SEMARA 2 Meter YL Net Starting June 7, 2005

Arlene Arruda, KB1KGG, writes on SEMARA members list:

The [Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Assocation] 2 meter YL Net will be held weekly starting on Tuesday evening June 7, 2005 at 8 PM local time on The W1AEC Repeater, 147.000 with a PL tone of 67.0.

All YLs in RI, southeast MA , Cape Cod and beyond are welcome and encouraged to participate.

OK……your husband or boyfriend is a ham and finally convinces you to take that Technician Class Exam. You study hard and get your ticket! Congratulations! Now what???

Most YLs talk to their OMs, maybe a few friends close by, and then disappear into the woodwork or at best seldom hit that PTT button!

Well ladies……here is a great opportunity for us to have our own net, with some operating time to talk about the many things we have in common. It gives us a chance to have some fun as a group in a relaxing low key manner.

I would welcome your help in passing this info on to as many YLs as possible via internet, the local repeaters and some of the club newsletters.

First YL Net is Tuesday June 7, 2005 at 8PM local time on The SEMARA Club Repeater.

Hope to hear you on the air.


Arlene – KB1KGG,


Power linesTo: ARRL members in New England

Just over a week ago Representative Michael Ross, WD5DVR, of Arkansas, introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives calling on the FCC to “conduct a full and complete analysis” of radio interference from broadband over power line (BPL). A copy of HRes 230 is available on the ARRL Web site in .PDF format at:

It was too late to get the news into June QST but it did go out via ARRL Bulletins and the ARRL Letter: and

This is an important step in our effort to slow and stop the deployment of BPL. In recent months there have been a couple of test BPL systems installed in Massachusetts (Western Massachusetts Electric) and Connecticut (United Illuminating). They really do cause significant interference even in the limited test areas that already have been installed.
1) It is important for you to contact your representative in the House of Representatives now and ask them to support House Resolution 230. Please send a letter in the next two weeks if at all possible. Ask him or her to sign on as a co-sponsor for H Res 230. There are roughly 1500 licensed Amateurs in each congressional district. A sample letter is available on the ARRL Web site:

Express your support in your own words. If you’re not sure who represents your congressional district, visit the United States House of Representatives Web site at

To expedite delivery, send all correspondence bound for Members of Congress–preferably as an attachment–to; or fax it to 703-684-7594. The ARRL will bundle correspondence addressed to each Member of Congress for hand delivery.

2) Two New England Congressmen are on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and will have a direct role in what happens with H Res 230. They are Rep Charles Bass (D-2) who represents much of southern and all of western New Hampshire, and Rep Tom Allen (R) who represents northern and eastern Maine. We’re interested in working with ARRL Members in those districts who know either Representative or someone on their staff – we’d like to make sure they are well informed about BPL. Please contact me if you can help out.

3) Finally, we need those of you with contacts within the law enforcement and public safety community to help us out. If you know any officials in your area who participate in the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) or the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials International (APCO), please encourage them to continue their efforts to block BPL interference. These two groups have filed comments with the FCC with concerns of BPL interference. These groups represent associations such as the American Red Cross, The International Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Association of Fire Chiefs and the International Association of Emergency Managers.

In summary, it is important to get the point across that this resolution does not hinder Broadband, but, rather seeks to delay the BPL docket (FCC ET 04-37) until further study can be made. We need to stress the importance of how BPL is not only causing interference to Amateur Radio operators, but it is causing interference within the Law Enforcement and Public Safety area. While contacting your representatives it needs to be mentioned that ARRL has filed a petition for reconsideration to the FCC.

Thanks for your support and direct action on this important topic!

Tom Frenaye, K1KI
ARRL Director
New England Division

New England Public Service List May 4, 2005

PSLIST                          May 4, 2005

Public Service Volunteer Opportunities in the New England Division

Listing public events at which Amateur Radio communications is providing
a public service and for which additional volunteers from the Amateur
Community are needed and welcome. Please contact the person listed to
identify how you may serve and what equipment you may need to bring.

