MA STM REPORT       JULY 2017    
EM2MN 30 86 173 541 KC1CIC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 6 41 101 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 5 10 88 NA N1IQI 147.225 8:30AM Su
HHTN 18 25 55 177 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 20 5 57 222 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM M,T,T, F,Sa
MARI 31 86 109 430 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 24 9 122 240 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 29 3 319 464 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 27 6 179 160 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 5 2 112 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report       N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
KW1U 0 237 232 2 471    
N1IQI 0 48 222 4 274    
N1LKJ 0 37 53 2 92    
KC1CIC 0 57 23 7 87    
N1TF 1 30 38 9 78    
W1RVY 1 22 29 1 53    
N1LAH 0 27 17 5 49    
AB1UF 0 11 32 2 45    
N1SYC 5 9 20 4 38    
W1PLK 0 4 3 3 10    
PSHR  (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
KC1CIC 40 40 30 10 0 0 120
N1TF 40 40 30 5 0 0 115
N1SYC 40 30 20 15 0 0 105
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1IQI 40 40 0 10 0 10 100
N1LKJ 40 26 10 0 0 0 76
AB1UF 33 40 0 0 0 0 73
KW1U 727 787 1514        
N1IQI 48 222 270        
KC1CIC 19 7 26        
W1RVY 0 6 6        
KC1EGK 0 4 4        
KC1ETB 0 0 0        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED              
MARCIA FORDE STM MA              


I hope everyone had a successful and enjoyable Field Day.  I enjoyed visiting the Whitman Club in East Bridgewater and the Boston Club in Hingham. Between nets and my MBO we saw a fair number of NTS messages.  I hope your club was able to participate in this aspect of FD and get the extra points.  We hope to expand on this next year with more instruction on how to go about it.

Traffic was down in June as well as the number of check-ins and perhaps this was due to vacations and other outdoor activities.  However a good job was done by all and we thank those who helped for their support.

The traffic handlers picnic will be held Sunday August 6 in Concord at 44 Raymond Road from Noon to 4PM.  Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring your beverage of choice and if you wish, anything you might want to share.  If you have any folding chairs for outdoors you might throw those in the car as well as I have a limited number of them here.  Most can find my QTH with GPS, but if you need directions contact me at  If you plan to attend or are considering attending I would appreciate hearing from you so I can anticipate amount of hamburgers and hot dogs to provide.  All traffic handlers and would-be traffic handlers are invited whether from Massachusetts or not.  Hope to see you there.

Below is the June traffic report with thanks to Greg KC1CIC.

73, Marcia KW1U

EM2MN 30 84 159 509 KC1CIC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 15 43 141 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 4 8 71 NA N1IQI 147.225 8:30AM Su
HHTN 17 18 54 166 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 22 5 53 216 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM M,T,T, F,Sa
MARI 30 65 105 400 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 24 17 149 226 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 27 7 243 432 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 23 6 137 128 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 3 0 73 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
KW1U 0 297 255 12 564 X
N1IQI 0 46 144 4 194
KC1CIC 0 73 35 17 125
N1TF 1 35 55 6 97
N1LKJ 0 20 38 2 60
N1SYC 7 17 18 11 53
AB1UF 0 14 22 6 42
W1RVY 1 16 22 1 40
N1LAH 0 16 17 4 37
W1PLK 0 15 1 12 28
AC7RB 0 0 5 0 5
K1BML 0 2 0 2 4
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 15 0 20 145
KC1CIC 40 40 30 25 0 0 135
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1SYC 40 36 20 10 0 0 106
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1LAH 40 37 20 0 0 0 97
N1LKJ 26 40 10 0 0 0 76
KW1U 820 706 1526
N1IQI 22 310 332
KC1CIC 39 16 55
KC1ETB 5 4 9
W1RVY 1 6 7
KC1EGK 0 3 3


I hope everyone had a successful and enjoyable Field Day.  I enjoyed visiting the Whitman Club in East Bridgewater and the Boston Club in Hingham. Between nets and my MBO we saw a fair number of NTS messages.  I hope your club was able to participate in this aspect of FD and get the extra points.  We hope to expand on this next year with more instruction on how to go about it.

Traffic was down in June as well as the number of check-ins and perhaps this was due to vacations and other outdoor activities.  However a good job was done by all and we thank those who helped for their support.

The traffic handlers picnic will be held Sunday August 6 in Concord at 44 Raymond Road from Noon to 4PM.  Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring your beverage of choice and if you wish, anything you might want to share.  If you have any folding chairs for outdoors you might throw those in the car as well as I have a limited number of them here.  Most can find my QTH with GPS, but if you need directions contact me at  If you plan to attend or are considering attending I would appreciate hearing from you so I can anticipate amount of hamburgers and hot dogs to provide.  All traffic handlers and would-be traffic handlers are invited whether from Massachusetts or not.  Hope to see you there.

