QRA Members Go On A Fox Hunt–And A Fabulous Feast!

Quannapowitt Radio Association logoMembers and guests of the Quannapowitt Radio Assocation participated in a radio direction-finding “fox hunt” and also, were treated to an exceptional meal at the home of Tom Charbonneau, NZ1X on May 29, 2007.

According to QRA’s Bob Reiser, AA1M, he and Ron Draper, WA1QZK hid on a hill near the Stoneham-Reading town line near Route 28. “There was a small problem with the leads on the power supply in the repeater Ron set up, but this was bypassed and the hunt began.”

According to Reiser, the “foxes” were first found by WA1RHN, then a bit later by N1PRW and KB1OZS. All participants finally surrounded the target by 9:45 p.m.

“This was the first fox hunt held by the members of QRA in quite a while,” reports AA1M. “Everyone had a great time and Tom, NZ1X mentioned that maybe next time we will do it on a weekend day so all the participants can get home at a reasonable time.”

–Thanks, QRA News, June 2007

International Marconi Day – April 28, 2007

\"KM1CCAttention Radio Operators – Cape Cod National Seashore to Participate in International Marconi Day April 28th

Date: March 19, 2007
Contact: Barbara Dougan, (508) 255 – 3421 x16

International Marconi Day – April 28, 2007 UTC

FCC licensed radio operators are invited to operate with KM1CC at the Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham to celebrate International Marconi Day. International Marconi Day honors the birthday of the “Wizard of Wireless,” Guglielmo Marconi, on the Saturday closest to his birth date, April 25, 1874. Operators are needed from Friday April 27 at 8 PM (EDT) through Saturday April 28 6 PM (EDT).

The public is invited to observe operations at the visitor center from 9 AM to 4 PM. Between 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM (EDT) weather permitting, KM1CC will use a kite antenna at the Marconi Site in South Wellfleet to operate on 20 Meters, a HF frequency.

For more information contact Barbara Dougan, KB1GSO. Barbara_Dougan@nps.gov . For park information, and maps visit: http://www.nps.gov/caco.

CW and voice operations: 17 Meters, 20 Meters, 40 Meters, and 80 Meters.

17M 18.160 SSB 18.080 CW

20M 14.260 SSB 14.030 CW

40M 7.260 SSB 7.030 CW

80M 3.860 SSB 3.530 CW

Note that there is a change in location this year-operations will be from the Salt Pond Visitor\’s Center on Route 6 in Eastham, not from the usual Coast Guard Building location.

Chelmsford HS ARC Kicks Off School Year With Outdoor Demo

KB1NAY announcement at Chelmsford HS ARCBryce Salmi, KB1LQC writes on the New England QRP Club web site:

“The Chelmsford High School Amateur Radio Club had its early kickoff today. We set up under an outdoor gazebo two stations. Both running Yaesu FT-897D’s (One the schools and one ours) connected to computers and running ham radio deluxe for logging. One radio was connected to the dipole the other to the 6M beam and 2M vertical. We started around 12 PM and really started operating at about 1, after lunch which was a cookout…yes it was raining out but you can’t extinguish that desire to operate! We made a few contacts on 20M voice and 6M voice, however both bands were dead…

We ended up building a 2M J-pole antenna for use at the high school this year for monitoring the ISS SSTV (Yeah its good enough for the ISS SSTV, though not circularly polarized). Many of the members got to help out and cut the copper pipe and solder it together. In the picture it is on a bench right in the center… its hard to see but its there! We came back operated a little and then played some CHSARC Football with my little brother HIHI, we were soaked by the end of it, but it was so fun!

Then we jumped back on the radio and started PSK31 on 40M. That was when we made a few more contacts, actually most of out contacts! We got Matt, one of the unlicensed members very interested in PSK and talked to someone using Flex Radio which was right up his ally since Matt is very good with computers. Gillian talked to Belgium and a few of us talked around the US. [more]

Intro To Radiosporting–YCCC-Style!

YCCC logoBoxboro convention logo

Attention all Northeast Area hams!

Did you know . . .
– You can work 100 countries or all 50 states in a single weekend?
– There’s a way you can compete with other hams locally or on a global scale?
– You can quickly gain new knowledge about radio, antennas and many other exciting technologies?
– You can easily meet and interact with some of the best and brightest technicians and operators in amateur radio?

The Yankee Clipper Contest Club invites you to attend it’s first “Introduction to Radiosporting – Amateur Radio Contesting” seminar at this year’s New England Division Convention in Boxboro, MA.

