Content pertaining to organizational structure, web- and email infrastructure
i am pleased to announce the appointment of Greg Bennett KC1CIC as Assistant Section Traffic Manager, effective September 1, 2015. The ARRL recently created this new official position to provide for assistance with the many duties of the Section Traffic Manager as needed. I believe Greg is well qualified and I look forward to working with him. Thanks to Greg for his willingness to help. 73, Marcia KW1U, STM
Section Manager (SM) – Tom Walsh, K1TW
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – Arthur “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) – Ed Parish, K1EP
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – Bob Salow, WA1IDA
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Mike Neilsen, W1MPN
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U
Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Hank Mc Carl, W4RIG
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dan Brown, W1DAN
Welcome to the April EMA section news. I start as usual with updates
from your ARRL section staff.
Paul Laconto, W1NP, honored as the first EMA recipient of the new ARRL
Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award.
“After retiring to the Cape, Paul joined the Cape Cod & Islands
Council in 2006 when he became a committee member of Troop 76 in
Harwich and later the District Committee. With him he brought exposure
to Amateur Ham Radio. For the last 7 years with the help of the
Barnstable Amateur Radio Club, Paul has been instrumental in organizing
JOTA “Jamboree on the Air” and starting an Amateur Radio Club 73 at
the Lighthouse Charter School for middle school. Many of our boy scouts
have received their Radio and the 2010 historical Signaling MB because
of his efforts.” (Thanks to Elaine Mason, KB1VAJ, for this
The ARRL recognizes actively involved Scouting leaders who make a
significant contribution to providing Scouts with a memorable and
valuable Amateur Radio experience. Nominations should be sent to your
Section Manager. Full details including how to nominate someone are
found on the ARRL web site at
This month, I continued with my section travels by speaking to the
members of the Framingham Amateur Radio Association at their monthly
meeting on April 2 at the Framingham Police Department. The visit was
arranged before I assumed the section duties, and afforded a wonderful
opportunity to meet with another excellent Eastern Massachusetts radio
Bo Budinger, WA1QYM, Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) has a note for
all EMA ARRL Affiliated Clubs. It is important to have the information
about your club on the ARRL web site updated every year. Once a club is
affiliated with the ARRL it is always affiliated. A club does run the
risk of becoming non-active and have its listing removed from the ARRL
web page listing of Affiliated Clubs if it is not updated every year.
Bo reminds us this is a simple procedure and only takes a few minutes.
Log on to the ARRL web site and go to Updating Your Club Record at:
<>. Follow the instructions under:
“update your club information”. It is as simple as that.
Marcia Forde, KW1U, Section Traffic Manager (STM) sadly reports that
Dave Spaulding, N1LUM, became a silent key on March 3, 2015. Dave was
Net Manager for the Heavy Hitters Traffic Net (HHTN).
Brass Pounders League (BPL).
Marcia Forde, KW1U, reports the following EMA amateurs qualified for
the ARRL BPL and will be recognized in QST: KW1U
ARRL Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR).
Marcia Forde, KW1U, reports the following EMA amateurs qualified for
the ARRL PSHR and will be recognized in QST: N1UMJ, KW1U, N1IQI, N1TF,
and KB1CIC
EMA Section Field Day Locator Map <>.
This invaluable tool, skillfully managed by Bill Ricker, N1VUX, is for
anyone searching for information about Field Day in Eastern
Massachusetts. Bill has managed to capture an amazing wealth of
information on the history of past field days, current plans, travel
plans, etc. Please see his note to club officers and FD chairs.
Looking for a Field Day near your home, visit the Directory. All clubs
and other Field Day sites should send in their plans and locations to
Bill just as soon as possible at <>.
Section Manager Field Day Travel planning.
Would your club appreciate a visit from the Section Manager during the
field day weekend? If so, please contact me at <> and
I’ll see if I can make arrangements. I will be concentrating on the
northern area of the section this year and hope to respond in kind next
year for our southern locations.
Boxboro! 2015 will be held from August 21-23 at the Holiday Inn,
Boxborough, MA. Gordon West will be the keynote speaker at the
Saturday evening banquet. Jeff Jolie, NM1Y, a member of the K1N 2015
Navassa DXpedition will be the keynote speaker at the Friday DX Dinner.
Tickets for both banquets are now available at the BOXBORO! 2015
website, <>.
