Cape Ann ARA Tech Class, April 21, 2018

CAARA logoBill Poulin, WZ1L writes on the Cape Ann ARA list:

The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association will hold a one-day study course for those interested in earning the FCC Technician class Amateur Radio license. The course will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2018 from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM at the Lanesville Community Center, 8 Vulcan Street in Gloucester.  An exam will be held at the conclusion of  the class.

There is a $20.00 fee for course materials, snacks and the FCC test fee.

You must register in advance by e-mailing

Genesis ARS Tech Course Begins April 7, 2018

Genesis ARS logoChris Johnson, N1IR writes on the Genesis ARS list:

The Tech course for April 7, 21 and May 5th is a go! We are located at the Plymouth Airport Community Room have 6 students so far and the list is growing, again of you know anyone who is interested in taking the tech course please pass this on. Thanks to all that volunteer without your effort the hobby and this class would not be a success.

Call out to volunteer instructors, anyone wish to teach a section please email me.

Saturday April 7, 2018
09:00 – 9:15 Setup, Introduction, Books Materials
09:15 – 10:00    T1 (FCC Rules Part A)
10:00 – 10:45    T1(FCC Rules Part B)
10:45 – 11:30    T2 (Operating Procedures)
11:30 – 12:15    Lunch
12:15 – 13:00    T3 (Radio Waves and Propagation)
13:00 – 13:45    T4 (Station Setup and Operation)
13:45 – 14:00     Breakdown

Saturday April 21, 2018

09:00 – 09:15     Setup
09:15 – 10:00     T5 (Electrical and Electronic Principal)
10:00 – 10:45     T6 (Electrical Components and Functions)
10:45 – 11:30     T7 (Operating Procedures)
11:30 – 12:15     Lunch
12:15 – 13:00     T8 (Operating Modes and Special Operation)
13:00 – 13:45     T9 (Antenna and Feed Lines)
13:45 – 14:00     Breakdown

Saturday May 5, 2018
09:00 – 09:15     Setup
09:15 – 10:00     T10 (Electrical and RF Safety)
10:00 – 10:30     Q + A / VEC Setup
10:30 – 12:30     VE TESTING

Framingham Flea Market and VE Session, April 8, 2018

Framingham ARA logoThe Framingham ARA Spring Flea Market will take place on April 8, 2018 at the Keefe Technical School, 750 Winter Street in Framingham. Admission for buyers is $5, and under 12 is free. Tables are $20 in advance and $25 at the door if available. There will be refreshments, a VE session and door prizes.

For complete information, visit

Middleborough Licensing Class “A Success”

Middleborough amateur Phil McNamara, N1XTB has concluded a six-week Technician licensing class with great results.  “Twelve folks passed, three did not. Two more couldn’t attend the exam session and will be going to a different session.”

The Eastern MA Amateur Radio Group in Canton conducted the testing session.

McNamara conducted the class at the request of the local Medical Reserve Corps  coordinator. “He agreed  that we could open it up to the local boy scouts.  Several of the scouts passed, so we have some new young hams!”

Falmouth ARA Technician Licensing Class, March, 2018

Falmouth Amateur Radio AssociationBrent Putnam, W1NCH writes:

The Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) is holding a Technician class licensing course over the course of three Saturdays: March 17, 24 and 31 from 9 AM to noon at the Falmouth Fire Rescue Department headquarters, 399 Main Street (entrance on King Street), in the 2nd Floor EOC/training room.

The exam for the students will be held in the same location immediately after the May 31 session.

Cost of the class is $50 and includes:

  • Nine hours of classroom instruction
  • Manual
  • Online test practice and tutoring
  • Refreshments
  • Access to instructors for questions & tutoring
  • License exam
  • 1-year membership with FARA
  • Admission to the 2018 FARAfest
  • Radio (if the student passes)

This is a great value for anyone seeking to get their license, as the total cost of the individual items is well over $100.

Interested? Contact Brent Putnam, FARA President, at

Marlborough Flea Market, Feb. 17, 2018

Agonquin ARC logoThe Algonquin Amateur Radio Club is again holding its Marlborough Flea Market on February 17, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the 1Lt Charles W. Whitcomb School, 25 Union St., Marlborough, MA. Talk-in is on the MMRA repeater, 147.27+ (PL 146.2).

A VE session will be held beginning at 9:00 AM. General admission is $5. Vendor tables are $15 before February 9, 2018, or $20 at the door if space is available. Each table includes one admission.

For more information, contact Tim Ikeda, KA1OS at 978-333-0067 (before 9:00 PM), email or visit

Whitman ARC General License Class, January 9, 2018

Whitman ARC logoThe Whitman Amateur Radio Club will hold a weekly General license class beginning Tuesday, January 9, 2018 from 7-9 PM at the Whitman Police Station. The class will conclude with a volunteer exam session on February 27. Material will be based on the ARRL General Class License Manual.

The course is offered free of charge. Interested parties are asked to contact the course instructor, Ross Hochstrasser, W1EKG via email at or by phone at 781-447-9104.

“Amateur Radio Gives Newton’s Zola Center Another Outlet”

photo of Eric Falkof, K1NUN operating a radio at the Zola Center“Donna Suskawicz knows the value of interaction. A disabled woman who once spent a year at home, the Zola Center coordinator was familiar with avoiding the world. But when she heard about a disabled man who used only his amateur radio to communicate during Hurricane Katrina, she saw an opportunity…”

The online Wicked Local Newton edition published this December 16, 2011 story by Ashley Studley describing a new ham radio program at the Zola Center for Persons With Disabilities in Newton Highlands.

[Full story]

Volunteer Exams At Cape Ann ARA Field Day

ARRL Field Day 2011 logoDean Burgess, KB1PGH writes on CAARAmail list:

The Caara VE team will hold an FCC Amateur Radio license exam session at this year’s field day event site at the Fuller School in Gloucester. The VE session will be on Sunday June 26th, from 10 AM until noon.

If you are planning to take a test please bring two forms of ID. One must be a picture ID and the other your Social Secuity number. Please bring $15.00 as well for the FCC testing fee. You may reserve a spot by e-mailing CAARA VE team leader Bob Quinn, WV1A at bquinn32 at comcast dot net.

We will also welcome walk-ins as well if you want to become a ham or upgrade your license at the last minute.

KY1N List Goes QRT

The KY1N Memorial List, a popular New England resource documenting Volunteer Examinations is no more.

According to Jim Heedles, WW1Y, “with the increased effort and decreased usefulness, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time for the KY1N List to go QRT.” WW1Y explains further: “For the past couple of years the KY1N list has largely duplicated the data located at the ARRL web site. The effort to reconcile the different data sources used to build the list has become less beneficial to the amateur community as the differences between the KY1N list and the ARRL/VEC list grew less and less.”

