New England Area Flea Markets, 01/15/11

New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2011 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~

2011 Contact Source

5 Feb Chelsea ME AARA @CrystalFalls Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075 A

12 Feb Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Indoor John 860 673 0518

19 Feb Marlborough MA AARC @MS $5@9 $20/T@6:30 Tim KA1OS 978 333 0067 F

20 Feb Westford MA GBARC RadioXLII $12@8 @Regency Antique 866 371 0512 F

26 Feb Colchester VT HAM-CON @Hampton $8@8 $15@6:30 Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589 T

27 Feb Hicksville NY LIMARC @LevitHall $6@9$20/T@7 Richie K2KNB 516 694 4937 +

5 Mar Feeding Hills MA MtTARA @TurnverneinClb Mary N1TOY 413 967 4008

19 Mar Dayville CT ECARA @StJosephCh $3@8 $10/T Paul KE1LI 860 928 2456 F

20 Mar Southington CT SARA @HS $5@8 $20/T@6:15 Norm W3IZ 860 584 1403 F

25 Mar Lewiston ME ME AARC StConv @ Ramada Ivan N1OXA 207 577 5152 A

26 Mar Middleetown NY OCARC @CommCtr Neil AC2O 914 490 2001 A

27 Mar Henniker NH CVRC @CommSch Donald N1ZIH 603 651 8000 A

3 April Framingham MA FARA @KeefeTech $5@9 $25/T Bev N1LOO 508 626 2012

10 Ap LaGrangeville NY MtBARC @TymorPk David KC2AFK 845 677 5079 A

16 Ap Manchester NH NHAntqRC @Bingo $10 @7:30 $3 @8:30 Charlie 603 898 4821 F

LAST UPDATE 1-15-11 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail <- SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2011 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2011 P2 of 2

2011 Contact Source

17 April Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F
Third Sunday April thru October

29,30 April Deerfield NH Nearfest IX @FG Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235

30 Ap 1 My Wakefield MA Photographica @AmericalCtr ~photo~ John 781 592 2553

14 May E Greenbush NY EGARA @FD $6@8 +$6/sp@6 Tom KC2FCP 518 272 1492

15 May Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

20-22 May Dayton OH

4 June Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN John 860 673 0518

4 June Goshen CT SBARC @FG Lee K1LEE 860 435 0051 A+

19 June Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

17 July Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

21 Aug Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

28 Aug Adams MA NoBARC @FG Timothy KE3HT 413 822 7075 A

10 Sept Ballston Spa NY SCRACES @FG @7 Al KA1IEG 518 677 3316

10 Sept Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN John 860 673 0518

18 Sept Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

1 Oct Manchester NH NHAntqRC @Bingo $10 @7:30 $3 @8:30 Charlie 603 898 4821 T

14,15 Oct Deerfield NH Nearfest X @FG Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 T

16 Oct Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

15,16 Oct Wakefield MA Photographica @AmericalCtr ~photo~ John 781 592 2553

29 Oct Gales Ferry CT TCARC Auction @FireCo @10 Darryl WA1DD 860 443 7799

4 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @6:30PM Jim KK1W 413 245 3228

12 Nov Bourne MA FARA @UpperCC VoTech $5@9 $10/S@7 Ralph N1YHS 508 548 0422

3 Dec Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Indoor John 860 673 0518

LAST UPDATE 1-15-11 de W1GSL P 2 of 2
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Source F= Flyer T= tentative early info + = new info this month
A= ARRL R= RAC list W= web WR NV CQ QST = Mags
This list has been compiled from many sources. While we believe the info to
be accurate the author can not be responsible for changes or errors.
Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details. This list will be
posted monthly to USENET. Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail <- SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2011 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2011 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2011 Contact Source

LAST UPDATE 1-15-11 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2011 W1GSL SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2010 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders RIP 🙁