The Framingham Amateur Radio Association is holding its ham radio flea
market on Sunday, April 12, 2015 at Keefe Technical School in
Framingham. Ham exams will be held. Talk-in will be provided on
147.15. Full information may be found at
The twice annual New England Amateur Radio Festival in Deerfield NH is
coming soon. Both Friday and Saturday are packed with interesting
forums on varied topics such as “Buddipole in the Field”,
“Introduction to Radio Contesting”, “Introduction to Software
Defined Radio using inexpensive USB TV Tuner Sticks”, “More R390A
Fun”, and a “DMR Update”. It’s a very full program. Full
details can be found at <>.
SATURDAY, APRIL 11: Tech in a Day
The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association (CAARA) is sponsoring a “Tech in
a day” session at the Lanesville Community Center on 8 Vulcan Street in
Gloucester. The all-day study course starts at 8:30 AM and ends later
in the afternoon with the FCC Technician Class Amateur Radio license
test. The course costs $20.00 which includes course study material,
snacks and the test fee. For those interested in taking the course and
to reserve a spot please contact course leader Stan Stone W4HIX at
Yankee Clipper Contest Club (YCCC) will be holding an Open House in
Sturbridge MA, which will include two presentations that are oriented
towards newly licensed or upgraded hams:
“What’s the Best HF Transceiver for Me? -A Radio Selection
Strategy” – by Brian Machesney, K1LI and others.
“Antenna Selection and Design- What’s Important” – by Joe
Reisert, W1JR.
YCCC is a club of over 350 members who are interested in Contesting.
All hams are welcome and invited to attend this meeting. Full details
at <>.
The MS Walk Boston is this coming Sunday, April 12, around Boston
University’s Nickerson Fields. It supports the National MS Society,
and assignments run from 8am to the early afternoon. To volunteer or
get more information, contact Rick Savage, KB1LYJ via
<>. (info via Wellesley ARS newsletter).
The Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association (SEMARA) web
page <> contains
news about Maritime Radio Day. Whitey, K1VV, is expected to sign using
K1VV/NJPJ since he served aboard that ship.
BAYMONT INN & SUITES, 20 Taylor St., Manchester, CT 06042
(Just a few miles northeast of Hartford, CT off I-84, at Exit 63)
Registration web page at <>
The Run of the Charles is a suite of canoe and kayak races for all
different group sizes and course lengths. The event draws all kinds of
participants, and they all rely on hams to help keep the event running
safely and smoothly. Volunteers for this event must have a dual-band
(2m and 70cm) handheld radio and an antenna with improved gain over the
stock rubber duck. For more information, visit the race web site at
This is a major event for Amateur Radio in North Central Massachusetts
traditionally supported by several amateur radio clubs. The Groton
Road Race is a low-stress event and a great way to gain more experience
with the public service aspect of amateur radio. Please consider
joining us on the 26th. If you are interested in helping at these
events but unsure of what is expected of you or what equipment you may
need, please contact Ralph Swick, <>
Project Bread Walk for Hunger on Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 is looking for
people to provide communications support for the Project Bread staff
and volunteers along the 20 mile walk. This will be the 47th running of
the event. Signup at <>. If you have questions
please send an email to: <>. (Info via Wellesley ARS
This class is offered by the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association. More
information and registration details can be found at
Preparations are continuing for Marathon Monday, April 20. Many EMA
volunteers will be actively engaged.
Charlie Learoyd, K1PUB, Massachusetts 13 Colonies Coordinator is
seeking clubs and amateurs to support operating K2H during the 13
colonies special event between June 30 and July 5.
The ARRL has announced the window to apply for Centennial Points
Challenge and W1AW WAS awards is now open. Full details at
The Falmouth Amateur Radio Association is running several Friday
sessions, beginning on April 10, to teach Morse code to 6th, 7th, and
8th graders.
The Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association (PAWA), located in Taunton
completed its fourth and final Amateur Extra Mentoring class followed
by a VE session conducted by N1UEC and his crew from the Canton/Norwood
area. PAWA is very pleased to report that all four students who
completed the class also passed the Extra Class exams. The PAWA is now
considering a General mentoring class for next winter. Dates and times
will be announced this fall. Congratulations to John, N1OTY, and the
gang at PAWA for a fine accomplishment.
Niece Haynes, KA1ULN, presented a talk about The Young Ladies Radio
League (YLRL) on April 1 at the Billerica ARS (BARS) meeting in
Bedford. Niece is the YLRL District 1 chairwoman.
Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association (CAARA) reports having a new 440
repeater on the air.
The Framingham Amateur Radio Association reports they will have a booth
at Earth Day on April 22, including both HF and VHF stations. The
location is the Framingham Town Green. They are looking for operators.
Contact Sumner, W1VIV, <> for more information.
The Quannapowitt Radio Association (QRA) had an excellent talk from
Steve Telsey, N1BDA, on amateur radio traffic handling. QRA is
encouraging all of their members to become ELMERS in what they call a
“new approach to helping our new hams.” This is a wonderful idea.
