K6KJN: “Twenty Things I’ve Learned While Curating the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications” at Framingham ARA Meeting, October 3, 2024

John Iwuc, KB1VXY, writes on the Framingham ARA mailing list:
Please register for our October 3 meeting. We will forgo our usual business meeting and start promptly at 7 pm at the McAuliffe Library and on Zoom.
  1. Tom Frenaye, K1KI, who is one of the contenders for the New England Division Director of the ARRL, will talk for the first 10 minutes or so.
  2. After that Kay Savetz, K6KJN, will talk about  “Twenty Things I’ve Learned While Curating the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications”
  3. We are planning on having Fred Kemmerrer, AB1OC, current New England Director of the ARRL, talk about his work at a special meeting probably on 10/10/24, stay tuned.
Please register whether or not you will attend on Zoom.

K9TAD: “Sunspots and Radio Propagation” at Billerica ARS Meeting, October 2, 2024

Billerica ARS logoBillerica ARS President Doug Bruce, N1WRN, writes:

We are pleased to announce that Terry Dennison, K9TAD, will be our Guest Speaker via Zoom on Wednesday Night, October 2, 2024. Terry will give a talk on Sunspot and Radio Propagation.

Here are some biographical details about Terry:

  • FCC Extra Class Amateur Radio License (2010), First Licensed in 2007 Callsign: K9TAD.
  • Memberships: American Radio Relay League (ARRL); Volunteer Examiner (VE) – authorized to participate in Amateur Radio License Examinations, Accredited to the Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group (GLAARG) VEC, VE # 3208E.
  • Associated with: the AD4VE team Southern California DX Club; Southern California Contest Club; PAPA System (Southern California FM/DMR/D-Star Repeater Club); AMSAT (Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation); G-QRP Club (UK Low-Power QRP Club).

We will announce the link to join the Zoom meeting before the meeting, but it will be posted to the BARS email list and should not be shared outside our Club. Are you on the email list? If not, please send an email to bars-subscribe@w1hh.org and then simply reply to the robot response from the server and you will be subscribed.

Observing our Zoom meeting requires only a web browser and headphones/speakers. You do not need a webcam or microphone unless you want to speak or be seen.

Before our meeting date, please go to https://zoom.us/test and see if it will function for you. If you have problems, we can try to assist – feel free to ask questions on the BARS email list.

I am looking forward to “seeing” many of you there on Wednesday 10/2 at 1900.

“Foxboro family makes worldwide connections with ham radio”

Joanne McLaughlin, KB1FVNFrom The Foxboro Reporter, September 26, 2024:

A local woman found a unique skill to be helpful to the community and beyond.

Joanne McLaughlin of Foxboro, a retired teacher, has been a licensed amateur radio operator since October 2000 when the Federal Communication Commission issued her call sign, KB1FVN.

McLaughlin said she started the hobby because she saw first hand some family members who are licensed amateur radio operators. Amateur radio operators can talk across town or across the world without a phone or internet.

“It also allowed me to learn something new and share a hobby with my husband and son,” she said.

[Full story]

Parks On The Air: Hopkinton State Park, September 29, 2024

Parks On The Air logoMichael Powell, W1KU, writes on the Algonquin ARC mailing list:

I’m planning on activating Hopkinton State Park on Sunday 9/29 in the morning and early afternoon.  Joe KA1GDQ is planning to join me around 10:00.

I plan to field-test some of my own radio, antenna, and power equipment.  I expect to set up for SSB and FT8 on bands between 10m and 40m, depending on conditions.  My plan is to set up at picnic tables in this area of the park — https://maps.app.goo.gl/zJ1fNgyazpv5giQD6 — but that is subject to change. 

If you are interesting in “activating” the park yourself,  you are welcome to join and use my setup to make some QSOs under your call.   An official activation requires 10 QSOs under your callsign (any band/mode but no earth-based repeaters).  You can sign up for POTA online and upload your log to POTA for activation credit after the activation.

This activation is not a formal AARC event, just a chance to get out and enjoy the weather and band conditions.  If you are planning to join, please send me an email.  I also will keep a handheld on the N1EM repeater while I am at the park.  If I need to cancel, I’ll send a follow-up email to AARClist.

To learn more about Parks on the Air, see https://parksontheair.com/.