The most up-to-date copy of this list is maintained as

**** Every event listed is looking for communications volunteers ****

Date Location Event Contact Tel/Email

May 7 Grafton MA Grafton Road Race Bob KA1OTQ 508-865-6957
May 14 Westford MA Apple Blossom Parade Bo WA1QYM 978-692-6084
(8:30AM - 12:00 Noon)
May 15 Devens MA Parker Classic Road Race Stan KD1LE 978-433-5090
July 2 Princeton MA Longsjo Bicycle Race Ralph KD1SM 978-582-7351
July 3 Fitchburg MA Longsjo Bicycle Race Ralph KD1SM 978-582-7351

This list is published periodically as demand warrants by Stan KD1LE
and Ralph KD1SM. Our usual distribution is via packet to NEBBS, via
Internet mail to the arrl-nediv-list and ema-arrl distribution lists,
and on the World Wide Web (see URL above). If other mailing list
owners wish us to distribute via their lists we will be happy to
oblige. Permission is herewith granted to republish this list in
its entirety provided credit is given to the authors and the URL
below is included. Send comments, corrections, and updates to:

(via packet) KD1SM@K1UGM.#EMA.MA.USA,
(via Internet) KD1SM@ARRL.NET.

We make an attempt to confirm entries with the coordinator unless the
information is from another published source. We very much appreciate
the assistance we have been receiving from our 'scouts'; everyone is
welcome to send us postings.

Refer to for the most
recent version of the PSLIST.


Billerica ARS Exploring Middle School Ham Radio Class

BARS logoBen Kellman, WA1SYH and several other members of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society have expressed an interest in starting a ham radio class at the Marshall Middle School in Billerica.

Kellman is considering “basing the class curriculum on the MCAS communications requirements for the 8th grade.” In a presentation at the April BARS meeting Kellman asked for suggestions and volunteers to both organize the class and contribute to the course content.

Billerica ARS The SPARK, May 2005

Southeastern MA ARA Becomes Handi-ham Affiliated Club

SEMARA logoThe Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association has voted to become a Handi-ham Affiliated Club at its April 7, 2005 business meeting, according to SEMARA President Tim Smith, N1TI.

“The club has made a commitment to make Amateur Radio as accessible as possible for people with disabilities,” explains Smith. “Whenever we have a course, we can help [disabled persons] avail themselves of what Handi-ham has to offer in the way of study materials. The best part of becoming an affiliated club is that we all become more aware of the issues faced by disabled people.”

According to SEMARA newsletter editor Bob Kelley, K1KVV, “The notion of affiliated club status was mentioned by Phil Temples (K9HI) in a talk about the Courage Handi-ham program. I volunteered to bring this up for a vote at next business meeting.”

Courage Handi-ham System Manager Pat Tice, WA0TDA, was very pleased to receive the inquiry from the SEMARA gang. “We would love to have you on board,” he wrote to Kelley in an email response.

The Southeastern MA ARA counts among its members one of most active Handi-ham volunteers in the country: Bob Zeida, N1BLF. Zeida has been instrumental in supplying audio recordings of QST, Worldradio and other ham radio-related content for Handi-ham members. (See also “N1BLF CD Recordings for the Blind”.)

City Of Brockton Seeks Volunteer “Victims” June 9, 2005

Red Cross logoMichael J. McMahon writes on

On June 9th, the City of Brockton is holding its annual Hazardous Material Drill (please see the attached announcement). Brockton is looking for 70+ volunteers to participate in this drill at the Brockton Post Office Distribution Site on Liberty Street in Brockton. Volunteers should plan on being on scene no later than 9:00am. It will end around 1:00pm.

This is a great opportunity to see emergency responders in action… and to be right in the middle of it yourself!!!

To sign up as a volunteer – please contact Mike Chaplain 508-586-4790 x 101 or email

If you have any questions about the drill, you can contact Dawn Snow 617-375-0700 x 408 or email