The list was named in honor of Raymond R. Lussier, KY1N (Silent Key), an active volunteer examiner and team liaison for the Mt. Moriah (Salem, N.H.) VE team.

“When the FCC created the Volunteer Examiner system in 1984, there was a need to provide exam session information to the amateur community and the general public. The KY1N list was started to address that need. Chick Hunt, KC1OX (Silent Key), was the maintainer for many years. Originally, Chick maintained it by hand, using phone calls and the US Postal Service to contact examination teams and gather the exam session data. Copies of the list were distributed to local ham and electronic stores and mailed to interested organizations.

“In the mid 90’s the growth of the internet and electronic mail systems made it feasible to distribute copies of the KY1N list via email to interested individuals. For well over a decade the KY1N list has been hosted by Their support has helped many to earn or upgrade their license.”

WW1Y says that individuals interested in finding information about Amateur Radio exam sessions can still go to these sites:

Heedles thanks everyone who has supported the KY1N Memorial List over the years.

–Thanks, WW1Y

KY1N List of Volunteer Exams, 03/23/2010


The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date     Time   Contact                        Location           Phone
03/24/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
03/24/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
03/26/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
03/27/10 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
03/27/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
03/27/10 12:00  Bradley Saunders, N1GZB        Lewiston        ME
03/27/10 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P                Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
04/03/10 09:00 *Don Tarbet, KD1XU              Bangor          ME 207-327-1453
04/03/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
04/03/10 10:00 *Celeste Dean, W1CMD            South Yarmouth  MA
04/08/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
04/08/10 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM           Trumbull        CT 203-268-1843
04/09/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
04/10/10 09:00 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
04/10/10 12:00  Gregory Fitch, KB1EZJ          Conway          NH 603-759-6671
04/10/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
04/10/10 09:00  Steven Ewald, WV1X             Newington       CT 860-594-0265

04/11/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
04/11/10 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
04/12/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
04/13/10 19:00  Tom Marshall, AA1SM            Farmington      ME 207-779-0589
04/13/10 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
04/14/10 19:00  Gary Frascarelli, W1GFF        Billerica       MA 978-453-1100
04/15/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
04/15/10 19:00  Thomas Jaworski, WA1MJE        Pittsfield      MA 413-528-9002
04/15/10 18:30  John Ruggiero, N2YHK           Worcester       MA 508-982-0617
04/16/10 18:30  Walter Styslo, KA1DFH          Farmington      CT 860-529-8474
04/17/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
04/17/10 10:00  Bryce Rumery, K1GAX            South Portland  ME 207-799-1116
04/18/10 16:00  William Mcgarvey, AA1ZR        Calais          ME 207-853-2951
04/19/10 19:00  Richard Strycharz, KD1XP       Amherst         MA 413-665-2211
04/19/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
04/20/10 12:00  Adam Woodbury, K1ADW           Bedford         MA 781-271-3062
04/20/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
04/20/10 18:30  Wilburn A Scott, WA1YNZ        Presque Isle    ME 207-455-8333
04/21/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
04/21/10 19:00  Peter Keyes, NU1W              Milford         CT
04/23/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
04/24/10 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
04/24/10 15:00  William Mcgarvey, AA1ZR        Calais          ME 207-853-2951
04/24/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
04/24/10 09:00  Jack P Garforth, N1JK          Middletown      RI 401-683-2250
04/24/10 09:00  Norm Smith, NY1B               Rockland        ME 207-354-6853
04/28/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
05/01/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
05/01/10 10:00 *Celeste Dean, W1CMD            South Yarmouth  MA
05/02/10 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
05/03/10 10:00 *Bryce Rumery, K1GAX            Topsham         ME 207-799-1116
05/08/10 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
05/08/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
05/08/10 09:00  Steven Ewald, WV1X             Newington       CT 860-594-0265
05/09/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
05/10/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
05/11/10 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
05/12/10 19:00  Gary Frascarelli, W1GFF        Billerica       MA 978-453-1100
05/12/10 19:15 *James Weckback, W1EQW          Framingham      MA 508-435-6487
05/13/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
05/13/10 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM           Trumbull        CT 203-268-1843
05/14/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
05/15/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
05/17/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
05/18/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
05/19/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
05/19/10 19:00  Peter Keyes, NU1W              Milford         CT
05/20/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
05/21/10 18:30  Walter Styslo, KA1DFH          Farmington      CT 860-529-8474
05/22/10 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
05/22/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
05/22/10 09:30  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Goshen          CT 860-283-4089
05/22/10 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P                Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
05/24/10 19:00  Willard Boutwell, N1EWK        Northfield      MA 413-774-4669
05/26/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
05/28/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
05/29/10 14:30  George Rinalducci, KB1KBC      Greenland       NH 603-231-1392
06/02/10 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
06/05/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
06/05/10 09:00 *Don Tarbet, KD1XU              Hermon          ME 207-789-5376
06/05/10 09:00  Thomas Jaworski, WA1MJE        Pittsfield      MA 413-528-9002
06/05/10 10:00 *Celeste Dean, W1CMD            South Yarmouth  MA
06/08/10 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
06/09/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
06/09/10 19:00  Gary Frascarelli, W1GFF        Billerica       MA 978-453-1100
06/10/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
06/10/10 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM           Trumbull        CT 203-268-1843
06/11/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
06/12/10 11:30  Frank Sileo, N1PE              Bethel          CT 203-438-0218
06/12/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
06/12/10 09:00  Jack P Garforth, N1JK          Middletown      RI 401-683-2250
06/13/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
06/14/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
06/15/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
06/16/10 19:00  Peter Keyes, NU1W              Milford         CT
06/17/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
06/18/10 18:30  Walter Styslo, KA1DFH          Farmington      CT 860-529-8474
06/19/10 09:00  Charlie French, K1CRF          Bedford         NH 603-487-5201
06/19/10 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
06/19/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
06/19/10 09:00  Jim Heedles, WW1Y              Nashua          NH 603-673-7395
06/19/10 10:00  Bruce Beford, N1RX             Windsor         VT 603-863-1698
06/21/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
06/23/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
06/23/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
06/25/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
06/26/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
06/27/10 09:00 *Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-6514
07/03/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
07/03/10 10:00 *Celeste Dean, W1CMD            South Yarmouth  MA
07/08/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
07/08/10 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM           Trumbull        CT 203-268-1843
07/09/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
07/10/10 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
07/10/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
07/10/10 09:30  Ernest Laug, KA1NGG            Stamford        CT 203-348-3993
07/11/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
07/12/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
07/13/10 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
07/14/10 19:15 *James Weckback, W1EQW          Framingham      MA 508-435-6487
07/15/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
07/15/10 18:00  Bryce Rumery, K1GAX            South Portland  ME 207-799-1116
07/15/10 18:30  John Ruggiero, N2YHK           Worcester       MA 508-982-0617
07/19/10 19:00  Richard Strycharz, KD1XP       Amherst         MA 413-665-2211
07/19/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
07/20/10 12:00  Adam Woodbury, K1ADW           Bedford         MA 781-271-3062
07/20/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
07/21/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
07/23/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
07/24/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
07/28/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
08/07/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
08/08/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
08/09/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
08/12/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
08/13/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
08/14/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
08/16/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
08/17/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
08/18/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
08/19/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
08/25/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
08/27/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
08/28/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
09/08/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
09/09/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
09/10/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
09/11/10 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
09/11/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
09/12/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
09/13/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
09/16/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
09/18/10 09:00  Charlie French, K1CRF          Bedford         NH 603-487-5201
09/18/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
09/20/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
09/21/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
09/22/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
09/22/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
09/24/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
09/25/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2010 test session fee: $15.00 for ARRL/VEC, $14.00 for W5YI Sessions
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395,
via email at


