“Finish At The Fifty” Amateur Radio Help, July 3

The Finish at the Fifty is a unique event on the public service calendar. It’s a combined 5K and 10K on the evening of July 3. The finish line for both races is the 50-yard line of Gillette Stadium, and there’s a free fireworks show after. It’s got a lot of energy, and particular challenges for runner safety (they go up and down the ramps of the stadium!). Given the size of the course, the medical team relies on amateur radio volunteers for communications support and to keep extra eyes on runners.

Recruiting for this event is always a challenge because of the date. A lot of people have travel plans, which I understand. Because of that, please join our team if you’re able. Chris Troyanos is the medical coordinator for this event. He would always like to have more coverage, and he would love to have our support especially.

To sign up, just write me back with your call sign, cell phone number, and t-shirt size. Plan to be there from around 4:30 to 8:30 PM. All you need is a dual band handheld and any accessories that will keep you comfortable. Further instructions will follow.

If you have questions about the event, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by e-mail or phone (859) 466 5915.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Two SKYWARN Training Sessions in Lowell & Peabody

SKYWARN logo The National Weather Service in Taunton is offering two SKYWARN training sessions in the coming weeks in our area:

Tuesday May 23rd, 2017 – 630-900 PM:
University Crossing – Room 158
220 Pawtucket Street
Lowell, MA
Taught by: NWS Taunton Forecaster
Registration: Required – Pre-register via email to Rob Macedo-KD1CY at rmacedo@rcn.com


Thursday June 8th, 2017 – 700-930 PM:
Portuguese American War Veterans Building
103 Tremont Street
Peabody, MA
Taught by: Amateur Radio Coordinator
Registration: None Required

BAA 10K, Ham Volunteers Sought, June 25, 2017

Boston ARC logo Brett Smith, AB1RL writes:

Volunteer registration is open for the BAA 10K on Sunday, June 25. I know, I know—as usual, it’s on Field Day Sunday. But it just takes the morning (assignments run from approximately 6:00 AM to noon), and the summer weather means we’ve usually got work to do supporting the event medical teams. Come take a break from the rush for contacts, and join us to send some substantive traffic over the air.

All you need to help out is a dual band (2m and 70cm) handheld, preferably with a gain antenna. To volunteer for the 10K, sign up with the BAA directly following the instructions below.

Go to the BAA 10K volunteer site and press the “Volunteer Now” button.

There are separate buttons for “Returning” and “First Time” Volunteers. If you’ve volunteered at a BAA event before, select “Returning Volunteer.” If you don’t know your BAA Volunteer Loyalty Number, use the button labeled “Retrieve Your Volunteer Loyalty Number” to look it up. If it returns a Volunteer Loyalty Number for you, fill that in where prompted.

If the system does not provide you with a Volunteer Loyalty Number, or if you have not volunteered at a BAA event before, go through the “First Time Volunteers” button on the first page.

Complete the personal information.

Group status: Ham volunteers don’t need to join any group. You can answer “No” to both questions.

Assignment request: Select “Ham Radios” from the top pulldown menu on the page. You are not required to make any selections on the lower menus.

Complete the remainder of the application and make note of your application acknowledgment number. Seeing a acknowledgment number on the page is your indication that you have successfully completed the online application.

If you have any questions about the event or the sign-up procedure, feel free to get in touch with me at ab1rl@brettcsmith.org or (859) 466 5915.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Wellesley Veterans Parade, Amateur Volunteers Needed, May 21, 2017

David Wolfe, KG1H writes:

The Wellesley Veterans Parade will be held on Sunday, May 21 and we hope you will be able to help.

The time commitment is: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 21st in Wellesley.

We meet at 11 a.m. at the Wellesley Community Center at 219 Washington Street.

The duties are to get the 125 units in order. The units arrive at Noon and they are told prior to arrival to go to a specific street and location. We need to check off that the unit has arrived and that it is in the proper location. Then we need to start the parade at 1 p.m. and key the units in order down the street.

A radio communications plan has been developed.

Are you able to help?

Please let Carl Nelson know if you can join the team. His email is cnelson111@comcast.net His cell phone is 781-929-9095.

Thank you for your service and help to our veterans.

Carl Nelson

Yukan Run “Fast Half” Marathon, Ham Assistance Requested, May 13

CAARA logoBob Spanks, Jr., WA1UCG writes on the CAARA list:

The Cape Ann ARA (CAARA) is still looking for volunteers to help at this Saturday’s (May 13) “Yukan Run Fast Half” Marathon starting at the Hamilton-Wenham High School.

