YCCC Well-represented at WRTC2018, July 12-16, 2018

Dennis Egan, W1UE writes on the Yankee Clipper Contest Club mailing list:

[The 2018 World Radiosport Team Championship is being held in Germany, July 12-16, 2018. WRTC is held every four years; in 2014, the event was hosted in New England.]

YCCC will be well represented at WRTC2018. Members participating:



Judging Committee



That makes 25 total.  Did I miss any one else?


Dennis W1UE
YCCC President

Whitman ARC QRV for 151st Annual Marshfield Fair

Whitman ARC logoThe Whitman Amateur Radio Club will sponsor a ham radio exhibit and special events station at the 151st Annual Marshfield Fair August 17-26,  2018 from 1600Z-0059Z. The club will operate under the call sign NN1MF on the following frequencies/bands: 18.160, 14.260, 7.260, and 3.860 MHz. The station will also be active on EchoLink via the WA1NPO-R, and IRLP: 8691. Contacts will be acknowledged with a certificate and QSL at: Whitman ARC, PO Box 48, Whitman, MA 02382. 

Falmouth ARA Planning for October Jamboree On The Air

Falmouth Amateur Radio AssociationThe Falmouth Amateur Radio Association plans to sponsor a Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) event in the fall. This is the largest scouting event in the world and is held annually on the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in local communities.

The club plans to set up at the Falmouth Recreation Center “probably in the large room with a lot of windows.” Interested club members should contact Glen, KC1GKT at glen.dowden@gmail.com. More information to follow.

New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net, June 29, 2018

Brian, WO1VES writes:
This is a reminder that tonight at 8:00 PM I will once again be hosting the New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net.  This is a Yaesu System Fusion net open to all ham radio operators.  There are multiple ways to connect:
Direct to the Stoneham repeater: 147.075 with your Fusion radio
Through a Wires-X connected repeater or node: Connect to Wolf-Den, room 28941
Through your hotspot: Connect to the YSF reflector US Wolf Den
Through Echolink: No Fusion Radio?  Connect to WO1VES/R on Echolink
Through your DMR radio into your hotspot. SharkRF Openspot and MMDVM based devices can link DMR radios to YSF reflectors.  Just connect to US Wolf Den.
Work is still underway to full time link the Gloucester 443.700 Fusion repeater, but it is still not ready yet. I will also be adding an FCS reflector to the link.  I also encourage any other New England area Fusion repeaters to link in for the net.
Thanks everyone!
Brian – WO1VES

Fox Activated, Wilmington, June 27, 2018

Nick Mollo, KC1DKY writes on the Fox Hunters mailing list at 6:54 PM ET on June 27, 2018:

Attention Fox Hunters!

The KC1DKY FOX is out and about in Wilmington on town conservation land. Set your transceiver to 146.565 MHz, press your PTT, give a DTMF of 2, and if you are close enough, you’ll hear it beep back at you. Don’t forget to ID with your call sign when you attempt to activate it.

If you are new to fox hunting, there are several websites with good info, that include:

I use my Baofeng with no antenna when I’m close enough and I go off frequency.  You gotta know your equipment.

SPOILER ALERT!  The location for anyone stuck (backwards)

daor llim – setatse eilyk



KH1/KH7Z Baker Island DXpedition Has a “Local” Connection

KH1/KH7Z QSL cardA Scituate ham is playing a key role in the upcoming KH1/KH7Z Baker Island DXpedition.

“Don Mikes, AA1V, who is the pilot for the upcoming Baker Island DXpedition KH1/KH7Z team wants to let everyone know that he is in daily satellite phone communication with them as they sail/motor to Baker Island from Fiji. 

“They cast off 24 hours ago and are experiencing good sailing conditions. Be sure to check their website for the latest updates and to also track their progress via GPS – https://share.garmin.com/K6TD

–Courtesy “Pi” Pugh, K1RV, from the K1USN Radio Club mailing list

Severe Weather & Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend Coordination Message #2 – Saturday 6/23/18-Sunday 6/24/18 Weather Outlook/Severe Weather Potential

SKYWARN logoHello to all..

..The following is the second in a series of messages on Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend and providing information on the weather during this period. This is a tradition spanning over 15 years for Amateur Radio Operators involved with Field Day and the NWS Boston/Norton SKYWARN Program..
..After quiet weather on Friday, unsettled weather is likely during Amateur Radio Field Day weekend. It will not be a complete washout but there will be the threat of widespread showers and isolated thunderstorms with heavier rainfall and urban and the potential of urban and poor drainage flooding as well as an attendant lightning risk Saturday into Saturday Night. As we move into Sunday…

[Full post]

Severe Weather & Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend Coordination Message #1

Hello to all.. 