KY1N Memorial VE Exam List – 11/25/09

The KY1N Memorial List
   Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations – CT MA ME NH RI VT
                            Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date     Time   Contact                        Location           Phone
11/27/09 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
11/28/09 09:00  Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV           Cranston        RI 401-828-1665
11/28/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
12/01/09 18:30  Francis Hagerty, WK1L          Brattleboro     VT 802-387-5639
12/05/09 09:00  Don Tarbet, KD1XU              Bangor          ME 207-327-1453
12/05/09 09:00  Charlie French, K1CRF          Bedford         NH 603-487-5201
12/05/09 11:30  Frank Sileo, N1PE              Bethel          CT 203-438-0218
12/05/09 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
12/05/09 08:00  Bruce Beford, N1RX             Newport         NH 603-863-1698
12/06/09 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
12/07/09 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
12/08/09 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
12/10/09 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-333-5714
12/10/09 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
12/10/09 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM           Trumbull        CT 203-268-5015
12/11/09 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
12/12/09 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
12/12/09 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
12/12/09 09:00  Jack P Garforth, N1JK          Middletown      RI 401-683-2250
12/12/09 09:00  Steven Ewald, WV1X             Newington       CT 860-594-0265
12/13/09 09:00  Don Tarbet, KD1XU              Bangor          ME 207-327-1453
12/13/09 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
12/14/09 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
12/15/09 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
12/16/09 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF      Milford         CT 203-934-4059
12/17/09 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
12/18/09 18:30  Walter Styslo, KA1DFH          Farmington      CT 860-529-8474
12/19/09 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
12/19/09 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
12/21/09 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
12/23/09 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
12/23/09 TBA   *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
12/23/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
12/25/09 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
12/26/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
12/26/09 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P                Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
01/02/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
01/08/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
01/09/10 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
01/09/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
01/09/10 09:00  Thomas Jaworski, WA1MJE        Pittsfield      MA 413-528-9002
01/10/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
01/10/10 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
01/11/10 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
01/13/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
01/14/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
01/16/10 10:00  William Mcgarvey, AA1ZR        Machias         ME 207-853-2951
01/16/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
01/18/10 19:00  Richard Strycharz, KD1XP       Amherst         MA 413-665-2211
01/18/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
01/19/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
01/20/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
01/20/10 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF      Milford         CT 203-934-4059
01/21/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
01/22/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
01/23/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
01/26/10 12:00  Adam Woodbury, K1ADW           Bedford         MA 781-271-3062
01/27/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
01/30/10 09:00  Charlie French, K1CRF          Bedford         NH 603-487-5201
01/30/10 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P                Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
02/06/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
02/07/10 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
02/08/10 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
02/10/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
02/11/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
02/12/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
02/13/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
02/13/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
02/14/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
02/15/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
02/16/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
02/17/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
02/17/10 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF      Milford         CT 203-934-4059
02/18/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
02/22/10 19:00  Willard Boutwell, N1EWK        Northfield      MA 413-774-4669
02/24/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
02/26/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
02/27/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
03/06/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
03/07/10 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
03/08/10 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
03/10/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
03/11/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
03/12/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
03/13/10 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
03/13/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
03/14/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
03/15/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
03/16/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
03/17/10 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF      Milford         CT 203-934-4059
03/18/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
03/20/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
03/24/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
03/24/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
03/26/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
03/27/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
04/03/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
04/08/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
04/09/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
04/10/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
04/11/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
04/12/10 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
04/14/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
04/15/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
04/17/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
04/19/10 19:00  Richard Strycharz, KD1XP       Amherst         MA 413-665-2211
04/19/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
04/20/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
04/21/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
04/23/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
04/24/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
04/28/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
05/01/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
05/08/10 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
05/08/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
05/09/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
05/10/10 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
05/12/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
05/13/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
05/14/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
05/15/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
05/17/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
05/18/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
05/19/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
05/20/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
05/22/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
05/26/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
05/28/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
06/05/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
06/09/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
06/10/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
06/11/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
06/12/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
06/13/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
06/14/10 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
06/15/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
06/17/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
06/19/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
06/21/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
06/23/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
06/23/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
06/25/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
06/26/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513

                      * = PREREGISTRATION MANDATORY
                   +  = PLEASE CALL TO GUARANTEE SEATING
                        T = Technician Exams only
                           Times are Local Time
    Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
              For the latest examination information, check
            If attending a session please remember to bring:
   1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID’s (one with address)
   2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
   3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE’s you are claiming
   4) The 2009/2010 test session fee: $15.00 for ARRL/VEC, $14.00
for W5YI Sessions
                 All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
 For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395,
                     via email at