All are welcome to enjoy a taste of radio contesting. Get the scoop on what contesting is all about. Learn how you can get started and enjoy your first contest. Mingle with others who are just getting started. Hobnob with winners of the biggest international competitions. Learn about the simple and inexpensive equipment, antennas and software that will get you started in contesting.

What: Introduction to Radiosporting – Amateur Radio Contesting
Where: Holiday Inn, Boxboro, MA in the Federal Room
When: Saturday, August 26, 2006 1:00-3:30PM

Additional information about the convention, the seminar and YCCC can be found at www.boxboro.org and www.yccc.org

There’s plenty of room for all who wish to attend. Come alone or bring a friend! Experienced contesters welcome, too. No need to pre-register, but let us know if you think you’ll be there. RSVP to contestingintro@yccc.org You are also invited to join us for a YCCC general meeting at 3:30pm in the Federal Room following the seminar.

73 and we’ll look forward to seeing you at “Introduction to Radiosporting – Amateur Radio Contesting” in Boxboro!

Mark Pride, K1RX
Y C C C – The Yankee Clipper Contest Club

PS Questions or comments? Please email contestingintro@yccc.org

Special Fessenden Commemorative Operation, August 4, 2006

W1AA/Fessenden QSL cardAmateurs will help commemorate the 100th anniversary of Reginald A. Fessenden’s first voice and music broadcast with a special events operation from the Governor Winslow House in Marshfield, MA on August 4, 2006 from 1500-2100 UTC.

W1AA will operate on 7225-7270, above 14310, and on 17 meters, above 18150. The station will operate on cw 40 khz up from the bottom of the bands, plus or minus QRM.

Stations contacting W1AA will receive a special commemorative QSL card. Please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Watch the DX Summit for W1AA Spots, at http://oh2aq.kolumbus.com/dxs/hfdx25.html.

For further information, contact Dave Riley, AA1A at nmf.marshfield@verizon.net.

[See also: http://www.959watd.com/fessenden.asp]

Braintree EMA Field Day Press Release

Town of Braintree sealBraintree, MA –- Thousands of Ham Radio operators will be showing off their emergency capabilities this weekend. Over the past year, the news has been full of reports of ham radio operators providing critical communications in emergencies world-wide. During Hurricane Katrina, Amateur Radio – often called “Ham radio” – was often the ONLY way people could communicate, and hundreds of volunteer “hams” traveled south to save lives and property. When trouble is brewing, ham radio people are often the first to provide critical information and communications. On the weekend of June 24-25, the public will have a chance to meet and talk with these ham radio operators and see for themselves what the Amateur Radio Service is about. Showing the newest digital and satellite capabilities, voice communications and even historical Morse code, hams from across the USA will be holding public demonstrations of emergency communications abilities.

This annual event, called “Field Day” is the climax of the week long “Amateur Radio Week” sponsored by the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio. Using only emergency power supplies, ham operators will construct emergency stations in parks, shopping malls, schools and back yards around the country. Their slogan, “Ham radio works when other systems don’t! ” is more than just words to the hams as they prove they can send messages in many forms without the use of phone systems, internet or any other infrastructure that can be compromised in a crisis. More than 30,000 amateur radio operators across the country participated in last year’s event.

“We hope that people will come and see for themselves, this is not your grandfather’s radio anymore,” said Allen Pitts of the ARRL. “The communications networks that ham radio people can quickly create have saved many lives in the past months when other systems failed or were overloaded.”

At Braintree Sunset Lake, the Braintree Emergency Management Agency will be demonstrating Amateur Radio at BEMA Annex @ Sunset Lake on June 24th and 25th. They invite the public to come and see ham radio’s capabilities and learn how to get their own FCC radio license before the next disaster strikes.

There are 660,000 Amateur Radio operators in the US, and more than 2.5 million around the world. Through the ARRL, ham volunteers provide emergency communications for the DHS Citizens’ Corps, Red Cross, Salvation Army, FEMA and thousands of state and local agencies, all for free.

To learn more about Amateur Radio, go to http://www.hello-radio.org. The public is most cordially invited to come, meet and talk with the hams. See what modern Amateur Radio can do. They can even help you get on the air!

International Marconi Day

KM1CC QSL card
International Marconi Day
April 22, 2006 UTC

FCC licensed radio operators are invited to operate with KM1CC at the Coast Guard Station, Coast Guard Beach, Eastham to celebrate International Marconi Day. International Marconi Day honors the birthday of the “Wizard of Wireless,” Guglielmo Marconi, on the Saturday closest to his birth date, April 25, 1874. The public is invited to observe operations from10 am- 3 pm; operators are needed from Friday April 21 at 8 pm ET through Saturday April 22 8 pm ET. For more information contact Barbara Dougan, KB1GSO at Barbara_Dougan@nps.gov . For park information, and maps visit: http://www.nps.gov/caco.