The QRA website is found at <>.
PART of Westford,<> has once again been
asked to provide communications for the Westford Kiwanis Apple Blossom
Parade this year which is on Saturday, May 16th, 2015. Contact Terry
Stader <> if you are interested and can assist or need
more information.
PART of Westford Field Day planning seems to be off to another great
start with lots of volunteers already for many positions. Contact
George, K1IG, <> for further information.
PART of Westford is planning a Kit Building session on Saturday April
25. The selected kit is a TECSUN 2P3 super-heterodyne AM radio kit.
The Wellesley Amateur Radio Society (WARS) meeting on March 21 had Carl
Achin, WA1ZCQ, talk about QRP low power operating. The next meeting on
May 16 will have as their guest speaker, Mr. Frank Ventura from the
Mass Commission for the Blind with a talk on keeping IT systems up and
And finally…
During the past several months, many dedicated amateurs in our region
devoted many hours to supporting Skywarn, ARES, and section emergency
communications during this record setting winter. Clubs faced many
challenges too in just being able to hold meetings. We all owe these
fine amateur radio operators a sincere thank-you for a job well done.
April is finally here. I don’t know about you, but after this
winter, that alone is enough for me at least!
See you next month.
Tom, K1TW
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW
Section Manager (SM) – Tom Walsh, K1TW
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – Arthur “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) – Ed Parish, K1EP
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – Bob Salow, WA1IDA
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Mike Neilsen, W1MPN
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U
Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Hank Mc Carl, W4RIG
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dan Brown, W1DAN
February 2015 SECTION NEWS
As this edition of the EMA Section News is sent out, I will have
finished my first month as ARRL Section Manager (SM) for Eastern
Massachusetts. This past month started quietly enough but it certainly
has proved to be anything but quiet during the final week as the section
experienced yet another great Blizzard. I have witnessed first hand our
well organized Section Emergency staff in action. Their skillful
response is a tribute to the many dedicated Section Emergency staff.
Rob Macedo, KD1CY, ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Taunton
Massachusetts, provides this summary of the response to the blizzard.
WX1BOX, the Amateur Radio Station at the National Weather Service in
Taunton, completed a 27 hour activation for the Blizzard of 2015. The
station handled several hundred reports of snowfall, coastal flood
reports and damage reports from around the region. Widespread snowfall
of 15-30″ with higher amounts up to 36″ (3 feet) occurred in the
Eastern Massachusetts section and surrounding ARRL sections. Eastern
Massachusetts ARES was placed on stand-by and Cape Cod ARES led by
District Emergency Coordinator Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O, were active
staffing 6 shelters for communications and Amateurs on Nantucket Island
were active when the entire island lost power and for a time lost
landline and cell phone communications. ARRL HQ picked up the story as
well and a complete story can be seen at the following link:
Congratulations to Marcia Forde,KW1U, EMA Section Traffic Manager
(STM)for attaining Brass Pounders League (BPL) recognition in December
2014. Marcia’s total of 885 BPL points for December far exceeds the
minimum needed. Marcia also reports regularly on the activities of
Massachusetts traffic nets and the dedicated traffic handlers in our
area. You can find her reports and lots of other interesting material
on the Eastern Massachusetts NTS webpage at <>.
There is a new registration process to volunteer as an amateur radio
operator for the Boston Marathon. The deadline to signup as a volunteer
for the 2015 Boston Marathon is February 10.
This year, the Boston Athletic Association is requiring all volunteers,
including the hams, to register on their website.
More information about registering as a volunteer can be found at
Following that you can proceed to the MMRA site at
<> and provide additional information.
One of my first duties as the new Section Manager was to represent our
Section at the January 10th gathering of the ARRL New Division Cabinet
hosted by Tom Frenaye, K1KI New England Division Director. Tom holds
these twice-yearly meetings to share information about ARRL, and to
gather input on subjects of concern to New England hams for the ARRL
Board meetings. Invitations are also sent to ARRL affiliated clubs in
our section to send a representative. This is one of many mechanisms
that K1KI employs to stay well informed prior to an ARRL Board meeting.
For me, this afforded an opportunity to talk with leaders from EMA
clubs and also to meet with other New England Section Managers.
Another important aspect of the SM role is to support our ARRL
affiliated clubs. I hope to visit as many of our clubs as possible
over time and I welcome clubs getting in touch with me to arrange a
formal visit to a club meeting or other activity such as Field Day.
