Cape Cod ARES Drill 7/19/03

Members of the Cape Cod ARES [held its] summer communications exercise Saturday, July 19. The exercise, dubbed “Operation Long Haul” will test the ability of “EOCs, three field teams and multiple zone-based home relay stations to provide general communcations and relay coverage of the operational zones.”

According to Cape and Islands District Emergency Coordinator Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O, the exercise will utilize high frequency Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS), VHF/UHF FM and SSB. O’Laughlin adds, “we’ll attempt communications with other ARES districts if the opportunity arises.”

The drill will be the first CCARES exercise in which a field team conducts an NCS operation on the 6 meter band.

A description of Operation Long Haul can be found in the ARES web site links under “Departments/Programs | Training”.

Flea at M.I.T. Sunday, July 20, 2003


Steve Finberg, W1GSL writes:
Subject: FLEA at MIT This Sunday July 20th Cambridge MA

This coming Sunday...


Summary: Buy Sell SWAP Ham Radio Electronics Computers 9AM - 2PM

+++ Now even more Buyers Parking !!!
Thanks to TKT we have use of their new parking lot
across Albany St from the SWAPFEST !!!

*** !!!! In our Traditional GARAGE and the adjacent lot !!!! ****
so come rain or shine or super heat the Flea is on !!!

********* $1 buyers discount with hardcopy of this notice ********

Sunday July 20th 2003

Come to the city for a great flea - plenty of free parking.

MIT's electronics and ham radio flea will take
place on the third Sunday of each month this summer,
April thru October.

There is tailgate space for over 600 sellers and
free, off-street parking for>2000 cars!

Buyers admission is $5 (you get $1 off if
you're lucky enough to have a copy of our ad)
and sellers spaces are $20 for the first and
$15 for each additional at the gate.

The flea will be held at the corner of Albany and
Main streets in Cambridge; right in the Kendall
Square area from 9AM to 2PM, with sellers set-up
time starting at 7AM.

*** Attention Sellers ***
Prepaid vendors.. Season Pass or monthly,
will be admitted FIRST.
Separate lines will form prior to gate opening
for prepaid and nonprepaid vendors

!! RAIN or SHINE !! Have no fear of rain, a covered
well illuminated tailgate area is available for all
sellers (6'8" clearance).

Talk-in: 145.23- (PL 88.5) W1BOS/R and
W1XM/R-449.725/444.725 (PL 114.8/2A).

Sponsors: MIT Electronics Research Society
MIT UHF Repeater Association (W1XM)
MIT Radio Society (W1MX)
Harvard Wireless Club (W1AF)

For more info / advanced reservations 617 253 3776

********** $1 buyers discount with hard copy of this notice ************

Mail the coupon below by the 5th of the month to be a Prepaid Vendor.

FLEA at MIT 2003 Rates


This year each vendor must have a Cambridge Vendor License.
We will do all the paperwork to get the one day Cambridge licenses.
To keep the spaces affordable we are discounting your first space.
To use your spaces the named vendor MUST be present.
Rates include one admission per space.

Advance $17 First space - includes $10 Cambridge Vendor License
$12 Additional Spaces
Must be received by the 5th of the month.

Gate Admission $20 First Space - includes $10 Cambridge Vendor License
$15 Additional Spaces
Admission is after the prepaid vendors

Early Bird Buyer -Admission after the prepaid vendor line is admitted. ~ 7:15AM
** You may not sell. **
$15 per person at the gate.
$70 Season Early Bird Buyer

cut and return
FLEA at MIT 2003 Advance Space Application 7/03

____April ____May ____June ____ July ____Aug ___Sept ____Oct
@ $17 for the first each month + $12 each additional

Name ________________________ Call __________ $ Included______

Address ________________________ Phone __________ Make Check to
The MIT Radio Society
City ____________________ State _______ Zip _______ PO Box 397082
Cambridge MA 02139
E-mail _____________________________________________

Steve Finberg W1GSL
PO Box 82 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139-7082 617 258 3754

