Reviews and Classic Radio columns. He is currently a volunteer at the ARRL Lab and a member of the ARRL Board’s Historical Committee. He is an avid POTA Hunter with over 2,600 confirmed parks.  Harold was first licensed as KN1ZCK at age 14. He spent his entire career in the cable television and broadcast industries. Before joining the ARRL, Harold was the Chief Technology Officer of Connecticut Public Broadcasting. He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from The University of Connecticut.  Here is a link to Harold’s website:

NE1PL/ USS Massachusetts Scout Operating Event, Fall River, April 19, 2025

NE1PL QSL cardThe USTNR [Uncommon Service to Nautical Radio]  plans to activate the USS Massachusetts on April 19, 2025, according to Rick Emord, KB1TEE.

“We plan to get on the ship around 0800 to celebrate scouting. We will pack up at 1530. Come on down if you can only spend a few minutes or any times, just come to the ship’s gift shop and sign the page with my name on it.”

—Thanks, Massasoit ARA March 2025 newsletter


March 2025 Section News

HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!  I hope everyone had a fine time wearin’ o’ the green and being Irish for a day. Drinking Guinness, or Harp, or Jameson’s, or Bushmill’s. And ya’ know, I love a corned beef and cabbage dinner as much as the next guy, but I’ve had enough for a while – maybe a whole year! 

I hope you all made it through the Daylight-Saving Time transition. What a pain! Personally, I’d rather we just picked a time zone and stayed with it year-round, but that’s just me. For those of me that just can’t wake up early, I’m thrilled with the extra daylight in the late afternoon/early evening. And it gives me more operating time before the higher HF bands shut down for the night! Yay! 

* New Ham Report on EMA Website 

Please keep an eye out for the New Ham Report on the Eastern MA website. Monthly, around the 5th of the month, I will pull the report and post it on When you hear these new licensees on your local repeater, reach out and make them feel welcome! 

* Ham Radio Open House Coming in April 

Ham Radio Open House is coming in April and clubs across the country are urged to participate. 

It’s now possible for a radio club or school to add their station open house to the ARRL Ham Radio Open House Locator. 

The Open House Locator is linked from the World Amateur Radio Day page at or go directly to the locator at 

Details about Ham Radio Open House are at World Amateur Radio Day (  

 * Eastern MA Section Clubs Conduct Ham License Classes 

This month clubs in the EMA Section conducted several Ham License Classes: 

The Barnstable Amateur Radio Club (BARC) on Cape Cod, conducted another successful Technician class focused on First Responders. A week or so later, the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) also on Cape Cod, did a training session for Public Service personnel. Details at . And the Cape Ann ARA will conduct a tech-in-a-day session on April 19. Details at . Big kudos and thanks to all these clubs, helping keep the ham radio hobby alive! 

*  Virtual NTS Traffic Net Began March 5, 2025 

Many Technician class amateurs miss out on fun and skills learning of traffic handling because they reside in areas of the country where local traffic nets on VHF repeaters don’t exist. The Virtual NTS Traffic Net (VNTN) seeks to address this problem with the creation of a Zoom-based local traffic net that can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.   

The Net meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm ET. The VNTN URL is: <>  

Full details at   

* Still Recruiting a New Section Youth Coordinator  

Sadly, our Section’s former Section Youth Coordinator, Paul K1YUB, is now a Silent Key. I need to fill this important position on the EMA Section Staff. The SYC requirement and job description is at  If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact me at  – I’ll appreciate it greatly!   

 * 2025 Northeast HamXposition is Coming! 

Mark your calendars! The 2025 Northeast HamXposition is not too far away: August 21-24, 2025, in Marlborough, MA. This is New England’s premier ham gathering. I hope to have an eyeball QSO with all of you at HamX! More info at 

 * N1ILZ for a Final   

Can you write a paragraph or two about what you’re up to, so I can publish it in the Section Update? Let me know via email at!   

 * For always up-to-date news, please visit the EMA Section website at   

This Section News Update was brought to you by Section Manager Jon N1ILZ.  


Falmouth ARA Sponsors Ham License Class for Public Safety Personnel

Charlie, K1CB writes:

On Friday evening, February 28 thru March 2, Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) held a special Technician class for public safety personnel in our area.

Instructors Ralph Swenson, N1YHS, and Charlie Bresnahan, K1CB, are pleased to report that six new hams passed the Technician license test; one person failed to pass by one question.  We are sure we will see him back in the near future.

