September, 2018 Section News

Welcome to the Eastern Massachusetts ARRL section newsletter.  

We begin this month with news of an upcoming election for ARRL New England Division Director.  

Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI, is being challenged for re-election by Fred Hopengarten, K1VR.  At the New England Division convention in Boxboro MA, a special session on Saturday afternoon provided an opportunity for convention attendees to meet and listen to both candidates and ask questions.  

Ballots will be mailed to ARRL members throughout the Division. Please watch for your ballot and vote.  


September 30, 2018
Portable HF Operations and equipment exercise
Weather permitting 12:00 Noon – 5:00 or 6:00 PM
Rockport MA

October 6-9, 2018
Mass Jam Volunteers Needed
Falmouth MA

October 12-13, 2018 
Near-Fest XXIV  
Deerfield NH

Sunday, October 21, 2018
Volunteers Sought for Baystate Marathon

Sunday, October 21, 2018
Nutmeg Hamfest
Meriden, CT

November 10-11,2018
Sturdy Memorial 40th Anniversary Event
Watch for details to be announced at <


Tom K1TW, EMA Section Manager (SM), visited the Framingham ARA on September 6 with a slide presentation on “What’s new and Exciting” in the section.

Rob, KD1CY, EMA Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC), visited the Nashoba Valley ARC on September 20 with a slide presentation on SKYWARN and Eastern Massachusetts ARES.  

Several EMA section staff members are available for club visits.  Please let us know if you’d like to include them in your club meeting programs. 



Rob, KD1CY, EMA SEC reports the weekly Amateur Radio Newsline included a segment about Eastern Massachusetts ARES in connection with the tragic gas explosions in Lawrence, Andover and North Andover.  Newsline began their report by saying “When a local disaster erupted in part of Eastern Massachusetts on Sept. 13 hams were at the ready”.  They also featured a segment on the VOIP Hurricane Net.  You can listen to, or read the transcript of Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2134 for Friday, September 21, 2018 at  <>.

To find out more about EMA ARES is doing visit <>.

If you are interested in joining Eastern Massachusetts ARES, visit <>.


Section Traffic Manager (STM) Report

Marcia Forde, KW1U, writes, “We had a nice turnout for the NTS Forum at Boxboro and some good discussion.  We also had an excellent presentation on digital messaging by Greg, KC1CIC.  On Sunday there were two presentations by W1YSM of CT on how to be an effective net control as well as some of the “nuts and bolts” of NTS messaging.  It has been encouraging to see more visibility of NTS and effective messaging.  Thanks for your support.”


–       Congratulations to the 8 folks who qualified for the Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) in August: KC1CIC, KW1U, N1TF, N1IQI, N1LAH, W1RVY, WA1LPM, KC1HHO.

–       Congratulation to Marcia, KW1U, who made the Brass Pounders League (BPL) in August with 579 points.

Details on these recognition programs is found every month in QST Field Organization column along with a listing of the recipients.  


Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) Report

Andy KB1OIQ, EMA ACC, reports all 35 Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Affiliated clubs have up-to-date annual reports on the ARRL web site.  

Congratulations to PART of Westford on renewing its Special Service Club (SSC) status with the ARRL.  

Andy, KB1OIQ, gave a presentation at the Boxboro Convention on ways to keep your local club healthy and energized. 



Henry, K1WCC, has been appointed Assistant District Emergency Coordinator (ADEC) for Cape & Islands.

Charles, W1CRB, has been appointed as an Emergency Coordinator (EC) in Bristol County.



The Algonquin ARC continued a long tradition of providing safety communications, parade progress reports, and a ready emergency communication back up system for the 67th Marlborough Labor Day Parade. (News from the AARC September newsletter).

The Billerica ARS will host Larry, W1DYJ, at its October 3 meeting in Chelmsford.  Larry will be presenting his talk entitled “One Ham’s Journey with Antennas” in which he describes how the pursuit of ARRL awards motivated his antenna choices over the years.  More info at <>.

The Falmouth ARA has started a 6-meter net on Wednesdays at 1900 local, using the N1YHS 6-meter repeater on 53.010, – 1 MHz offset, PL 173.8.  (Larry, W1IZZ; FARA Webmaster)

The Harvard Wireless Club participated in the Harvard Student Involvement Fair to recruit new members on September 7 at Tercentenary Theater in Harvard Yard, Cambridge. The crew set up an Alex Loop antenna on a 19-foot tripod.

PART OF WESTFORD: At the October 16 PART of Westford meeting, Tom Kinahan, N1CPE, will present on the Military Auxiliary Radio System, also known as MARS, through which amateurs provide support to the US Department of Defense.  Directions at <>. (News from Greg, N1DAM, meeting coordinator.)

The Quannapowitt Radio Association (QRA) kicked of its Fall meetings on Thursday, September 20 in Reading. Quannapowitt has a Facebook page dedicated to both the QRA and the Wolf Pack Repeater System, the official repeaters of the QRA. You can get more information at these links: 

–       QRA website: <
–       QRA Facebook: <>
–       Wolf Pack Repeater System: <>

Members of the Sturdy Memorial Hospital Amateur Radio Club will celebrate their 40th Anniversary by manning the frequencies on Saturday and Sunday, November 10-11, 2018. Brought together by the Blizzard of 1978 and the founding members of Sturdy Memorial Hospital. The ham radio operators donated their time to help their community through one of the worst snow storms ever to hit New England. They are celebrating their 40th Anniversary on November 19, 2018. More information is forthcoming; check their website at <>. 

The Wellesley ARS October 16 meeting at 7:30 PM will feature a talk on “The Lure of Vintage Radio” by WARS President W1DAN. 

“WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THAT RADIO CLUB?” Please visit <> and send any information you might have to  our Assistant Section Manager (ASM) Phil Temples, K9HI, at <>.




NTS daily nets in Massachusetts; All are welcome to join:  <>



Bill, W1KX, manages 1RN Cycle 4, the evening CW net. In August, Bill reports there were 62 sessions, 107 pieces of traffic handled and 198 check-ins.  

Bill also reported the following 1RN participants attended the NTS Forum at Boxboro:  K1EIC, K1EIR, KW1U, NV1N and W1KX.  

At the Boxboro NTS Forum, Bill communicated his desire to retire as Net Manager, a job he held for 10 years managing 1RN Cycle 3 (until deactivation) and a couple of years later 1RN Cycle 4. Anyone interested in taking over as NM should let Marcia, KW1U, or Bill, W1KX, know.  The net has been around since NTS started in 1949. Bill says “We need someone to step forward.  Thanks to all who support 1RN.”



Betsy, K1EIC, manages FRN Cycle 2, the daytime SSB net. In August Betsy reports there were 61 sessions, 156 pieces of Traffic handled and 252 check-ins.

Betsy reports enjoying both the Friday night and Saturday night banquets in Boxboro along with many friends.             



We regret to announce the passing of QRA member Dave Libby, N1SJB. David Bruce Libby, a lifelong resident of Reading, died on July 18, 2018 at the Winchester Hospital.  He was 67 years of age. (From the QRA September Newsletter).

We regret to announce the passing of Paul Laconto, W1NP, of Harwich MA. 


Section website: 

Section Facebook page: 

Section Leadership:

Section Speaker List:



Eastern Massachusetts ARES responded quickly to the events on September 13 in Lawrence, Andover and North Andover and remained on standby for several days should a request be received for communications support. I also learned of clubs making inquiries as to the wellbeing of members in the area. Our section thanks all who were prepared to rapidly assist those in need.  


73 until next month.

Tom, K1TW

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW