Amateur Radio Day!

Mass. Amateur Radio Day Proclamation team
Clockwise, L-R: N1IV, K3HI, N1CPE, W1MPN, K9HI

June 11, 2003 – Boston, MA – Governor Mitt Romney issued a proclamation declaring June 28, 2003, “Amateur Radio Day” this morning. The Governor made this proclamation in recognition of the more than 13,000 amateur radio operators in the Commonwealth. These volunteers play a valuable role in Emergency Communications, National Weather Service “Severe Weather” spotting and Public Service in the Commonwealth. They are involved with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, several Massachusetts branches of the American Red Cross and other important served agencies.

Phil Temples – K9HI, ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager, charged his newly appointed Public Information Coordinator with the task of requesting this of the Governor. Jim Duarte – N1IV, in conjunction with Shawn O’Donnell – K3HI, the ARRL State Government Liaison and Tom Kinahan – N1CPE, Massachusetts State RACES Radio Officer, petitioned the Governor with a letter and several press releases. The press releases outlined amateur radio involvement in many recent disaster situations, severe weather incidents and public service events including the Boston Marathon. Tom, with the help of Peter Judge, MEMA Public Information Officer, delivered the package of information to the Governor’s Office. Mike Neilsen – W1MPN and Rob Macedo – KD1CY wrote press releases regarding specific recent involvement within our state.

Congratulations to all those Massachusetts “Hams” that have worked very hard to give us the reputation that made this proclamation a reality. Enjoy your Field Day with a deserved sense of accomplishment! We’d like to invite all the clubs in Massachusetts to celebrate this Proclamation and get the word out to the public about Amateur Radio. All our affiliated clubs are welcome to use the information in their Field Day press releases and any other PR efforts.

Mass. Amateur Radio Day Proclamation document

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Governor Romney and his staff for generating this proclamation and Senator Cheryl Jacques for assisting with getting the paperwork pushed through. We know that there are more than 13,000 amateur radio volunteers in this state and we’re certain they appreciate the recognition you’ve shown them. We would also like to thank Tom Kinahan and Peter Judge for their spirit of cooperation in assisting the ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section staff with this very worthwhile project.

KM1CC Publicity on WBZ-TV!

W1AA logoK1VV writes:

Boston WBZ TV 4 was at the Marconi 100th Anniversary special event station KM1CC filming video on Weds ….

TV 4 News Reporter Ron Sanders from TV 4 did a couple of interviews …

He said it will be aired on Friday the 17th …Evening news between 5:00 and 6:30 PM .. and possibly on the Saturday news also ……

Bob Doherty K1VV
Marconi Radio Club W1AA


K1VV writes:

Marconi towers Celebrating The 100th Anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi’s First Wireless transmission between the United States and Europe on January 11 – 19, 2003.

From atop high, sandy cliffs overlooking the Atlantic, Marconi transmitted a simple, 54-word greeting from President Theodore Roosevelt to Great Britain’s King Edward VII. Within hours, the King acknowledged receiving the message, and the spark of global communications was lit.
The Marconi Radio Club, W1AA, and the Marconi Cape Cod Memorial Radio Club, KM1CC, working in partnership with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore, will operate a Special Event station from January 11-19 at the former Coast Guard station at Coast Guard Beach in Eastham, Massachusetts, from near the site of the original Marconi 1903 Station. From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day, the public will be able to tour the station, listen to voice and Morse Code discussions with other radio operators around the world, and learn about wireless technology and the significance of Marconi’s achievement. For Details See:

January 18, 2003 will mark the centennial of Marconi’s groundbreaking transatlantic wireless transmission with a reenactment of this historic scientific achievement, rivaling the Wright Brother first flight at Kitty Hawk.

Marconi’s daughter Princess Elettra Marconi is scheduled to attend the event.

A PRESIDENTIAL Commemorative message is anticipated from President George W. Bush.

NASA International Space Station Link – Selected Students from three Cape Cod High Schools (Cape Cod Vocational Technical High School-Harwich, Provincetown High School- Nauset Regional High School) will communicate with astronauts aboard the orbiting International Space Station.

For a complete events calendar, go to and click on “In Depth,” then “News.”

Bob Doherty K1VV
Pres. Marconi Radio Club W1AA

‘CQ Santa”

Santa sketch
Attention EMA clubs:

Please consider getting involved in this worthwhile project.


Phil Temples, K9HI

Duane Wyatt, WA0MJD writes:

“Time is short to have Santa talk to the sick kids this Christmas via amateur radio.

“Please look at the new, easy, revised information about how to do this—an amateur radio presence is not needed on-site and no transmissions need to be made in the hospital. The new information is seen in the “Holiday Hams” section of the website.

“I want to expand this program before next Christmas—can you help me? My new email address is: Thanks very much.”

Duane Wyatt WA0MJD

Translate “Sales Leads” Into Prospective Hams!

Hello to all,

I am Trustee for the USS Salem Radio Club – K1USN in Quincy, Ma. This e-mail is being sent to as many Ham Clubs as possible from listings on the ARRL web site. We would like to try to enlist help from the Ham community with our efforts to encourage newcomers to our great hobby.

During the past year, we have hosted 6150 Scouts as part of our onboard Overnight Scouting Program. These Scouts have come from throughout the entire New England area plus NY, NJ and PA. We even hosted 14 Scouts from the UK back in January! Part of their 24 hours onboard the USS Salem is spent being introduced to Ham Radio and Morse Code. We have two complete HF stations and a VHF/UHF station in Radio Room 5 which are part of our demonstrations onboard. Most Scouts have an opportunity to make a contact on the air and have often gotten to speak with our good friend KE6ZYK – Mike at Mc Murdo Station, Antarctica! The Scouts also receive K1USN QSL cards, Official Radioman wallet cards, ARRL literature including QST magazines and most importantly- AN INTEREST IN AMATEUR RADIO!!

We need your assistance to help us transform these 6000 + “Sales Leads” into prospective Hams! We need to compile an accurate list of Clubs throughout this area that would be willing to give additional onsite demonstrations and offer License Classes.

Please feel free to pass this e-mail along to people from any other Ham Clubs throughout the Northeast that might be willing to assist these youngsters . Remember- The future of Amateur Radio is in the hands of EVERY Ham!

Bridgewater Town of Selectmen Proclaim “MARA Day”

The Massasoit Amateur Radio Association was recognized by the Bridgewater Town of Selectman in a special proclamation on March 20.  Noting the club’s “technical and communications expertise” to the emergency management department, police, and fire departments, they declared March 20, 2001 as “MARA Day.”

image of Bridgewater Town of Selectmen Proclaim "MARA Day"