Boston Area GMRS Club

Gregg Lebovitz, KD1MU, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:

I wanted to let fellow GMRS licensees know that we are now taking memberships for the  Boston Area GMRS Club.
The club is a not-for-profit 501c(3) corporation and focuses on two main areas 1) technology, operator proficiency, and emergency communications education and 2) building a GMRS infrastructure to aid agencies in their emergency communications efforts. Membership is open to licensees and their families. We encourage families to join the effort of learning to be better operators and contributing to the art of emergency communications.
Membership is set at $25 per year and is fully tax deductable. We also encourage both members and interested parties to contribute to the repeater fund. In line with FCC rules, repeaters are operated by individuals who hold a GMRS license. The club operates under part 95E sections on individual ownership and leasing of repeater equipment. The club members collaborate in the funding and maintenance of repeater sites. Repeaters are open to non members.
The main focus of any club is to have fun. The BA GMRS Club activities are meant to bring individuals and families together.
Membership fees and donations can be made online using our club website www.bagmrsclub.org. Just click the join button.
By-laws for the club are available upon request.

AB1OC: “ARRL” at the Boston Amateur Radio Club, September 19, 2024

Boston ARC logoThe Boston Amateur Radio Club will have its regular General Meeting Thursday, September 19, at both Artisans Asylum and Zoom. We will begin with a period of socializing at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30.

Our speaker will be Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, the Director for the New England Division of the American Radio Relay League.

A Zoom link will be posted on the www.barc.org website on the day of the meeting.


Joseph Chapman, NV1W

Secretary, Boston Amateur Radio Club

KB1MGI Fox is QRV, Carlisle, September 15, 2024

Jahn Salmi, KB1MGI, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters on September 15, 2024 at 6:30 PM:
I placed my 146.565 Fox Transmitter at the Towle Land off RT 225 in Carlisle.
See attached Map
To activate the Fox ID your call sign then press DTMF tone 2. Fox transmits for 30 second on 30 seconds off. for 15 minutes.
You will find the signal strength can vary greatly due to the hidden Fox Box location as you travel.
75 feet off a trail. No bush whacking needed
Sign the log book with call sign and how long it took you to find it.
I’ll leave it out until Friday
John, KB1MGI
Towle Land map

Northeastern Wireless Club “Yagi Build” a “Fantastic Success”

Jonah Lefkoff writes on the Northeastern Wireless mailing list:

Yesterday’s workshop was a fantastic success. We built a ton of awesome tape measure yagi antennas, and learned a bit about impedance matching and soldering along the way. This Thursday we’ll be using them in a fox hunt around campus. I look forward to a fun night of searching for hidden transmitters!

Next week we begin our adventure towards developing a full PCB. It all starts with schematic capture, a critical component of the electrical design process. I hope to see you all there. 

Jonah Lefkoff, KFØINONWC members showing their constructed yagisKF0INO

Holliston 300th Anniversary Special Event Operation, September 21, 2024

Welcome to Holliston siignMeg Johnson writes on the the Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society mailing list:

What: Celebrate Holliston/300th Anniversary

Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024, Rain Date September 28, 2024.

Time: Main portion 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Setup much earlier due to parade (will verify)

Location: Goodwill Park in Holliston

Details: Celebrate Holliston is a well-attended community event, and this year will be even bigger because it’s the town’s 300th Anniversary!

Oliver (KC1TCM) and mom, Meg, are setting up a booth (10×10) to provide information and outreach about amateur radio to the broader community, and aim to spark youth interest (since Oliver is 12 yo himself) and catalyze involvement. 

Current booth plans involve:

  • General information about ham radio and practical applications
  • A GOTA station (under auspices of STARS/Oliver, KC1TCM, and other licensed volunteers)—with electrical available.
  • Equipment on display such as yagi antenna and radio-related DIY projects Oliver and others have completed to spark interest

What we need help with:

  • Booth/equipment setup and troubleshooting (especially with antennae)
  • Engaging with the public at the booth
  • Packing up at the end of the day

Note: Parade starts at 9:00 AM and goes through downtown, so there may be traffic issues.

Can you make it? Sign up here!




NTS Traffic Handling Training Session, October 14, 2024

Interested in NTS and Traffic Handling? Join us Monday, October 14 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. This training will incorporate videos and open discussion to get you started in an exciting aspect of the hobby that’s been around for over 100 years!

