W1 QSL Card Sorting Session Cancelled, August 13, 2020

assorted QSL cardsEric Williams, KV1J, writes on the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club mailing list:

Hope all are well.

I am cancelling our QSL sort session that was scheduled for August 13, 2020.

Two reasons: one, of course, is the current virus situation.  The Fire Station is not available and our work is not “Essential.” The other reason is with the worldwide precautions, we are not receiving the boxes from the countries.  So at this point that are not enough cards to sort.  It may be that the mail embargoes will be released and we’ll get a surge of cards at some point.  So maybe we can have a smaller scale session later in the summer.

Thank you to the club for your past support of the W1 QSL Bureau and look forward to our future sorting events.


Eric  KV1J
W1 QSL Bureau Co-Manager

QSL Sorting at Nashoba Valley ARC, November 21, 2019

Bruce Bain, K1BG, writes:

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club’s November meeting will be […] Thursday, November 21st, at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center in Pepperell.

This month program will feature our annual “QSL sort” for the W1 QSL bureau. It’s personally my favorite meeting of the year. Grab some of your cards early, converse with other local hams, have some refreshments, and of course, sort a few cards! If you haven’t done this before and it sounds like a lot of work, you’ll find that this is actually the club’s most rewarding event. Pizza and soda follow when the sorting is finished.

Need directions? Click here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG

978-772-2773 or bruce.blain@charter.net


QSL Bureau Services at Northeast HamExposition @ Boxboro, September 7-8, 2019

Eric Wililams, KV1J, writes on the YCCC mailing list:

Next weekend [September 7-8, 2019] we have a QSL Bureau booth at the HamXposition/Boxboro show. Our booth will be next to the ARRL booth.

You can fund your Bureau account and get answers to your questions about the Bureau.

We will be accepting cards for the ARRL Outgoing Bureau at the booth. Please see the instructions on the ARRL web for sending your cards and the fee structures.  

There is also a simple form to submit with your cards found on the ARRL web. Fee payments can be done by check or exact change cash.

We are just collecting the cards for the ARRL so please give them to us with the funds etc. as if you were mailing them to Newington.

Also, we will be hosting the DXCC card checkers.  You will need to do the application process online before the show.  There will be a checker at the booth Saturday from about 11 AM to 3 PM and all morning Sunday. You can also leave cards with us for checking when the Card Checkers are not there.  You can authorize someone to pick them up for you or work with me for another way to get them back to you

73,  Eric  KV1J

W1 QSL Bureau Co-Manager

Billerica ARS Special Program: QSL Sorting, September 4, 2019

Andy Wallace, KA1GTT, writes on the BARS website, at https://www.w1hh.org/next-bars-meeting-wednesday-september-4-2019-at-700pm-eric-kv1j-qsl-sort-and-free-pizza/:

Everyone, I am pleased to announce that yet again we will have our annual QSL sort and pizza party!

Eric Williams, KV1J, is a volunteer for the W1 QSL Bureau, sponsored by the Yankee Clipper Contest Club.



The W1 QSL Bureau is a service which accepts incoming QSLs from overseas and redistributes them to U.S. hams in the W1 call district – 100,000 of them per year! Each card coming in must be sorted by first-letter-after-the-1 to prepare them for their final destinations to hams who have paid the small sum required for stamps and envelopes for the Bureau to mail them.

Eric is always happy to have Clubs’ help when it comes to sorting and it is a fun event too! Since BARS is doing this in September it is perfect timing because Eric will be bringing these cards to the Northeast HamXposition @ Boxborough for September 6/7/8 where hams can stop by his booth to pick them up and save mailing delay! And if you discover cards destined for you in the sort, you may pick them up immediately also.

Please join us for the sort. Eric will spend a few minutes explaining how the sort works and set up the mail-cubbies for filing. Then we will dig in! Literally – because we will break in the middle for pizza for all. Likely it will come from one of the fine Chelmsford pizza houses and we will try to get pies everyone will like. The cost will be covered by BARS. A treat!

We look forward to seeing you there!



President, Billerica Amateur Radio Society

QSL Sorting Night at Algonquin ARC, August 8, 2019

Eric Williams, KV1J, W1 QSL Bureau Co-Manager writes:

Seventh Annual AARC QSL Sort Night 

The Algonquin Amateur Radio Club will be holding a QSL card sorting session on  Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 7:30 PM at the Marlborough Fire Station.  We will  be in the classroom/EOC where we hold Field Day. 

