Jim, KX1M, writes on the Framingham ARA mailing list:
Subject: Ham Radio Breakfast for January
Where: IHOP
Location: 4102 Shops Way Northborough, Ma 508-393-1222
When: Sat January 4th 2020 … The Breakfast starts at 7:00 AM
Talk-in: Many going to the breakfast as well as those at the breakfast may be listening on the following repeaters:
- W1BIM – Paxton, 2 m repeater (146.970, PL 114.8)
- W1MRA – Marlborough, 2 m Repeater (147.2700, PL 146.2)
- AE1C – Southborough, 2 m DMR Repeater (145.27, Timeslot 2, TG # 3125 Mass State Wide, Color Code 7 )
- AE1C – Southborough, 70 cm DMR Repeater (448.375, Timeslot 2, TG # 3125 Mass State Wide, Color Code 1 )
- W1WNS – Westborough, 70 cm Repeater (448.775, DCS D244, P25 NAC 353)
- WA1NVC – Framingham, 33 cm Repeater (927.01250, PL 131.8 )
- WB1CTO – Framingham, 1.2 cm repeater (224.24, PL 103.5)
Spread the word to all the hams you know. Much fraternalism and friendships to be had!
Jim, KX1M