FCC Declares Communication Emergency

FCC Logo The FCC has declared a Communication Emergency for the Texas Coast. Please see story by clicking link in lower left hand column, or the “read more” link.FCC declares communications emergency for Texas coast (Jul 14, 2003) — The Federal Communications Commission, in cooperation with ARRL South Texas Section Manager Ray Taylor, N5NAV, has declared a general communications emergency for the Texas coastal area due to Tropical Storm Claudette. The FCC Enforcement Bureau issued the declaration under the authority of §97.401 of the FCC rules. Effective immediately, the FCC said, the frequencies 7285 kHz (days) and 3873 kHz (nights) require protection. “Amateurs are required to refrain from using those frequencies, plus or minus 3 kHz, unless they are taking part in the handling of emergency traffic,” said the declaration from James Daily, Chief of Homeland Security within the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau. The declaration remains in effect until it’s rescinded.

Hurricane Watch Net secures

HWN Logo Hurricane Watch Net secures operations for Claudette: (Jul 11, 2003) — The Hurricane Watch Net secured operations on 14.325 MHz at 0130 UTC on July 11 for Tropical Storm Claudette. The storm had been predicted to reach hurricane status, but it is now diminishing in strength over the Yucatan Peninsula. The activation for Claudette at 1800 UTC on July 10 was the first of the 2003 hurricane season. HWN members share storm information with forecasters via WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center in Miami. Net Manager Mike Pilgrim, K5MP, has cautioned that once the storm clears the Yucatan and heads into the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, it again could become a major threat to Gulf Coast communities. “We will continue to monitor progress of this storm and will advise if activation of the Hurricane Watch Net might again be called for,” Pilgrim said. “In the meantime, interested parties should access the weather advisories available at on the Net’s Web site or otherwise monitor the Maritime Mobile Service Net on 14.300 MHz for frequent updates of the tropical weather outlook.” At 1200 UTC, Claudette was reported heading north-northwest at 12 MPH with maximum sustained winds of 55 MPH. Meanwhile, Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) National Coordinator Pat McPherson, WW9E, is asking SATERN personnel in its Southern Territory to remain alert to further activation of the Hurricane Watch Net and to support net activities by monitoring and relaying if needed. “If Claudette becomes a hurricane and makes landfall, it is likely that SATERN will activate to pass emergency traffic and handle health and welfare,” McPherson said. The SATERN net operates on 14.265 kHz.

New ARRL Youth Editor Needs Input!

KG4IUMDave Armbrust, AE4MR, Section Manager, Georgia writes:

“A lovely young lady, Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM, a 14 year old GA ham, was selected to be the youth editor for the ARRL.. She did her first web column last month, and with great enthusiasm, I might add, but she’s been a bit disappointed in the lack of feedback from other young hams.

In order for her to make her column reflect what youth are doing in other parts of the country, and not just here in GA, she needs some “leads” to get her going.

That’s where, I hope, you guys (and gals) can come in. Do you know of any interesting youth activities, or a special young ham in your section that Andrea might feature? Here….. let me have her ask you herself:

KG4IUM writes:

“After taking on the position as Youth Editor, I find myself searching for active youth who are excited about amateur radio, hams who elmer youth, and youth related news. While I am aware of what goes on in my section (Georgia), it certainly is not right to leave out every other section, especially since the ARRL is a national organization.

Although I received some response from readers after the first column, I am still looking for an extra boost. And it would be great to travel to every section and find out what’s going on myself, but also impossible.

So, here is where I turn to you. If you know of anyone or anything in your section that involves youth and amateur radio, or have a suggestion for an article topic, please contact me via E-Mail to

Also, if you have not yet viewed the first column, here is a link:

(photo courtesy ARRL web site)

What's New!

New EMA ARES Check here regularly for a summary description of new activity since you visited last!

Our new logo was designed by our PIC, Jim, N1IV.

– Workshop at the SEMARA Club in New Bedford on 8/9 announcement below
– Link (in upper left column) to Joint ARES/RACES statement concerning the Massachusetts Emergency Frequency Protocol
– Link to this year’s very robust FD site, now with wrap up articles, and picture links (see article below or press Field Day link to the left)For a list of longer term projects and goals, please press the button to the upper left “Future Additions”.

Norfolk County Emergency Preparedness Net

From: Dave, K1HRV and, Roger, W1ZSA
To: Norfolk County SkyWarn Net Control stations and participants.