Adams MA N BerkshireARC

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv

Dartmouth MA SEMARA

Falmouth MA FARA

FeedingHills MA MTARA

Framingham MA FARA

Marlboro MA AARC

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction

Rockport MA CAARA

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA

Wakefield MA Photographica

Whately MA FranklinCARC

Worcester MA WPI ACM

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf

Gales Ferry CT RASON


Newington CT NARL

Newtown CT CARA

North Haven CT

Southington CT SARA

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus

Chelsea ME AARA


Lewiston ME AARC

S. Portland ME PAWA

St. Albans ME PARC

Thomaston ME PBARC

Windsor ME AARA

Deerfield NH NEAR-Fest

Henniker NH CVRC

Manchester NH NEAntiqueRC

Londonderry NH IRS

Rochester NH GBRA

Bergen NJ BARA


Ballston Spa NY SCRACES

LaGrangeville NY MtBARC

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES

Lindenhurst NY GSB ARA

Long Island NY LIMARC

Middletown NY OCARC

Queens NY Hall of Science

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA

Rochester NY AWA

Rochester NY RARA

Wallkill NY OCARC

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC

Colchester VT HAM-CON VT Conv

Swanton VT STARC

Windsor VT CVFMA

Moncton NB TCARC

Quispamsis NB LCARC

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD

Greenwood PQ GARC


Montreal PQ MARC

Montreal PQ WIARC +

Montreal PQ MS-SARC

Montreal PQ UMS

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T

St Romuald PQ ARES

St Therese PQ CRALL

Summerside PEI SPARC

Greenwood NS GARC

Halifax NS HARC +

Timonium MD GBHC

Montreal Area MARC List

Canada RAC List

Phila. Area VARA List


P4 LAST UPDATE 8-1-10 de W1GSL P 4
Additions/ Corrections via Internet
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2010 W1GSL SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

South Shore Hospital ARC Established

South Shore Hospital ARC meeting, Dec. 11, 2010 A new Amateur Radio Club has been established at the South Shore Hospital in Weymouth. A driving force behind the club’s formation was employee John O’Neill, KB1QEM. O’Neill helped the hospital specify what equipment to purchase and include in a hospital “Go Kit”, funded from a homeland security grant. The grant was secured thanks to the efforts of Joan Cooper-Zack, R.N., KB1UBZ, who serves as the hospital’s Emergency Preparedness Manager. ARES District Emergency Coordinator Carl Aveni, N1FY also assisted in educating the group about the various services available through Amateur Radio and ARES.

Employees, volunteers, and friends of the hospital met for the first meeting of the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club (W1SSH) on December 11, 2010. Eighteen people were present. Photo ID badges were issued, and a presentation was given by Jim Tovet, W1JT on packet radio. Tovet demonstrated how amateurs at the hospital could send and receive text messages with other packet terminals and PBBSes outside of the area. Tovel also demonstrated Winlink. A test message goint to one of the hospital officials was received in the form of an email that originated as an amateur radio packet message.

A January meeting is planned that will feature a talk about the National Traffic System and NTS radiograms as a part of an ongoing training program. Already, an area-wide simplex test was conducted to test radio coverage. Interestingly, the test revealed de-sensitization problems caused by the hospital’s paging transmitter.

The formation of the club, and implementation of the training program at South Shore Hospital has been such a success that KB1UBZ and KB1QEM have been approached by other local health care institutions who are also interested in developing similar programs.

KB1QEM says there are several parts of the country where hams have joined their resources together to form radio networks for area hospitals. “It would be a tremendous asset for area institutions to be able to communicate with each other on a predefined network of simplex frequencies and repeaters. I have my sites set for the creation of a system along those lines as we and other hospitals in the area get our groups established.”

Also attributing to the success of the club’s formation was an Amateur Radio Technician Class sponsored by both the South Shore Hospital and the Whitman Amateur Radio Club. Sessions were held on two Saturdays, using classroom facilities at South Shore Hospital. The class resulted in six hospital employees receiving their licenses, which brought the total of licensed employees to eight. Additionally, several orientation sessions were held to educate area ham volunteers with the South Shore Hospital volunteer program, policies, and culture.

Radio equipment purchased includes a Yaesu FT-8800 VHF/UHF transceiver, a Yaesu FT-450 AT HF transceiver, a Kantronics KAM XL TNC, a 35-amp Samlex power supply, and a Yaesu FT-60R handheld. The items are housed in a case with a removable platform, ready to be used as a base station. A dual-band 2-Meter/70 cm antenna and HF antenna for base station use was also purchased. The antennas have been installed on the hospital roof, and coax lines routed inside the hospital.

Photo: Jim Tovet, W1JT giving a packet radio presentation at SSHARC’s first meeting on December 11, 2010

–Thanks, Bruce Hayden, NI1X

Foundation for Amateur Radio Scholarships Now Available for 2011-2012

Foundation for Amateur Radio logo“The non-profit Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) is now accepting applications for 48 scholarships for the academic year 2011-2012 to assist radio amateurs pursuing higher education. FAR fully funds two of scholarships and administers 46 others without cost on behalf of various club and individual donors. Amateur Radio licensees pursuing a full-time course of study beyond high school and accepted by or enrolled in an accredited university, college or technical school are eligible to apply. Scholarship grants range from $500 to $5000, and preference in some cases goes to applicants living in particular geographical areas or pursuing certain studies. Non-US residents are eligible to apply for some of the scholarships.”

