Wireless & Steam Museum Trip “Particulars”

New England Wiress & Steam Museum logoGordy Bello, K1GB writes on FraminghamARA-L:

“Here are the particulars on the trip to the New England Wireless and Steam Museum next Saturday. We will be leaving from the shack at around noon time. It takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes to get there.

I will be giving out directions from Mapquest. After our visit, we will be eating at a Gregg’s restaurant nearby. They offer a wide variety of items and the food quality is excellent (I’ve eaten at one before). Check out their menu at www.greggsusa.com.

There is still time to sign up! You can also let me know at the [Framingham ARA] general meeting this coming Thursday.


[See also: “Wireless & Steam Museum Joint Club Visit Planned”]

A Loss in the Family, Passing of Ed Schwarm NX1V

Edward G. Schwarm

Edward G. Schwarm, 82, died Friday, May 20, 2005. He was the husband of Erla Z. Schwarm, deceased, for over 62 years. Mr. Schwarm was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He enrolled at the University of Wisconsin, Madison but his education was interrupted by World War II when he was called up from the Army Air Corp Enlisted Reserve Corp. He and Erla married during his training (Hartford, Connecticut).

He served as a second lieutenant and was the engineering officer for the 506 Squadron of the 44th Bomb Group, 2nd Air Division of the Eighth Army Air Corp in England troubleshooting for and supervising the 120-member crew maintaining and repairing B-24 bombers. He frequently filled in as co-pilot, looking for every opportunity to fly. After the war, he returned to the university to complete a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.

In his career as an electronics engineer, he held 11 international patents in aviation and electronic power systems. He developed bomb site navigation systems for A.C. Spark Plug (Milwaukee, Wisconsin). At Link Aviation (Binghamton, New York) he was project manager and chief designer of the DC-8 flight simulator, one of the largest analog computers ever built and the supercomputer of its day. At the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory (Cambridge, Massachusetts) now called Draper Labs, he was the special projects manager for designing the inertial guidance system for the command module and the lunar landing module for the Apollo Space Program. He asked the question, “How would you get the astronauts back from space if the main rocket system failed?” He then completed the studies and design work needed to equip the lunar landing module with essential systems that later made the return of the Apollo 13 astronauts possible.

Working for Arthur D. Little (Cambridge, Massachusetts) as an electronics consultant, he invented the static bypass design used in uninterruptible power system, the back-up power systems used by large computer data centers for no-fail businesses such as financial institutions, airlines, and telephone companies. He was also an expert in train electrification and conducted some of the first studies paving the way for high-speed trains from Boston to New York. In later years, he ran his own successful electronics consulting business, Edward G. Schwarm Associates, completing his final contract in 2004.

An avid sailor, he built his first sailboat with his grandfather at age 10, he delivered sailboats from Maine to the Caribbean using celestial navigation with pinpoint accuracy, and continued single-handing his Bristol 32, Chimo, until his death.

As a private pilot with a commercial license, he flew military jets, B-24s, gliders, and single prop planes and was particularly fond of aerobatics. He also enjoyed skiing with friends starting in college and ending with his last run at age 80. Alta and Zurmat were his favorites. He was an extra class ham radio operator, call letters NX1V, who enjoyed teaching others.
A world traveler, he circumnavigated the world three times, traveling to all seven continents. His love of the ocean and voyaging with his wife led him to retrace the route of the HMS Bounty in the South Pacific, traverse the Bering Straights from Alaska to Russia, explore Antarctica and travel the length of the Amazon River (where he enjoyed an evening swim).

As a 23-year resident of Acton, Massachusetts, he was active in the town government. He was also very committed to the First Congregational Church of Acton, serving as deacon and trustee among other roles. These were activities he continued while living in Marstons Mills, Massachusetts for the past 20 years. During a drought several years ago, he secured funding to upgrade a town herring run that conserves water in the lakes and helps preserve the fish. He worked with town members to buy the local airport in lieu of opening the land to developers.

He faithfully cared for his wife, Erla, who struggled with Alzheimer’s, until her health failed. Surviving are two sons, Stephen C. Schwarm of Wrentham, Massachusetts and Thomas E. Schwarm of Freeport, Maine; a daughter, Claudia Gere of Shutesbury, Massachusetts; five grandsons, a great-granddaughter, two nieces and three nephews.

A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m., Wednesday, June 1 at Federated Church of Hyannis, 320 Main Street, Hyannis. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Edward and Erla Schwarm Family Fund at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Mail Stop #39, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1050. This endowment fund starts a new program that provides graduate students in their first year of studying oceanography the opportunity to work at sea aboard the research vessel Tioga.

Retired News Gathering Vehicle Available To Non-Profit

WCVB's hippo-1 vehicleWCVB Channel 5 is donating a retired electronic news gathering (ENG) vehicle to a good home. According to Rich Zach, K1RJZ, WCVB-TV Chief Engineer, the vehicle, named “Hippo-1” is to be donated to a worthy non-profit organization. It was built by Wolf Coach of Auburn, MA. Hippo-1 has been replaced by a newer ENG vehicle, dubbed “Hippo-2”.

“The body and electrical distribution systems are in fine shape. (The vehicle) needs a replacement GM 454 cubic inch gas engine. One generator and air conditioning system is included.” Zach adds that the “transmission was fine when removed from service.”

Interested parties may view photos of the vehicle by visiting

Additional technical information may be obtained by contacting Rich Zach at 781-433-4774.

Openings Available At Handi-ham Minnesota Radio Camp

students at Courage North, K9HI photoApplications are being accepted for persons with disabilities who wish to attend the Courage Center Handiham Radio Camp in Lake George, Minnesota, from August 23 through 30, 2005. Camperships to help with tuition are available for first-time campers working on their first license.

“Courage North staff will pick up campers at the Bemidji, MN airport or the bus station,” writes Handi-ham Program Manager Pat Tice, WA0TDA. “Wheelchairs and service animals are no problem, and campers using these accommodations will find that Courage North is a fun and easy to use place!”

For more information, or to obtain an application, contact Courage Center Handiham at 1-866-426-3442 email hamradio@courage.org or visit http://www.handiham.org.

[Pictured, left: Gerry Kloss, N0VOE. -K9HI photo]

Wired.com Showcases Amateur Radio, MIT Flea

Marty Connor at MIT Flea, K9HI photoWired News on the web features an article on May 25, 2005 by Mark Baard entitled “Hamming It Up at Radio Meets” archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20050531223010/http://www.wired.com:80/news/digiwood/0,1412,67615,00.html showcasing the Harvard Wireless Club and MIT Radio Society, and the “Flea at MIT.” The article features a number of related photos. It also plugs Amateur Radio public service, and the Dayton Hamvention®. Prior to its publication, Baard spent time with the respective clubs and their members in researching the story.

While Baard endeavors to introduce the public to the positive aspects of the hobby, he devotes an inordinate amount of print emphasizing the “nerdiness” factor. For example, the article’s opening sentence reads, “If you think you know what a nerd is, try visiting a swap meet or convention where amateur radio operators like to hang out.” Unfortunately, the word “nerd” keeps popping up.

A Boston-area resident, Baard has covered computers and technology for such publications as Wired News, Information Security magazine, The Boston Globe, The Village Voice, and The Times of London. Baard is an Adjunct Professor of Journalism at Emmanuel College.

[Marty Connor at MIT Flea, K9HI photo]

K1USN National Military Appreciation Special Event, May 28, 2005

K1USN Military Appreciation Month QSL cardThe USS Salem Radio Club (K1USN) will operate on the air to celebrate National Military Appreciation Month on Saturday, May 28, 2005 from 1100 UTC to 2200 UTC.


According to Bob “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV, the event “recognizes and honors the United States Armed Forces and the dedicated service of its members.”


K1USN will use the following frequencies (kHz) and modes:

SSB: 3860, 7260, 14260, 18160, 21360, 24960, 28360, 50160
CW: 3539, 7039, 10109, 14039, 18079, 21039, 24899, 28039, 50109


Look for K1USN also on IRLP Node 4320, 145.39 Mhz Scituate, MA repeater and Echolink node NS1N-R 443.600 Mhz. (Note: The Scituate repeater may be connected to the New England Network so try connecting to reflector 9877.)


DX stations may QSL via the W1 Bureau; stateside QSL is via K1USN at the QRZ.com or callbook address. Stations are requested to use a self-addressed, stamped envelope. For further information, contact Pi, K1RV, at k1rv@arrl.net.