..The following is the first in a series of messages on Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend and providing information on the weather during this period. This is a tradition spanning over 15 years for Amateur Radio Operators involved with Field Day and the NWS Boston/Norton SKYWARN Program.. 
..2018 Field Day weekend has quiet weather for Friday but looks unsettled with the potential for rain and possibly heavier rain and can’t rule out an isolated thunderstorm along with cooler temperatures on Saturday and then the potential of isolated to scattered strong to severe thunderstorms with strong to damaging winds, hail, frequent lightning and heavy rainfall on Sunday Afternoon/Evening potentially when Amateur Radio Field Day sites are breaking down stations and wrapping up for this year’s event. Weekend weather will be monitored closely..
..Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend is an annual event where Ham Operators across the United States setup at Emergency Operations Centers, field locations, home locations etc. to operate and test their equipment and skills and make as many radio contacts as possible during the weekend. Many locations can be visited by the public and Amateur Radio Field Day can be a form of outreach to Ham and non-Ham Operators. It is also noted that several states have given proclamations to Amateur Radio/Ham Radio Operators for either an ‘Amateur Radio Day or Amateur Radio Week’ during the month of June or an ‘Amateur Radio Month’ for this month. It is both a fun/preparatory event for Ham Radio Operators for Emergency Communications scenarios.. 
..SKYWARN Activation on Saturday appears unlikely but will need to monitor for any potential for thunderstorms and attendant lightning risk and heavier rainfall. SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Boston/Norton are possible Sunday Afternoon/Evening for isolated to scattered strong to severe thunderstorm potential..

There are a large number of Amateur Radio Field Day sites across the NWS Boston/Norton Coverage Area and adjacent NWS Coverage Areas. Here are some links to information on these Amateur Radio Field Day Sites from across the region: 

Amateur Radio Field Day Information: http://www.arrl.org/field-day 
Amateur Radio Field Day National Locator: http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator 
Eastern Massachusetts Field Day Home Page: http://fd.ema.arrl.org/ 

The commonwealth of Massachusetts has declared this week to be Amateur Radio Week and Governor Baker has proclaimed Sunday June 24th, 2018 Amateur Radio Day in honor of the ARRL Field Day event. The details can be seen at the following links:

For Field Day weekend, Friday looks quiet weather wise with seasonable temperatures and dry conditions. As we get into Saturday, there could be general rain over Southern New England with cooler temperatures. There could also be heavier rainfall and the chance of an isolated thunderstorm though currently it looks more like a rain and heavier downpour situation versus a general thunderstorm concern but this will be monitored and updated again in the Friday Evening coordination message.
For Sunday, parameters could come together for isolated to scattered strong to severe thunderstorms with strong to damaging winds, hail, frequent lightning and heavy rainfall in the Sunday Afternoon and Evening timeframe as Field Day operations end and field day sites are securing. We are still 2+ days from this event and this will be updated with greater details as we get closer to this timeframe. This concern is mentioned in the NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook.
Coordination messages later Friday and Saturday will help better define the outlook particularly for Sunday and the severe weather potential. Below are links to the NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook and NWS Boston/Norton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook: 

NWS Boston/Norton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Amateur Radio Field Day sites are still encouraged to bring a NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio, monitor various cell phone weather apps where Amateur Operators may have those available and have a dedicated Ham Radio that can monitor their local SKYWARN Frequency for their area as a best safety and preparedness practice. Also sites that have mobile Internet capability can utilize that capability as a way to monitor for weather information. With Mobile Internet capability, utilizing Echolink to monitor the New England Reflector system on Echolink Conference *NEW-ENG3* Node: 9123/IRLP 9123 would be helpful as well. Please see the link below for the latest SKYWARN Frequency information for the region: 


During setup and takedown of Amateur Radio Field Day sites and even while operating, be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat accordingly. Also having a jacket or sweatshirt during evenings as conditions cool etc. may also be useful while operating this year’s Field Day. The link below features information on Heat Safety:
Given the threat for thunderstorms particularly on Sunday, lightning is a threat to any and all Amateur Radio Field Day sites. Remember your lightning safety tips and details on lightning safety can be seen at the following link:

The next Amateur Radio Field Day coordination message will be posted by 1000 PM Friday Evening.

Respectfully Submitted, 

Robert Macedo (KD1CY) 
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator 
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator 
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com 
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box 

Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

Natick High School High Altitude Balloon Launch, Florence, MA, June 20, 2018

WA3ITR APRS trackDan Brown, W1DAN writes on the Wellesley ARS mailing list:

Charlie’s (WA3ITR) High Altitude Balloon project is currently hoping to launch on 6/20/2018 from Florence, MA around 1-2 PM.  It is hoped that the platform will be recovered in the Natick area around 6 PM or so.