Below is the June traffic report with thanks to Greg KC1CIC.

73, Marcia KW1U

MA STM REPORT       JUNE 2017    
EM2MN 30 84 159 509 KC1CIC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 15 43 141 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 4 8 71 NA N1IQI 147.225 8:30AM Su
HHTN 17 18 54 166 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 22 5 53 216 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM M,T,T, F,Sa
MARI 30 65 105 400 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 24 17 149 226 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 27 7 243 432 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 23 6 137 128 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 3 0 73 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report       N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
KW1U 0 297 255 12 564 X  
N1IQI 0 46 144 4 194    
KC1CIC 0 73 35 17 125    
N1TF 1 35 55 6 97    
N1LKJ 0 20 38 2 60    
N1SYC 7 17 18 11 53    
AB1UF 0 14 22 6 42    
W1RVY 1 16 22 1 40    
N1LAH 0 16 17 4 37    
W1PLK 0 15 1 12 28    
AC7RB 0 0 5 0 5    
K1BML 0 2 0 2 4    
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 15 0 20 145
KC1CIC 40 40 30 25 0 0 135
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1SYC 40 36 20 10 0 0 106
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1LAH 40 37 20 0 0 0 97
N1LKJ 26 40 10 0 0 0 76
KW1U 820 706 1526        
N1IQI 22 310 332        
KC1CIC 39 16 55        
KC1ETB 5 4 9        
W1RVY 1 6 7        
KC1EGK 0 3 3        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED              
MARCIA FORDE STM MA              

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 7/10 8:30pm

*** Please note the 1-week delay this month due to the 4th of July weekend ***

Hello to all…
We will be continuing our monthly ARES Net in June. The monthly ARES Net for July is Monday the 10th, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

As part of our relationship with MARS and our own situational awareness gathering we will be asking for any known infrastructure issues that you are aware of. The information must either be personally observed, or obtained “over the air” via amateur radio. Items considered to be infrastructure include but are not limited to: electrical power, water, medical facilities, sanitation, communications, and transportation. Examples of failure would be: small or large area power failure, water main breaks, hospitals’ ER closed, sewage issues, TV/radio station off the air (including public safety), interstate highway or major road closed. No known issues are just as important as reporting failures.

Additionally we are interested in relay of any weather information from airport ATIS/ASOS stations that you can directly receive via radio. These stations broadcast continuously in the 120.000 – 138.000 MHz frequency range using amplitude modulation. Information from the ATIS should include airport, temperature, altimeter (barometer), wind, precipitation, and visibility.

A list of stations with their frequencies and a map can be found at:

A brief introduction to ATIS can be found at:
A more detailed introduction to ATIS/ASOS can be found at:

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator

July 1,2017 Eastern MA Hospital Net

Good Afternoon Everyone,


Net Control for the July 1, 2017 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be W1SSH, The South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club. The net will commence at the usual time of 10:AM using the following repeaters in the order listed.


1. Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5

2. Salem 146.88 tone 118.8        
3. Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5


Simplex 147.42


The Net will than return to the Plymouth Repeater for final comments and Net closing.


NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check in procedure which is:   Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by one of the participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

Any hospital wishing to join the net that needs assistance with equipment or personnel should contact us at We can assist you with getting your location on the air.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested please let us know. Our goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters are available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3 (Sturdy Memorial Hospital)
Belmont 145.430 tone 146.2

Boston 145.230 tone encode 88.5 tone decode 100.0

Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0  
Fairhaven 145.490 tone 67.0    
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9

Mansfield EMA  446.925 tone 100.0

Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0

Marshfield 145.390 tone 67.0      
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8        
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5    
Weymouth 147.345 tone 110.9 (South Shore Hospital)

W. Bridgewater 146.775 dcs 244 
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing you all on the Net.

John O’


Your STM needs a vacation from vacations in order to catch up.  Sorry this is delayed getting on the website.  Greg was right on time, but I’m the guilty party.

Traffic and check-ins have been somewhat slow the past month, but many thanks to the regulars who have kept things going during my absense.  One more trip in July and that will be it for my travel for awhile.

We are looking forward to Field Day coming up this weekend (June 24-25).  We hope to see lots of NTS traffic coming out of the Field Day sites.  I will be visiting several sites and hope to see some of you.

Don’t forget the traffic handlers picnic currently planned for Sunday August 6 noon to 4 at my QTH in Concord MA.  All traffic handlers are invited.  Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.  Bring yourselves, any beverage you prefer and if you wish you can bring something to share.  More details will follow in July.