It was my pleasure to visit the PART of Westford meeting on January 20
featuring three mini talks on auto rallies, the Boston Marathon, and
the third one from me. PART is a general interest radio club that has
served the Town of Westford and surrounding communities for over 30
years. PART operates the WB1GOF repeater on 146.955 and members engage
in frequent fox hunts year round.
Kathy, KB1LPW, and Rick, KB1LYJ, will be running a CERT (Citizens
Emergency Response Training) on January 31, plus four evenings
(February 11 & 25, March 4 & 18) at the Winthrop EOC. Guest lecturers
for the training include Brittany, KB1ZPS, and Jim, KB1KQW. More
information can be found at <>.
MMRA is reporting that on December 27th, the crew of W1BRI, KG1H, N1DDK
and K1IW installed the club’s second D-STAR repeater at Sligo Hill in
Marlborough. Rob Macedo, KD1CY, gave a talk to the January meeting of
MMRA on New Roles for Amateur Radio in Public Service and Emergency
The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association (CAARA) has completed the
acquisition of its club site. After almost 35 years, CAARA has
purchased the building that has been its home from the City of
Gloucester. The property had been owned by the City of Gloucester since
Almost everyone knows about the ARRL Field Day in June, but word from
CAARA is they were gearing up to participate in the SPAR Winter Field
Day held for 24 hours from 1700 UTC (noon EST) Saturday 1/24 thru 1700
UTC (noon EST) Sunday 1/25 using the call sign W1GLO. Kind of puts a
nice “GLO” on a winter’s day!
The January meeting of the Framingham ARA was their annual “Show and
The Boston ARC has installed a new antenna (since October) on its
145.23 repeater and is seeking signal reports from the community.
They’d also like reports on their relatively new 443.55 machine.
Please direct your reports, including your location and operating
conditions (portable, mobile, base, what antenna used, etc.) to Joe
Harris, N1QD, at <>.
The Wellesley ARS enjoyed a presentation at its January meeting from Bo
Budinger, WA1QYM, on “DXing with a dipole”.
PART of Westford members during January were sure keeping the local fox
hunters on their toes in and around Westford, Chelmsford, Concord and
The Billerica ARS (BARS) will feature a presentation on the Elecraft K3
by club member Erik Kramer, KE1V, as BARS tries out a new meeting
location in Bedford.
The Walpole Emergency Communications Association, (WECA), held an
NBEMS/fldigi workshop on Thursday, January 29, in preparation for
commencing NBEMS training nets starting Tuesday, February 3.
NBEMS/fldigi is a set of Amateur Radio digital communications software
supporting amateur digital communications via computer soundcard
technology. WECA plans to use NBEMS as part of their emergency response
The Algonquin ARC of Marlborough MA is holding its annual ham radio
flea market on Saturday, February 14, 2015. Information may be found
at <>
Interested in Antique Radios? Then you may want to look into the NEARC
Greater Boston Antique Radio Show XVLI to be held on Sunday, February
15, 2015 at the Westford Regency Inn, 219 Littleton Rd, Westford, MA
(Rt. 110). More information is at the following web page
To close this month’s news is a look ahead to Boxboro 2015 which will
be held from August 21-23 at the Holiday Inn, Boxborough, MA. Boxboro
deferred its usual 2014 convention until 2015 to focus on the ARRL 2014
centennial convention. The website <> is up and
running with new material added regularly.
The keynote speaker at the Saturday banquet is Gordon West WB6NOA. More
information and tickets are now available on the website.
Congratulations to Dennis Egan, W1UE, who is the latest addition to the
Boxboro Convention Committee. Dennis will be planning both the Friday
evening contest/DX banquet and the special event station.
The Boxboro convention website can point you to who to contact should
you be interested in becoming a convention speaker, volunteer,
exhibitor or have any other questions.
And on that look ahead to summer, while still in the middle of a New
England winter, continue to enjoy ham radio in Eastern Massachusetts.
See you next month.
Tom, K1TW
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW
Phil Temples, K9HI
ARRL Section Manager,
Eastern Massachusetts Section
Tel: 617-331-0183
July 21, 2014
Effective Monday July 21, 2014, Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, will be appointed as Section Emergency Coordinator for the Eastern Massachusetts Section. Our current SEC, Rob Macedo, KD1CY, has decided to step down due to the demands of his professional work commitments.
I wish to thank Rob Macedo for all of his valuable contributions as our Section Emergency Coordinator. Rob has served three different Section Managers over nearly a decade, and he’s earned well-deserved accolades both locally and nationally–not only from the ARRL, but also, from the National Weather Service and several other served agencies.