[Full story]

New England Cabinet Meeting 01/15/11 Notes On-line

New England division logoMeeting notes from the January 15, 2011 New England Division Cabinet Meeting in Springfield, Massachusetts have been posted on-line for your reading pleasure. The bi-annual Cabinet meetings are held approximately one week before regular ARRL Board of Director meetings to allow Section Managers, Assistant Directors, Advisory Committee members and Affiliated Club Presidents the opportunity to voice their opinions and provide feedback to the Director and Vice Director.




BAA Marathon Volunteers Sought

Marathon Amateur Radio Communications 2011 logoBob De Mattia, K1IW writes:

Volunteer registration for the 2011 Boston Marathon is now open! The Marathon will be held on Monday April 18th. Radio operators are needed to provide safety communications and to assist the Red Cross. Assignments are available in Hopkinton, along the route, and in downtown Boston. To volunteer, go to and follow the instructions.



Framingham ARA License In A Weekend, March 19-20, 2011

Framingham ARA 75h anniversary logoThe Framingham Amateur Radio Association announces its License In A Weekend on March 19-20, 2011 in the Danforth Museum, Lexington Street, in Framingham, MA. The $42 fee includes lunch on Saturday and Sunday, a textbook and the FCC exam fee.

The class schedule is as follows:

– Saturday 9 am to 5 pm

– Sunday 9 am to 4 pm

– FCC Technician license exam on Sunday 2 pm

To reserve a seat, contact Ed Weiss (W1NXC) at 508-881-2301 or email Pre-registration is required, and applications must be received no later than Feb. 21, 2011. (NOTE: there are limited FREE openings for Boy and Girl Scouts.)

Marlborough Ham Radio Flea Market, Feb. 19, 2011

AARC logoThe Algonquin Amateur Radio Club is again holding its winter Ham Radio Flea Market on February 19, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the 1Lt Charles W. Whitcomb School (formerly the Marlborough Intermediate /Middle School), 25 Union St., Marlborough, MA.

A VE session will be held beginning at 9:00 AM. General admission is $5. Vendor tables are $15 before February 11, or $20 at the door and each table includes one admission.

For more information, contact Tim Ikeda, KA1OS at 978-333-0067 (before 9:00 PM), email or visit

Youths Explore Amateur Radio at Post 73

Explorer Post 73 logoYouths on Cape Cod are being given the opportunity to become modern-day “explorers” of Amateur Radio and communications–in a non-traditional Scouting environment.

According to Post 73‘s Committee Chair Tam Garran, K1TAG, “If you aren’t familiar with today’s Explorer program, it is a part of the Learning for Life program, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Boy Scouts of America. There are no ranks or badges to be earned or uniform to wear, and it’s open for both boys and girls from 14 to 20 years of age.” Garran says the Post has been operational now for about a year. All of its members hold Technician class licenses. The Post is sponsored by the Barnstable Amateur Radio Club.

The Post, which meets at the police station in South Dennis, is governed by “lead advisors and advisors” as well as a “Post Committee.” Garran adds, “To date we have three very faithful members and one waiting to hit his 14th birthday and who regularly attends as a guest.”

According to Garran, there is keen interest in the members working to upgrade to General Class. Many of their bi-monthly meetings focus on General class instruction.

“We have just voted to participate in what we call Joint Venture Training. JVT is where we invite other Hams to join with our Post for training. We have the backing and support of the local Scout Council who administer the Learning for life program and hope to start classes in the next few weeks,” remarks Garran.

The safety of the youths is closely adhered to. Says K1TAG, “Because of the Youth Protection Program, we have to make sure that our youths are never in a one-on-one situation with non-Explorer folks, youth or adult, and for that matter we have to always have not less than two leaders with one member or two members with one adult. Since we have nine active adults, most of which belong to the Barnstable Amateur Radio Club, this is not a problem.”

Several of the Post 73 youths are also members of the sponsoring Barnstable ARC and active in BARC’s events. In fact, says, Garran, “One of the boys won the BARC fox gunt that we had back in October, 2010. And all of them were an active part of Field Day this past June.” Garran goes on to explain that the Post 73 crew were “key operators during the 2010 Jamboree on the Air event” held this past fall, as well as a Cape Cod Council Camporee in May, 2010. That event featured an impressive demonstration of Amateur Radio sponsored by the Barnstable club.