KY1N List of Volunteer Exam Sessions, 07/11/09

                          The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date Time Contact Location Phone
07/12/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
07/12/09 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
07/13/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
07/14/09 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
07/14/09 18:30 Wilburn A Scott, WA1YNZ Washburn ME 207-455-8333
07/15/09 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
07/16/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
07/16/09 18:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX South Portland ME 207-799-1116
07/16/09 18:30 John Ruggiero, N2YHK Worcester MA 508-982-0617
07/17/09 19:00 Walter Styslo, KA1DFH Farmington CT 860-529-8474
07/19/09 10:00 William Mcgarvey, AA1ZR Machias ME 207-853-2951
07/20/09 19:00 Richard Strycharz, KD1XP Amherst MA 413-665-2211
07/20/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
07/21/09 12:00 Adam Woodbury, K1ADW Bedford MA 781-271-3062
07/21/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
07/22/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
07/22/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Lunenburg MA 978-597-6535
07/22/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
07/24/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
07/25/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
07/25/09 09:00 Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
07/25/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
08/01/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
08/02/09 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
08/03/09 18:00 *Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Topsham ME 207-799-1116
08/08/09 09:00 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
08/08/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
08/08/09 10:00 Darryl Del Grosso, WA1DD Gales Ferry CT 860-443-7799
08/08/09 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Saint Albans ME
08/09/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
08/10/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658

<08/11/09 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
08/13/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
08/13/09 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
08/14/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
08/16/09 09:00 Thomas Jaworski, WA1MJE Adams MA 413-528-9002
08/17/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
08/18/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
08/19/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
08/19/09 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
08/20/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
08/21/09 19:00 Walter Styslo, KA1DFH Farmington CT 860-529-8474
08/22/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
08/22/09 12:00 Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
08/22/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
08/24/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
08/24/09 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
08/26/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Lunenburg MA 978-597-6535
08/26/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
08/28/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
08/29/09 14:30 George Rinalducci, KB1KBC Greenland NH 603-231-1392
08/29/09 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
09/08/09 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
09/09/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
09/09/09 19:15 *James Weckback, W1EQW Framingham MA 508-435-6487
09/10/09 17:00 Steven Ewald, WV1X Newington CT 860-594-0265
09/10/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
09/10/09 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
09/11/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
09/12/09 11:30 Frank Sileo, N1PE Bethel CT 203-438-0218
09/12/09 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
09/12/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
09/12/09 08:00 Bruce Beford, N1RX Newport NH 603-863-1698
09/13/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
09/13/09 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
09/14/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
09/15/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
09/16/09 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
09/17/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
09/19/09 09:00 William Mcgarvey, AA1ZR Alexander ME 207-853-2951
09/19/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
09/21/09 09:00 Charlie French, K1CRF Bedford NH 603-487-5201
09/21/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
09/23/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
09/23/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Lunenburg MA 978-597-6535
09/23/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
09/25/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
09/26/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
09/26/09 09:00 Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
09/26/09 12:00 Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
09/26/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
09/26/09 09:00 Jack P Garforth, N1JK Middletown RI 401-683-2250
10/03/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
10/04/09 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
10/05/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
10/08/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
10/08/09 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
10/09/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
10/10/09 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
10/10/09 09:00 *William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
10/10/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
10/11/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
10/13/09 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
10/14/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
10/15/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
10/15/09 18:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX South Portland ME 207-799-1116
10/15/09 18:30 John Ruggiero, N2YHK Worcester MA 508-982-0617
10/17/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
10/19/09 19:00 Richard Strycharz, KD1XP Amherst MA 413-665-2211
10/19/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
10/20/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
10/20/09 18:30 Wilburn A Scott, WA1YNZ Presque Isle ME 207-455-8333
10/21/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
10/21/09 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
10/23/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
10/24/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
10/28/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Lunenburg MA 978-597-6535
10/28/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
10/31/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
10/31/09 14:30 George Rinalducci, KB1KBC Greenland NH 603-231-1392
10/31/09 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
11/01/09 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
11/02/09 18:00 *Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Topsham ME 207-799-1116
11/02/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
11/08/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
11/11/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
11/12/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
11/13/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
11/14/09 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
11/14/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
11/16/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
11/17/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
11/18/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
11/19/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
11/21/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
11/25/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
11/27/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
11/28/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
12/05/09 09:00 Charlie French, K1CRF Bedford NH 603-487-5201
12/05/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
12/09/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
12/10/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
12/11/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
12/12/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
12/13/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
12/14/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
12/15/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
12/17/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
12/19/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
12/21/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
12/23/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
12/23/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
12/25/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
12/26/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
01/30/10 09:00 Charlie French, K1CRF Bedford NH 603-487-5201

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2009 test session fee: $15.00 for ARRL/VEC, $14.00 for W5YI Sessions
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395,
via email at

KY1N List of Volunteer Exam Sessions, 06/19/09

                          The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date Time Contact Location Phone
06/20/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
06/20/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
06/20/09 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-673-7395
06/20/09 09:00 Thomas Jaworski, WA1MJE Pittsfield MA 413-528-9002
06/21/09 13:00 *Michael Murphy Manchester NH 603-819-1849
06/24/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Lunenburg MA 978-597-6535
06/24/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
06/26/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
06/27/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
06/27/09 09:00 Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
06/27/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
06/27/09 13:00 Russ Appleyard, WA2MHY Plymouth MA 508-746-9240
06/28/09 10:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-282-7645
06/28/09 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
07/08/09 19:15 *James Weckback, W1EQW Framingham MA 508-435-6487
07/09/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
07/09/09 19:00 Ivan Lazure, N1OXA South Paris ME 207-784-0350
07/10/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
07/11/09 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
07/11/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
07/11/09 09:30 Ernest Laug, KA1NGG Stamford CT 203-348-3993
07/12/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
07/12/09 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
07/13/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
07/14/09 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
07/15/09 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
07/16/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
07/16/09 18:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX South Portland ME 207-799-1116
07/16/09 18:30 John Ruggiero, N2YHK Worcester MA 508-982-0617
07/17/09 19:00 Walter Styslo, KA1DFH Farmington CT 860-529-8474
07/19/09 10:00 William Mcgarvey, AA1ZR Machias ME 207-853-2951