Follow it on APRS!
See also: 

Natick High Altitude Balloon–Successful Tethered Test

Natick HS High Altitude Balloon tethered testDon Clements writes:
Successful tethered test! We didn’t launch (due to the cloud cover), but the test was great. With the large tank, the balloon filled quickly and easily. You can have pretty much any lift you want. We filled the balloon too much, and went off the 2 kg scale for lift. The last aspect we need to control is the amount of lift, and that’s pretty straightforward. At this point we’re ready to launch(!)
If you look at the picture full size you can see the parachute and instrument package up there. We had it 150ft up, and got good satellite and APRS data. 
To the Stars, and Beyond!

Algonquin ARC Field Day 2018

Algonquin ARA Field Day 2017 photoThe Algonquin Amateur Radio Association will conduct its Field Day operation June 23-24 at the Marlborough Emergency Operations Center at the Central Fire Station, 215 Maple St, Marlborough. The group will operate three stations–possibly four–in the “F” Category (Emergency Operations Center). 



Update: June 21, 2018:

David “Shack” Haralambou, W1SHK writes on the Algonquin ARC mailing list:

Here are the plans for Field Day at this moment:

  • We will be running 4 stations
  • We will be using N1MM Logger at each station
  • Setup will begin at 9 AM on Saturday at the Main fire station EOC room
  • Contesting begins at 2 PM
  • We WILL be running an overnight crew and be live on the air from 2 PM Saturday until Noon on Sunday
  • Cleanup will begin at Noon on Sunday
  • You are welcome to come down and operate/log anytime during the event (even if it is only for an hour)

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible this weekend!

Waltham ARA Picnic and Field Day 2018

Waltham ARA logoWaltham Amateur Radio Association posts on its web site:

On Saturday, June 23, 2018, WARA will combine a club picnic and a four-hour operation in the ARRL Field Day.

Time:  12:00  – 6:00 PM
Location:  Sunset Shelter, Prospect Hill Park, Waltham (near the repeater site)

The club provides hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, and water.   Attendees may optionally bring other food items to share.

The FD operation is very laid back, and everyone is welcome to operate.

New England Amateur Radio Field Day 2018

2018 Field Day logoNew England Amateur Radio, Inc. writes:

According to the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Field Day is the most popular on-the-air operating event in Amateur Radio.  Always on the fourth full weekend of June, the event draws tens of thousands of amateur radio operators across the country to participate by setting up public demonstrations of the Amateur Radio service.

This is the big event you look forward to all year! Where we go “off-grid” for 24 hours and run on solar or generator power, operate from tents or vehicles, and make contacts all over North America!

Come join the fun at the headquarters of New England Amateur Radio, 16 Tech Circle, Natick, MA. We plan to have the NEAR Van again, the converted news truck, and a GOTA station where beginners and unlicensed people can “Get On The Air” and learn. There will be an exam session for anyone who wants to get a license or upgrade, and of course plenty of food and coffee.

WHERE: New England Amateur Radio Club on the site of New England Sci-Tech

WHEN:   Sat., June 23 to Sun., June 24, 2018
Public is welcome: Sat. 3 pm – 6 pm and Sun. 9 am – noon for tours, soldering workshop, hidden transmitter hunts, and license testing.
(Full Schedule will be posted soon)
A radio license test session will be held on Saturday at 6:30 pm.

DMR Simplex Mountaintop Activity Planned, June 17, 2018

Gene Balinski, K1NR shared this photo of a summit on the air operationon the Algonquin ARC mailing list from Tim Watson, KB1HNZ:
I just wanted to get the word out that our club is planning a DMR Simplex activity for Sunday morning, June 17th. We will be having parties travel to the summits of Mt. Washington, NH, Mt. Equinox, VT, and Mt. Greylock, in Western Mass. We’re hoping to try for a couple of summit to summit contacts, but also, in order to make it a worthwhile [Summits On The Air] activation, we’d like to be able to work a few other stations besides each other. 

From past experience, calling CQ on DMR simplex doesn’t yield much, so please help spread the word!

The party on Mt. Washington will include KC1HBM and KC1XT.

Myself (KB1HNZ) and my wife, K1GJY will be traveling to the summits of Mt. Equinox and Mt. Greylock. The first stop will be Mt. Equinox, sometime between 8:30-9:00 AM.

We will be using 145.790 for VHF, and 446.075 for UHF. 