Happy summer to all.
Marcia KW1U


EM2MN 31 75 163 506 KC1CIC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 22 36 140 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 4 8 58 NA N1IQI 147.225 8:30AM Su
HHTN 18 13 57 187 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 19 17 55 278 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM M,T,T, F,Sa
MARI 31 74 115 446 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 25 20 144 196 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 29 4 435 580 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 31 2 264 281 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 4 0 89 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
N1IQI 0 71 369 4 444
KW1U 0 190 168 2 360
KC1CIC 0 90 44 25 159
N1TF 0 62 58 9 129
N1LKJ 0 48 66 5 119
N1LAH 2 38 40 3 83
W1RVY 1 27 32 1 61
AB1UF 0 19 36 1 56
N1SYC 0 13 17 0 30
AC7RB 0 5 12 6 23
W1PLK 0 8 5 6 19
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
KC1CIC 40 40 30 5 0 0 115
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1SYC 40 30 20 4 0 0 94
N1LKJ 40 26 10 0 0 0 76
AB1UF 33 40 0 0 0 0 73
KW1U 858 831 1689
N1IQI 22 288 310
KC1CIC 43 14 57
W1RVY 8 9 17
KC1EGK 1 8 9
KC1ETB 5 4 9



Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 6/5 8:30pm

Hello to all…
We will be continuing our monthly ARES Net in June. The monthly ARES Net for June is Monday the 5th, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

As part of our relationship with MARS and our own situational awareness gathering we will be asking for any known infrastructure issues that you are aware of. The information must either be personally observed, or obtained “over the air” via amateur radio. Items considered to be infrastructure include but are not limited to: electrical power, water, medical facilities, sanitation, communications, and transportation. Examples of failure would be: small or large area power failure, water main breaks, hospitals’ ER closed, sewage issues, TV/radio station off the air (including public safety),  interstate highway or major road closed. No known issues are just as important as reporting failures.

Additionally we are interested in relay of any weather information from airport ATIS/ASOS stations that you can directly receive via radio. These stations broadcast continuously in the 120.000 – 138.000 MHz frequency range using amplitude modulation. Information from the ATIS should include airport, temperature, altimeter (barometer), wind, precipitation, and visibility.

A list of stations with their frequencies and a map can be found at:

A brief introduction to ATIS can be found at:
A more detailed introduction to ATIS/ASOS can be found at:

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator


Greetings all Massachusetts traffic handlers.  Below you will find the April traffic report for the combined sections of East and West Mass.  Thanks to all for your support.

We welcome a new ORS. AB1UF of Framingham. Fred is a regular on the MARI CW net and has recently accepted a liaison position to 1RN.  As you can see from our list below we have a growing number of stations reporting station activity (SAR) and Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR).  Anyone can send in a report to Greg KC1CIC at the end of the month and be listed here.  Information on reporting can be found on this site under SAR and PSHR.  Active on traffic nets? Consider an ARRL ORS (Official Relay Station) field appointment, which incidently gets you 10 points in Category 3 of the PSHR.  See KW1U for details or check keyword ORS.

Upcoming activities include Field Day June 24-25, a traffic handlers picnic in Concord probably Sunday August 6 and the Boxboro convention September 8-10.  Field Day participants are reminded that points can be made by sending NTS messages. More information on this can be found under the menu to the left of this page entitled Field Day Traffic Tips. Encourage your group to take advantage of these points and gain experience in message handling. You can help them to do this.  More information on the picnic and Boxboro will be provided next month, but reserve the dates.

Happy Spring to all.   de Marcia KW1U


MA STM REPORT April 2017
EM2MN 30 122 182 588 KC1CIC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 28 43 141 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 5 10 102 NA N1IQI 147.225 8:30AM Su
HHTN 17 20 53 192 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 18 3 43 188 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM M,T,T, F,Sa
MARI 30 97 137 531 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 20 8 130 140 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 28 7 336 504 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 25 7 198 192 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 5 0 12 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
KW1U 0 417 402 1 820 X
N1IQI 0 22 288 4 314
N1TF 0 57 51 15 123
KC1CIC 0 66 40 12 118
N1LAH 1 43 43 3 90
N1LKJ 0 23 37 0 60
N1SYC 7 11 23 6 47
W1RVY 0 18 25 0 43
W1PLK 0 9 4 5 18
AB1UF 0 1 8 0 9
K1BML 0 5 0 2 7
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
W1RVY 40 40 20 80 0 0 180
KC1CIC 40 40 30 25 0 0 135
KW1U 40 40 30 5 0 20 135
N1LAH 40 40 20 30 0 0 130
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
N1SYC 40 37 20 5 0 0 102
N1LKJ 40 40 10 0 0 0 90
K1BML 29 5 10 0 0 0 44
AB1UF 16 9 0 0 0 0 25
KW1U 1196 1015 2211
N1IQI 22 288 310
KC1CIC 24 5 29
KC1EGK 0 4 4
W1RVY 1 1 2
KC1ETB 6 1 7