07/20/09 19:00  Richard Strycharz, KD1XP       Amherst         MA 413-665-2211
07/20/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
07/21/09 12:00 Adam Woodbury, K1ADW Bedford MA 781-271-3062
07/21/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
07/22/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
07/22/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Lunenburg MA 978-597-6535
07/22/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
07/24/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
07/25/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
07/25/09 09:00 Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
07/25/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
08/01/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
08/02/09 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
08/03/09 18:00 *Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Topsham ME 207-799-1116
08/08/09 09:00 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
08/08/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
08/08/09 10:00 Darryl Del Grosso, WA1DD Gales Ferry CT 860-443-7799
08/08/09 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Saint Albans ME
08/09/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
08/10/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
08/11/09 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
08/13/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
08/13/09 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
08/14/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
08/16/09 09:00 Thomas Jaworski, WA1MJE Adams MA 413-528-9002
08/17/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
08/18/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
08/19/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
08/19/09 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
08/20/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
08/21/09 19:00 Walter Styslo, KA1DFH Farmington CT 860-529-8474
08/22/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
08/22/09 12:00 Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
08/22/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
08/24/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
08/24/09 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
08/26/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Lunenburg MA 978-597-6535
08/26/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
08/28/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
08/29/09 14:30 George Rinalducci, KB1KBC Greenland NH 603-231-1392
08/29/09 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
09/08/09 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
09/09/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
09/09/09 19:15 *James Weckback, W1EQW Framingham MA 508-435-6487
09/10/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
09/10/09 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
09/11/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
09/12/09 11:30 Frank Sileo, N1PE Bethel CT 203-438-0218
09/12/09 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
09/12/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
09/12/09 08:00 Bruce Beford, N1RX Newport NH 603-863-1698
09/13/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
09/13/09 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
09/14/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
09/15/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
09/16/09 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
09/17/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
09/19/09 09:00 William Mcgarvey, AA1ZR Alexander ME 207-853-2951
09/19/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
09/21/09 09:00 Charlie French, K1CRF Bedford NH 603-487-5201
09/21/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
09/23/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
09/23/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Lunenburg MA 978-597-6535
09/23/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
09/25/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
09/26/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
09/26/09 09:00 Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
09/26/09 12:00 Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
09/26/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
09/26/09 09:00 Jack P Garforth, N1JK Middletown RI 401-683-2250
10/03/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
10/04/09 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
10/05/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
10/08/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
10/08/09 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
10/09/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
10/10/09 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
10/10/09 09:00 *William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
10/10/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
10/11/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
10/13/09 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
10/14/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
10/15/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
10/15/09 18:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX South Portland ME 207-799-1116
10/15/09 18:30 John Ruggiero, N2YHK Worcester MA 508-982-0617
10/17/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
10/19/09 19:00 Richard Strycharz, KD1XP Amherst MA 413-665-2211
10/19/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
10/20/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
10/21/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
10/23/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
10/24/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
10/28/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
11/02/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
11/08/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
11/11/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
11/12/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
11/13/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
11/14/09 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
11/14/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
11/16/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
11/17/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
11/18/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
11/19/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
11/21/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
11/25/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
11/27/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
11/28/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
12/05/09 09:00 Charlie French, K1CRF Bedford NH 603-487-5201
12/05/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
12/09/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
12/10/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
12/11/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
12/12/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
12/13/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
12/14/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
12/15/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
12/17/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
12/19/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
12/21/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
12/23/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
12/23/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
12/25/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
12/26/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
01/30/10 09:00 Charlie French, K1CRF Bedford NH 603-487-5201

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2009 test session fee: $15.00 for ARRL/VEC, $14.00 for W5YI Sessions
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395,
via email at

KY1N List of Volunteer Exam Sessions, 02/14/09

                          The KY1N Memorial List
    Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
                             Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date     Time   Contact                        Location           Phone
02/16/09 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
02/16/09 18:30  Francis D'auria, W1AD          Pittsford       VT 802-775-3033
02/17/09 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
02/18/09 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
02/19/09 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
02/23/09 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
02/23/09 19:00  Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB        Northfield      MA 413-498-2729
02/25/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
02/27/09 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
02/28/09 12:30  Mitch Stern, W1SJ              Colchester      VT 802-879-6589
02/28/09 09:00  Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV           Cranston        RI 401-828-1665
02/28/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
02/28/09 09:00  Jim Heedles, WW1Y              Nashua          NH 603-673-7395
03/08/09 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
03/09/09 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
03/10/09 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
03/11/09 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
03/12/09 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
03/13/09 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
03/14/09 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
03/14/09 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583

03/16/09 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
03/17/09 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
03/18/09 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
03/19/09 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
03/21/09 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
03/25/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
03/27/09 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
03/28/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
03/28/09 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P                Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
03/29/09 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
03/29/09 09:30  Michael Murphy                 Henniker        NH 603-382-6889
04/04/09 09:00  Don Tarbet, KD1XU              Bangor          ME 207-327-1453
04/04/09 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
04/08/09 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
04/09/09 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
04/10/09 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
04/11/09 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
04/12/09 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
04/13/09 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
04/14/09 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
04/16/09 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
04/18/09 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
04/18/09 10:00  Bryce Rumery, K1GAX            South Portland  ME 207-799-1116
04/20/09 19:00  Richard Strycharz, KD1XP       Amherst         MA 413-665-2211
04/20/09 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
04/21/09 12:00  Adam Woodbury, K1ADW           Bedford         MA 781-271-3062
04/21/09 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
04/22/09 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
04/22/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
04/24/09 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
04/25/09 09:00  Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV           Cranston        RI 401-828-1665
04/25/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
04/26/09 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
05/08/09 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
05/09/09 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
05/09/09 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
05/10/09 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
05/11/09 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
05/13/09 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
05/14/09 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
05/16/09 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
05/18/09 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
05/19/09 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
05/20/09 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
05/21/09 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
05/22/09 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
05/23/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
05/27/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
06/06/09 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
06/08/09 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
06/10/09 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
06/11/09 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
06/12/09 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
06/13/09 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
06/14/09 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
06/15/09 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
06/16/09 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
06/17/09 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
06/18/09 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
06/20/09 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
06/20/09 09:00  Jim Heedles, WW1Y              Nashua          NH 603-673-7395
06/24/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
06/26/09 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
06/27/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
07/09/09 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
07/10/09 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
07/11/09 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
07/11/09 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
07/12/09 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
07/13/09 19:00  Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Brookline       MA 617-364-4658
07/16/09 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858

                       * = PREREGISTRATION MANDATORY
                    +  = PLEASE CALL TO GUARANTEE SEATING
                         T = Technician Exams only
                            Times are Local Time
     Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
               For the latest examination information, check
             If attending a session please remember to bring:
    1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
    2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
    3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
    4) The 2009 test session fee: $15.00 for ARRL/VEC, $14.00 for W5YI Sessions
                  All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
  For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395,
                      via email at

KY1N List of Volunteer Exam Sessions, 01/16/09

                                 The KY1N Memorial List
                           Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations
                                        CT MA ME NH RI VT
                                         16 January 2009
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
01/17/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670
01/19/09	19:00		Richard Strycharz, KD1XPAmherst 	MA	413-665-2211
01/19/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
01/20/09	12:00		Adam Woodbury, K1ADW Bedford 	MA	781-271-3062
01/20/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland CT	860-635-1742
01/21/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
01/23/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
01/24/09	12:00		Gregory Fitch, KB1EZJ 	Conway 	NH	603-356-3875
01/24/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
01/28/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
01/31/09	09:00		Bob Jones, WB1P 	Slatersville RI	401-333-4787
02/07/09	10:30		Larry Houbre, AA1FS 	Dartmouth 	MA	508-991-6055
02/08/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
02/09/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
02/10/09	19:00		Lawrence Polowy, KU1L  Thomaston CT	860-283-4089
02/11/09	19:00		Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica 	MA	978-851-2886
02/12/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH 	Providence RI	401-263-6045
02/13/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
02/14/09	09:00		Don Tarbet, KD1XU 	Bangor 	ME	207-327-1453
02/14/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
02/14/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670