Your hosts: Western MA Section Manager Ray LaJoie, AA1SE; MARI Section Traffic Manager Marcia Forde, KW1U; Bob Sparkes, KC1KVY; and Shawn Dodds, N1CVO, will discuss NTS traffic handling basics and traffic net procedures.

All amateurs are invited to join, regardless of experience level. This will be first come, first served event and limited to 100 participants. We hope to see you on Zoom. Any questions? Email Ray, AA1SE at aa1se@arrl.net.

Topic: NTS Traffic Training
Time: Oct 14, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 9116 7095
Passcode: 346199

–One tap mobile
+19292056099,,86391167095#,,,,*346199# US (New York)
+13017158592,,86391167095#,,,,*346199# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
• +1 719 359 4580 US
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 863 9116 7095
Passcode: 346199 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdFNo1lp7D

CQ Race Volunteers: By The Sea Half-Marathon, Manchester-By-The-Sea, September 15, 2024

Chris Winczewski, W1TAT,, writes on the Cape Ann ARA mailng list:

We have had a very successful race season so far and we are down the fall stretch with just 5 races to go in 2024! Now we need to fill our slots for the upcoming September 15th for the By The Sea Half-Marathon.

We need two more volunteers to operate Checkpoint 1 and Checkpoint 2, both in Manchester-By-The-Sea. Please see the race details and open slots for this race and future races and email Chris, W1TAT, as soon as possible.


Many thanks and 73,
Chris, W1TAT

Foxhunting Class at Boston Amateur Radio Club, Brighton, September 7, 2024

Boston ARC logoChris Larosee, AC1RV, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list:
I will teach a Foxhunting class on September 7th at Artisans Asylum through the Boston Amateur Radio Club with additional support from BERG.  I focus on mindset/hypothesis testing to find the fox and learn about radio more broadly. These are skills taught to me in my work tracking wildlife with the same technology for the USGS.
[Artisans Asylum is located at 96 Holton St, Brighton MA 02135.]

Watertown Patch: “Swapfest: The Flea at MIT — Tech, tools, ham radio, test equipment, computers, retro electronics”

Flea at MIT

From the Watertown Patch:

“Swapfest is a huge electronics, tools, technology, amateur radio, and gadget flea market held on the third Sunday of every month from April to October in the Albany St. parking garage at MIT. Come buy, sell, or just look at objects as diverse as WWII Enigma machines, motors, power tools, computers, space capsules, and more. Early bird buyer admission starts at 7:00 AM for $15. Normal buyer admission starts at 9 AM for $6 (or $5 with a paper printout of our flyer). Vendors can preregister by the 5th of the month by mailing in our flyer with a check or show up to register day-of for a slightly higher fee. 9 AM-2 PM, but come early for best deals. Bring cash!”

“Three Dots” at Harbor Stage Company, Wellfleet, August 19-20, 2024

Three Dots poster“Blending vivid theatricality and meticulously researched history, Three Dots tells the story of one of our region’s proudest accomplishments— in 1903 the first transatlantic telegraphs from America to Europe were sent from a station on the cliffs of our small seaside hamlet: Wellfleet, MA.  An insightful look at the science and the psyches behind this remarkable event.” 

For more information, visit https://www.harborstage.org/three-dots.html.

Amateur Radio Communications Request, Cycle for Shelter, Haverhill, September 15, 2024

Ethan Hansen, KC1OIP, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:
Hi all, Cycle for Shelter is looking for amateur radio operators for this year’s event. Please see the information from Ross Chapman below.
This year’s event will take place on Sunday September 15th.  The start and finish  is again at the Northern Essex Community College sports complex, Haverhill, Mass.
There are (4) routes planned, a 100 mile, 62 mile, 35 mile & 15 miles long. Most will overlap each other. The final routes are still being worked out but will run through similar areas as in years past. The start times for each route vary, starting as early as 7:30 AM and the event closes at 4:00 pm. Some routes will take as little as 3 hours to complete where the longest would take a full day.
We are looking to fill the positions of route support in such that there would be at least (1) vehicles per route. All route support vehicles will be offered equipment and instruction on the day of the event.
We are also in need of Amateur Radio Operators at (7) different rest stops. Of the seven (7) rest stops locations again are in: Boxford, Georgetown Groveland, Topsfield, North Hampton, Kensington and Amesbury. The open close times of these stops is being calculated but should not be longer than (4) hours. Bike marshals are also needed for the 15 mile route which is local to the start/finish.
If you have time available to help again with this event, it would be greatly appreciated. All are welcome at the finish for food and the celebration of the days event.
Please RSVP regrets and/or confirmation that you will be able to help. (Even if I have already talked with you)
If you know of anyone who would be willing to help, please forward this note to them and have them contact me.
Ross Chapman 
Route Support Coordinator
Cycle for Shelter, 2024
603 479 2728
Ethan KC1OIP