K1TAG and the other committee members and advisors are actively seeking youth participation at several different levels. “I think the biggest hurtle we have to overcome is the mentality of, ‘I can talk anywhere you can talk to on my cell phone.’ At each meeting,” he explains, “we try to have a program which presents different topics and interactive activities to prove that mentality isn’t quite correct.”

New Eastern MA ARRL Field Organization Begins January 1, 2011

EMA ARRL logoEffective January 1, 2011, Phil Temples, K9HI, begins his two-year term as ARRL Section Manager for Eastern Massachusetts. A copy of his introductory text to all EMA ARRL members can be found at, along with his January Section News column.

Temples has retained some key section staff, while also appointing several new people. Staying in their current posts are: Affiliated Club Coordinator “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM, of Westford; Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY, of New Bedford; State Government Liaison Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI, of Framingham; and Section Traffic Manager Jim Ward, N1LKJ, of Raynham.

New staff named are: Assistant Section Manager/Youth Activities Jason Sample, KB1PQB, of Groveland; Official Observer Coodinator Ed Parish, K1EP, of North Reading; Public Information Coordinator Bob Salow, WA1IDA, of Natick; and Technical Coordinator Eric Falkof, K1NUN, of Wayland.

Temples has promised a more “club-centric” approach to structuring of the field organization, with emphasis on supplying affiliated clubs with more resources, recruiting more field appointments, and beefing up the local National Traffic System organization in the section.

KM1CC Trans-Atlantic Anniversary Operation, 1/17-1/18

KM1CC QSL cardThe Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club invites interested amateurs to operate the KM1CC station on January 17-18, 2011 during the anniversary of Marconi’s first trans-Atlantic transmission from the USA to Europe.

The station is located at the Coast Guard Station on Coast Guard Beach in Eastham. Planned hours of operation are 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM on both dates. If there is interest, the station may also be operational the evening of January 17.

According to station trustee Barbara Dougan, N1NS, two HF stations will be set up — one for CW, the other for phone. Operations will be conducted on 17, 20, 40, 75 and 80 meters.

“There is a need for phone operators anytime of the day, and CW operators late afternoon and the evening of Monday, January 17,” she adds.

For full details, see

Cape Ann ARA, CERT Members Staff Gloucester EOC During Blizzard

WW1N et al at the Gloucester EOC, Dec. 2010Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association members, along with Gloucester Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members staffed the Gloucester Emergency Operations Center Dec. 26-27 during the recent blizzard that struck New England over the holidays.


According to CAARA president Stan Stone, W4HIX, “This was the first time that EOC has been activated, so there was a lot to do in getting set up. The CERT members went to work on a work/sleep schedule, scrounged furniture and supplies from around the Fuller School, made coffee, and generally got the facility operational.”

The operation had to overcome several obstacles along the way. “The EOC suffered a power failure and the generator worked for a couple of hours until it failed. The Internet service was routed through the school system, so it had many restrictions, and ultimately failed because the backup generator at Gloucester High School failed.”

The CERT operation lasted approximately 15 hours.

“I will say [the operation center] was quite successful for the first time,” remarked Gloucester’s Emergency Management Director Miles Schlichte.

“It was quite an experience, and a great shakedown exercise,” said Stan Stone. Stone has had subsequent meetings with Gloucester IT managers to make the Internet connection more robust, and he also plans to meet with city professionals to discuss radio improvements for the Gloucester Fire Department, and data communications for the Department of Public Works.

Said Stone: “The key lesson was that you have to test every system and learn their failure modes.”

Photo: Ruth E. Hodsdon, WW1N  (standing) in the Gloucester EOC

–Thanks, CAARA Newsletter, January, 2011

Fairhaven Repeater To Carry New Year Around The World QSO Party, Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 1, 2011

New Year's Eve celebration, Sydney AustraliaRick Cabral, W1RJC writes on SEMARA Discussion list:

Southeastern MA Amateur Radio Association and South Coast MA Amateur Radio Group members:

Once again this year, the Crossroads IRLP Reflector is sponsoring its annual New Year Around The World QSO Party. Locally, it will be carried on the 145.490 Fairhaven repeater from about 6:00 AM on New Year’s Eve until about 3:00 AM on New Year’s Day. At its peak, there are normally around 100 repeaters worldwide that are linked together. So come join the fun on the ’49 repeater!

More information:

Note: As in prior years, local SKYWARN activity will pre-empt the net. If this occurs, the net may be temporarily heard on the 147.000 Dartmouth repeater as a backup.


Nashoba Valley ARC Members Conduct Highway Cleanup

Nashoba Valley ARC Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup, Nov. 2010Members of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club conducted a road cleanup on November 21, 2010 as part of their ongoing “Adopt-a-Highway” program. The group picked up nine bags of trash. This was the last cleanup for 2010. The group plans to hold another cleanup in April, 2011.