CW and voice operations: local 2 Meter repeaters, 17 Meter, 20 Meter, 40 Meters, and 80 Meters.

17M 18.160 SSB 18.080 CW
20M 14.260 SSB 14.035 CW
40M 7.260 SSB 7.035 CW
80M 3.860 SSB 3.535 CW

Marconi’s South Wellfleet Station site is located in Cape Cod National Seashore and is open to the public. The station was built on a coastal bluff in 1901. Due to erosion, little remains of the original site. However, a model and a few remnants of the tower bases can still be seen.

Cape Cod National Seashore has a free Marconi: Beyond the Horizon lesson plan on its website:  http://www.nps.gov:80/archive/caco/education/Marconi.pdf. This lesson plan includes activities that meet Massachusetts’ history, physical science, and technology/engineering learning standards.

For more information about historic Marconi Stations around the world and International Marconi Day visit: http://gx4crc.com/gb4imd/.

KB1NAY School Club Round-Up Schedule

I am here to tell you that the CHSARC (KB1NAY) will be operating in the ARRL School Club Round-up! Our schedule is:

Monday 2/13/06 – 2:00-3:30 pm
Tuesday 2/14/06 – 2:00-3:00 pm
Wenesday 2/15/06 – 2:00-3:00 pm
thurday 2/16/06 – 2:00-3:00 pm
Friday 2/17/06 – 2:00-3:30 pm

We are mainly on 20M SSB around 14.249 MHz + or – but look for us elseware if you cannot find us since we may be elsewhere. During school at around 10am I will usually get on CW during lunch on 20M and around 11:30 am. Brent (KB1LQD) will as well. All of us will operate under the KB1NAY club call sign. We do have the possibility of moving to 40M but have not done it so far.
We are using a Kenwood TS-440S, 100 Watts into a Hamstick dipole up about 20 feet on a homebrew PVC telescopic mast. For the contest we can only use one radio so we decided to use this rig owned personally by us (KB1LQC, KB1LQD, KB1MGI).

After the first day today (Monday, we made about 39 or 40 contacts, the first contact was with Russia! We have talked to about 15 different states, four countries including Russia, Germany, Croatia, and Canada. We have also talked to four other schools and hope to talk to many more. Mr. Steeves (KB1MKW) did get one of his physics classes on, all of which had never even heard of Amateur Radio and they were very enthused. They made a total of five contacts in their operating time–one of which was DX! All of them were very excited to get on the radio and asked if they could do it tomorrow! I even had a few kids from that class come up to me later in the day expressing how much fun it was to talk on the radio!

Well, we hope to talk to you soon and have many kids talk on the air as well. Thanks for the excuse to get as many kids on the are as we can (especially during school, hi hi!). We hope to get more students involved with amateur radio, and this seems to be one of the ticket for the ride!

Thanks es 73’s
Bryce Salmi
Co-Founder KB1NAY

W1AA To Activate Conimicut, Nayatt Point Lighthouses

W1AA/Conimicut LighthouseW1AA/Nayatt Point LighthouseN1DT and K1VV plan to activate Conimicut and Nayatt Point Lighthouses (ARLHS USA 188, 532) under the call W1AA on Saturday, January 28, 2006 from 11:30 UTC (7:30 AM EST) until 19:00 UTC (2:00 PM EST).

“For the first time, early on, we will to try to work the close in W and VE 1, 2 and 3 operators using 75 SSB,” writes Robert “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV. He notes that the phone frequencies are: 475 SSB 3990 – 3998 , 40 meters- 7209, 7223, 7248, 7281, 7287 plus or minus interference. Operation on 20 meters will be above 14300; 17 meters, above 18150. CW contacts will occur on the half hour on 7.035, 14.035, and 18075.

Doherty notes that they’ll have a packet station in the truck and can spot themselves on the worldwide DX packet cluster.

DX QSLs are via the W1 Bureau and stateside are via W1AA please with an SASE. A color photo QSL of the lightship will be furnished.

Located on Nayatt Point in Barrington, Nayatt Point Lighthouse marks the eastern side of the entrance to the Providence River from Narrangansett Bay. Conimicut Lighthouse was initially a wooden daymark built in 1858 to mark dangerous Conimicut Point Shoal in the middle of the entrance to the Providence River.

W1P Special Event Operation Commemorates Steamship Portland Sinking

KM1CC QSL cardMembers of the Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club (KM1CC) will operate special event station W1P commemorating the 107th anniversary of the sinking of the Steamship Portland on November 25, 2005 from 1400 until 2200 UTC. Look for W1P on the following frequencies (Mhz): 7.050, 14.050, 7.260, 14.260.