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 5/1 8:30pm

Hello to all…
We will be continuing our monthly ARES Net in May. The monthly ARES Net for May is Monday the 1st, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

As part of our relationship with MARS and our own situational awareness gathering we will be asking for any known infrastructure issues that you are aware of. The information must either be personally observed, or obtained “over the air” via amateur radio. Items considered to be infrastructure include but are not limited to: electrical power, water, medical facilities, sanitation, communications, and transportation. Examples of failure would be: small or large area power failure, water main breaks, hospitals’ ER closed, sewage issues, TV/radio station off the air (including public safety),  interstate highway or major road closed. No known issues are just as important as reporting failures.

Additionally we are interested in relay of any weather information from airport ATIS/ASOS stations that you can directly receive via radio. These stations broadcast continuously in the 120.000 – 138.000 MHz frequency range using amplitude modulation. Information from the ATIS should include airport, temperature, altimeter (barometer), wind, precipitation, and visibility.

A list of stations with their frequencies and a map can be found at:

A brief introduction to ATIS can be found at:
A more detailed introduction to ATIS/ASOS can be found at:

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator

Reminder: Cape Cod ARES Technical Drill April 22. 1000 – 1200 ET

Cape and Islands Exercise #58

Update: Falmouth EOC, Barnstable County MACC, Falmouth Hospital EOC, Falmouth EOC, Nantucket EOC, Joint Base Cape Cod station K1AIR are confirmed to be participating in the drill.

The Cape Cod and Islands Amateur Radio Emergency Service District will conduct a technical test exercise in order to test its capability in establishing communications between one of its primary regional shelters and other fixed sites. Such sites include the Multi Agency coordination Center (MACC), EOCs, Hospital stations, home stations etc. The technical test exercise called “Operation Shelter Hop” will test the ability of several fixed stations to provide communications coverage in our operational district and beyond. This will also be a drill to test some of our on/off Cape EOC’s, primary stations and other ARES member home stations. The exercise will attempt to build upon the lessons learned from our past operational exercises.

The Primary objectives of this exercise are as follows:

  • Deploy a crew and operate from the Falmouth Regional shelter (Falmouth High School)
  • Deploy a crew and operate from the Multi Agency Coordination Center Station (MACC) at the Barnstable County Facility in Barnstable.
  • Establish and conduct a tactical net on simplex 2m FM
  • Establish contact with Town RACES EOC’s
  • Establish contact with other ARES districts and their EOCs where possible
  • Test and evaluate communications with Home Stations
  • Communicate with the Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard ARES/RACES stations
  • Conduct an HF contact on Cape for statewide practice and participation
  • Test communications from Falmouth Club station on Joint Base Cape Cod
  • Test communications from Falmouth Fire Station EOC

Further details are available in the attached updated PDF file at


Spring is finally coming to New England. Life springs anew. The buds are opening up on the trees, flowers are starting to bloom and folks are perhaps thinking about checking on those antennas and how they survived the winter.  Some may be thinking about new equipment.  I know one who will be showing off a new HF radio.  (Hope you enjoy it Greg.)

As we head into spring, flea markets and hamfests are springing up as well.  May 5 and 6 is NearFest in Deerfield New Hampshire.  Pete K1PJS, NH SM has announced a traffic handlers’ meeting ‘over coffee’ on Saturday May 6 at 10 AM at the ARRL Booth. All traffic handlers are invited.  Meet fellow traffic handlers from NH and possibly around New England.  I plan to be there and hope to see some of you.

Below is the March traffic report thanks to the always fine efforts of Greg KC1CIC.  While I spent a week in Florida during March, you folks kept the nets running so smoothly.  Thanks to all for all your support.