[See also: Congressional Resolution #328 and Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day.]

Hams Encouraged by NEW Motorola BPL Technology

Newington, Conn., May 23, 2005–ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, announced today that “The ARRL is pleased to hear Motorola’s announcement of its Powerline LV system. This is the first Access Broadband over Power Line (BPL) system that has been designed from the start with radio interference concerns in mind.”

Motorola’s Powerline LV system avoids using the medium-voltage (MV) power lines and introduces broadband signals only on the low-voltage (LV) side of the power transformer. This greatly reduces the potential for interference to and from radio users, especially radio amateurs. ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner commented, “We know that medium-voltage (MV) power lines are no place for broadband energy, since there is overwhelming technical evidence that radio interference from BPL is unavoidable if MV lines are used. By confining their Access BPL system to LV lines and by adding hardware notch filters for additional protection to amateur radio frequency allocations, Motorola has addressed our interference concerns.”

While sometimes pictured by BPL proponents as opposing all BPL implementation, the ARRL has always maintained that radio amateur “hams” are not interested in blocking new technology but are justifiably concerned about pollution of the radio spectrum. Significant interference has been documented at numerous sites where other BPL systems are being tested, and other BPL developers have been unwilling to share information about their systems. By contrast, Motorola invited ARRL’s suggestions and welcomed its input during product development.

Sumner concluded, “We look forward to seeing the first Powerline LV system in operation, and to continuing to work with Motorola to ensure that their new product is indeed the first BPL system that is a solution, not a problem.”

There are approximately 670,000 Amateur Radio operators in the United States. Many other countries are watching events unfold in the US as they plan their own BPL systems. There are approximately 2.5 million Amateur Radio operators around the world. If the new Motorola system lives up to its initial promise in actual deployment, this new “shortwave-friendly” system will have many advocates.

Information about Amateur Radio is available from the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 or by calling 1-800-32-NEW HAM. The URL for ARRL’s home page is www.arrl.org.

Information about Motorola’s “Powerline LV” system can be found at: http://www.motorola.com/mediacenter/news/detailpf/0,,5519_5509_23,00.html

NOAA Radio Service Disrupted–Now Back On

SKYWARN logoNOAA’s “All Hazards” radio transmitters were off the air for about twenty hours this weekend.

According to a bulletin issued at 10 PM Saturday, May 21 from the National Weather Service office in Taunton: “The computer system that runs NOAA all hazards radio from the Taunton forecast office has failed.” The outage also affected the office’s automated phone recordings. The bulletin indicated that parts “have been ordered”; it predicted that the transmitters might not be operational until Sunday night or Monday. A subsequent bulletin issued at 6 PM on Sunday, May 22 announced that service had been restored.

The Taunton office operates seven different transmitters throughout New England disseminating weather and hazard information to the general public.

NTS Role In Disaster Response


May 21, 2005
NTS Role In Disaster Response

NTS Expansion in Disasters

In day-to-day operation, the National Traffic System passes routine messages around the country. in its emergency role, the NTS is dedicated to disaster communication on behalf of ARES. NTS is capable of expanding its cyclic operation partially or fully depending on the level of need. The normal cycles can be expanded to handle an increasing volume of messages with greater speed. In extreme cases, the cycles can operate continuously. This requires all nets to be on the air full time, with stations designated for liaison operation replacing each other as stations are dispatched to the higher or lower nets with which they make liaison.

Managers of NTS nets at local, section, region and area levels are directly responsible for activation of their nets at the request of ARES or NTS officials at lower levels.

Section Traffic Manager and Section Net Manager Roles

The STM and specific section net managers may be contacted during a disaster situation by the Section Emergency Coordinator to activate specific section nets, whether NTS or not, either to provide section-wide contact or, in the case of NTS nets, to provide liaison with the “outside.” It is important that net managers have some means of activating their nets at any time. Net members should automatically monitor the net frequency in the event of a disaster. Some net stations at critical locations can be activated by using the telephone or local repeaters if these are available.

The STM and section net managers make contact with NTS region net managers in the event that communications connected with the disaster cross section boundaries, and may recommend extraordinary activation of the region net. There should be some prearranged method of contact for this purpose.

Specific net stations are designated to conduct liaison with the NTS region net, either through another section net or directly. This is the responsibility of section officials, not the region net manager.