We’re very fortunate to have Mike Neilsen, W1MPN back in the SEC role. Mike brings years of experience to the position, having previously served multiple terms as both our Section Emergency Coordinator and Section Manager. Mike Neilsen is retired from the US Navy, and an engineering and management consulting firm executive career. He’s a professional meteorologist by training, and he holds a degree in history. W1MPN has over 45 years of military, maritime, and US Coast Guard communication operator experience. As a naval communications officer, Mike Neilsen was “responsible for all shipboard real time long haul HF communications with on-line cryptology, including the translation to satellite communication systems.”
Although we’re losing KD1CY as SEC, I’m pleased to report that Rob has agreed to accept an appointment as an Assistant SEC. Under Mike, Rob will continue in his leadership role with our SKYWARN program. He’ll also interface with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Please join me in welcoming Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, as our new Section Emergency Coordinator, and Rob Macedo, KD1CY as an Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator.
Phil Temples, K9HI
ARRL Section Manager,
Eastern Massachusetts Section
Tel: 617-331-0183
July 21, 2014
Effective Monday July 21, 2014, Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, will be appointed as Section Emergency Coordinator for the Eastern Massachusetts Section. Our current SEC, Rob Macedo, KD1CY, has decided to step down due to the demands of his professional work commitments.
I wish to thank Rob Macedo for all of his valuable contributions as our Section Emergency Coordinator. Rob has served three different Section Managers over nearly a decade, and he’s earned well-deserved accolades both locally and nationally–not only from the ARRL, but also, from the National Weather Service and several other served agencies.
Although we’re losing KD1CY as SEC, I’m pleased to report that Rob has agreed to accept an appointment as an Assistant SEC. Under Mike, Rob will continue in his leadership role with our SKYWARN program. He’ll also interface with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Please join me in welcoming Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, as our new Section Emergency Coordinator, and Rob Macedo, KD1CY as an Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator.
NH ARES Academy for Saturday March 29th, 2014 Now Open to Amateur Radio Operators in Other Sections
Hello to all..
Per the New Hampshire ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator for Operations & Training, Dave Colter-WA1ZCN, there are seats available for the NH ARES Academy for Saturday March 29th, 2014 for Amateur Radio Operators outside of the New Hampshire section. Those interested can get more information on the NH-ARES Academy via the link below:
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
W1DAN Appointed New EMA Technical Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI has announced the appointment of Dan Brown, W1DAN, as the section’s new Technical Coordinator.
Dan replaces Eric Falkof, K1NUN, who, tragically, passed away last month. A licensed amateur for 37 years, W1DAN currently serves as president of the Wellesley Amateur radio Society. He is employed as a broadcast engineer in Boston and lives in Natick, MA.
“I have the utmost confidence in Dan’s leadership and technical abilities,” commented Temples. “Dan’s a great guy and mentor. He’ll be a valuable resource to amateurs in the section, as well as a point-of-contact for those who are looking for additional resources or assistance with challenging technical problems.”
More information about W1DAN and a photo can be viewed under “EMA Section Staff” or by visiting
NH ARES Academy for Saturday March 30th, 2013 Now Open to Amateur Radio Operators in Other Sections
Hello to all..
Per the New Hampshire ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator for Operations & Training, Dave Colter-WA1ZCN, there are seats available for the NH ARES Academy for Saturday March 30th, 2013 for Amateur Radio Operators outside of the New Hampshire section. Those interested can get more information on the NH-ARES Academy via the link below:
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
February gave us some interesting (well I was trying to be nice about it) weather. It also gave us some interesting statistics. The new CW net reported 20 sessions (it meets Monday through Friday), and yet EM2MN which meets daily reported only 12 sessions. I think some of the problem may be related to reports not turned in. This is something we can improve upon. Perhaps a bigger problem has been the reduced power of the Boston repeater. Folks from further away have been unable to access the repeater. Byron K1YCQ has been running a net on the Sharon repeater and we thank Byron for that. However not everyone can access that repeater, including our net manager KB1ENV. Often two nets were running concurrently which has led to some confusion. Hopefully the Boston repeater will be back up to its former robust self in the near future and we can get back to normal. Meanwhile if you can’t find activity on Boston, check 146.865.
Also noted in the stats for February are reduced net sessions for both MARIPN (3918 Khz at 5:30) and HHTN (MMRA linked repeaters at 10:00 M-W-F). Unfortunately Jim N1LKJ, manager of MARIPN was battling respiratory problems much of the month and we missed him dearly. Jim is feeling better now and we sure are glad to have him back.
Just a point of information: if there is no NCS by three minutes past net time, ANYONE can assume net control. You don’t have to be appointed, you don’t have to be experienced. We’re all friends here. No one can be criticized for trying, and there will no doubt be help from the peanut gallery. Let’s try to get 100% nets run and reported.