Shown in photo, courtesy KD1SM, (L-R): Rod, WA1TAC; Stan, KD1LE; Nancy, KB1KEF; Gary, K1YTS. Not shown: Ralph, KD1SM.

–Thanks, Nashoba Valley ARC Signal, December 2010 Volume 19, Number 12



Whitman ARC: Plimoth Plantation 2010 “Special Edition” Newsletter

Whitman ARC Plimoth Plantation Operation 2010 CertificateThe Whitman Amateur Radio Club has produced a special edition of its newsletter, The Spectrum, highlighting the club’s special event operation from the Plimoth Plantation November 27-28, 2010.

According to WARC President Paul Burbine, N1VTI, 33 WARC members — along with one area ham — helped set up and operate HF and 2-meter stations using portable antennas at the famous re-creation of the 17th century Pilgrim settlement and Wampanoag Indian homesite. “The crew exchanged contacts with 316 other amateur radio operators in 35 states, 16 foreign countries and 6 Canadian provinces,” Burbine reports.

[See also: Whitman ARC Garners Great Publicity For Plimoth Plantation Operation.]




New MEMA Courses Offered

Mass Emergency Management Agency logoTom Kinahan, N1CPE writes on MRAS-general list:

The following new courses have been added to the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency’s training calendar:

* Incident Command System 300 at Wellesley National Guard on December 13, 2010

* Incident Command System 300 at So. Attleboro Fire Station on January 4, 2011

* Incident Command System 300 at MEMA Headquarters-Operations Room on January 5, 2011

* Incident Command System 400 at Wellesley National Guard on December 16, 2010

* Incident Command System 400 at DelValle Institute – O’Neill Room on January 13, 2011

Visit our web site at for more details.

Whitman ARC Garners Great Publicity For Plimoth Plantation Operation

Plimoth Plantation logoThe Whitman Amateur Radio Club was featured prominently in a December 9, 2010 article in the Whitman Express entitled, Whitman Amateur Radio Club Visits Plimouth Plantation. The article, written by WARC’s Bruce Hayden, NI1X, described the club’s efforts in promoting to hams worldwide about the famous re-creation of the 17th century Pilgrim settlement and Indian homesite.

According to Hayden, 34 area hams operated five stations and made 316 contacts with 35 states and 16 foreign countries over the two-day operation. The WA1NPO special events station also made contact with M0VRT in Plymouth, England during the event.

The Whitman ARC has conducted the Plimoth Plantation operation annually at Thanksgiving for several years.

–Thanks, NI1X and Whitman ARC



Boston ARC Assigned New 440 MHz Repeater Frequency Pair

Boston ARC logoThe Boston Amateur Radio Club has been assigned a new frequency pair for its 70 cm repeater by the New England Spectrum Management Council, according to BARC’s Bob Salow, WA1IDA.

“Your help is needed to verify the coverage and signal quality. At several times of the day, please try to make contacts and get signal reports. Make notes of your location, the type of radio, the power used, and the reported signal quality. Send this information to Tom Bertolino, KB1P at his alias, or call him at 781.608.6186.”

The new frequency is: 443.550 MHz (+), PL 110.9 Hz.

–Thanks, The SPARC, December 2010

Genesis ARS To Establish Scholarship Honoring K1CG (SK)

Genesis ARS logoThe Genesis Amateur Radio Society is moving to establish a scholarship fund to honor the memory of Silent Key George Manning, K1CG.

Manning, a Genesis ARS Executive Committee member and the club’s Public Information Officer, left a large quantity of ham radio equipment to the club. According to GARS President John Williams, KB1EVY, GARS is initially conducting a silent auction so that club members will have an opportunity to first purchase any items of interest. Remaining items will then be sold to the ham public.

“Proceeds from sales will be held by the trustee in a separate interest account until such time that the scholarhip fund is established, and then handed over to the scholarship trustee for their care,” says Williams.

Eastern MA Amateur Shares November QST Cover Plaque Award

QST cover, Nov. 2010

An Eastern MA amateur has won the November QST Cover Plaque Award. Bruce Walker, W1BW of Concord shares the prize with Joe Taylor, K1JT, for their article “WSPRing Around the World.” Congratulations, Joe and Bruce.The QST Cover Plaque award, given to the author or authors of the best article in each issue, is determined by a vote of ARRL members on the QST Cover Plaque Poll Web page.

Thanks, ARRL Letter, Dec. 2, 2010