73, Marcia KW1U, STM


MA STM REPORT       March 2017    
EM2MN 31 134 189 613 KC1CIC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 35 39 178 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 4 8 63 NA N1IQI 147.225 8:30AM Su
HHTN 17 26 49 199 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 17 3 44 188 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM M,T,T, Sat
MARI 31 87 147 525 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 29 24 219 269 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 27 6 378 567 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 28 7 241 215 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 4 0 111 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report       N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
N1IQI 0 179 566 4 749 X  
KW1U 0 360 359 3 722 X  
KC1CIC 0 122 84 21 227    
N1TF 0 52 53 23 128    
N1LAH 2 55 56 4 117    
W1RVY 1 46 57 2 106    
N1LKJ 0 34 48 0 82    
N1SYC 0 4 16 4 24    
W1PLK 0 11 4 6 21    
AB1UF 0 7 4 0 11    
K1BML 0 5 0 2 7    
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 15 0 20 145
KC1CIC 40 40 30 20 0 0 130
W1RVY 40 40 20 15 0 0 115
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
N1SYC 40 24 20 20 0 0 104
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1LKJ 23 40 10 0 0 0 73
K1BML 29 5 10 0 0 0 44
AB1UF 22 19 0 0 0 0 41
KW1U 1533 1500 3033        
N1IQI 179 566 745        
KC1CIC 69 26 95        
KC1EGK 0 6 6        
W1RVY 1 17 18        
KC1ETB 4 0 4        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED              

Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – Saturday April 1st, 2017

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Net Control for the April 1, 2017 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be W1SSH The South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club. The net will commence at the usual time of 10:AM using the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
2. Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5 
3. Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9
Simplex 147.42

The Net will than return to the Bridgewater Repeater for final comments and Net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check in procedure which is:   Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by one of the participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

Any hospital wishing to join the net that needs assistance with equipment or personnel should contact us at We can assist you with getting your location on the air.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested please let us know. Our goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters are available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

REMINDER: The BARC Boston Repeater 145.230 is now using split tone. Tone encode 88.5,  tone decode 100.0.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3 (Sturdy Memorial Hospital)
Belmont 145.430 tone 146.2
Boston 145.230 tone encode 88.5 tone decode 100.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0 
Fairhaven 145.490 tone 67.0   
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9 
Mansfield EMA  446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Marshfield 145.390 tone 67.0     
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8       
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5   
Weymouth 147.345 tone 110.9 (South Shore Hospital)
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dcs 244
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing you all on the Net.


John O’

South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH
c/o Volunteer Services
55 Fogg Road,
South Weymouth, MA 02190


Spring is almost here, although it is hard to tell some days.  My bulbs and shrubs are all confused.  The calendar does say however that it’s almost time for yard and antenna work so we can start making those plans.

The nets have been doing well, lots of check-ins, handling lots of traffic.  I was invited to give a presentation on NTS to the Framingham Club, which was most enjoyable. They were a very attentive group and asked lots of good questions.  If anyone else belongs to a club in the section and would like a presentation on NTS and traffic handling let me know.

Below is the February traffic report for East and West Mass, again thanks to the excellent work of Greg KC1CIC. See you all on the nets.


EM2MN 28 121 202 639 KC1CIC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 12 22 47 129 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 4 8 71 NA N1IQI 147.225  
HHTN 16 23 59 204 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 16 18 46 217 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM M,T,T, Sat
MARI 28 134 159 728 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 24 29 191 215 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 21 7 294 483 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 22 11 215 196 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 3 0 86 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report       N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
N1IQI 0 440 697 4 1141 X  
KW1U 0 470 407 1 878 X  
KC1CIC 0 63 54 10 127    
N1TF 0 55 53 13 121    
N1LKJ 0 32 47 2 81    
N1LAH 1 36 32 4 73    
W1RVY 2 24 37 3 66    
AB1UF 0 10 43 0 53    
N1SYC 4 14 23 6 47    
W1PLK 0 5 4 3 12    
K1BML 0 3 0 3 6    
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
KC1CIC 40 40 30 15 0 0 125
N1SYC 40 40 20 15 0 0 115
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
AB1UF 38 40 0 0 0 0 78
N1LKJ 24 40 10 0 0 0 74
KW1U 1201 928 2129        
N1IQI 144 320 464        
KC1CIC 17 15 32        
KC1EGK 2 7 9        
W1RVY 0 7 7        
KC1ETB 4 0 4        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED              

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 3/6 8:30pm


Hello to all…
We will be continuing our monthly ARES Net in March. The monthly ARES Net for March is Monday the 6th, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

As part of our relationship with MARS and our own situational awareness gathering we will be asking for any known infrastructure issues that you are aware of. The information must either be personally observed, or obtained “over the air” via amateur radio. Items considered to be infrastructure include but are not limited to: electrical power, water, medical facilities, sanitation, communications, and transportation. Examples of failure would be: small or large area power failure, water main breaks, hospitals’ ER closed, sewage issues, TV/radio station off the air (including public safety),  interstate highway or major road closed. No known issues are just as important as reporting failures.

Additionally we are interested in relay of any weather information from airport ATIS/ASOS stations that you can directly receive via radio. These stations broadcast continuously in the 120.000 – 138.000 MHz frequency range using amplitude modulation. Information from the ATIS should include airport, temperature, altimeter (barometer), wind, precipitation, and visibility.