K1USN SST Open, September 13, 2024

K1USN SST logoFrom K1USN Happenings, August 13, 2024:


CW ops and contesters from around the world are invited to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the K1USN weekly Slow Speed Contest (SST) by participating in a new event, the K1USN SST OPEN (SSO) to be held annually starting on Friday, September 13 from 2000-2359Z.

From its inception in September 2020, the twice-weekly SST has encouraged CW newcomers to join with experienced ops in a relaxed contest at speeds less than 20WPM. Contest sponsors strongly urge all participants to operate at 12WPM or less to provide new CW ops with a comfortable “on ramp” to CW operating and contesting.

The same speed rules will apply in the Slow Speed Open with the hope that every station that wishes to jump in will be welcome at a pace comfortable for them.

A CW Speed multiplier has been added to the score calculation as an incentive to go slow, (via the 3830scores.com submittal form). This speed multiplier is based on your fastest sending speed used during the contest.

Certificates with score and claimed maximum operating speed (honor system) will be available to all entrants.


DATE and TIME: September 13 2000-2359 UTC

Goal: Work as many stations as possible during the four hours on multiple HF bands (160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meters).  Exchange: Name and State/Province (Non US-VE =DX) Score =Total Points x CW Speed Multiplier x Total State/Province/DX Multipliers

Stations may be worked once per band.  

50 point Bonus for working K1USN once per band.

Post log summary on www.3830scores.com Do NOT mail logs to K1USN

For Complete SSO information including rules and FAQ’s: www.k1usn.com/SSO.html

StratoScience Lab Balloon Launches, New England Sci-Tech, Natick, August 14, 2024

StratoScience banner
Seth Kendall, KC1PZY, writes on the New England Sci-Tech ARS mailing list:
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know we are aiming to launch two separate StratoScience Lab balloons THIS WEDNESDAY 8/14 from NEST.  That means we’ll actually be filling up and releasing the balloon from the NEST parking lot.  Exact time is not nailed down yet, but release will most likely be sometime between 10am and 2pm.  We’ll update here the night before or morning of.  Since it is taking place at NEST, we also may be able to run the STARS Zoom meeting and have flight prep and the releases going live on Zoom.  We will update on that as well.  We will have a HamXposition presentation detailing all the projects, and maybe we can do a version of this at a STARS meeting, but just to give you a preview of what will be flown this week:
StratLab 2024 A:
  • Solar Tracking Rotator (Roy Y.)
  • Spectroscopy Sensor (Timmy B.)
  • Servo Heating System (Elias D.)
  • IMU Recorder and Downward Camera (Ewoud V.)
  • BFCCPS Humidity Sensor Experiment (NEWBS / BFCCPS School)
  • RunCam Split 4 Selfie Camera (Seth K. / NEWBS)
  • Tiny4FSK (Max K. / NEWBS) – 432.620 MHz
  • RS41 (Max K. / NEWBS) – 432.625 MHz
  • [maybe] Test version of altitude-based rocket igniter board (Dawid F.)
StratoSoar 2024 A:
  • Autonomous Glider (Charlie N.)
    • Planned separation at ~1600m
    • Also contains a Tiny4FSK (Max K. / NEWBS) – 432.630 MHz
  • RS41 (Max K. / NEWBS) – 432.635 MHz
  • RunCam Split 4 Downward Camera (Seth K. / NEWBS)
This means we will also have 3 separate recovery sites, so if anyone would be interested in helping to recover a payload, please let us know!  We could use all the help we can get.  Even if you’re only available after work hours.  All 3 trackers should hopefully be trackable on https://amateur.sondehub.org/
Seth KC1PZY and Max W0MXX