USCG Auxiliary Divisions 5 / 12 Radio Net 3 NOV 24

Joseph Fratto-K1UN – FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License writes:

The USCG Auxiliary Divisions 5 / 12 Radio Net was held this Sunday 3 NOV 2024 at 1015 hrs.

Check Ins: Radio Wilmington
Radio Roslindale

Net Control: Radio Waltham NCS

Traffic: The net was held. Stations were able to radio test their facilities. Signals were
L / C on the Roslindale repeater.

Auxiliarist Don Zidik acting ASC for Sector Boston sent an update of upcoming

Parades: Veterans Day – Boston 9 NOV 24 muster by 1030 and marching
1200 to 1400.

Thanksgiving Day – Plymouth MA. 23 NOV 24 muster by 0800
marching 1000 -1200 further info to follow.

Please be advised that the Boston CGX is not handling laundry and tailoring as a
new contract with a vendor was not renewed.

Uniform inspections are due by 31 DEC 24 please contact your FC.

The Division 5 Change of Watch is scheduled for Saturday 25 JAN 2025 at 1800
at the Old Colony YC in Dorchester.

Boat Crew Training is available please contact your FC or Flotilla FSO-MT for further

There are opportunities to assist the active duty side on the FRC’s and Stations. Please
contact Auxiliarist Zidik for further information and point of contact.

The ID machine is still down. If you need a temporary paper ID to get on the base please
contact Charles in DIRAUX office.

The NE Boat Show will be held on JAN 8 – 12 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition
Center. If you want to volunteer please contact Donald Zidik more info to follow as soon
as the contract is signed.

The “Auxiliary Net” on Ham Radio is going strong. Every Sunday at 1100 following the
USCG Auxiliary Nets. The Auxiliary Net is on the MMRA Minuteman Repeater Association
repeater network on Ham Radio. The net is going strong with a lot of check ins. This net
has been a great public relations tool for the District 1 North COMMS Program.

During the upcoming winter months the Division 5 Radio Net will be activating for the
purpose of SKYWARN as needed. We will try to schedule a SKYWARN training update
with National Weather Service NWS on Zoom conference.

The Net thanks all the members for their participation on all our various radio nets. As we
have said in the past the USCG Auxiliary COMMS are the only “Auxiliary” radio group that
is credentialed, vetted, has a security clearance, is uniformed, assigned a robust suite of
exclusive federal government frequencies, has a chain of command, trained, tested and
is part of Team Coast Guard.

Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License

First Region and Eastern Area Nets Time/Frequency Change

With the change from Daylight Savings to Standard Time, the afternoon sessions of the First Region Net (FRN) now meet daily at 1400 and 1600 local time on 3950 Khz . Alternate frequency is 7243 Khz. The Eastern Area Net (EAN) continues to meet on 7243 Khz daily but now at 1430 EST. Any traffic going beyond the New England region should be  brought to the earlier session of FRN whenever possible to allow for faster delivery via the Eastern Area Net at 1430.

Eastern MA October, 2024 Section Update

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Welcome to the October 2024 EMA Section Update! I am publishing this update to the EMA Section and NE Division websites and sending it to all the clubs I have email addresses for. Please distribute this widely. The email-blast-to-all-section-members function is still down, a casualty of the cyber-attack on ARRL HQ; there is currently  – still – no ETA.  

 It’s now officially Autumn. That means the population of our Cape Cod communities has reverted to mostly normal. Many businesses have shuttered for the season. This is by far my favorite season, as the temperatures moderate, the traffic calms down, the leaves turn, and things quiet down. And I’ll take my beverages without pumpkin spice, thank you very much!  


* Election for ARRL New England Division Director  

Incumbent Director Fred Kemmerer AB1OC faces Director Emeritus Tom Frenaye K1KI in the upcoming election for ARRL Director, New England Division. You should have received an email and a USMail postcard with directions on how to vote electronically or to request a paper ballot. If you’ve already voted, thanks! If not, vote NOW! Voting ends at noon (ET), November 15, 2024. Whomever your choice is, I strongly encourage you to vote in this very important election! 


* ARRL Sweepstakes Coming Up 

A reminder: the ARRL Sweepstakes – the oldest domestic ham radio contest – is coming up in November. ARRL Sweeps CW is Nov 2, 2024, 2100Z to Nov 4, 2024, 0300Z. That’s THIS WEEKEND! And ARRL Sweeps SSB is Nov 16, 2024, 2100Z to Nov 18, 2024, 0300Z. I hope to work you in one or both of the contests! Full details are at  


* Police Amateur Radio Team (PART) of Westford, MA has Several POTA Activations  

The Police Amateur Radio Team (PART) of Westford, MA reports having tons o’ fun with POTA activations, both as a club activation and as a group of PART members gathering for POTA activations as individuals. They describe it as “a bunch of hams came together at Great Brook Farm State Park to have great fun together, enjoy the great weather, and make some QSOs.”  

Have you or your club activated some POTAs? Let me know, so I can give you a shout-out in the Section Update! 


* Eastern MA Simulated Emergency Test (SET Saturday, Nov 9, 1000-1200 EST 

Eastern Massachusetts ARES will conduct a section exercise and Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on Saturday 11/9/24 from 10 AM-12 PM dubbed “November Gale”. The exercise will practice similar skills as previous exercises conducted over the course of 2024 and will serve as a means of practice heading into the 2024-2025 winter season.  

Full details at  


* Barnstable ARC members QRV for Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) 

Members of the Barnstable Amateur Radio Club (BARC) were active on the air for Scouting America’s (nee Boy Scouts of America) Jamboree on the Air (JOTA), an international event in which Scouts worldwide use Amateur Radio to chat with other scouts. BARC members demonstrated a wide variety of Amateur Radio technologies, including an ARES go-kit for VHF communications; HF voice, CW, and FT8; and DMR. A good time was had by all, and many JOTA badges were given away. More details at  

 Was your club active for JOTA or other Scouting America events? Let me know so I can give you some free publicity!


* Nationwide NTS Traffic Handling Zoom Training Session Held October 14, 2024 

On Monday, October 14 at 7:00 PM NTS luminaries held an interactive Zoom session to introduce the National Traffic System (NTS). This training incorporated videos and open discussion to get participants started with an exciting aspect of the hobby that’s been around for over 100 years! … 


* Recruiting Volunteer Webmaster(s) for the EMA Website 

 Phil, K9HI has done a fantastic job of maintaining the https://ema.arrl.,org website. I (still) need to recruit some backup resources. If you have basic skills with WordPress and can help maintain the website – mostly posting new articles at the suggestion of me and others – please contact me at You’ll be helping me – and the League – immensely! 


* Recruiting a New Section Youth Coordinator 

Last month I reported that our Section Youth Coordinator, Paul K1YUB, had stepped down from his position. I’m even more sad to report that Paul is now a Silent Key. I need to fill this important position on the EMA Section Staff. The SYC requirement and job description is at  If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact me at  – I’ll appreciate it greatly! 


* N1ILZ for a Final  
Stay safe and warm out there!  Autumn is here, the vehicular traffic is (mostly) calming down – at least in vacation areas – and the weather forecasters are predicting – well, who listens to those crazy long-term weather forecasters anyway?  Go pick some apples, go peep at some leaves, and enjoy all that New England Autumn has to offer! And get those outdoor antenna projects done before the snow starts flying fierce and it’s too cold to go out, proving a great excuse to stay by the space-heater – I mean linear amplifier – and make some QSOs! 

 Can you write a paragraph or two about what you’re up to, so I can publish it in the Section Update? Let me know via email at!  

* For always up-to-date news, please visit the EMA Section website at  
This Section News Update is brought to you by Section Manager Jon N1ILZ. 


Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net (EMHN) – Saturday 11/2/24 – 1000 AM ET

Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH writes:

Good Evening,

On Saturday November 2, 2024 the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Group will hold an Eastern MA Hospital Net commencing at 10:00AM.

We realize that some locations, individuals, and groups may be subject to COVID restrictions. We encourage everyone who is affected by these restrictions to utilize their home or mobile stations to check into the net if possible. Even if you cannot reach all the systems being used, please check-in on those you can.

Also we will be using our repeater (147.345 tone 110.9) this month as a test after having some maintenance done and I would be seeking footprint/coverage information from net check ins.