A list of stations with their frequencies and a map can be found at:

A brief introduction to ATIS can be found at:
A more detailed introduction to ATIS/ASOS can be found at:

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator


While winter has taken it’s toll on HF with poor to deploable band conditions, the hardy traffic handlers of Massachusetts have persisted and the nets have performed well in spite of propagation.  Thanks to all who have kept the nets flowing with traffic.  While VHF does not suffer the same vagaries of HF, the New England cold has probably helped to keep some indoors and on the radio, keeping these nets very active as well.

I am pleased to announce that the Cape and Island Traffic Net has expanded to include a fourth weekly session and now operates on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Welcome back to Mike N2JWW who is assuming NCS on Monday evenings.

Unfortunately Bob N1SYC, due to health reasons, has found it necessary to reduce his ham radio responsibilities and while continuing as manager of the Cape and Islands net, is resigning as manager of the Eastern Mass 2 Meter net.  Greg KC1CIC has agreed to take on that responsibility.  Many thanks to Greg and we wish Bob healthier days ahead.

The January section traffic report for the combined sections of East and West Mass is shown below.  Thanks again to Greg KC1CIC for his help in putting these reports together.  See you all on the nets.
73, Marcia KW1U


MA STM REPORT       JANUARY 2017    
EM2MN 31 158 245 719 N1SYC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 35 45 173 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 5 10 92 NA N1IQI 147.225  
HHTN 18 74 35 264 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 13 33 50 238 N1SYC 147.37 7:30P M,Tu,Th,Sa
MARI 31 96 138 587 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 24 18 184 224 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 28 5 336 532 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 31 7 293 214 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 5 1 125 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
N1IQI 0 440 697 4 1141 X  
KW1U 0 310 289 1 600 X  
N1TF 0 85 84 15 184    
KC1CIC 0 81 80 22 183    
N1LAH 1 68 61 4 134    
W1RVY 1 42 45 2 90    
N1LKJ 0 31 42 0 73    
AB1UF 0 21 34 0 55    
AC7RB 0 24 27 2 53    
W1PLK 0 3 3 3 9    
K1BML 0 2 0 0 2    
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 10 0 20 140
KC1CIC 40 40 30 5 0 0 115
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
AC7RB 40 40 0 0 0 0 80
AB1UF 35 40 0 0 0 0 75
N1LKJ 20 40 10 0 0 0 70
KW1U 1509 1157 2666        
N1IQI 100 697 797        
KC1CIC 25 17 42        
KC1EGK 0 12 12        
W1RVY 0 7 7        
KC1ETB 1 4 5        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED              

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 2/6 8:30pm

Hello to all…
We will be resuming our monthly ARES Net in February. The monthly ARES Net for February is Monday the 6th, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

As part of our relationship with MARS and our own situational awareness gathering we will be asking for any known infrastructure issues that you are aware of. The information must either be personally observed, or obtained “over the air” via amateur radio. Items considered to be infrastructure include but are not limited to: electrical power, water, medical facilities, sanitation, communications, and transportation. Examples of failure would be: small or large area power failure, water main breaks, hospitals’ ER closed, sewage issues, TV/radio station off the air (including public safety),  interstate highway or major road closed. No known issues are just as important as reporting failures.

Additionally we are interested in relay of any weather information from airport ATIS/ASOS stations that you can directly receive via radio. These stations broadcast continuously in the 120.000 – 138.000 MHz frequency range using amplitude modulation. Information from the ATIS should include airport, temperature, altimeter (barometer), wind, precipitation, and visibility.

A list of stations with their frequencies and a map can be found at:

A brief introduction to ATIS can be found at:
A more detailed introduction to ATIS/ASOS can be found at:

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator


2016 has come to a close and it has been a busy and eventful year.  We had a traffic handlers picnic on a picture perfect day, and a traffic handlers table at the New England ARRL convention in Boxboro.  The Cape and Islands 2 Meter Net was re-activated with N1SYC as Net Manager, and Heavy Hitters Traffic Net increased from three to four sessions a week, adding Sunday evening thanks to Net Manager W1HAI.  The Mass Rhode Island Phone Net celebrated it’s one year anniversary under the leadership of N1LAH.  The East Mass 2 Meter Net moved to Quincy and Sharon repeaters until finally landing back home on the Boston repeater.  We lost several traffic handlers including Clyde N1BHH and Jack N1OTC who became Silent Keys, and Mike NA1XX who due to a physical condition had to discontinue his radio activities. Greg KC1CIC was officially appointed to the ARRL position of Assistant Section Traffic Manager.  K1BML was appointed a new Official Relay Station. KC1EGK and KC1ENA became new Net Control Stations.  KO4W became a new traffic handler. KC1EGK, KC1ETB and KO4W joined KC1CIC and N1IQI as digital traffic handlers
Included below is not only the December Section Traffic Report but a year end summary of all our traffic activity in 2016.  Thanks to Greg KC1CIC for compiling all the stats and thanks to all you great traffic handlers for a really good year.  73, Marcia KW1U