CAARA has supported this event for the last several years. So if you are available to help out, please contact CAARA’s Road Race Chairman Chris, K1TAT, at k1tat@outlook.com.

Remember: CAARA has radio equipment for your use if you do not have any equipment.

The race begins at 9:00 AM so I would suggest you be on the course by 8:30 AM. You will complete your assignment by noon at the latest.


Bob Spanks, Jr.

Ham Volunteers Sought for National Brain Tumor Society Walk, May 21, 2017

The National Brain Tumor Society is planning their 2017 Boston fundraising bike ride and they’re looking for amateur radio volunteers. The ride takes place on Sunday, May 21, starting at 7:00 AM from 200 West Street in Waltham. Volunteers will work from until the early afternoon, with lunch provided.

Jim Bradley, KB1JKJ, is organizing the hams for this event. To volunteer, please write him with the following information:

  • Your preferred assignment: SAG in your own vehicle; SAG in another person’s vehicle; or rest stop
  • Your call sign, full name, and name you prefer on the air
  • Your cell phone number, and any other number(s) you like to be reached at
  • Your shirt size
  • The transmit band(s) of your radio(s), and other equipment you could bring
  • Do you have any needs or requests we should consider when making your assignment?

Jim can also answer any questions you have about the event.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Volunteers Sought for Groton Road Race, April 30, 2017

Ralph Swick, KD1SM writes:

The April First snow shall not delay the 2017 Groton Road Race. I’m told by a reliable source at National Weather Service that we’re unlikely to still have snow on the ground (or road) by April 30 when the 26th Annual Groton Road Race will be held.

As we’ve done for the past 24 years, the race committee is again asking the Amateur Radio community to provide the logistics and safety communications for the Race.

This is our major event for Amateur Radio in North Central Massachusetts. Those of you who have joined us in the past years know that the runners sincerely appreciate our presence. Many say so as they run past. This event is so large that Police Departments and other public safety agencies from several other communities come to assist the Groton PD. Part of our role is to provide the communications from the Groton Police to these out-of-town officers who come to help with this event.

The change in 2015 to run the 5k and 10k races simultaneously will be repeated this year. This change increases the number of radio operators needed but also allows us to secure all stations earlier in the afternoon. The courses themselves will be the same as the last two years. The maps, etc from previous years are available on the NVARC Public Service Events page.

Contributing to the public good is one of the reasons Amateur Radio exists. Our public service events are a key opportunity for us to show our colors, volunteer our skills and equipment, and demonstrate why it is in the public’s interest to continue to allocate precious RF spectrum to our the Amateur Radio Service. The Groton Road Race is a low-stress event and a great way to gain more experience with the public service aspect of amateur radio. Please consider joining us on the 30th.

If you are interested in helping at these events but unsure of what is expected of you or what equipment you may need, please ask me, Stan KD1LE, or John KK1X.

The Squannacook River Runners and the Groton Police Department repeatedly praise and express their appreciation for your assistance in providing communications for this event. I do hope you will be able to join us this year; please let me know.

Thanks and 73,

Ralph KD1SM

SKYWARN Training at Clay Center ARC, April 25, 2017

Clay Center ARC logoSKYWARN training teaches you how to spot and report severe weather conditions for the National Weather Service. Training will be provided on Tuesday evening, April 25, at the Clay Center by lead trainer Rob Macedo, KD1CY. All adults welcome, as well as youth who are scouts or ham radio operators. Space is limited. You must plan to stay from 6:30-9:00 to be certified. Register with bphinney@dextersouthfield.org.





YuKanRun Dual Race, Volunteers Requested, March 26, 2017

The YuKanRun Fool’s Dual Race Series is a totally unique race concept. For 5K races and shorter, we’re looking for check point operators. For half marathon races we would like to have six check points. We also need a Net Control operator, Incident Command, and a Race Tail operator for each event. Please let us know if you can staff a communications check-point for the event by Sunday, March 26, so we can plan staffing positions.

This event starts at the O’Maley Middle School, 32 Cherry Street, Gloucester. The 5K Race starts at 08:00 and loops clockwise around the Riverdale proximity. Half Marathon starts at 09:00 and runs up Washington into Rockport and back. Support cut-off time will be about four hours after half marathon start.