We will use the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Plymouth Repeater 1146.685 tone 131.8
2. West Bridgewater Repeater 1146.775 dcs 244
3. DMR -Talkgroup 8851 Time Slot :1 on the following NEDECN repeaters: Boston 449.175 -5.M CC:1, Hingham 146.430 -1.5M CC:1, Sagamore 145.200 – 0.6M CC:10, Dennis 146.470 -1.5M CC:11, East Falmouth 145.210 -0.600 CC:9, Martha’s Vineyard145.180 -0.600 CC:10, and Walpole 145.380 -0.600 CC:12.
4. Falmouth Repeater 147.375 tone 110.9
5. Simplex 147.420

We will then return to the Plymouth Repeater for Net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check-in procedure which is: Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to any health care facility, EOC of any city or town as well as RACES or ARES members to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested in trying your hand at Net Control please let us know. We can be reached by sending an email to or replying to this message. The goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many individuals and groups as possible.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct these monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event.

We hope to hear you Saturday.


Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH

CQ Licensed Amateurs and Current Volunteer Race Staff: Additional Volunteers Needed for Happy Holidays Half-Marathon, Gloucester, December 8, 2024

race mapGreat News! We are fully staffed for the November 3rd Ocean View Half-Marathon.
We still need 2 additional volunteers for the December 8th Happy Holidays Half-Marathon
Volunteers needed for Checkpoints 1 & 4.
This race is always difficult to staff as it’s so close to the holidays. If you can, please consider volunteering!
Email me to sign up,
Many thanks & 73,
Chris, W1TAT

Wellesley Amateur Radio Society POTA Event, November 2, 2024

Parks On The Air logoDATE : Saturday, Nov 2, 2024 (rain date – Sun 11/3)
TIME : 11am – 3pm
PLACE : Elm Bank Reservation – Lot B
                900 Washington St.
                Wellesley, MA
Talk-in Frequency : 146.55 MHz
Join the fun of operating outdoors in the crisp fall air ! We are meeting in Lot B which is opposite Lot A at the top of the first hill where the road bends. Turn right into Lot B.
We’ll be using the club radio, antennas, and coax, but feel free to bring your own gear to operate. Leandra has graciously offered to setup our club station callsign (W1TKZ) for POTA operation.
The October SparkGap has a GREAT checklist on Page 11 of some things you may wish to bring.

UPDATED: Eastern Massachusetts ARES Simulated Emergency Test (SET) – Operation November Gale – Saturday 11/9/24 – 10 AM-12 PM EDT

Hello to all…

Eastern Massachusetts ARES will conduct a section exercise and Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on Saturday 11/9/24 from 10 AM-12 PM dubbed “November Gale”. The exercise will practice similar skills as previous exercises conducted over the course of 2024 and will serve as a means of practice heading into the 2024-2025 winter season.

The detailed drill document can be seen at the following link: This document will likely be final but will be updated if necessary by Friday 11/8/24 for any last minute changes.

While we encourage participation by Eastern Massachusetts ARES members, RACES/AUXCOMM/USCG Auxiliary Operators and Amateur Radio SKYWARN Spotters, all are welcome to participate including those outside of the Eastern Massachusetts section.  We will also discuss the SET on the November Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net.

Thanks in advance for your support of this SET and Eastern Massachusetts ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Email Address:
Like us on Facebook –
Follow us on Twitter –
Subscribe on YouTube –

USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio Net 20 OCT 2024 at 1015 AM

Joseph Fratto-K1UN – FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License writes:

The USCG Auxiliary Combined Divisions 5 / 12 Radio Net was held on Sunday 20 OCT 2024 at 1015 hrs.

Check Ins: Radio Wilmington
Vessel 323088
Mobile 5F
Mobile 5G
Radio Roslindale

Net Control: Radio Waltham NCS

Traffic: Facility radio tests were made. The repeater located in Falmouth MA. was shut down and
removed. We are looking for another location in Falmouth. This location would service a
number of stations operating on Cape Cod. Hopefully LCDR Wilcox may have a spot on
his tower to support the repeater.