EM2MN 31 142 246 776 N1SYC 145.230 MHz 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 14 11 32 112 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 4 8 67 NA N1IQI 147.225 MHz  
HHTN 17 17 56 195 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 14 16 49 215 N1SYC 147.375 MHz 7:30PM Tu,Th,Sat
MARI 31 95 125 586 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 30 28 178 252 KK1X 146.970 MHz 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 30 4 311 480 N1QOV 146.910 MHz 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 28 5 209 198 N1YCW 146.910 MHz 1PM Daily
WMEN 2 0 62 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report       N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
KW1U 0 545 496 6 1047 X  
N1IQI 0 344 597 4 945 X  
KC1CIC 0 100 89 27 216    
N1LKJ 0 71 87 0 158    
N1TF 1 63 67 14 145    
W1RVY 1 36 43 3 83    
N1LAH 1 23 29 3 56    
AC7RB 0 10 31 0 41    
W1PLK 0 8 5 6 19    
K1BML 1 9 1 7 18    
AB1UF 0 0 17 0 17    
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
KC1CIC 40 40 30 10 0 0 120
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
N1IQI 40 40 10 0 0 10 100
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
K1BML 28 9 10 50 0 0 97
AC7RB 40 40 0 0 0 0 80
N1LKJ 26 40 10 0 0 0 76
KW1U 1,835 1,436 3,271        
KC1CIC 54 33 87        
KO4W 4 19 23        
KC1EGK 4 13 17        
W1RVY 2 8 10        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED              
MARCIA FORDE STM MA              
2016 MA NTS SUMMARY                          
MARI 365 1,257 1,388 6,309                    
EM2MN 365 1,216 2,259 7,480                    
CM2MN 332 268 2,330 3,189                    
WMTN C1 342 58 4,213 5,626                    
WMTN C2 288 84 2,469 2,518                    
SUB-TOTAL 1,692 2,883 12,659 25,122                    
HHTN 169 209 713 2,284                    
MARIPN 157 193 515 1,697                    
WARPSN 49 99 838 NA                    
CITN 53 61 170 780                    
WMEN 43 5 1,164 NA                    
SUB-TOTAL 471 567 3,400 4,761                    
2016 MA NTS GRAND TOTAL 2,163 3,450 16,059 29,883                    
DIGITAL TRAFFIC (as of Sept 1.)                          
  DRS RCV FWD TOTAL                    
  KW1U 6,533 5,648 12,181                    
  KC1CIC 222 196 418                    
  KO4W 4 19 23                    
  KC1EGK 12 38 50                    
  W1RVY 19 47 66                    
  TOTAL 6,790 5,948 12,738                    
    RCV FWD TOTAL                    
SAR and PSHR N1IQI     KW1U     N1TF     KC1CIC     W1RVY  
Jan 738 110   596 130   272 105   69 120   112 100
Feb 372 110   416 140   196 105   59 125   76 100
Mar 560 110   408 130   238 105   81 115   89 100
Apr 705 110   306 130   247 105   115 115   92 160
May 549 110   604 130   201 105   120 115   109 100
Jun 658 110   608 140   199 105   136 135   53 100
Jul 841 100   642 130   203 105   74 130   79 100
Aug 809 110   840 130   361 105   170 115   125 100
Sep 706 110   719 130   247 105   148 120   91 100
Oct 769 120   587 130   237 105   269 125   117 100
Nov 847 120   587 130   115 105   177 135   72 100
Dec 945 100   1047 130   145 105   216 120   83 100
  8,499 1,320   7,360 1,580   2,661 1,260   1,634 1,470   1,098 1,260
  N1LKJ     AC7RB     N1LAH     K1BML     W1PLK  
Jan 54 90   57 73   18 0   0 0   19 0
Feb 64 83   0 0   0 0   0 0   11 0
Mar 44 74   0 0   21 86   0 0   11 0
Apr 17 0   35 0   22 117   20 82   9 0
May 48 90   92 80   43 125   16 89   16 0
Jun 38 78   93 80   33 90   14 60   14 0
Jul 110 90   70 79   34 94   21 0   6 0
Aug 139 75   73 76   33 98   0 73   37 0
Sep 68 0   56 80   17 80   0 0   19 0
Oct 0 0   56 80   91 100   8 0   26 0
Nov 107 54   47 80   93 100   8 44   30 0
Dec 158 76   41 80   56 100   18 97   19 0
  847 710   620 708   461 990   105 445   217 0


Winter has come, the first snow has fallen and the temperatures are plunging. Christmas music is everywhere, shops are filled with people, and the airwaves are humming with radiograms full of holiday cheer.  Have you tried this unique way of connecting with family and friends?  I’m sure they would be surprised and delighted to hear.