02/16/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
02/16/09	18:30		Francis D'auria, W1AD 	Pittsford 	VT	802-775-3033
02/17/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
02/18/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
02/19/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
02/23/09	09:00		William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT	860-869-1059
02/23/09	19:00		Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA413-498-2729
02/25/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
02/27/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
02/28/09	12:30		Mitch Stern, W1SJ 	Colchester 	VT	802-879-6589
02/28/09	09:00		Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
02/28/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
02/28/09	09:00		Jim Heedles, WW1Y 	Nashua 	NH	603-673-7395
03/08/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
03/09/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
03/10/09	19:00		Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT	860-283-4089
03/11/09	19:00		Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica 	MA	978-851-2886
03/12/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH 	Providence RI	401-263-6045
03/13/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
03/14/09	08:45	* 	William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA	781-843-4400
03/14/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
03/16/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
03/17/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
03/18/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
03/19/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
03/21/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670
03/25/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
03/27/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
03/28/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
03/28/09	09:00		Bob Jones, WB1P 	Slatersville RI	401-333-4787
03/29/09	09:00		William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT	860-869-1059
03/29/09	09:30		Michael Murphy 	Henniker 	NH	603-382-6889
04/04/09	09:00		Don Tarbet, KD1XU 	Bangor 	ME	207-327-1453
04/04/09	10:30		Larry Houbre, AA1FS 	Dartmouth 	MA	508-991-6055
04/08/09	19:00		Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica 	MA	978-851-2886
04/09/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH 	Providence RI	401-263-6045
04/10/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
04/11/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
04/12/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
04/13/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
04/14/09	19:00		Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT	860-283-4089
04/16/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
04/18/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670
04/18/09	18:00		Bryce Rumery, K1GAX South Portland ME207-799-1116
04/20/09	19:00		Richard Strycharz, KD1XPAmherst 	MA	413-665-2211
04/20/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
04/21/09	12:00		Adam Woodbury, K1ADW Bedford 	MA	781-271-3062
04/21/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
04/22/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
04/22/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
04/24/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
04/25/09	09:00		Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston 	RI	401-828-1665
04/25/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
04/26/09	09:00		William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT	860-869-1059
05/08/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
05/09/09	08:45	* 	William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA	781-843-4400
05/09/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
05/10/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
05/11/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
05/13/09	19:00		Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica 	MA	978-851-2886
05/14/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH 	Providence RI	401-263-6045
05/16/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670
05/18/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
05/19/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
05/20/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
05/21/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
05/22/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
05/23/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
05/27/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
06/06/09	10:30		Larry Houbre, AA1FS 	Dartmouth 	MA	508-991-6055
06/08/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
06/10/09	19:00		Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica 	MA	978-851-2886
06/11/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH 	Providence RI	401-263-6045
06/12/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
06/13/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
06/14/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
06/15/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
06/16/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
06/17/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
06/18/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
06/20/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670
06/20/09	09:00		Jim Heedles, WW1Y 	Nashua 	NH	603-673-7395
06/24/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
06/26/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
06/27/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
07/09/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH 	Providence RI	401-263-6045
07/10/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
07/11/09	08:45	* 	William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA	781-843-4400
07/11/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
07/12/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
07/13/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
07/16/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
07/20/09	19:00		Richard Strycharz, KD1XPAmherst 	MA	413-665-2211
07/20/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
07/21/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
07/22/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
07/22/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
07/24/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
07/25/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
08/01/09	10:30		Larry Houbre, AA1FS 	Dartmouth 	MA	508-991-6055
08/08/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
08/09/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
08/10/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
08/13/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH 	Providence RI	401-263-6045
08/14/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
08/17/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
08/18/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
08/19/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
08/20/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
08/22/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
08/26/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
08/28/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
09/09/09	19:00		Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica 	MA	978-851-2886
09/10/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH 	Providence RI	401-263-6045
09/11/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
09/12/09	08:45	* 	William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA	781-843-4400
09/12/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
09/13/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
09/14/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
09/15/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
09/17/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
09/19/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670
09/21/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
09/23/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
09/23/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
09/25/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
09/26/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
10/03/09	10:30		Larry Houbre, AA1FS 	Dartmouth 	MA	508-991-6055
10/05/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
10/08/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH 	Providence RI	401-263-6045
10/09/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington  VT802-878-6454
10/10/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
10/11/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
10/14/09	19:00		Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica 	MA	978-851-2886
10/15/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
10/17/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670
10/19/09	19:00		Richard Strycharz, KD1XPAmherst 	MA	413-665-2211
10/19/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
10/20/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
10/21/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
10/23/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
10/24/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
10/28/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
11/02/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
11/08/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
11/11/09	19:00		Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica 	MA	978-851-2886
11/12/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH Providence 	RI	401-263-6045
11/13/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
11/14/09	08:45	* 	William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA	781-843-4400
11/14/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
11/16/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
11/17/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
11/18/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
11/19/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
11/21/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670
11/25/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
11/27/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
11/28/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513
12/05/09	10:30		Larry Houbre, AA1FS 	Dartmouth 	MA	508-991-6055
12/09/09	19:00		Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica 	MA	978-851-2886
12/10/09	19:00		Louis Mester, W1CH Providence 	RI	401-263-6045
12/11/09	18:30		Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT802-878-6454
12/12/09	09:00		Ben Fleck, K2LYE 	Falmouth 	MA	508-540-2583
12/13/09	12:00		Bob Quinn, WV1A 	Gloucester 	MA	978-283-4660
12/14/09	19:00		Jim Clogher, N1ICN 	Brookline 	MA	617-364-4658
12/15/09	19:00		Paul Lux, K1PL 	Portland 	CT	860-635-1742
12/17/09	19:30		Louis Harris, N1UEC 	Canton 	MA	508-668-0858
12/19/09	09:00		Bill Wade, K1IJ 	Marlborough 	MA	617-699-3670
12/21/09	19:00		Skip Denault, KB1CNB 	Fall River 	MA	774-644-3469
12/23/09	19:30		Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA617-253-3776
12/23/09	19:00	* 	Paul Upham, KD1YH 	Shirley 	MA	978-597-6535
12/25/09	18:00		David Cote, W1FAB 	Holyoke 	MA	413-575-2950
12/26/09	12:00	+ 	Daniel Lee, W1DFL 	Danvers 	MA	978-352-4513