Traffic included several announcements including the Division 5 meeting is Thursday and
it will be online. ID cards for D1 are on hold as the ID machine is undergoing technical
upgrades. The D1 Conference will be held on APR 2025 25, 26 and 27. The Boat Show in
Boston is coming soon and very early. The dates are JAN 9, 10, 11, and 12. If you wish to
participate please contact your FC or await further info to come out.

Auxiliarist Jim Healy is still on the mend and recuperating.

The Auxiliary Net held on the MMRA network is now averaging 20 participants weekly. The
MMRA has extended our net time until 1230 hrs to accommodate our check ins. We asked
that the Barnstable VHF repeater located in Hyannis be tied into the Auxiliary Net to allow
Hams and Auxiliarists on Cape Cod to be able to participate. This request is going through
the process.

Non Ham members can listen to the Auxiliary Net on their police scanner radio. The frequency
is 146.820 or 146.670. You can tune in and listen or become a Ham by taking a very easy
entrance level exam and getting your callsign. Amateur Radio or Ham Radio exams are given
at numerous locations and times during the month. You can even make arrangements to take
exams online in the comfort of your home. Hams can use the Echo-Link system to check into
the Auxiliary Net on the MMRA network.

Several stations mentioned that they are working on antennas today. Being a very nice WX
day it is perfect for antenna repairs. Now is the time to do those repairs. Don’t wait for the
cold and snow.

Stations are reminded to monitor the 5 Mhz 60 Meter channels during emergency conditions.
The 5 Mhz channels are the best frequencies for Ham radio operators to contact federal stations.
On the Auxiliary Net today we explained the SHARES Net. SHAred RESources Net. The net
was established right after the Cuban missile crisis by President Kennedy. The USCG had a
major role in getting the SHARES net off the ground and operational. If you Google Shared
Resources SHARES National Communications System you will find an old video that shows
the SHARES network in operation.

Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License

Massachusetts – Rhode Island STM Report for September 2024

The Massachusetts – Rhode Island STM report for September 2024 can now be found here. Note a link to the website with information on what’s happening with the NTS 2.0 project. Particularly find at this site a link to the NTS Letter archive and instructions on subscribing to receive this newsletter in your email mailbox monthly. Also note information on the Radiogram Portal, a web-based means to send messages via the National Traffic System without checking into a net or accessing the Digital Traffic Network. This is available to non-hams and hams alike. We also acknowledge the passing of two of our own over the past few months, Bernie KC1MSN and Doc KE1ML with links to their obituaries. We are also looking for CW operators to help out with MARI CW traffic net. 

N1DQ: “PSK Reporter” at Nashoba Valley ARC Meeting, October 17, 2024

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club’s October meeting is TOMORROW, Thursday, October 17th at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell). We start gathering at 7 PM to socialize before the meeting starts.

For October, our guest speaker will be Phil Gladstone, N1DQ, author of PSK Reporter. PSK Reporter is an amateur radio signal reporting and spotting network which allows hams to see where their radio signals are being received. The platform works by collecting digital signal reports from software clients like WSJT and FLDIGI, then mapping them to show which stations are being heard by other clients.

I personally can’t wait to hear this presentation!

Come and join the fun!

Need directions? Click here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG

978-772-2773 or


AREDN Comes to Dartmouth

N1WBV-Ben Jackson on the Southeast Mass Amateur Radio Association Email list writes:

Hi Everyone:

If you have ever thought about becoming involved with AREDN ( but also wondered “Well it sounds interesting, but who would I communicate with around the South Coastal MA Area?” I am happy to report that I have established an outdoor node just a touch NNE of UMass in FN41lp.

What is AREDN? AREDN is the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network which provides a way for Amateur Radio operators to create high-speed ad-hoc data networks for use in emergency and service-oriented communications. This is often done via consumer or “pro-sumer” 802.11 wireless networking gear running custom software. Currently, there are mesh networks in Rhode Island and they
reach as far as Tiverton, and there is an emerging effort on Cape Cod.

As I am always over engineering things I have also opted to make my node 100% solar powered and I’ve also put it up at 20ft AGL. Right now, I am putting it in “open Beta” and I want to let people know about it, however, I will expect it to randomly go down for testing as I am still hammering out bugs.