KY1N List of New England Volunteer Exams, May 1, 2005

                         The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date Time Contact Location Phone
05/01/05 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
05/03/05 19:00 Thomas Charbonneau, NZ1X Reading MA 781-258-0625
05/07/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
05/07/05 09:00 Bill Studley, AA1OC Hopkinton NH 603-424-2857
05/08/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
05/09/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
05/10/05 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
05/11/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
05/11/05 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
05/12/05 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
05/12/05 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-231-6045
05/12/05 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
05/13/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
05/14/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
05/14/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
05/14/05 09:30 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Goshen CT 860-283-4089
05/14/05 12:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
05/14/05 09:30 Dick Finn, WA1VUU Stamford CT 203-323-0982
05/16/05 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
05/16/05 09:00 *George Allen, N1NBQ Nantucket MA 508-228-2065
05/17/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
05/18/05 17:30 Donald R Smith, AE1Q Augusta ME 207-495-3891
05/18/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
05/19/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-339-1089
05/21/05 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
05/21/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
05/21/05 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
05/21/05 09:00 Bruce Howes, W1UJR South Portland ME 207-828-0248
05/23/05 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
05/25/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
05/27/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
05/31/05 19:00 Sean Sanderson, KD6MPY Townshend VT 413-695-5133
06/04/05 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
06/04/05 11:30 Frank Sileo, N1PE Brookfield CT 203-438-0218
06/04/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
06/04/05 08:45 Conrad Ekstrom, WB1GXM Newport NH 603-543-1389
06/05/05 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
06/08/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
06/09/05 17:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
06/09/05 19:00 Judy Nelson, KC1RI Providence RI 401-231-9156
06/09/05 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
06/10/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
06/11/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
06/11/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
06/11/05 09:00 Jack P Garforth, N1JK Middletown RI 401-683-2250
06/12/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
06/13/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
06/14/05 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
06/15/05 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
06/16/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-339-1089
06/18/05 10:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Bath ME 207-799-1116
06/18/05 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
06/18/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
06/18/05 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-672-4035
06/20/05 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
06/21/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
06/22/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
06/22/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
06/24/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
06/25/05 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
06/25/05 09:00 Tom Senerchia, KA1VAY West Warwick RI 401-822-2592
06/26/05 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
07/08/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
07/09/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
07/09/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
07/09/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
07/09/05 09:00 Norm Smith, NY1B Union ME 207-354-6853
07/10/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
07/11/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
07/12/05 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
07/14/05 17:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
07/14/05 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-231-6045
07/14/05 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
07/18/05 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
07/18/05 19:00 Richard Strycharz Jr, KD1XP Sunderland MA 413-665-2211
07/19/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
07/20/05 17:30 Donald R Smith, AE1Q Augusta ME 207-495-3891
07/20/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
07/20/05 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
07/21/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-339-1089
07/21/05 18:30 John Ruggiero, N2YHK Worcester MA 508-982-0617
07/22/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
07/23/05 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
07/23/05 09:00 Tom Senerchia, KA1VAY West Warwick RI 401-822-2592
07/27/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
07/30/05 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
07/30/05 15:00 George Rinalducci, KB1KBC Greenland NH 603-474-5166
08/06/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
08/07/05 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
08/08/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
08/09/05 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
08/11/05 17:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
08/11/05 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-231-6045
08/11/05 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
08/12/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
08/13/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
08/13/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
08/13/05 09:30 Dick Finn, WA1VUU Stamford CT 203-323-0982
08/14/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
08/15/05 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
08/16/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
08/17/05 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
08/18/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-339-1089
08/22/05 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
08/24/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
08/24/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
08/26/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
08/27/05 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
08/27/05 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
08/27/05 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
09/08/05 19:00 Judy Nelson, KC1RI Providence RI 401-231-9156
09/09/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
09/10/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
09/10/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
09/10/05 12:30 Bill Crowley, K1NIT Windsor ME 207-623-9075
09/11/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
09/12/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
09/14/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
09/15/05 19:30 Lou Harris, N1UEC Norwood MA 508-668-0858
09/17/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
09/17/05 09:00 Bruce Howes, W1UJR South Portland ME 207-828-0248
09/20/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
09/21/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
09/23/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
09/24/05 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
09/24/05 09:00 Norm Smith, NY1B Rockland ME 207-354-6853
09/28/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
10/01/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
10/08/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
10/08/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
10/08/05 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Hopkinton NH 603-672-4035
10/08/05 10:10 Donald R Smith, AE1Q Winslow ME 207-495-3891
10/09/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
10/10/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
10/12/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
10/13/05 19:00 Judy Nelson, KC1RI Providence RI 401-231-9156
10/14/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
10/15/05 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
10/15/05 10:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Bath ME 207-799-1116
10/15/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
10/18/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
10/18/05 18:30 Wilburn A Scott, WA1YNZ Presque Isle ME 207-455-8333
10/19/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
10/20/05 19:30 Lou Harris, N1UEC Norwood MA 508-668-0858
10/22/05 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
10/26/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
10/28/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
10/29/05 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2005 test session fee of $14.00
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-672-4035,
via email at

May 14th, 2005 Hurricane Drill Briefing Update

The command vechicle demo portion of the 2005 hurricane briefing has been cancelled. This is due to budget constraints with some of the main public safety entities and also because the MEMA Mobile EOC was repositioned for another event at the request of the state director. The Hurricane Drill Briefing will still be done and Amateurs that attend the briefing can get a tour of the State EOC in Framingham.