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check

   1. If attending a session please remember to bring: One photo ID, or two
non-photo ID's (one with address) 2. Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed) 3. Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming for credit 4. The 2009 test session fee: $15.00 for ARRL/VEC, $14.00 for W5YI Sessions All VE Teams are invited to contribute to the LIST For additions or corrections please leave a message: via email: via telephone: Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395

KY1N List of Volunteer Exam Sessions, Nov. 11, 2008

                         The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date Time Contact Location Phone
11/12/08 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
11/12/08 19:30 *James Weckback, W1EQW Framingham MA 508-435-6487
11/13/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
11/13/08 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
11/13/08 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
11/14/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
11/15/08 09:00 Charlie French, K1CRF Bedford NH 603-487-5201
11/15/08 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
11/17/08 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
11/18/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
11/19/08 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
11/19/08 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
11/20/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
11/21/08 21:00 Paul Gibson, N1TUP Manchester CT 860-643-2105
11/22/08 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
11/22/08 09:00 Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
11/22/08 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
11/22/08 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-673-7395
11/22/08 09:30 Ernest Laug, KA1NGG Stamford CT 203-348-3993
11/24/08 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
11/26/08 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
11/28/08 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
11/29/08 14:30 George Rinalducci, KB1KBC Greenland NH 603-231-1392
11/29/08 10:00 Ivan Lazure, N1OXA South Paris ME 207-784-0350
12/06/08 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
12/06/08 11:30 Frank Sileo, N1PE Bethel CT 203-438-0218
12/06/08 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
12/06/08 08:00 Bruce Beford, N1RX Newport NH 603-863-1698
12/07/08 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
12/08/08 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
12/09/08 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
12/10/08 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
12/11/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
12/11/08 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
12/11/08 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
12/12/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
12/13/08 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
12/13/08 09:00 Jack P Garforth, N1JK Middletown RI 401-683-2250
12/13/08 09:00 Steven Ewald, WV1X Newington CT 860-594-0265
12/14/08 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
12/16/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
12/17/08 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
12/18/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
12/20/08 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
12/20/08 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
12/22/08 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
12/24/08 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
12/24/08 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
12/26/08 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
12/27/08 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
12/27/08 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
01/08/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
01/09/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
01/10/09 08:45 +William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
01/10/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
01/11/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
01/12/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
01/14/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
01/15/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
01/17/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
01/19/09 19:00 Richard Strycharz, KD1XP Amherst MA 413-665-2211
01/19/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
01/20/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
01/21/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
01/23/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
01/24/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
01/28/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
02/07/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
02/08/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
02/09/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
02/11/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
02/12/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
02/13/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
02/14/09 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
02/14/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
02/16/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
02/16/09 18:30 Francis D'auria, W1AD Pittsford VT 802-775-3033
02/17/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
02/18/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
02/19/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
02/21/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
02/23/09 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
02/23/09 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
02/25/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
02/27/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
02/28/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
02/28/09 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-673-7395
03/08/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
03/09/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
03/11/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
03/12/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
03/13/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
03/14/09 08:45 +William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
03/14/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
03/16/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
03/17/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
03/18/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
03/19/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
03/21/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
03/25/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
03/27/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
03/28/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
04/04/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
04/08/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
04/09/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
04/10/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
04/11/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
04/12/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
04/13/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
04/16/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
04/18/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
04/20/09 19:00 Richard Strycharz, KD1XP Amherst MA 413-665-2211
04/20/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
04/21/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
04/22/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
04/22/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
04/24/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
04/25/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
05/08/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
05/09/09 08:45 +William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
05/09/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
05/10/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
05/11/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2008 test session fee of $14.00, or 2009 fee of $15.00
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395,
via email at

KY1N List of New England VE Sessions, October 6, 2008

                         The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
10/06/08 Rev A
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date Time Contact Location Phone
10/08/08 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
10/09/08 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
10/09/08 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
10/10/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
10/11/08 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
10/11/08 10:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Deerfield NH 978-851-2886
10/11/08 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
10/11/08 09:00 Steven Ewald, WV1X Newington CT 860-594-0265
10/12/08 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
10/14/08 18:30 Wilburn A Scott, WA1YNZ Presque Isle ME 207-455-8333
10/14/08 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
10/15/08 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
10/16/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
10/16/08 18:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX South Portland ME 207-799-1116
10/16/08 18:30 John Ruggiero, N2YHK Worcester MA 508-982-0617
10/18/08 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
10/18/08 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
10/20/08 19:00 Richard Strycharz, KD1XP Amherst MA 413-665-2211
10/20/08 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
10/21/08 12:00 Adam Woodbury, K1ADW Bedford MA 781-271-3062
10/21/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
10/22/08 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
10/22/08 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
10/24/08 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
10/25/08 09:00 Randy Horn, N1SP Bennington VT 802-442-8004
10/25/08 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
10/25/08 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
11/01/08 08:30 David Wilbur, K1ZS Keene NH 603-446-7312
11/02/08 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
11/03/08 18:00 *Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Topsham ME 207-799-1116
11/08/08 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
11/08/08 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
11/08/08 09:00 Steven Ewald, WV1X Newington CT 860-594-0265
11/09/08 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
11/10/08 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
11/10/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
11/11/08 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
11/12/08 19:00 *Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
11/12/08 19:30 *James Weckback, W1EQW Framingham MA 508-435-6487
11/13/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
11/13/08 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
11/13/08 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
11/14/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
11/15/08 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
11/17/08 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
11/18/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
11/19/08 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
11/19/08 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
11/20/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
11/21/08 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-673-7395
11/22/08 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
11/22/08 09:00 Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
11/22/08 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
11/22/08 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-673-7395
11/22/08 09:30 Ernest Laug, KA1NGG Stamford CT 203-348-3993
11/24/08 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
11/26/08 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
11/28/08 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
11/29/08 14:30 George Rinalducci, KB1KBC Greenland NH 603-231-1392
11/29/08 13:30 Ivan Lazure, N1OXA South Paris ME 207-784-0350
12/06/08 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
12/06/08 11:30 Frank Sileo, N1PE Bethel CT 203-438-0218
12/06/08 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
12/06/08 08:00 Conrad Ekstrom, WB1GXM Newport NH 603-543-1389
12/07/08 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
12/08/08 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
12/09/08 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
12/10/08 19:00 *Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
12/11/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
12/11/08 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
12/11/08 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
12/12/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
12/13/08 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
12/13/08 09:00 Jack P Garforth, N1JK Middletown RI 401-683-2250
12/13/08 09:00 Steven Ewald, WV1X Newington CT 860-594-0265
12/14/08 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
12/16/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
12/17/08 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
12/18/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
12/20/08 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
12/20/08 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
12/22/08 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
12/24/08 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
12/24/08 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
12/26/08 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
12/27/08 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
12/27/08 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
01/08/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
01/09/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
01/10/09 08:45 +William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
01/10/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
01/11/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
01/12/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
01/14/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
01/15/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
01/17/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
01/19/09 19:00 Richard Strycharz, KD1XP Amherst MA 413-665-2211
01/19/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
01/20/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
01/21/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
01/23/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
01/24/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
01/28/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
02/07/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
02/08/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
02/09/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
02/11/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
02/12/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
02/13/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
02/14/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
02/16/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
02/17/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
02/18/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
02/19/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
02/21/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
02/25/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
02/27/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
02/28/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
02/28/09 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-673-7395
03/08/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
03/09/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
03/11/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886
03/12/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
03/13/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
03/14/09 08:45 +William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
03/14/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
03/16/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
03/17/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
03/18/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
03/19/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
03/21/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
03/25/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
03/27/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
03/28/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
04/04/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
04/08/09 19:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Billerica MA 978-851-2886