So if you have a 5GHz directional WiFi Access Point, please point it my way on Channel 149 of your 5GHz dial; and if you WANT to grab a 5GHz directional access WiFi Access Point, (especially if you have a tower!) please just let me know and I would be happy to point you in the right direction. I am also working out a full Bill of Materials (BOM) for what I assembled my node for.


Ben, N1WBV

Nashoba Valley ARC Amateur Radio Course, Ayer, Starting November 4, 2024

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club (NVARC) is offering a free amateur radio licensing course beginning on November 4th. The eight night course will prepare students for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Technician licensing exam that will be offered at the completion of the course. The Technician level radio operator’s license is the first of three amateur licenses offered by the FCC. Each license has increased levels of operator privileges.

The course consists of twice weekly sessions beginning on Monday, November 4th, and meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays for four weeks (with a break on Thanksgiving week ). The course will be held at the Grady Research building, 323 West Main St., in Ayer. Sessions will start at 7PM and last for 2 hours. An FCC license exam will be scheduled for the end of the sessions. The course is free, but there will be an FCC required $15 testing fee if you take the exam. The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, 5th edition, will be the study guide used for the class. A limited number of study guides may be purchased from the instructor for $30 or online from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) or Amazon.

This course is open to all, there are no age limits. Pre-registration is required, no walk-ins will be allowed. To register you must contact the instructor, Bruce Blain at (508) 341-5124 or via email at  

[Course announcement]

FLDIGI/NBEMS Training On-Air and via Zoom

Jon N1ILZ writes

We will be holding two Zoom sessions to help people get familiar with FLDIGI using NBEMS to pass formatted messages (Radiograms, ICS-213s, etc.); and net operations, specifically how to check-in to and interact with the Massachusetts/Rhode Island Digital (NTS) Net (MARIDN). 

Thursday October 17, focused on the NBEMS programs FLMSG, FLAMP for message passing, and 

Thursday October 24, focused on how to interact with a digital NTS Traffic Net, specifically, the Massachusetts/Rhode Island Digital Net (MARIDN). 

Both sessions are 7:00 PM – ~8:30 PM or until finished. Zoom coordinates (below) are the same for both sessions. 

A PREREQUSIITE for these courses is to have the FLDIGI suite configured and operational at your station (computer and radio). If you successfully completed the FLDIGI session with Don AB1PH on October 10, you have met the prerequisite. 

You will be attending a Zoom session from the PC controlling your station.  The training host will transmit several messages over the air in different formats. We will work with you to ensure that you successfully copy the messages.  If there are failures, we will work to debug them via screen sharing during the Zoom session.   In some cases, issues will be resistant to debugging during the session and we will deal with these individuals in one-on-one sessions later. 

To participate effectively in the Zoom session, your Zoom session and FLDIGI connected to your radio should be running on the same computer. 

The Zoom invitation follows:


Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 893 4224 3637 
Passcode: 013058 

Please contact Jon N1ILZ ( with questions. 


USCG Auxiliary Divisions 5 / 12 Radio Net – Sunday 13 OCT 2024 at 1015 AM

Joseph Fratto-K1UN – FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License writes:

The USCG Auxiliary combine Divisions 5 / 12 Radio Net was held on Sunday 13 OCT 2024 at 1015 AM.

Check Ins: Wilmington Radio
Vessel 323088
Mobile 5F
Mobile 5G

Net Control: Waltham Radio NCS

Traffic: Radio tests were made of all radio facilities. It was announced that Flotilla elections are
forthcoming. January 10th is the Boat Show. Discussions of the Hurricane Milton and
Hurricane Helene events. Amateur Radio did a great job helping with communications.

Our Auxiliary Net held on the MMRA amteur radio network is going strong. This morning
we had 17 check ins. K1UVH Mike from Holbrook, a retired firefighter gave an account of
his assistance with Hurricane milton. Mike was on scene in the area at a IAFF convention
and volunteered his time working with their fire departments. He worked there for a week.
In addition to rescues they had several large working building fires to deal with.

Florida has a very progressive state and local government system and they did a great
job. It seems they were on top of everything and the fatality count was low. I saw a news
clip of the USCG Helo working a rescue. A gentleman’s boat went down during the storm
and the survivor was able to cling to a large ice cooler. He stayed afloat all night through
the storm until spotted by the USCG and rescued the following morning.