General Policy for all NTS Operators

NTS operators should be self-alerting to disaster conditions that might require their services, and should report into an appropriately assigned net or other function without being specifically called upon. That is, the assignment should have been worked out with the net manager in advance. If the operator cannot answer the question, “If I hear of a disaster condition, what should I do?” they should seek an answer to it through their Net Manager. It may be as simple as “Report into the X Net on X frequency.”

If the operator concerned is highly specialized, it might be “Report to your TCC director in the X net on X frequency for a special assignment.” Such an assignment might be an extra TCC function, or it might be as a functionary in a “hot line” point-to-point circuit needing special abilities or equipment.

Although every net member should have a specific assignment, they must also remain flexible enough to change assignments when the need arises.

Health and Welfare Traffic Handling

One of the biggest challenges during a disaster is handling so-called “health and welfare” messages, or as the American Red Cross calls them, “Disaster Welfare Inquiries” (DWI). The ARRL-recommended precedence for this type of traffic is W or “Welfare,” and refers to either an inquiry as to the health and welfare of an individual in the disaster area or an advisory message from the disaster area that indicates all is well. The Red Cross at first attempts to handle DWIs through normal communication channels. If the volume of traffic to and from the disaster area is large, or if normal channels are disrupted, the NTS may be called upon to assist with the overload.

The NTS policy is to handle as many DWI messages as possible, but to adhere to its precedence. Higher-precedence traffic must be handled first, and welfare traffic should be handled only when the circuit is free. Routine (R) traffic is not normally handled by an NTS net operating under disaster conditions, because usually the net is involved to capacity with higher precedence messages. However, should a disaster circuit be temporarily available, routine messages can and should be passed until the circuit again becomes occupied with higher-precedence traffic.

Maintain close contact with the Red Cross or the Salvation Army as appropriate, since most inquiries are handled through these organizations. Civil preparedness organizations may also set up procedures for handling such traffic.

In a widespread disaster, it is seldom possible to handle all the welfare traffic with efficiency and dispatch. At times, DWI traffic piles up alarmingly, even to the extent that much of it is never delivered. In these cases, high volume modes should be used rather than slower phone and CW. In the past, special RTTY, ASCII, AMTOR, fax, and packet circuits have been established with great success. PSK31 and similar new digital modes hold great promise for high volume, high accuracy traffic handling as well.

Until or unless means for handling DWI traffic are established, it is usually wisest not to accept it from the general public, or to do so only with an explicit understanding that chances of delivery are not guaranteed or even good.


NVARC Participated in Groton Road Race

Members of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club along with members of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society, Montachusett Amateur Radio Association, Worcester Emergency Communications Team and the Crocker Public Service Grout provided vitial Communications for the 14th annual Groton Road Race on April 24th. This is also Groton’s 350th anniversry
The weather cleared just in time for the start of the 5K race which didn’t seem to dampen the spirts of the 1400+ runners in this years event. Officials involed in the race expressed deep appreciation for the vital communications provided by the hams. Congradulations and Thank You Stan KD1LE and Ralph KD1SM and all who participated from NVARC and the other organizations.

Lowell CERT Classes Start June 2, 2005

CERT logoTerry Stader, KA8SCP, writes on PART-L:

There is a new CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) class starting June 2nd in Lowell. Additional information can be obtained on the http://www.merrimackvalleycert.org website. Use the Training Application Form (in PDF format) located on this site to apply.

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.

More information on CERT can be obtained from links on the above website or by navigating to the http://www.citizencorps.gov/programs/cert.shtm website directly.

YI9DXX Gateway “Almost Ready”

W7DXX gateway logoKeith Lamonica, W7DXX, reports that the YI9DXX gateway in Baghdad, Iraq is hooked up and almost ready to go.

“We have a couple of port conflicts to work out but the Iraq remote base software is communicating with the main system.”

Lamonica says that as soon as port problem is solved he will allow access to a few control operators for testing.

(See also “YI9DXX Gateway Plans ‘Hit A Snag'” and “YI9 Internet Gateway Close to Reality”.)