I would also like to thank all those who turned in SAR (Station Activity Reports) and PSHR (Public Service Honor Roll) reports. Information on these can be found on this website, and anyone is welcome and encouaged to submit either or both to me. There are no minimums for SAR although 500 or more points will earn a BPL or Brass Pounders League award. The PSHR however requires a minimum of 70 points to be listed, and these calls will be found in a subsequent issue of QST.
Thanks to all you fine folks for your participation in the nets. It keeps us in practice and helps keep the nets alive. How about originating some traffic to friends or family or other hams you have worked on the air. Most will get a kick out of it and you will become an ace traffic handler in the process. See you on the nets.
73, Marcia
EM2MN | 12 | 79 | 116 | 316 | KB1ENV | ||
MARIPN | 13 | 1 | 21 | 51 | N1LKJ | ||
WARPSN | 4 | 3 | 24 | NA | NI1X | ||
HHTN | 8 | 11 | 27 | 100 | N1LUM | ||
MARI CW | 20 | 57 | 84 | 342 | KW1U | ||
CITN | No Report | ||||||
SAR FEB. | ORG. | REC. | SENT | DEL. | TOTAL | BPL | |
N1IQI | 0 | 256 | 446 | 0 | 702 | X | |
KW1U | 0 | 465 | 422 | 2 | 889 | X | |
N1TF | 0 | 91 | 161 | 3 | 255 | ||
K1YCQ | 21 | 98 | 109 | 18 | 246 | ||
N1UMJ | 6 | 129 | 93 | 4 | 232 | ||
N1LKJ | 0 | 47 | 23 | 0 | 70 | ||
W1PLK | 0 | 15 | 5 | 12 | 32 | ||
KB1WXC | 1 | 7 | 8 | 2 | 18 | ||
KE1ML | 0 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 6 | ||
PSHR | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | TOTALS |
N1UMJ | 40 | 40 | 30 | 30 | 150 | 10 | 290 |
KW1U | 40 | 40 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 130 |
N1IQI | 40 | 40 | 10 | 30 | 0 | 10 | 130 |
K1YCQ | 40 | 40 | 10 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 110 |
N1TF | 40 | 40 | 20 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 105 |
N1LKJ | 27 | 40 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 87 |
Section Manager (SM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) – Ed Parish, K1EP
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – Bob Salow, WA1IDA
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Rob Macedo, KD1CY
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Eric Falkof, K1NUN
Hurricane Sandy struck the Eastern Seaboard this past weekend leaving
massive devastation in its wake across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic
states. According to the Washington Post, “The powerful storm has
claimed at least 51 lives and caused up to $20 billion in damage.
Closer to home, it’s hard to believe that with almost 400,000 power
outages across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts caused by Hurricane
Sandy at the height of the storm that we would be saying, “we were
lucky” but compared with portions of New York City and New Jersey, we
were indeed lucky. According to Eastern MA SEC Rob Macedo, KD1CY,
“Hurricane Sandy prompted an Eastern MA ARES stand-by and the staffing
of the MEMA Region Two Bridgewater facility, various city and town
Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs), shelters, and Red Cross chapters as
well as SKYWARN activation with operations at the Amateur Radio Station
at the National Weather Service in Taunton, WX1BOX.”
Hurricane Sandy also claimed a historic replica of the HMS Bounty along
with the lives of some of her crew on October 29. According to ARRL:
“Built in 1960 for a remake of the 1962 film Mutiny on the Bounty –
she sank off the coast of North Carolina as Hurricane Sandy made its
way toward New Jersey. Of its 16 crewmembers, the US Coast Guard
rescued 14. Bounty Captain Robin Walbridge, KD4OHZ, never made it to
one of the two deployed life rafts and is presumed dead. Claudene
Christian, who claimed to be a direct descendent of Fletcher Christian,
was unresponsive and passed away at a North Carolina hospital on Monday
evening.” The full story is at <>.
Roland Daignault, N1JOY fondly recalls his adventures with the Bounty:
“Farewell to an old friend. When the Bounty called Fall River home, I
led several ham radio events on board this great ship. I sailed up and
down Mt. Hope Bay many times, got to know the crew as friends, scoured
nearly every square inch of this ship from the top of the rigging down
to the engine room, stern to the tip of the bowsprit, and once was on
board during one hellacious lightning storm so bad we had arc flashes
jumping between our pieces of radio gear!”