Mr. Tom Kinahan, N1CPE, State RACES Officer will be hosting a briefing for the upcoming statewide Hurricane Exercise at the State Emergency Operations Center, 400 Worcester Road, Framingham, Massachusetts beginning at 10:00 A.M. This briefing is very important for radio amateurs to attend to learn about the details of the statewide Hurricane Exercise planned for Monday June 6, 2005. All are welcome to attend though this briefing will be geared toward participants in regions 1 and 3 due to a different reporting form utilized in Region II. For Region II participants, a briefing will be held at the Region II HQ in Bridgewater Mass. on Monday May 16th at 7 PM.

The June 6th statewide hurricane exercise is a wonderful opportunity for ARES Operators to practice their emergency communications skills alongside the RACES Officers in their hometown.

If you are interested in attending the briefing and demonstration, please either send an email to Tom Kinahan, or call the RACES line at MEMA – 508-820-1428 by Thursday May 12, 2005 so that he can obtain clearance for you to attend the briefing in the SEOC. You will need a government issued photo ID to enter the SEOC. No Walk-ins can be accepted for this event so please pre-register by the deadline of Thursday May 12th, 2005.

We look forward to seeing you on the 14th.
1 1

QRA Ham Classes Underway

QRA logoQuannapowitt Radio Assocation ham radio classes were conducted recently, according to club president Tom Cefalo, W1EX.

“We have twelve students and two of the youngest students are 10 and 11 year old!” Cefalo writes. “Since we have a new group of hams in the weeks to come, I will be calling on some members to be Elmers.”

The Reading-based radio club meets the third Thursday of each month in the Reading Senior Center, at 49 Pleasant Street.

—Thanks, QRA News, March, 2005

PART To Provide Communications For Westford Apple Blossom Parade, May 14, 2005

Police ART logoTerry Stader, KA8SCP, writes on PART-L:

[The Police Amateur Radio Team] has once again been asked to assist as a communications resource for the Westford Apple Blossom Parade on Saturday, May 14, 2005.

The parade runs from 10 AM until 11 AM starting near the junction of Graniteville Rd and Main St. and ending at Abbot School. Like last year but not as big! Duty will be from 8:30/9:00AM until 11:00AM/noon at the latest. You will need to bring a 2 meter walkie.

Most volunteers will be assigned to “shadow” various members of the Parade committee. Our actually duty will not start till about 9:00AM but we need to get into the center of town before the roads are closed and we need to establish our assignments by 8:30 AM or so.

Please contact Bo or I if you are interested and can assist or need more information.

Terry, KA8SCP

Bikes Not Bombs Communications Help Needed, May 15, 2005

BostonBob Salow, WA1IDA, writes:

[It’s] short notice, but it’s important that we continue this community service. Last year, the non-profit organization, Bikes Not Bombs (BNB) realized that ham radio was the way to support riders on the three courses in and around Greater Boston. BNB rehabilitates bicycles and provide them to youths here and abroad. Their present focus locally is to help kids learn mechanics and safety and get to own a bike they work on. The health advantages of bike riding are proven.

There will be concurrent 15, 25 and 62 mile rides on Sunday, 15 May 2005. More than 185 riders are expected. All three rides start near Jamaica Pond, but we will meet at 0800 at a secure parking area in Roxbury Crossing to be transported to the start or to assignments. We have been asked to staff rest stops, follow vehicles and a few shadows. There will be no assignments on the streets.

The shorter courses should be finished by 1400, and the long course should finish by 1630. All finishes are at Mississippi’s Restaurant where an excellent gourmet dinner will be provided.

We want to make a good showing at this local event and demonstrate the community value of ham radio. If you can help for this event, please respond with the following information as soon as possible.

Full name
On-air name
Call sign
Postal mailing address (including 9-digit ZIPcode)
Evening phone
Day phone
Cell phone
Email address
Does your 2-meter radio have CTCSS (PL)?
Do you have a dual-band radio?
Do you have a magnetic mount antenna?

Because of the limited time, let me know as soon as you can. Questions? Just ask.

Bob Salow, WA1IDA

Fall River ARC Mounts Annual M.V.I. DXpedition, May 6-8, 2005

Bristol Co/Fall River ARC logoRoland Daigault, N1JOY, writes:

Just a reminder that the Fall River gang (and a few SEMARA die-hards) will be on Martha’s Vineyard next weekend for the annual DXpedition to the Gay Head lighthouse. Friday will be a fun operating day providing contacts for IOTA (Islands On The Air) and Lighthouse contacts, then Saturday and Sunday will be for the New England QSO Party. Hopefully you can catch us on the air and give us a few contacts!