—Charlie/K1CB, Secretary, Falmouth Amateur Radio Association

April Fools Dual Half-Marathon, Gloucester, April 15, 2025

CAARA public service lawn signChris Winczewski, W1TAT, writes on the Cape Ann ARA mailing list:

The Saturday April 5th Fools Dual Half-Marathon in Gloucester is less than 3 weeks away and we are still short volunteers to staff this race.

Please help !
This is our kick-off to the season and while volunteers have signed up for races through the entire season, we need 3 more checkpoint volunteers for April 5th.
Can you help out?
Please see the race details and open slots for this race and future races and email Chris, W1TAT,, as soon as possible.
Many thanks and 73,
Chris, W1TAT

AC1KY: “Aircraft Tracking with SDR” at Wellesley ARS Meeting, March 18, 2025

Peter Morrison, AC1KY, will be speaking on “Aircraft Tracking with SDR” at the Wellesley ARS Meeting on March 18, 2025 at 7:30 PM at the Wellesley Police Station at 485 Washington St. (Route 16), Wellesley, MA. (Please park on the street, not in the police station parking lot.)

Aircraft Tracking using SDR will describe the ADS-B aircraft beaconing system, its development, and the use of low-cost RTL-SDR receivers to display aircraft data. Today, all aircraft worldwide are required to transmit ADSB signals.

The ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) is like radar in the sense that it also provides surveillance information to a controller. However, the way it works is a bit different, which will be explained later. An ADS-B system can
be further explained as below:

A (Automatic): The system requires no action from either the transmitter (aircraft/pilot) or the receiver (air traffic
D (Dependent): It is dependent on aircraft systems to provide the data
S (Surveillance): The information from the system is used to identify an aircraft
B (Broadcast): The data from the system is continuously transmitted by the transmitter or the aircraft to any station with
proper equipment to receive it.


Cape Ann ARA “Tech-In-A-Day” Session, April 19, 2025

CAARA logoOffered by:


Saturday, April 19,2025

8:00am to 5:00 pm

Thank you for your interest in becoming an amateur radio operator. Our Technician In A Day session is a study course. The course allows you to become licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. You should obtain a copy of the ARRL Technician Class License Manual. You may purchase this book at Ham Radio Outlet in Salem, NH or any other amateur radio related store. You should read the book. The information contained therein will allow you to answer questions on a 35 question test for obtaining your Technician License.

There are videos on YouTube at W4EEY  for Technician Class that explain the theory and cover the questions to enhance your knowledge. You may also take practice exams at HamStudy for comprehension.


  1. You should apply for and obtain a FCC Registration Number at: //
  2. You will be charged a slight fee for this course. $40.00. (Normally, $15.00 for the Examination $15.00 for Study Materials and $10.00 for snacks and drinks which will be provided for the session.)
(Youth under 18 years of age is $30.00 as youth license examining is $5.00, $15.00 for Study Materials and $10.00 for snacks and drinks.)
  1. The Tech In A Day Session will be almost a full day session (8 am to 5pm)
    1. The first Study Session begins at 9:00am for 45 minutes and you will be given a 15 minute break before the next session begins at 10 am.
    2. Three study sessions will be held before a lunch break (approximately 11:45am-1:00pm)
    3. There will be three more study sessions in the afternoon to run to 3:45 pm.
    4. Examination for Technician Class will begin at 4:00 pm. (4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.)

You will be administered an examination of 35 questions of which you must score at least 26 out of 35 or better to PASS. Upon completion of your successful examination you will be handed a Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination) (CSCE Form).   The FCC requires a $35.00 Application payment before your license is sent to you,  (For Youth under 18 years the ARRL will reimburse the parents for Application Fee with reimbursement document provided at Test Session.) 

Upon Application Fee payment your Amateur Radio License is processed within 24-36 hours if paid by 5:00 pm (Mon-Fri).

If you would like more information, you may email us at or Telephone (978) 504-9112 for more information.