New England Flea Markets, May 3, 2005

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2005 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2005 Contact Source
6,7 May Hopkinton NH HossTraders @FG x7 I89 Joe K1RQG 207 469 3492

9 May Whately MA FCARC @ElSc Monday $3@5PM $5/T Walt W1ZPB 413 498 2729

14 May Goshen CT SoBARC @ FG Rte 63 $3@8 $10/T@6 Lee K1LEE 860 435 0051

15 May Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

20-22 May Dayton OH

21 May E Greenbush NY EGARA @FireHS $5@8 $10/T@6 Betty N2POS 518 785 0727 F

28 May WashTownship NJ BARA @WestwoodHS $5@8 $15@6 Jim K2ZO 201 664 6725 F

28 May Vernon CT NARC @TollandAgCtr I84x67 $4@9 Wayne N1GUS 860 487 1921 F
3-5 June Rochester NY $9@6AM+$10/sp Harold K2HC 585 424 7184 W

3 June Feeding Hills MA HCRA @CongCh $5/T@6:30PM Dave KB1MU 413 596 6605

4 June Herman ME PSARC Roger KA!TKS 207 848 3846 A

5 June Queens NY HoSARC @9A Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W+

11 Jun Windsor CT VintgeR Museum new site@115 Pierson Ln John 860 673 0518 W

11-12 June Newington CT NARL @HS $20/T@5 $8@8:45 Dan K3UFG 860 206 3379 W

12 June Bethpage NY LIMARC Rick K2RB 516 526 6975 A

19 June Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

9 July Union ME PBARC @ComCtr Rt17+131 $5@8 $3/T@7 Scott KB1ESW 207 354 6809

16 July Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $2@9 @StStan's Marty 603 938 5051 F

17 July Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

13 Aug St Albans ME PARC @SnowmobileCLB rt152 $5@8 F

21 August Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

10 Sept BallstonSpa NY SCRACES fri6P $5+5/T+15cmp Darlene N2XQG 518 587 2385

10 Sept Windsor CT VintgeR Museum @6AM @115 Pierson Ln John 860 673 0518 W

17 Sept Alexander ME SCVARC Skip KB1HCX 207 454 2156 A

17 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW rt146 8A flea+auct Rick K1KYI 401 725 7507
LAST UPDATE 5-3-05 de W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us P 1 of 2
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2006 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 5-3-05 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2005 W1GSL http://www.swapfwst.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

This list has been posted... as a service of the individual home page
owners, to the following WWW sites.


List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2005 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC http://www.mtara.org/hamfest/flea.html

Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/

Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/flea/fleamkt.htm

Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/flea.html

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com

Newington CT NARL http://www.narl.net/1.htm

Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://www.NationalCommunicationsMuseum.org/

Lewiston ME AARC http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm +

Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/fleamarket.html

Henniker NH CVRC http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/

Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html

Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm

Massapequa NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/

Queens NY Hall of Science http://hosarc.org/hamfest.html +

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.com-tech.org/EGARA.html

Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.org/

Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterhamfest.org/ +

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT RANV VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html

Montreal PQ WIARC http://www.pubnix.net/wiarc/hamfest.htm

Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/hamfesta.htm

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/

St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm

Halafax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/data/racfleas.taf?function=form

Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html

USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

QRP, QRPp, Kit Building Interest Group Forming in S.E. Massachusetts

WA1ZCB photo, courtesy QRZ.comA Fall River amateur is seeking other hams with mutual interests in QRP, QRPp, home brewing/kit building, and portable- and mobile operation.

“With the better QRP rigs and kits out there, there seems to be a lot more hams getting into this area,” writes Ed Duclos, WA1ZCB. Duclos has built a Norcal keyer, Norcal BLT tuner, DSW II-40, Rock Mite (20, 40 and 80 meters) and a Elecraft KX1. “If you have not tried QRPing and kit building, you are missing out on a lot of fun. Better look into it,” adds Duclos.

WA1ZCB would like to organize interested hams, and possibly meet 1-2 times per month at the Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association club house in Dartmouth. “Or, if it’s a nice warm day [we could] set up portable some place.”

[photo: WA1ZCB/portable, courtesy QRZ.com]

W1AA/ Borden Flats Lighthouse QRV, May 14, 2005

W1AA/Borden FlatsW1AA will be operational from the Borden Flats Lighthouse in Fall River, Massachusetts on May 14, 2005 from 1100 to 1800 UTC, according to Bob “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV. He and N1DT will operate on SSB on 7270.0 and 14270.0 kHz plus/minus QRM and any nets. CW operation will occur on the half hour on 14035.0 and 7035.0 kHz, plus/minus.