While CAARA’s repeater performance has greatly improved with the replacement of our new antennas, the northern region of this course may still experience some difficulty with communications–especially with low-powered HTs–so we’ll be looking for higher-powered equipment to staff those areas.

Please let us know what type of equipment you plan to use (i.e., mobile; H-T; 1/4-wave magnetic mount, OEM rubber duck, etc.) so we have a better idea of where to assign you along the event course.

Thank you in advance for your participation! You can sign up at http://www.nsradio.org.

CAARA, Race coordinators
Ross Burton, W1RAB. Chair
Chris Winczewski, K1TAT. Co Chair
Please contact Chris Winczewski, K1TAT at k1tat@outlook.com
978- 335-3594, please leave message

Run of the Charles, Call for Volunteers, April 30, 2017

The Run of the Charles is one of the most unique public service events for hams each year. It’s a suite of canoe and kayak races for all different group sizes and course lengths. The variety draws all kinds of participants, and they all rely on us to help keep the event running safely and smoothly.

This year’s Run of the Charles is on Sunday, April 30. The full 26-mile course runs from Riverdale Park in Dedham down to Artesani Park in Brighton. Assignment check-in times vary by location, from 7:00 AM at far start points to 10:00 AM at portages near the finish. Since the CRWA relies on hams for all kinds of logistics, from on-site check-ins to rules infractions, there’s a position for volunteers at any experience level. For more information, visit the race Web site.

Volunteers for this event must have a dual-band (2m and 70cm) handheld radio and an antenna with improved gain over the stock rubber duck. These are necessary because many volunteer sites are low-lying areas where it can be a challenge to reach repeaters. If you can help, please write back with the following information:


  • Your call sign, full name, and name you prefer on the air
  • Phone numbers where you can be reached (cell, home, office)
  • Your preferred e-mail address
  • The transmit band(s) of your radio(s), and other equipment you could bring. Start sites that accept new registrations could benefit from a larger setup—think 10W+ and an antenna like a magmount or better. If you’re able and willing to bring that extra equipment, please let me know.
  • Your shirt size
  • Do you have any needs or requests we should consider when making your assignment?


If you have questions about the run, please get in touch by e-mail or phone (859) 466 5915.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Volunteers Sought for BAA 5K, April 15, 2017

Brett Smith, AB1RL writes

Volunteer registration is open for the BAA 5K! The race is the Saturday before Marathon Monday, April 15. Registration is scheduled to close on February 9, so please sign up soon to make sure we can get you on the team.

The 5K and the Marathon use the same volunteer registration system. If you’re volunteering at the Marathon, please register and request a Marathon assignment. After you’re done, please e-mail BAA volunteer coordinator Mary Miller and CC: me to request to be added to the 5K roster as well. If you can include your BAA volunteer loyalty number or registration confirmation number, that helps.

If you just want to volunteer at the 5K, go through the volunteer registration and choose “5K Hams” as your assignment preference when asked. You’ll know you’re done when you get a confirmation number.

The BAA always appreciates support from amateur radio volunteers. We wouldn’t have that great relationship if you didn’t come and put in the work to make these races possible. I hope you’ll join us to help kick off another great year of public service.

If you have questions about either event, please reply by e-mail, or phone (859) 466 5915.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Marathon Volunteer Registration Now Open

Per Clay Center ARC’s Facebook page:

Volunteer for the 2017 Boston Marathon Communications group!

The registration deadline is Wednesday, February 8th, 2017.

As we look back on the past year, through the stories of athleticism, triumph and community that are told at each B.A.A. race — especially the Boston Marathon — we recognize the lively spirit of Boston Athletic Association volunteers. Thank you for your singular and collective contribution towards making Patriots’ Day exceptional for 30,000 participants each and every April. We now look forward to the 121st running of the Boston Marathon, to be held on Monday, April 17th, 2017, and sincerely hope that you can join us once again as a volunteer for this iconic event.


Note: Registered volunteers must be 18 years old on the day of the race. Youth club members will be told how they can participate through club leadership at the club meetings.

We invite you to register as a volunteer for the 121st Boston Marathon. The registration deadline is Wednesday, February 8th, 2017.http://www.baa.org/…/volunteer-…/volunteer-registration.aspx

For AMATEUR RADIO, the following slots are available for Monday, April 17, 2017:

Boston Marathon Start 
Boston Marathon Course 
Boston Marathon Transportation 
Boston Marathon Net Control 
Boston Marathon Finish Area

New for 2017: 
All volunteers should receive a separate email from your Team Captain or group leader with registration instructions including a group name and passcode for your specific assignment. Please contact Mary Miller at mmiller@baa.org if you have not heard anything by January 9th.