We will be operating all HF bands, 6m, 2m, and 432 Mhz, including ATV! The camper should be monitoring 144.34 MHz simplex most of the time if you’d like to get hold if us.

Unique Magazine Campaign Promotes Amateur Radio In The Community

QST cover[Although this project is being conducted by a radio club outside of our section, it is quite innovative–and, worthy of emulation by clubs in Eastern MA. Kudos to our neighbors to the north. -Ed.]

Dave Murphy, KB1LKE writes on

[Nashua Area Radio Club] is now placing marked-up copies of QST in waiting areas or rooms within the greater Nashua area. These copies are designed to appeal to anyone that may be interested in obtaining a ham radio license.

NARC needs back issues of QST for this magazine campaign. If you have 2003 thru 2005 issues that you will not be saving, please donate them. Your mailing info on the front cover will be marked out and covered by a label. Please do not cut the front cover.

Please bring issues to the upcoming monthly meeting this Monday. If you cannot be there, call 603/943-1512 or email . The issues of QST will be picked up. Thanks for your help.

NEDXCC Members Take Down Tower

tower takedown by NEDXCC membersNew England DX Century Club members W1ZT, W1FJ, W1CWU and W1CPR lent a “helping hand” to Ray, KM1D, in the removal of his tower in North Andover recently. The dynamic duo of W1ZT and W1FJ climbed the 70-foot tower and “made this very scary job look easy” according to those present. [Additional photos]

KM1D hopes to have his tower back up after some ground work to his yard.


Nashoba Valley ARC “Adopt-A-Highway” Cleanup A Success

Nashoba Valley ARC logoMembers of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club participated in their first highway cleanup of 2005 on April 10th. The group collected a total of 21 bags of trash.

Those helping were: John, KB1HDO; Peter, N1ZRG; Linda, N1UPR; Larry, KB1ESR; Jim, AA1PO; Earl, WR1Y; Ralph, KD1SM; Stan, KD1LE; Gary, K1YTS; Nancy, KB1KEF; Peter, N1ZRG; and John, KB1HDO.

The Nashoba Valley ARC is registered with both MassHighways and the Town of Groton for road cleanups.

The club’s next cleanup is scheduled for May 22, 2005.

—Nashoba Valley ARC The Signal, April, 2005

Scouting Cancellations

Bill O’Hara, N1EY, writes:

We are canceling the scouting program left and right. There is no way that JC, Pi, or myself can sit there by ourselves. We can not handle the crowd and run the radios to give the scouts a demonstration. An optimal presentation requires at least four persons.

April 30th has no one signed up. I want to take my vacation and I’m headed for New York State.

We have one person signed up for May 7th to do the Morse Code demo, but I do not have anyone to help me in Radio Room 5.

Pi is covering the May 14th date. He needs help from someone.

Please email me at or call me at 781-857-0125 to help out. Thanks.

KM1CC To Participate In International Marconi Day

KM1CC QSL cardThe Marconi Cape Cod Memorial Radio Club, KM1CC, will operate in the International Marconi Day festivities on April 23, 2005 from 0001 until 2359 UTC. (See also “W1AA/MSC QRV For Int’l Marconi Day, April 23, 2005”)

Barbara Dougan, KB1GSO, a National Park Service employee and the club’s QSL Manager, will activate KM1CC. She needs additional operators, according to Robert “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV.

Doherty encourages interested parties to email Barbara at and notify her of times and availability. “There are bunks to sleep over Friday night,” writes Doherty. “Bring your own sleeping bag and chow.”

Dougan has two complete stations set up. She needs both CW and phone operators for the event.

The station is situated at the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore, on the former site of the U.S. Coast Guard station at Coast Guard Beach in Eastham, Massachusetts.

W1AA/MSC QRV For Int’l Marconi Day, April 23, 2005

W1AA/MSC 2005 IMD operationThe Marconi Radio Club will operate W1AA/MSC, representing the 1901 Marconi Nantucket ship-to-shore station for International Marconi Day, April 23, 2005.

“The operation will be on CW only–the only mode used at the Marconi station MSC on Nantucket Island,” writes club president Robert “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV.

DX stations contacting W1AA may QSL via the W1 bureau, while W/K QSLs should be sent direct to W1AA’s callbook or address. Self-addressed, stamped envelopes are requested.

Constructed in 1901, MSC communicated with the Nantucket Shoals lightship 50 miles southeast, and also with ocean-going steamers. MSC was instrumental in saving numerous lives following a collision between two steamers–the Florida and the Republic–in a dense fog 70 miles south of the island in 1908.

For further information about operating in the IMD event, please visit