The D7 USCG Auxiliary COMMS. Team assisted the USCG and State government with
radio communications assistance throughout the storm. Hopefully we will continue on
through the month of November with NO more storm activity. I think it will show that the
tornados did more destruction and caused more loss of life than the hurricanes.

Emergency Ham radio communications for the hurricane are still on Broadcastify APP.
Use the N2GE repeater network on the APP.

Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License

K3DRE: “Lessons Learned as a Ham for Broadcast RF and vice versa” at Sci-Tech ARS, Natick, October 8, 2024

New England Sci Tech logoThe Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society will meet on-line and in-person on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 7 PM and feature: “Lessons Learned as a Ham for Broadcast RF and vice versa” by Doug Evans, K3DRE.  

Description: From broadcast radio into ham radio and back. Doug will share with us lessons learned in professional radio and how they led him into ham radio. From there, he’ll move to the things he learned as a ham that helped his career. Doug’s been to a lot of places and has seen some very interesting things, but found that the basics of RF always apply. Today’s modern digital broadcasting owes a lot to early hams.

Bio: Doug received his first FCC license (a third class radiotelephone operator, with broadcast endorsement) after he graduated from high school. The day after he graduated, he started working with his first rig, a 3000 watt FM transmitter, at the now defunct WMSP FM. After several years in commercial radio, Doug went to work for Public Broadcasting in Hershey, PA. After 23 years there, Doug left as a Producer/Director, having done a number of other roles as well. He then took a job doing HD wireless cameras and support communication and control for broadcast networks, and remained in that role for a number of years. Since Doug retired, he volunteers at ultra marathon special events and is a ham radio operator for the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. 

CAARA ARES/ARRL Emergency Communications Planning Meeting – Saturday 11/2/24 – 12 PM at CAARA Clubhouse

KB1PGH-Dean Burgess, Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association (CAARA) ARRL/ARES Emergency Coordinator writes:

There will be an ARRL/ARES Emergency communications planning meeting for the Cape Ann area at the CAARA clubhouse at 6 Stanwood street in Gloucester on Saturday November 2nd at noontime. This meeting is open for all those who are interested in attending. This will be a first in a series of informal meetings as we start to plan out a ARRL emergency communications group on Cape Ann. The meeting will be run by ARRL/ARES emergency coordinator Dean Burgess KB1PGH and ARRL/ARES assistant emergency coordinator Bill Morris W1WMM.

PART Group-Club POTA US-2435, Carlisle, October 14, 2024

PART of Westford logoAdam Smith, AA1N, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:Hi PART’ers – 

I took some time to read through the POTA web site again.  Under the rules we can either do multiple individual activations, or a club/group activation. 

As a group, all activity from a single callsign from the same park in the same (UTC) day would count toward the activation (but it’s possible to log the operator for each QSO under a shared call – and ops get some credit).   If we wanted to do this (for this or future ops) then we’d want to register a group call with POTA – not sure if WB1GOF is registered, or if there’s a protocol for approving use of the club call for events?

If acting as individuals:
* each individual calling CQ POTA will need to have a account, and to submit their own log of contacts after the event.
* each individual in this case could have a successful activation (10 contacts), or not
* we can share radios and “pass the mic”, or run separate radios (technical & interference concerns notwithstanding)
General POTA Rules:

   See in particular rules #4 and #5 under Logging Requirements, and the “Clubs and Multiple Operators” section under “Guidelines, Interpretation, and Intent”.
The latter section refers to another doc, Guide for Clubs/Groups:
Hope to see folks in a week, I’m planning to be there with an HF radio, probably to run primarily voice/SSB.  The area they asked us to operate in has some good open space – finding decent shade may be more of an issue.   From what Neice said, we should park at the lot off of Lowell Road (set GPS for Great Brook Ski Touring Center), rather than the lot off of North Road nearer the ice cream / dairy farm.  See attached pic from Google Maps – the lot at the left and field toward the Park HQ marker.  Carlisle center is south on Lowell Road from this view.  I went by this weekend, it’s a large lot and the field to the south is fairly flat and very open.  Bring your own antenna support, and maybe sun cover.
Adam / AA1N