The station will be located in the Province Lands Visitor’s Center, in Provincetown, MA. The operation is sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and the National Park Service. Visitors are welcome.

Stations who contact W1P may QSL with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:

Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club KM1CC
Cape Cod National Seashore
99 Marconi Site Road
Wellfleet, MA 02667

While on a regularly scheduled overnight trip from Boston to her namesake city, in Maine, the Portland sank in the waters between Cape Ann and Cape Cod during a fierce November northeaster. Over 190 people lost their lives in the greatest tragedy of the storm, which came to be known as the Portland Gale. Debris from the Portland washed up on Cape Cod beaches, and some items may still be found in local homes and museums. Today, the shipwreck lies within the boundary of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary.

For further information, contact Henry Brown, K1WCC at 508-540-0753 or email k1wcc@arrl.net.

W1AA To Activate Boston Light, Graves Light, June 18

W1AA/Boston LightN1DT and K1VV will activate two historic lighthouses–Boston Light and Graves Light–as W1AA on Saturday, June 18, 2005 from 11:00 UTC (7:00 AM EDT) until 19:00 UTC (3:00 PM EDT), according to Robert “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV.

Look for W1AA on 40 and 20 meters CW and SSB on:

CW 7035.0 14035.0
SSB 7270.0 14270.0

Frequencies are kHz, plus or minus QRM. CW will commence on the half hour.

“We will be operating from Fort Revere in Hull, Massachusetts–elevation 120 feet above sea level–overlooking Boston Harbor and the islands,” writes K1VV.

Doherty invites interested parties to “drop by and take a turn at the key or mike.” They will be operating a mobile packet station so they can “spot” themselves on the worldwide DX packet cluster.

DX QSLs are via the W1 bureau, while stateside are via W1AA callbook address; self-addressed, stamped envelopes are requested. A color photo QSL of both of the light houses will be furnished.

For more information about Amateur Radio Lighthouse operations, visit the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society’s web site at http://arlhs.com.

Historic LST Museum Ship Arrives in Boston

LST-325 with amateur station WW2LST, photo #1 by N1VUXLST-325 with amateur station WW2LST, photo #2 by N1VUXThe museum ship LST-325 arrived yesterday in Charlestown Navy Yard, saluted by tugboats (photo, left) and accompanied by a Coast Guard vessel (right).

The ship–a 327-foot World War II vessel designed to transport and deploy tanks and troops during coastal beach landings–is equipped with an Amateur Radio station, WW2LST. She will be in port for four days at the Yard before sailing to New York City.

Photos courtesy N1VUX

See also:
“LST-325 On Historic Cruise To Massachusetts”
“USS LST Ship Memorial – 2005 Voyage”

K1USN National Military Appreciation Special Event, May 28, 2005

K1USN Military Appreciation Month QSL cardThe USS Salem Radio Club (K1USN) will operate on the air to celebrate National Military Appreciation Month on Saturday, May 28, 2005 from 1100 UTC to 2200 UTC.


According to Bob “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV, the event “recognizes and honors the United States Armed Forces and the dedicated service of its members.”


K1USN will use the following frequencies (kHz) and modes:

SSB: 3860, 7260, 14260, 18160, 21360, 24960, 28360, 50160
CW: 3539, 7039, 10109, 14039, 18079, 21039, 24899, 28039, 50109


Look for K1USN also on IRLP Node 4320, 145.39 Mhz Scituate, MA repeater and Echolink node NS1N-R 443.600 Mhz. (Note: The Scituate repeater may be connected to the New England Network so try connecting to reflector 9877.)


DX stations may QSL via the W1 Bureau; stateside QSL is via K1USN at the QRZ.com or callbook address. Stations are requested to use a self-addressed, stamped envelope. For further information, contact Pi, K1RV, at k1rv@arrl.net.


[See also: Congressional Resolution #328 and Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day.]

KM1CC To Participate In International Marconi Day

KM1CC QSL cardThe Marconi Cape Cod Memorial Radio Club, KM1CC, will operate in the International Marconi Day festivities on April 23, 2005 from 0001 until 2359 UTC. (See also “W1AA/MSC QRV For Int’l Marconi Day, April 23, 2005”)

Barbara Dougan, KB1GSO, a National Park Service employee and the club’s QSL Manager, will activate KM1CC. She needs additional operators, according to Robert “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV.

Doherty encourages interested parties to email Barbara at badougan54@aol.com and notify her of times and availability. “There are bunks to sleep over Friday night,” writes Doherty. “Bring your own sleeping bag and chow.”