DX stations may QSL to W1AA via the bureau; stateside should QSL via W1AA to the callbook address with a regular size self-addressed, stamped envelope. QSLs will be returned within two days.

For additional information on lighthouse DXpeditions/activations, visit the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society at http://www.arlhs.com.

Morse Contest On Jay Leno/Tonight Show, May 13

Jay LenoBencher paddleThe e-mail lists are buzzing with news about a message sending/receiving contest between a cell phone text messaging team and a Morse code team to be performed on the Tonight Show May 13 on NBC.

The Morse code team will consist of well-known contesters/DXers Chip Margelli, K7JA, and Ken Miller, K6CTW. The “props manager” for the show is KF6OCP.

[In a recent competition staged by an Australian museum, Gordon Hill, a 93-year-old Morse code specialist and a telegraph operator since 1927, was pitted against 13-year-old Brittany Devlin in a battle of the messengers. Hill was armed with nearly a lifetime of experience using Morse code; Devlin, with two years of text messaging experience and a slew of slang popular with chronic texters. A sentence was chosen at random from a teen magazine, and both contestants had to transmit the message as quickly as possible. Hill reportedly won the contest.]

K1USN Scouting Schedule And Status

Bill O’Hara, N1EY, writes:

* 14 May – 247 K1RV
* 21 May – 225
* 4 June – 151
* 11 June – 209
* 18 June – 85
* 16 July – 58

This is our current schedule. I have not received any updates. Pi will be there on this Saturday. Can I get anyone to help us with Radio Room 5? Does anyone want to do the Morse Code Room?
I have not heard of plans for Memorial Day, yet. Please be prepared to come operate the radio room for the Veterans.

Maura always calls me asking for radio operators. She has told me that we put together a good program and the ship needs us.

Additional news regarding the scouting program is the apparent installation of a computer to the PA system to provide announcements. The class whistle is prompt. Do not expect any delay and manage your time very well while giving demonstrations or morse code instruction.

For those who have an interest in emergency preparedness the CERT instructor has successfully introduced many scouts and their parents to the CERT program. They have been a good part of the scouting program and show up every week.

We had a successful day with the Morse Code instruction, yesterday. Jack W1JAW led the class and got many scouts tapping away on their practice oscillators.

I have reviewed Radio Shack’s website. They no longer list the one piece code practice oscillator.

One of the only choices to recommend to scouts is to get the MFJ through HRO at $34.95. I remember seeing a sale at Radio Shack for less than $20.


Hams and Military to Jointly Test Communications May 14-15

For more info:
Allen Pitts, W1AGP
Media and Public Relations Manager
(860) 594-0328

Hams and Military to Jointly Test Communications May 14-15

May 3, 2005 Newington CT– The 2005 Armed Forces Military/Amateur crossband communications test will take place May 14-15. The US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are co-sponsoring the annual event in celebration of the 55th anniversary of Armed Forces Day, which is Saturday, May 21. The test features military-to-amateur crossband communications using both voice radio and digital communications. The Secretary of Defense will also have his own message-receiving test. The Armed Forces Day radio event is scheduled a week earlier to avoid conflicts with the ham operators national “Hamvention”, May 20-22. Special cards confirming the contacts will be provided to those Amateur Radio operators making contact with the military stations and certificates will be awarded to those hams who receive and copies the digital Armed Forces Day message from the Secretary of Defense.

Amateur Radio, often called “ham” radio, has been shown to be a critical piece in modern emergency management planning. Amateur Radio operators provide volunteer communications for the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and thousands of state and local emergency management offices across the country. The hams are also an integral part of the new DHS Citizen Corps home defense programs. In the recent tsunamis and in many areas during the 2004 Florida hurricanes, Amateur Radio was the only effective communications that survived.

Military/Amateur Radio cross band operations will take place on selected radio frequencies. Voice contacts will include operations on single sideband radios. Digital communications using a blend of radios and computers will also be used. Participating military stations will transmit on selected Military Amateur Radio Service frequencies and listen for amateur radio stations in the Amateur bands. Each of the military station operators will announce the specific amateur band frequency being monitored at their location. The duration of each individual contact will be limited to 1-2 minutes to allow as many stations as possible to participate