Barry Fox, W1HFN, writes on the NE Mass Foxhunters list at 3:17 PM on June 12, 2020:
The W1HFN fox is out at the Bumble Bee park in Littleton. Frequency is 146.565 with a continuous voice ID every 30 seconds. Parking is at N42° 31.643′
W71° 29.566′ more or less. Good luck to all!
73, Barry – W1HFN
PS NO PI within sight!
PS NO PI within sight!
Barry Fox, W1HFN, writes on the NE Mass Foxhunters list at 6:09 PM on June 20, 2020:
I retrieved my fox Thursday and it was still transmitting. Almost an entire week, somewhat surprised me.
The finders were:
W1FDR Bob on 6/13
KD1D Alan also 6/13
K1IG George on 6/14
KC1DKY Nick on 6/14
Tanya on 6/14
Next weekend is Field Day, so I suspect we will all be busy elsewhere. Will deploy the next weekend.
73 All and TNX,
Barry – W1HFN