Please pre-register for the course:

Bill Poulin, WZ1L

Course Instructor

N6BT: “Will It Work” at PART of Westford Hybrid Meeting, March 18, 2025

PART of Westford logoThe March PART meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, beginning at 7:30 PM at the Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford, MA, and via Webex video conference.  For those attending via video conference, a meeting link is below; just click on the green button to join in.  You can join the conference any time after 7:00 PM to check out your gear or just rag chew until the meeting starts. Bear in mind that internet connectivity from the senior center may be unreliable.
Our guest speaker for the meeting is Tom Schiller, N6BT, who will be connecting via video conference from Arizona. Tom is the founder of Force-12 Antennas (now part of JK Antennas), and his topic is “Will it work?”, which describes looking at antenna design and components to see if the antenna will be efficient and, therefore, effective for us. There is a look at the construction and components of the fairly new Big Kansas Coil, plus other YouTube tests and two tests using our drones on a Buddi-Pole. There are also some suggestions along the way on magnetic loops.
All attendees are encouraged to bring donations of non-perishable food for the Westford Food Pantry.
See you Tuesday!
George, K1IG

President, PART of Westford

[Contact George Allison, K1IG, at georallison -at- gmail -dot- com for Webex link]

W1MJ Fox Deployed, Belmont, March 14, 2025

Eliot Mayer, W1MJ, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on March 14, 2025 at 12:59 PM:
The W1MJ Fox is on the air. 
Location:  Lone Tree Hill Conservation Area, Belmont, MA
Parking:  Main parking lot is on Mill St.  Parking is also allowed at Belmont Day School, but might be full if there is a school event.
Trail Map:  PDF  (see also AllTrails)
Frequency:  147.54 MHz
Schedule:  Transmits every 60 seconds from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily.  Will be retrieved after 6:00 PM on Sunday.
The fox is transmitting with 4 watts to a roll-up J-Pole antenna.  The trail conditions are finally good, with just one spot slightly muddy due to stubborn ice still melting.  The weather should be awesome today and tomorrow, but iffy on Sunday.

KD1D Fox Is On The Loose, Littleton, March 14, 2025

Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on March 14, 2025 at 3:39 PM:
The KD1D Fox is on the loose in Littleton, MA, operating on 146.565 MHz FM and transmitting a short spoken message about once per minute.
You should be able to hear it from Route 119.
Your best bet for entry is to take a road with a name similar to one of the USS Enterprise Starship Captains.
This is my old same Fox, operating on 146.565 MHz with a 25-second message repeating once per minute.  Output power is about 50 milliwatts.
I will retrieve it Sunday afternoon after 4 pm, since some rain is expected on Monday.
Happy Hunting and 73 de KD1D!

Ham Radio Open House Coming in April

Mike Walters, W8ZY writes:

Ham Radio Open House is coming in April and clubs across the country are urged to participate.

It’s now possible for a radio club or school to add their station open house to the ARRL Ham Radio Open House Locator.

The Open House Locator is linked from the World Amateur Radio Day page at, or go directly to the locator at

Details about Ham Radio Open House are at World Amateur Radio Day


W1DYJ: “FT8—An Update” at Minuteman Repeater Association Hybrid Meeting, March 19, 2025

MMRA logoMMRA Membership Meeting: Wednesday, 19 March 2025 ~7:30 – 9:30 pm

“FT8—An Update,” Larry Banks, W1DYJ

This is a Hybrid meeting: New England Sci-Tech + ZOOM

Location: New England Sci-Tech, 16 Tech Circle, Natick, MA

Members: log into your account on MMRA.ORG to obtain the Zoom information. Non-members: email: to request the information.

Bio: Larry first gave this talk in 2019. Since then a lot has changed and FT8 is now very popular. This talk will review the 2019 talk which discusses how to use WSJT-X and FT8, and will add some insights that Larry has discovered with the nearly 6000 contacts he has logged on FT8. Licensed in 1961 as novice KN1VFX, Larry became W1DYJ in 1966. After acquiring three degrees in EE from MIT, Larry was hired in 1969 by Hewlett-Packard Medical’s Cardiac lab in Waltham, MA, working on Electrocardiographs and then Cardiac Ultrasound systems. He moved to HP Medical Education in 1993, responsible for technical and project management training. When HP split apart, he became Agilent Technology’s global program manager for their Learning Management System. “Retiring” in 2005, he consulted for Avago (now Broadcom) on eLearning technologies through 2012. He now spends his time chasing DX and contesting in Woburn, traveling with his wife Maren, and attending many jazz and classical concerts. He is the net manager and newsletter editor for the MMRA, publications editor for HamXposition, and a member of the YCCC.

WA1PBU: “The Highs and Lows of Aeronautical Mobile Operation” at Sci-Tech ARS Hybrid Meeting, March 11, 2025

New England Sci Tech logoTuesday, March 11: “The Highs and Lows of Aeronautical Mobile Operation” by Kim O. Peck, WA1PBU

Description: This presentation will cover details of aeronautical mobile operation from light aircraft. The material covered will be useful to pilots who wish to explore aero mobile, as well as to non-pilot-hams who may be offered a plane ride and who would appreciate tips, experience, and advice.