Volunteer Loyalty Number: 
When you register, you will need your volunteer loyalty number (if you have volunteered before, there is a link to retrieve your volunteer loyalty number if you have forgotten it) and your zip code. These items are associated with your personal volunteer history, which is primarily how we determine volunteer assignments.

Volunteer of Fame:
We are thrilled to launch the Boston Marathon Vol of Fame highlighting volunteers who have reached the milestone of 15 or more years of service. Take a look to see who you may know! http://www.baa.org/utilities/volunteer/vol-of-fame.aspx

Thank you again for your commitment and loyalty to the B.A.A. We look forward to hearing from you!


Elisabeth Worthing
Volunteer Program Manager
Boston Athletic Association
185 Dartmouth St., 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02116
617-236-1652 x 2630

Head of the Charles Regatta, Oct. 21, Volunteers Sought

Mark Richards, K1MGY writes on the PART of Westford list:

The Head of the Charles Regatta (http://www.hocr.org/) is a fantastically fun and exciting event for Amateur Radio public service. This premiere rowing event, attracting competitors from all over the world, relies upon Amateur Radio communications for coordination and medical support of both land and boat-based services along the beautiful Charles River.

HOCR has a need for at least three more communications volunteers.

On 21 October (Friday) the event holds a practice session for participants from mid morning to late afternoon. There are two land-based positions available.

On Saturday the event kicks off. There is one land-based position available.

There are no slots available for Sunday, 22 October, but I’m sure HOCR will put you on a reserve list if you’d like a slot there.

To serve, you need a decent dual-band hand-held radio and should have some experience supporting communications and working within teams. Familiarity with the Communications Standards used at the BAA Boston Marathon is a good starting point. See https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_R6snQbpJ3MUzBzTEZ0c0VaRkU/view?usp=sharing

If you wish to apply, you may contact me directly through this email list

Mark Richards, K1MGY

or phone directly: 617 592 4392

I have several years of experience working this event and would be happy to give you more information.

Ashland Half Marathon Needs Volunteers, Oct. 29

David Wolfe, KG1H writes:

The 5th annual Ashland Half Marathon 5K Race & One Mile Walk/Run will kick off on Saturday October 29, 2016 and begin and end at Marathon Park, which marks the original starting line area for Boston’s marathon for its first 27 years, from 1897-1923.

Set in late October to take advantage of the cool temperatures runners of all stripes desire the Ashland Half-Marathon winds its way along a picturesque 13.1 mile figure 8 course through Ashland’s foliage-filled roads and lanes.

Contact Mark Richards kmalittl1@gmail.com if you are interested in participating.

MMRA Public Service Coordinator

BAA Half Marathon Volunteers Sought, Oct. 9

Brett Smith, AB1RL writes on the Boston ARC list:

The BAA Half Marathon is just a couple weeks away now. If you haven’t already, this is your last chance to register to volunteer on the BAA web site http://www.baa.org/races/half-marathon/event-information/volunteer-information.aspx for the ham radio team. We can always use more help, and we’d love to have you join us.

If you haven’t worked this event before, it’s practically the best of both worlds: it has all the polish you’d expect from a large BAA event, but it still keeps that great supportive community atmosphere. And it benefits the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, so it’s for a good cause. You’ll need to report for your assignment at 6:00 AM, and then we finish shortly after lunch.

I hope you’ll sign up this weekend to join us. You don’t need to join any group when prompted; just select no group, then on the next screen, request an assignment with “Ham Radios.” Of course, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Volunteers Sought for Baystate Marathon Games, Oct. 16

Terry Stader, KA8SCP writes:

The Lowell CERT Communications Team has been asked to support once again the Baystate Marathon and Half Marathon. This year the event is on Sunday, October 16th. Our operational time period is from approximately 0700 until event completion (estimated 1400). Our assistance has been requested by Lowell Office of Emergency Management and Lowell Fire Department. The communications team will be employing Amateur Radio to provide this communications asset. Amateur Radio will be used for two functions:

* Medical operations: the purpose of this net is to provide a communications link for medical requests/status to the incident command post.
* Accountability net: the purpose of this net is to coordinate with a race public information booth the status of runners who are unable to complete the race for any issue to any one is seeking this information.