In light of a more significant role we amateurs can play in all types of emergencies Roger, W1ZSA, and I feel that we should expand the purpose and scope of the Sunday night net. Effective July 6, 2003 we are changing the Sunday evening SkyWarn Training Net to the “Norfolk County Emergency Preparedness Net”. SkyWarn training and hazardous weather preparedness will certainly continue to be a major topic for discussion during these nets.
[Webmaster note: This paragraph was copied from the message for emphasis. Please press on the link to read the entire message.]As radio amateur communicators, various circumstances have sharpened our awareness to the need for an elevated level of emergency readiness over the past 21 months. Not only are we finding ourselves being more cognizant of these events, but also more of us have become active in nets, are participating in drills and are attending seminars or taking communications courses that prepare us for such emergencies.

Quite often our weekly Sunday evening SkyWarn net discussions extend beyond that of severe weather preparedness and include timely and important topics of general emergency preparedness. It seems that there is a need for a broader format that not only addresses SkyWarn activities and training, but should include those topics such as Homeland Security, planning for local emergencies, training and emergency preparedness in general.

In light of a more significant role we amateurs can play in all types of emergencies Roger, W1ZSA, and I feel that we should expand the purpose and scope of the Sunday night net. Effective July 6, 2003 we are changing the Sunday evening SkyWarn Training Net to the “Norfolk County Emergency Preparedness Net”. SkyWarn training and hazardous weather preparedness will certainly continue to be a major topic for discussion during these nets.

As the title indicates – we will continue to serve communities in Norfolk County and we welcome all other communities to participate regardless of location.

It should be noted that RACES Sector 2B is made up of most all communities in Norfolk County. Visit and click on “Where am I – Chart” [link to the left on this page – WM] to see a map of Norfolk County, which is approximately the same area that our net serves. Also, the National Weather Service looks to 146.895 when severe weather spotter information is needed in Norfolk County.

So it makes sense to bring all of our talents together in a weekly net format to discuss and learn how we as amateur radio operators can best serve our local communities in the Norfolk County Area in the event of any emergency.

I look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Thank you for your continued support.



North Attleboro Firefighters Kids Day

KB1DRL writes on w1smh-list:

“The North Attleboro Firefighters Kids Day starts this evening and your help would be greatly appreciated. N1EZT, N1SEC, and myself have been working hard getting things setup and we could use some help on Friday, and Saturday evenings. You will be assisting in a communications support role. We could use 4 to 6 people for each night. The equipment you will need is a 440 radio. If you don’t have one I’m sure something can be arranged. If you can help please call me anytime on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday and I will give you the rest of the details. My cell phone number is 774-306-1264 and I will be at Kids Day from now until the end.

Thanks in advance,

SMHARC Vice Pres./Emergency Communications Liaison

[Kudos to Marty and the Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC gang for organizing communications for this worthwhile endeavor. -K9HI]

Workshop Saturday August 9th, 2003

Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Workshop Saturday August 9th, 2003

There will be an Emergency Communications Workshop on Saturday August 9th, 2003 from 9:00 AM-4:30 PM at the SEMARA (Southeast Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association) Club House on 54 Donald Street in South Dartmouth, Massachusetts. This session is being put on by the ARES Section Staff, the SEMARA Club, and SEMARA Club Emergency Coordinator and ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator, KD1CY-Rob Macedo and N1XRS-Tony Duarte. Also, W1EV-Scott Szala, from the SEMARA Activities committee will be providing a lot of assistance for this workshop. More details and map can be found below and at ARES Workshop at SEMARAThis Emergency Communications Workshop will provide the background and information to serve Amateur Radio Operators when they need to respond to a communications emergency. It will feature an Introduction and Conclusion to Emergency Communications, and training sessions on topics including:

Overview of Eastern Massachusetts ARES-RACES-SKYWARN Programs
Basic Overview of ICS
Net Operations
NTS Traffic Message Handling
Go Kits
Interactive Exercises on Field Operations

This training will also feature a special 2 hour lunch that will be provided at no coerced cost to any Amateur who attends the session. The lunch will be combined with a CEMARC BBQ Chicken Lunch that was cancelled in late June. Therefore, there will be BBQ Chicken for those who preregister for the workshop and for CEMARC members who confirm with Frank Murphy-N1DHW their attendance for the luncheon. CEMARC representatives that are also interested in coming to the workshop are more than welcome.