Bio: Kim Peck is an electrical engineer, was first licensed as a ham in 1971, and obtained his pilot’s license in 1975.

First Region Net and Eastern Area Net Afternoon Time Changes

With the time change from Standard to Daylight Savings Time on March 9, 2025 the daytime sessions of the First Region Net will meet at 1445 and 1630 Eastern Daylight Time. This change accommodates the Eastern Area Net daytime session which will meet at 1530 EDT Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and at 1515 EDT on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  For now the First Region Net frequency will remain at 3950 kHz primary and 7243 kHz alternate for both sessions. EAN meets on 7243 kHz.

Eastern MA New Hams Report for March 1, 2025

Here is the new ham report as of March 1, listing newly licensed hams. Club officials, please review the list and reach out to those in your footprint and invite, welcome them. To all: please welcome these folks when you hear them on local repeaters. Offer assistance as well!

Report for 2025-03-01

Keith Maynard, KC1WFW – FCC
179 Whitney Rd
Ashby, MA 01431-2218

Sai Subramanian, KC1WDS – FCC
2 Jennifer Path
Acton, MA 01720-4177

Gregory S Adkins, KC1WFE – FCC
40 Hillside Rd
Carlisle, MA 01741-1132

Tayler Pitkin, KC1WFQ – FCC
130 Prospect St
Carlisle, MA 01741-1826

Theodore P Fiust, KC1WIB – FCC
54 Fairview Ave
Natick, MA 01760-4269

Gabriel A Bolter, KC1WGK – FCC
PO Box 705
Sudbury, MA 01776-0705

Joseph S Campbell, AC1TR – FCC
65 Prospect St
Woburn, MA 01801-4341

Richard H Boyd, KC1WFN – FCC
3 Redgate Dr
Andover, MA 01810-5919

Ethan Norton, KC1WHH – FCC
4 Tennyson Rd
Reading, MA 01867-1650

Jacob D Boisclair, K9RAV – FCC
194 Fayette St
Lynn, MA 01902-2242

Scott Leblanc, K1WTN – FCC
PO Box 264
Danvers, MA 01923-0464

Liam R Crossen, KC1WEP – FCC
9 Woodholm Rd
Manchester, MA 01944-1041

Camden C Johnson, KC1WDQ – FCC
6 Summit Pl
Newburyport, MA 01950-3804

William F Waters, N1BAV – FCC
54 Gardner St
Peabody, MA 01960-1843

Michael S Sullivan, KC1WEZ – FCC
45 Daniels St
Salem, MA 01970-5657

Brian Bodiya, KC1WIH – FCC
133 Oak St
Franklin, MA 02038-1841

Austin G Swinney, KC1WIC – FCC
16 Stoney Beach Rd
Hull, MA 02045-3317

Peter McNaughton, KC1WHE – FCC
67 Pine St
Medfield, MA 02052-1309

Austin Russell, KC1WGT – FCC
100 Lovejoy Wharf Unit 8C
Boston, MA 02114-2149

Scott Abramson, KC1WGF – FCC
716 Columbus Ave
Boston, MA 02120-2111

Ryan Raschkovsky, KC1WDR – FCC
716 Columbus Ave
Boston, MA 02120-2111

Alicja Mahr, KC1WDN – FCC
7 Greylock Rd Apt 2
Allston, MA 02134-2577

Vera L Berger, KC1WHM – FCC
299 Vassar St
Cambridge, MA 02139-4310

David C Treff, KC1WFV – FCC
21 Mead St
Somerville, MA 02144-2443

Benjamin C Wirz, KC1WET – FCC
17 Palmer St
Medford, MA 02155-1118

Christopher Reeves, KC1WIL – FCC
80 Furnace Brook Pkwy
Quincy, MA 02169-2304

Luke Taylor, KC1WFU – FCC
95 Park Dr Apt B
Boston, MA 02215-5216

Daniel Sheehan, KC1WFS – FCC
1243 Pleasant St
Brockton, MA 02301-2845

Sean J Colby, KC1WEE – FCC
17 State Rd
Plymouth, MA 02360-5101

Sarah E Gregg, KC1WIG – FCC
42 Reynolds Ave
Randolph, MA 02368-3740

Walter Vincent, KC1WIQ – FCC
9 Colby Rd
Arlington, MA 02476-7903

Bright McConnell, KC1WHL – FCC
15 Knox St
Belmont, MA 02478-2644

Camryn M Neches, KC1WGG – FCC
632 Wellesley St
Weston, MA 02493-1066

David G Berube, KC1WEQ – FCC
PO Box 3018
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557-3018