The W1 QSL Bureau receives QSL cards from DXers all over the world, sorts them and then  sends them to the New England area hams.  We process about 100,000 QSL cards each year.  To do this, we are grateful for the team of over 40 volunteers and several area clubs that help make this happen.  AARC is one of the clubs that helps with the presorting step in our process. 

Our part is easy and fun.  You get to see QSL cards from all around the  globe.  Maybe catch a card that is for you!  We will have boxes of cards from the country national organizations that are for W1 call area hams.  For our session we will have about 13,000 cards. Our mission is to sort  those cards into stacks for each first letter of the call sign suffix.  So there will be a stack for all the call signs the a suffix the starts  with A and one for those starting with B and so forth.  It goes quick especially with lots of people doing it on several separate tables. 

When we are done, those stacks will be sent to our individual letter sorters who will then sort them by the individual recipient hams. 

Thank you and hope to see you next month. 

W1QSL Bureau Accepting Cards at Boxboro

assorted QSL cardsEric Williams, KV1J writes on the Yankee Clipper Contest Club reflector:

Next weekend we have a QSL Bureau booth at the Boxboro show.  Our booth will be next to the ARRL booth.

You can fund your Bureau account or get answers to your questions about the Bureau.

We will be accepting cards for the ARRL Outgoing Bureau at the booth. Please see the instructions on the ARRL web for sending your cards and the fee structures  There is also a simple form to submit with your cards.  See
http://www.arrl.org/files/file/QSL/Submission%20Form%202017-02-24.pdf .

We are just collecting the cards for the ARRL so please give them to us with the funds etc as if you were mailing them to Newington.

Also, we will be hosting the DXCC card checkers.  You will need to do the application process online before the show.  There will be a checker at the booth both mornings from 9 AM to noon. You can also leave cards with us for checking Saturday afternoon and they will be checked Sunday morning.  You can authorize someone to pick them up Sunday or work with me for another way to get them back to you.

W1 QSL Card Sorting Session at Algonquin ARC, August 9, 2018

rare dx qsl cardEric Williams, KV1J, writes on the Algonquin ARC mailing list:

The Algonquin Club will be holding a QSL card sorting session on  Thursday August 9th, 7:30 PM at the Marlborough Fire Station.  We will  be in the classroom/EOC where we hold Field Day. 

The Bureau receives QSL cards from DXers all over the world, sort them and then  send them to the New England area hams.  We processed about 100,000 QSL  cards each year.  To do this, we are grateful for the team of over 40  volunteers and several area clubs that help make this happen.  Our  Algonquin club is one of the clubs that helps with the presorting step in our process. 

Our part is easy and fun.  You get to see QSL cards from all around the  globe.  Maybe catch a card that is for you!  We will have boxes of cards  from the country national organizations that are for W1 call area hams.  For our session we will have about 13,000 cards. Our mission is to sort  those cards into stacks for each first letter of the call sign suffix.  So there will be a stack for all the call signs the a suffix the starts  with A and one for those starting with B and so forth.  It goes quick  especially with lots of people doing it on several separate tables. 

When we are done, those stacks will be sent to our individual letter  sorters who will then sort them by the individual recipient hams. 

Our web site is – www.w1qsl.org  If you want to see the details of our processes –  http://www.w1qsl.org/qslsort/docs.htm 

Thank you and hope to see you next month. 


Eric, KV1J
W1 QSL Bureau Co-Manager

Clubs Invited To NVARC QSL Sort, Oct. 21, 2010

Nashoba Valley ARC logoStan Pozerski, KD1LE writes:

[The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club] is inviting local Amateur Radio clubs to participate in our QSL Card Sort for the W1 Incoming QSL Bureau. It will be held at our October meeting on Thursday, October 21st. We will be sorting between 18-20,000 incoming QSL cards. Pizza and soft drinks will be served after the sort.

Our meetings start at 7:30 or a bit earlier if we can get in at the Pepperell Community Center, which is at the rotary junction of Route 111 and Route 113 in Pepperell.

See the club Web site for more information at http://www.n1nc.org.