Ed Fitzgerald, K1DIN, writes on the Algonquin ARC mailing list:
There are roughly fifteen days before the AARC will send operating teams to put the Destroyer Joseph P.
Kennedy, Jr. on the air for the 2019 Museum Ships weekend June 1 and 2. Ship museums from all over the world will have ham operators on ships of all kinds for this special event. Hams all over the world will be contacting as many ships as they can and collecting QSL cards from each. As of this writing, there are 104 ships are listed for the event. For a list and full details:
AARC will operate on 40, 20, 17. (No points for same ship on different bands.) Join the fun.
As team participants, we do occasionally get pile ups and dead spots, but, we also get to chat with “Tin Can Sailors” who served on ships in Fall River and elsewhere. And, of course, there are the excited first timers who really want to tell us that we are their “Number 30” and, certainly, we enjoy contacting the other ships on the air.
The Radio Room on the JPK, Jr. is big enough to house three stations comfortably. Normally, at his time of the year, we have two of our bands open at the same time most of our relatively short days. We try to operate from 10-4 on Saturday and 10-3 on Sunday (need to be packed up and out the gate by 5 on both days). Teams have been meeting at the Middle School at 8 AM to pool as much as possible to Battleship Cove each day. We enter the Cove all at the same time.
Team size each day usually ranges from 3 to 6 so that loggers (hand logging) and operators can swap duties. So far, most operators have preferred to do their own logging.
If you would like to be part of a team, please let me know what day or days you can attend, and I will get back to you to confirm.
I will send a sheet to team members with specifics about the trip (route, operating procedure, etc.) when I complete the roster for each day.
(BTW: You can bring your own food for lunch and snacks, but there is food concession in the mess hall on the USS Massachusetts.
(There will be a local radio club operating from the USS Massachusetts.)
774 245-2788