Kathryn E Hautanen, KC1WEJ – FCC
84 Governors Way
Barnstable, MA 02630-1305

Patricia P Semple, WA1SWJ – FCC
67 Rosemary Ln
Brewster, MA 02631-2469

Jeffrey Gruenglas, KC1WEK – FCC
44 Nyes Neck Rd
Centerville, MA 02632-1732

John P Cashman, KC1WFG – FCC
18 Martin Rd
Dennis, MA 02638-2585

Bryan Bourbeau, KC1WEN – FCC
41 Ships Eagle Ln
Osterville, MA 02655-1465

David Nedell, KC1WGU – FCC
1330 Williams St
Dighton, MA 02715-1004

Scott D Kershaw, KC1WEO – FCC
742 Rock St
Fall River, MA 02720-3440

Mark M Oberg, KC1WED – FCC
256 Belleville Rd
New Bedford, MA 02745-5223

February 2025 Section News

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!  I hope you all had a nice February, including, of course, Valentine’s Day. Staying warm and safe? I’m sorry this update is a little late – I try to get the monthly updates out around the 15th of each month – but the time just got away from me. On a happy note, the Section Manager email blast to all members in the section function is now BACK IN OPERATION so this monthly update is being sent direct to your email, no redistribution requests needed. Yay! 


* 2025 Northeast HamXposition is Coming! 

Mark your calendars! The 2025 Northeast HamXposition is not that far away: August 21-24, 2025, in Marlborough, MA. This is New England’s premier ham gathering. I hope to have an eyeball QSO with all of you at HamX! More info at  


* New Ham Report on EMA Website 

I have started a new regular posting on the Eastern MA website: the New Ham Report. Monthly, I will pull the report and post it on When you hear these new licensees on your local repeater, reach out and make them feel welcome! 


* MMRA Starts Monthly Elmer/Mentor Program 

Speaking of making new hams feel welcome, the Minuteman Repeater Association (MMRA) recently started a program that’s very cool: a monthly mentor program via Zoom. Need some help figuring out that new radio? Got questions about repeater etiquette or how to check in to a net? Or are you an experienced ham that wants to give back to the hobby? This is the perfect time/place to go. See  for details. 


*  Virtual NTS Traffic Net Began March 5, 2025 

Many Technician class amateurs miss out on fun and skills learning of traffic handling because they reside in areas of the country where local traffic nets on VHF repeaters don’t exist. The Virtual NTS Traffic Net (VNTN) seeks to address this problem with the creation of a Zoom-based local traffic net that can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.   

The Net will meet weekly, and held its inaugural session on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET. The VNTN URL is: <>  

Full details at  


* Still Recruiting a New Section Youth Coordinator  

Sadly, our Section’s former Section Youth Coordinator, Paul K1YUB, is now a Silent Key. I need to fill this important position on the EMA Section Staff. The SYC requirement and job description is at  If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact me at  – I’ll appreciate it greatly!  


* N1ILZ for a Final   

Stay safe and warm out there!  We’re officially in meteorological Spring, but you’d never know, looking at the outside thermometer. But it’s only a matter of not too much time before things will get warmer, and it’ll be time to fix antennas. And plan for Field Day! Really. I remain hopeful. Stay warm and get ready for some great Spring fun! 

Can you write a paragraph or two about what you’re up to, so I can publish it in the Section Update? Let me know via email at!   


* For always up-to-date news, please visit the EMA Section website at   

This Section News Update was brought to you by Section Manager Jon N1ILZ.  


Virtual NTS Training Net Begins March 5, 2025

Phil, K9HI writes:

Many Technician class amateurs miss out on fun and skills learning of traffic handling because they reside in areas of the country where local traffic nets on VHF repeaters don’t exist. The Virtual NTS Training Net (VNTN) seeks to address this problem with the creation of a Zoom-based local traffic net that can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. 

VNTN will accept check-ins and radiogram traffic utilizing standard phonetics and prosigns; in short, participants will enjoy the same experiences as those who check into conventional “RF” traffic nets.  The net will incorporate a “hands-on” training approach in traffic procedures, radiogram creation, and relay.

It is our hope that new amateurs who participate in VNTN will be motivated to join section and region nets on HF after upgrading to a higher license class.

The Net will meet weekly, and hold its inaugural session on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET. The VNTN URL is: <>.