I’m happy to say the Boston Amateur Radio Club has been working on their repeater, and the East Mass Two Meter Traffic Net is finally back home on the 145.230 repeater where it has resided for many years.  Our many thanks to the members of BARC for all their efforts.

The November traffic stats are listed below.  If you are an ORS remember to send your SAR and PSHR reports to Greg KC1CIC.  If you are not yet an ORS (Official Relay Station) and have been handling traffic, ask Marcia KW1U about getting this ARRL field appointment.

Best wishes to all for the holiday season.
73, Marcia KW1U


EM2MN 30 142 184 617 N1SYC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 15 37 119 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
HHTN 17 25 51 203 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 13 19 40 195 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM Tu,Th,Sat
MARI 30 60 123 450 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 30 17 215 269 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 30 5 360 510 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 29 5 184 190 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 3 0 84 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
N1IQI 0 286 557 4 847 X
KW1U 0 302 280 5 587 X
KC1CIC 0 82 77 18 177
N1TF 0 46 57 12 115
N1LKJ 0 47 59 1 107
N1LAH 0 45 47 1 93
W1RVY 1 39 31 1 72
AC7RB 0 17 27 3 47
W1PLK 0 16 4 10 30
K1BML 0 4 0 4 8
AB1UF 2 1 3 0 6
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KC1CIC 40 40 30 25 0 0 135
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
N1IQI 40 40 10 20 0 10 120
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
AC7RB 40 40 0 0 0 0 80
KW1U 1288 1055 2343
KC1CIC 41 48 89
KC1EGK 5 13 18
W1RVY 4 9 13

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 12/5 8:30pm

…Please read below as we will be requesting new information after checkin on the net…

Hello to all…

We will be resuming our monthly ARES Net in December. The monthly ARES Net for December is Monday the 5th, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

As part of our relationship with MARS and our own situational awareness gathering we will be asking for any known infrastructure issues that you are aware of. The information must either be personally observed, or obtained “over the air” via amateur radio. Items considered to be infrastructure include but are not limited to: electrical power, water, medical facilities, sanitation, communications, and transportation. Examples of failure would be: small or large area power failure, water main breaks, hospitals’ ER closed, sewage issues, TV/radio station off the air (including public safety),  interstate highway or major road closed. No known issues are just as important as reporting failures.

Additionally we are interested in relay of any weather information from airport ATIS/ASOS stations that you can directly receive via radio. These stations broadcast continuously in the 120.000 – 138.000 MHz frequency range using amplitude modulation. Information from the ATIS should include airport, temperature, altimeter (barometer), wind, precipitation, and visibility.

A list of stations with their frequencies and a map can be found at:

A brief introduction to ATIS can be found at:
A more detailed introduction to ATIS/ASOS can be found at:

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator


November is here, the leaves are falling like raindrops, and the holidays are fast approaching.  Have you tried sending holiday greetings via NTS?  There was a time when the nets were filled with holiday messages.  We all kept busy, had fun in the process, and the messages were well received.  Today we have the internet, but we can still keep busy, have fun and enjoy delivering that holiday good cheer sent via amateur radio.  Who has tried this?  Who will try it?
Below you will see in the October report the results of your efforts on the traffic nets.  We have a great and enthusiastic group of folks in Massachusetts.  Thank you so much for your support.  Have a happy Thanksgiving and don’t forget our Vererans on Veterans Day.
73, Marcia KW1U


N1IQI 0 248 517 4 769 X
KW1U 0 328 250 9 587 X
KC1CIC 0 118 122 29 269
N1TF 0 111 124 2 237
W1RVY 1 54 60 2 117
N1LAH 1 43 46 1 91
AC7RB 0 17 37 2 56
W1PLK 0 14 4 8 26
K1BML 0 5 0 3 8
PSHR (Min 70 pts) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
W1RVY 40 40 20 80 0 0 180
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
KC1CIC 40 40 30 15 0 0 125
N1LAH 40 40 20 25 0 0 125
N1IQI 40 40 10 20 0 10 120
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
AC7RB 40 40 0 0 0 0 80
KW1U 1783 1622 3405
KC1CIC 88 78 166
W1RVY 9 17 26
KC1EGK 1 7 8