Hurricane Sandy has blown by us now, leaving destruction and pain
behind in parts of our section. Public Information Coordinator Bob
Salow, WA1IDA asks this question: “Hams are known to have supported
much of the preparation, duration and recovery, but how do we get the
general public to know this?” If you know that ham activity associated
with this storm was covered on TV, radio, online, in newspapers, or any
of the public media, please email Bob at wa1ida at arrl dot net with
links or copies of such publicity. Bob adds, “If press releases were
sent and actually used in informing the public, please note this as
YCCCer W1KM suffered damage to his Marstons Mills antenna farm from
super storm Sandy. His 20-meter yagi was “dangling from the tower and
two of his 80-meter verticals were knocked down. Greg says, “The tidal
surge came within about 6 inches of submerging the 40-meter and
80-meter 4-square phasing/control boxes. These boxes are mounted on
poles about 6 feet above the marsh.” It was the highest tide Greg has
seen at his QTH since Hurricane Bob.
The airwaves were certainly buzzing with reports about the magnitude
4.0 earthquake that struck approximately 30 miles outside of Portland,
Maine on the evening of Oct. 16. The tremors were felt throughout the
Eastern MA section and much of New England.
The Cape Ann ARA is renovating the second floor of its club house in
The Barnstable ARC reports that David E. Moran, W1BSG, South Dennis
has become a Silent Key.
The South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club has been asked to help
provide communication support for a marathon in Plymouth on November 18
to benefit the Plymouth Area Coalition Food Pantry. Contact K1JRO at
oneilljr at gmail dot com if you can assist.
This SM visited some friendly folks at the October Mystic Valley ARG
meeting in Milton.
The Eastern MA ARRL staff will meet for its final 2012 quarterly
meeting on November 12 in Hopkinton.
Word on the grapevine: W1OD has spent quite a bit of time developing a
nifty shoulder patch design for K1USN!
Eight members of the Whitman ARC set up an Amateur Radio exhibit at the
Middleboro Fire Department’s Open House on October 14. According to
Bruce Hayden, NI1X, activities included: Morse code instruction for
kids, QSL card collecting, helping visitors to make on-air contacts,
sending radiograms, and a SKYWARN presentation. The group also
demonstrated foxhunting for project Life Saver, a wristband transmitter
for people with Alzheimer’s in conjunction with a receiver and a
directional antenna located at the Fire Station. Approximately 300-400
Middleboro residents attended the Open House event. (Thanks, Whitman
ARC Spectrum)
The Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC will again provide communications
support for the annual North Attleboro Santa Parade on November 25,
2012. KA1IG is organizing the event for SMHARC and he’s looking for
volunteers. You can contact Bruce at ka1ig at verizon dot net, or on
the air on 447.975 or 147.195.
The Nashoba Valley ARC held its annual W1 Bureau QSL sorting party on
Oct. 22 in Pepperell.
FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WT Docket No. 12-121 seeks to
change the Amateur Radio licensing rules, especially as they concern
former licensees. If you haven’t already, be sure that you (and your
radio club) file comments on this important NPRM. Details are at
A hearty thanks goes to Mike Neilsen, W1MPN for his dedicated service
as Acting RACES Officer to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Mike
resigned from the position on October 16. He is “heading to new
volunteer challenges and retirement.”
KM3T presented this past month on the 2014 World Radiosport Team
Championship festivities at meetings of the Boston ARC and the Taunton
At the request of the Braintree Historical Society, the K1USN Radio Cub
set up and operated a portable HF and VHF station at Heritage Day in
A Plymouth Evacuation Drill will occur on November 7 as part of the
Plymouth Nuclear Power Plant Evacuation Plan. The exercise will involve
EOCs in the Towns of Braintree, Bridgewater and the City of Taunton.
Participants in this FEMA-graded exercise transmit formal and tactical
messages between the EOCs and the MEMA Region II Headquarters. The
145.39 Norwell machine will serve as the primary repeater for the
Ten PART members provided communications support for the Grace Race in
Chelmsford. According to PART of Westford President Andy Stewart,
KB1OIQ, “The event was a complete success, and the race director was
very pleased with the quality of our service.g Andy said that several
people “stopped by the NCS table to visit and ask about our
How’s this for a great fundraising idea? The Cape Ann ARA held a “two
meter repeater benefit movie night” on Oct. 20. They showed the movie
“Frequency,” starring Dennis Quaid in which a father and son solve a
murder mystery through time travel and Amateur Radio. CAARA asked for a
modest $5.00 donation per person for admission that included popcorn and
soda. Wow. You can’t get that kind of a deal in the movie theaters!
The Whitman ARC mourns the loss of long time club member and Silent Key
Walter A. Johnson, W1HA of Abington.