Boston ARC Field Day 2018

Boston ARC logoJoe Harris, N1QD writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:

We are counting down the days to the 2018 edition of ARRL Field Day!! Setup will begin at 8:30AM on Saturday, June 23 at the Bare Cove Fire Museum. The plan is to repeat the 3A with a VHF setup that has been used the past few years. Logging will be done with N1MM+, and there will be opportunities for phone, CW, and digital ops. Will the stars finally align for a satellite QSO? Will 15 or 10 open? Will there be another 6 meter opening? Find out June 23 and 24!

The signup form for the 2018 Boston Amateur Radio Club Field Day is now live! If you are planning on attending Field Day, please let us know by filling out the signup form. It will help the club determine how much food to purchase, and give us an idea of how to best plan for setup and takedown.

Signup: https://goo.gl/forms/Q2jqlTMCUgfAMpW82

Quannapowitt RA Field Day 2018

QRA“This year, QRA will be holding ARRL Field Day at the Overlook Park in Burlington. This is the site we held Field Day the last two years. All members and friends are invited to stop by and either operate or observe. There will be at least three stations operating with phone, CW and digital modes with a possibility of some satellite and 6 meter. Our plans are to start setting up around 12 noon on Saturday June 23, 2018. There are no plans for operating on Sunday. We’re hoping for warm sunny weather for the event.

“Directions to the site are: Route 128 either North or South to the WINN STREET exit, at the bottom of the exit, turn toward WOBURN CENTER. Take the 3 rd right at the Edward Sullivan Funeral Home on Harriett Ave. Climb the hill and at the end, turn left and enter the Burlington Recreation site. Follow the road to the left up the hill to the field day site. Come with or without equipment. Hoping for more exposure, QRA president Don Melanson, KA1MAP will be submitting an application for ARRL field day 2019 to be held somewhere near Wakefield Center on Lake Quannapowitt.”

Natick High School Balloon Launch Carrying Amateur Radio


Charlie Bures, WA3ITR reports he is involved with a Natick High School High Altitude Balloon (HAB) launch carrying an Amateur Radio Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) package. The project is funded by the AeroClub of New England via the David Frawley Foundation.  

“The launch will be soon,” said Charlie. “I’m working with the science teacher at Natick High School. We are currently doing tethered dry-run integration tests in preparation for our actual launch.  We are also monitoring the jet streams so that our balloon platform doesn’t go into the Atlantic but, hopefully, lands around the Natick area, or at least outside Route 128 away from congestion and major highways.” Charlie adds the launch will hopefully occur either “later this week or next.”

The balloon activity can be followed via http://aprs.fi. Charlie will use the call sign WA3ITR-7. 

Updated: June 14, 2018

ARRL Kids Day, June 16, 2018

tin can toy phonesTwice per year in January and June for five hours, ARRL Kids Day promotes Amateur Radio to our youth.  Kids Day is designed to give the on-the-air experience to young people and foster interest in getting a license of their own.  It is also intended to give older hams a chance to share their station and love for Amateur Radio with their children.  Share the excitement with your kids, grand-kids, a scout troop, a church or the general public.  Suggested initial exchange is name, age, location and favorite color.  You can work the same station again if an operator has changed.  To draw attention, call “CQ Kids Day.”  All participants are eligible to receive a colorful certificate and feedback on your experiences are also welcome at the ARRL Kids Day page.

Nashoba Valley ARC Field Day 2018

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club will conduct its Field Day operations on June 23-24 at the Heald Street Orchard at 110 Heald Street in Pepperell.  Talk-in will be provided on the 147.345(+), 100Hz and  442.900(+), 100Hz N1MNX repeaters. The Eastern MA ARRL Field Day pages contain detailed location information.  For more information, contact Jim Wilber at 617-314-7525 or email fd@n1nc.org

UPDATED June 20, 2018


Bruce Blain, K1BG writes:


Once again, the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club will participate in this year’s ARRL Field Day, starting this Saturday, June 23th at 2 PM (setup beginning at 8 AM or shortly thereafter) and finishing on Sunday at 2 PM. We will be using the club callsign, N1NC. Plans are to have two transmitters operating simultaneously on amateur bands between 80 and 10 meters (and a third station on 6 and 2 meters as well). There will be plenty of opportunity for anyone who “walks up” to operate the stations and meet other members of the club. Feel free to help us set up, operate, or just have a look.


To get there, cut and paste this link https://binged.it/2ll0WA8 in your browser (clicking on it may have a problem). Feel free to click on “Directions” and put your own starting point in on line “A”. Point “B” on the map is where the gate is. Head south through the open gates onto an unpaved road for about 0.1 mile to the mowed parking area in the meadow.


I plan on being there most of the time, and I look forward to meeting YOU. Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Bruce, K1BG

978-772-2773 or bruce.blain@charter.net