Race info may be found at http://baystatemarathon.com/raceinfo.

Please contact Terry M. Stader at ka8scp@wb1gof.org if you are able to assist or would like more information.

Volunteers Sought for Boxboro Convention, Sept. 9-11, 2016

Boxboro logo

Boxboro Convention Volunteer Chair Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ writes:

Please forward this information to the members of your club.

The ARRL New England Convention will be held in Boxboro, MA on September 9, 10, and 11, 2016. We are looking for a large number of volunteers and are asking for your help.

Volunteers are asked to work a 2-hour shift, and will receive a voucher for a free lunch (maximum: $10 value). Jobs involve a minimum of physical activity, mostly long periods of sitting. Some jobs are outdoors, while others are indoors.

These are the times where volunteers are needed:

  • Friday: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Saturday: 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM, and also 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Sunday: 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM

If you can help, please indicate the times that you are available, and if you are available to work for more than one shift.

Please reply directly to Andy (KB1OIQ): kb1oiq@arrl.net or kb1oiq@mval.net.

Thanks, and 73,


BAA 10K Seeks Volunteers, June 26, 2016

Brett Smith, AB1RL writes:

Volunteer registration is open for the BAA 10K on Sunday, June 26. The BAA is asking volunteers to register ASAP so event planning and logistics can go smoothly. Please feel free to spread the word with your own clubs and ham friends.

Expect this event to run from approximately 6:00 AM to noon. All you need to help out is a dual band (2m and 70cm) handheld, preferably with a gain antenna. To volunteer for the 10K, sign up with the BAA directly following the instructions below.

  1. Go to the BAA 10K volunteer site and press the “Volunteer Now” button.
  2. There are separate buttons for “Returning” and “First Time” Volunteers. If you’ve volunteered at a BAA event before, select “Returning Volunteer.” If you don’t know your BAA Volunteer Loyalty Number, use the button labeled “Retrieve Your Volunteer Loyalty Number” to look it up. If it returns a Volunteer Loyalty Number for you, fill that in where prompted.

    If the system does not provide you with a Volunteer Loyalty Number, or if you have not volunteered at a BAA event before, go through the “First Time Volunteers” button on the first page.

  3. Complete the personal information.
  4. Group status: Ham volunteers don’t need to join any group. You can answer “No” to both questions.
  5. Assignment request: Select “Ham Radio” from the top pulldown menu on the page. You are not required to make any selections on the lower menus.
  6. Complete the remainder of the application and make note of your application acknowledgment number. Seeing a acknowledgment number on the page is your indication that you have successfully completed the online application.

If you have any questions about the event or the sign-up procedure, feel free to get in touch with me at ab1rl@brettcsmith.org or (859) 466 5915.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Run of The Charles Volunteers Sought, April 24, 2016

Brett Smith, AB1RL writes:

The Run of the Charles is one of the most unique public service events for hams each year. It’s a suite of canoe and kayak races for all different group sizes and course lengths. The variety draws all kinds of participants, and they all rely on us to help keep the event running safely and smoothly.

This year’s Run of the Charles is on Sunday, April 24. The full 26-mile course runs from Riverdale Park in Dedham down to Artesani Park in Brighton. Assignment check-in times vary by location, from 7:30 AM at far start points to 11:00 AM at portages near the finish. Since the CRWA relies on hams for all kinds of logistics, from on-site check-ins to rules infractions, there’s a position for volunteers at any experience level. For more information, visit the race Web site.

Volunteers for this event must have a dual-band (2m and 70cm) handheld radio and an antenna with improved gain over the stock rubber duck. These are necessary because many volunteer sites are low-lying areas where it can be a challenge to reach repeaters. If you can help, please write back with the following information:

  • Your call sign, full name, and name you prefer on the air
  • Phone numbers where you can be reached (cell, home, office)
  • Your preferred e-mail address
  • The transmit band(s) of your radio(s), and other equipment you could bring. Start sites that accept new registrations could benefit from a larger setup—think 10W+ and an antenna like a magmount or better. If you’re able and willing to bring that extra equipment, please let me know.
  • Your shirt size
  • Do you have any needs or requests we should consider when making your assignment?

If you have questions about the run, please get in touch by e-mail or phone (859) 466 5915.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club