Dougan has two complete stations set up. She needs both CW and phone operators for the event.

The station is situated at the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore, on the former site of the U.S. Coast Guard station at Coast Guard Beach in Eastham, Massachusetts.

U.S.S. Salem RC On For FISTS “Coast-to-Coast” Operating Event

straight keyPi, K1RV wrote:

Hello to all other FISTS Club stations!

As stated before, the USS Salem Radio Club – K1USN (FISTS # 9239) plans to be active all day on Sunday September 14th from onboard the USS Salem. We are planning to operate several stations and will be using a variety of straight keys, paddles and bugs during the day. We intend to also fire up some of the USS Salem vintage radio gear on 7058 (±)! We hope to have lots of members participate onboard.We are hoping to have some good participation from other Clubs as well. We are fortunate to have K1VV – Whitey as one of our USS Salem members. He has recently been putting together some fantastic video CD and DVD presentations. He has done them for the Marconi 100th Anniversary event ( KM1CC ), New England Steam and Wireless Museum ( Rhode Island ), W1NZR Field Day ( Ft. Burnside, RI ) and has just completed a presentation about the recent International Lighthouse Weekend activities at N1P ( Ned’s Point ) and N1L ( Boston ) Lighthouses.

These are SUPER for promoting Ham Radio to the general public as well as for presentations at Club meetings. He is now working on a video presentation focusing on FISTS and the C2C weekend! He will be onboard the USS Salem taking photos and conducting interviews. He has requested that all of the participating FISTS Club stations send him two photos ( only two because his dial-up server will be swamped! ) accompanied by the names/callsigns of those in the photos. You could also send a brief summary of comments and highlights from your operation. Whitey’s e-mail address is k1vv@tmlp.com

If you have anything additional to send such as more photos, etc. please send them via snail mail to his Callbook address.

The final product video CD should be something that will be a useful and valuable resource for FISTS. I’ve already spoken with Nancy-WZ8C and she will get the first copy. We discussed having her get someone from FISTS to work with her to make additional copies to distribute to FISTS Clubs and individual members. This FISTS Promotional video can be distributed freely and copied by FISTS members making sure to give artistic credit to K1VV!

In light of the recent WARC regulation changes regarding elimination of the Morse requirement; we FISTS members need to do our part to find a new way to attract people to WANT to use CW and carry on the legacy.

73, Pi – K1RV FISTS # 7012



International Lighthouse / Lightship Event Activities in EMA

Boston LightWhitey, K1VV wrote:

“International Lighthouse/Lightship Event .. Aug 16-17
in Eastern Massachusetts …. you may want to post this … Visitors welcome ……….. there are several other lighthouses in EMA which could be represented if some one would want to at this late hour ………..

N1L – Boston Light
W1NOB – Nobska Light – Falmouth
W1QWT – Scituate Light
N1P – Ned’s Point Light – Mattapoisett

We will be at N1P on SATURDAY … possibly Sunday … not sure ..

Members of the Marconi Radio Club will activate
Special event call N1P on Saturday Aug. 16th from
Ned’s Point Light in Mattapoisett MA…

Over looking Buzzards Bay ……… N1P will be taking part in the … http://www.lighthouses.net.au/illw/

August 16 , 2003 ONLY

We will be running a 706 and wire antennas ..CW & Phone … a FD like operation…

Special QSL for the event …… DX QSL to K1VV via W1 bureau ..

W/K to K1VV CBA …please with an S.A.S.E. … tnx ….


[See also: W1NOB photo album archive]

Field Day Weather and Safety Tips

Field Day/NWS collageKD1CY writes on http://ares.ema.arrl.org:

“Since there will be many Amateurs out this weekend setting up these stations, many of which outdoors, we would like to briefly discuss the weather for Field Day weekend.

“At this time, the threat for thunderstorms and the potential for at least scattered severe weather is confined to Friday Afternoon and Friday Night from roughly Noon-9 PM. There is the potential for at least scattered severe weather tomorrow with at the very least pulse type activity. In any event, thunderstorms are a good bet for much of the region. Any Field Day sites planning to do setup on Friday should pay close attention to the weather and if threatening weather approaches seek safe shelter immediately.

“Even if severe weather does not occur at your specific site setup, lightning is one of the biggest threats to setup of these sites. Do NOT take chances. If thunderstorms approach, stop setup work and seek safe shelter. Lightning can strike as much as 20 miles away from the parent thunderstorm. Also, if you have antennas setup make sure they are properly grounded to avoid the loss of antenna equipment as best as possible. The current forecast now has the Saturday and Sunday dry with no threat of thunderstorms. [Full story]