W1KM, W1HIS, and W1MJ were just a few of the many Eastern MA stations
operating in the CQWW SSB contest Oct. 27-28. N1SV of Townsend operated
as /VP9. The CW weekend will run Nov. 24-25.
W1NP will give a presentation and demonstration on Slow Scan TV at the
November 13 meeting of the Pilgrim Amateur Radio Club in Truro.
Dana Henrique, WA1KYU, will teach a Technician license class on
November 23-25 at Chatham Marconi Maritime Center. See
The Epoch Times carried a very informative story about a project to
interface iPhones using ham radio at a Makers Fair in Queens, NY, at
You can read a fascinating story about the life of Samuel FB Morse
entitled “The Man Who (Almost) Never Succeeded” at
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Phillip Temples, K9HI
NH-ARES Academy – Openings for Hams Outside of the NH Section – Saturday 3/17/12 830 AM-400 PM at NH Fire Academy – Concord NH
Hello to all..
New Hampshire (NH) ARES ASEC for Operations and Training, Dave Colter-WA1ZCN, and the NH ARRL/ARES Section are hosting the NH-ARES Academy. The NH-ARES Academy is similar to the EMCOMM Workshops offered in the Eastern and Western Massachusetts sections but does a concurrent session strategy of topics over portions of the training. Dave has contacted me stating that they have opened the academy to Hams outside of the New Hampshire section. Sign-up information and classes being offered as part of the academy can be seen via the following link which is a 2-page PDF document:
The Basic Info on the date/time and location are listed below:
When: Saturday March 17th, 8:30am – 4:00pm
Where: NH Fire Academy, Concord, NH
Coffee and donuts in the morning, soda and coffee provided for lunch
BYO bag lunch, or dash out to a nearby restaurant
I will be attending the ARES Academy and will be there for some or all of the classes. I will also be teaching a class on SITREPs as requested by Dave-WA1ZCN. It should be worthwhile to see how the New Hampshire section does their training and we will try to incorporate some of their training and best practicies in the EMCOMM workshops we offer in our state. We hope some of you may take part in the NH-ARES Academy as space allows. Thanks!
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
Pilgrim ARC Receives 35-Year ARRL Affiliation Award
The Pilgrim Amateur Radio Club received a special plaque commemorating 35 years of ARRL affiliation at the club’s July 12 meeting in Provincetown.
On hand to present the award was ARRL Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI. Temples thanked the membership for their years of dedication to the League. Almost 100 percent of members present indicated they belonged to the League.
Shown here (l-r): President Bob Angelelli, KC2BDB; Founding President Dana Henrique, WA1KYU; Phil Temples, K9HI.
KW1U Appointed STM for Western MA
Western MA Section Manager Ed Emco, W1KT has announced the appointment of Marcia Forde, KW1U as Section Traffic Manager for Western Massachusetts. KW1U now serves in a dual role as STM for both Massachusetts sections. [Details]
On February 06, 2011 Jim N1LKJ turned the reigns of Section
Marcia KW1U is a long time native of Concord, MA and a devoted NTS operator. She is involved in all aspects of NTS holding many offices and job and it is only an extreme pleasure to have her now working again with the Eastern Massachusetts
New Section Traffic Manager: Marcia Forde, KW1U
I’m pleased to announce that Marcia Forde, KW1U of Concord MA has agreed to accept the position of Section Traffic Manager effective immediately. Marcia replaces Jim Ward, N1LKJ who has served faithfully as STM for the section for many years. When I assumed the Section Manager role, Jim indicated to me that he wanted to step down, but was willing to serve as long as needed. I promised Jim that I would make it my priority to find a top-notch replacement. I know that I have succeeded in Marcia.
Marcia rose steadily in the National Traffic System ranks after first getting her feet wet in traffic handling in 1981. Not long after, she became an active member of the elite Transcontinental Corps; later, serving as TCC Director for the Eastern Area. Marcia also served as manager of Eastern Area Net Cycle 2.
KW1U previously served as the Eastern MA Section Traffic Manager for five years back in the 80s. In addition to her “new-old” STM duties, Marcia currently serves at the national level in NTS as Chair of the Eastern Area Staff. Somehow, she also manages to find the time to run a “24×7 multiband scanning Pactor MBO on HF serving the continental US, with local outlet on VHF packet.”
Jim is not disappearing from the picture completely, however. He has graciously agreed to assist Marcia with some of the day-to-day workload. Thanks, Jim!
Please join me in welcoming Marcia Forde, KW1U to this important section leadership position!
Phil Temples, K9HI
ARRL Section Manager
Eastern Massachusetts Section