Also, where the SEMARA Club has their own club-house, there will be representatives from the club to give Amateurs a tour of the facility and the club’s plans moving forward.

The Emergency Communications presentations will be given by other Amateur Operators well versed in the topics listed above. The training will be a worthwhile endeavor not just for emergency communicators but for anyone who is an amateur radio operator, and wants to learn more about the hobby.

Preregistration is required for this workshop so that the club can assure enough food is provided so please decide as soon as possible if you would like to attend this workshop.

Directions and a map to the SEMARA Club House:

For any additional information and to preregister for the workshop, please contact:

N1XRS, Tony Duarte by email
KD1CY, Rob Macedo by email

This training should be a worthwhile endeavor for anyone interested in learning more about emergency communications and amateur radio in general.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
SEMARA ARES Emergency Coordinator
Southeastern Massachusetts ARES District Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

60m Test Complete


This is just a brief note, written shortly after tonight’s 60-meter trial closed, to thank everyone who participated and to especially thank WA1FIA, Chat, for his work, and AA2T, Jerry, for his work.

Other stations who deserve a note of thanks include: W1UD and, Tom, N1CPE, at WC1MA.

Thanks all for the help tonight. Now I just have to put the report together. 73 and have a good night.

Marc, WA1R

IARU reports results from ITU WRC-03

You\’ve probably seen the ARRL news by now, but here\’s direct details.

The major change outside of the widely anticipated Morse Code and 40m issues is third party traffic, which will no longer require bilateral agreement; if both national authorities permit third party traffic, that\’s enough. This doesn\’t remove the basic problem of monopoly telcos seeing us as a bigger threat than the internet ;-), but it\’s a start.

Online you can read the full IARU news release (signed by ARRL\’s own K1ZZ) and ham interpretation of the ITU WRC-03 results.

Links above are courtesy of CQ Magazine newsletter mailing list via Ontario DXA mailing list [archives for members only]. CQ\’s news releases are informative, there are 3 bulletins from ITU results there now, worth a read.

73 de Bill N1VUX Alias Problem

Computer bugJuly 7—ARRL Headquarters is experiencing problems with its ARRL.NET email aliases for members’ use. (Note: this is a different problem than the one reported on July 3, in which a large internet service provider, Comcast, began blocking all mail from addresses as “spam.”)

I noticed intermittent problems with bouncing email saying “Unknown user” Saturday, then late Sunday night. The problem exists for a number of mail servers sending to various aliases Headquarters is aware of the problem, and is currently working with their internet service provider to resolve it.

-Phil, K9HI

Minuteman RA Summer Fox Hunts Resume

Minuteman Repeater Association logoKevin Paetzold, K1KWP wrote on CEMARC-list:

The MMRA has resumed summertime foxhunts on Tuesdays at 6PM on the input of the Marlborough 147.270 repeater (i.e.. fox transmits on 147.870). The rules are that the fox must be stationary, must be able to be heard by the repeater, and must be within 20 miles of the repeater site (which in this case in more or less on I495 in Marlborough.

All are welcome to join and signal reports from “non hunting” stations are appreciated.



South Shore Fox Hunt, July 10

FoxBill, KB1IUB wrote on CEMARC-list:

The South Shore FoxHunters are conducting their weekly foxhunt on Saturday July 10, 2003 at 1000 hours EST. The South Shore FoxHunters is sponsored by the Massasoit Area Radio Association and the Whitman Amateur Radio Club. We welcome new participants and all area hams are welcome to join.

The hunt consists of locating the fox, whom transmits on 146.565 MHz within the boundaries. The Fox must hide between Route 138, Route 3, and Route 44. Fox Hunters use the Bridgewater repeater (147.180 MHz PL 67) for coordination and relay of beam headings.

Fox Hunting can be conducted using body fading with a handheld. Directional antennas cut for 146 MHz would be a valuable asset.

Check out for ARDF information. You can build a simple 2 meter tape beam in record time to hunt for the fox this weekend in about one hour or less.

Member of WA1NPO, W1MV, K1USN