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2008 test session fee of $14.00
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395,
via email at

KY1N List of Volunteer Exam Sessions, Sept. 15, 2008

                         The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date Time Contact Location Phone
09/15/08 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
09/16/08 19:00 Orrin Riggott, AB1EL Portland CT 860-223-8867
09/16/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
09/17/08 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
09/17/08 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
09/18/08 19:00 *Steven Telsey, N1BDA Brookline MA 978-369-7366
09/18/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
09/20/08 09:00 Michael Sanford, KB1GEO Alexander ME 207-427-3058
09/20/08 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
09/24/08 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
09/26/08 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
09/27/08 10:00 Ivan Lazure, N1OXA Auburn ME 000-000-0000
09/27/08 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
09/27/08 09:00 Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
09/27/08 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
09/27/08 09:00 Jack P Garforth, N1JK Middletown RI 401-683-2250
09/28/08 19:00 Karen Collins, WA1ZPA W Tisbury MA 508-627-5533
09/29/08 19:00 Karen Collins, WA1ZPA W Tisbury MA 508-627-5533
09/30/08 19:00 Karen Collins, WA1ZPA W Tisbury MA 508-627-5533
10/04/08 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
10/05/08 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
10/06/08 19:00 Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ Brookline MA 617-527-2968
10/08/08 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
10/09/08 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
10/09/08 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
10/10/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
10/11/08 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
10/11/08 10:00 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Deerfield NH 978-851-2886
10/11/08 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
10/12/08 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
10/14/08 18:30 Wilburn A Scott, WA1YNZ Presque Isle ME 207-455-8333
10/14/08 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
10/15/08 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
10/16/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
10/16/08 18:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX South Portland ME 207-799-1116
10/16/08 18:30 John Ruggiero, N2YHK Worcester MA 508-982-0617
10/18/08 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
10/18/08 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
10/20/08 19:00 Richard Strycharz, KD1XP Amherst MA 413-665-2211
10/20/08 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
10/21/08 12:00 Adam Woodbury, K1ADW Bedford MA 781-271-3062
10/21/08 19:00 Orrin Riggott, AB1EL Portland CT 860-223-8867
10/21/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
10/22/08 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
10/22/08 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
10/24/08 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
10/25/08 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
10/25/08 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
11/02/08 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
11/03/08 19:00 Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ Brookline MA 617-527-2968
11/03/08 18:00 *Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Topsham ME 207-799-1116
11/08/08 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
11/08/08 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
11/09/08 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
11/10/08 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
11/10/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
11/11/08 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
11/12/08 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
11/13/08 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
11/13/08 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
11/13/08 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
11/14/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
11/15/08 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
11/17/08 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
11/18/08 19:00 Orrin Riggott, AB1EL Portland CT 860-223-8867
11/18/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
11/19/08 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
11/19/08 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
11/20/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
11/21/08 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-673-7395
11/22/08 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
11/22/08 09:00 Kenneth Carr, KB1AWV Cranston RI 401-828-1665
11/22/08 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
11/22/08 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-673-7395
11/22/08 09:30 Ernest Laug, KA1NGG Stamford CT 203-348-3993
11/24/08 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
11/26/08 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
11/28/08 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
11/29/08 14:30 George Rinalducci, KB1KBC Greenland NH 603-231-1392
11/29/08 13:30 Ivan Lazure, N1OXA South Paris ME 207-784-0350
12/06/08 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 000-000-0000
12/06/08 11:30 Frank Sileo, N1PE Bethel CT 203-438-0218
12/06/08 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
12/06/08 08:00 Conrad Ekstrom, WB1GXM Newport NH 603-543-1389
12/07/08 10:00 Richard Williamson, WA1YQE Milford CT 203-877-5020
12/08/08 19:00 Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ Brookline MA 617-527-2968
12/08/08 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
12/09/08 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
12/10/08 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
12/11/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
12/11/08 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
12/11/08 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
12/12/08 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
12/13/08 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
12/13/08 09:00 Jack P Garforth, N1JK Middletown RI 401-683-2250
12/14/08 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
12/16/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
12/16/08 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
12/17/08 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-934-4059
12/18/08 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
12/20/08 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
12/20/08 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
12/22/08 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
12/24/08 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
12/24/08 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
12/26/08 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
12/27/08 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
12/27/08 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
01/08/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
01/09/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
01/09/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
01/10/09 08:45 +William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
01/10/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
01/11/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
01/11/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-281-1408
01/12/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
01/14/09 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
01/15/09 19:30 Louis Harris, N1UEC Canton MA 508-668-0858
01/17/09 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
01/19/09 18:00 Richard Strycharz, KD1XP Amherst MA 413-665-2211
01/19/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
01/20/09 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Portland CT 860-635-1742
01/21/09 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
01/23/09 18:00 David Cote, W1FAB Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
01/24/09 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL Danvers MA 978-352-4513
01/28/09 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
02/07/09 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
02/08/09 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
02/09/09 19:00 Jim Clogher, N1ICN Brookline MA 617-364-4658
02/11/09 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
02/12/09 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
02/13/09 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
02/14/09 09:00 Ben Fleck, K2LYE Falmouth MA 508-540-2583
02/16/09 19:00 Skip Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2008 test session fee of $14.00
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395,
via email at