ARES Net This Weekend!
Hello to all…
The monthly ARES Net will be held this Sunday 1/19 at 2000 (8pm) on the MMRA network, or after the weekly Youth Net secures. For information on the MMRA network, please press the “EMa ARES Overview” button, and click on the MMRA link within. Please press the “read more” button.Although this change has been announced previously, we wanted to remind you again of the change, particularly the new time. These changes were in response to comments made by many of you, and we hope you like the result. Additionally, our long time net control and congenial host, Bill, N1VUX, is not available at this new time slot. Please join me in thanking Bill for his long dedicated service to the ARES net. I will be Net Control (NC) for the next few months, while we establish a schedule of NC’s. Please consider NC’ing this net on a rotating basis with other volunteers in the months to come.
We are making some changes to the venerable net, and more in the near future. The monthly ARES Net purpose is to practice making an ARES call to volunteers during an emergency/exigency, and then receiving checkins of volunteering ARES members, and other interested hams. As in the real situation, we will ask hams to check in with call, name, location of station or location if mobile/portable, and power source, as we have before. And as with past practice, it is important that you allow pauses in your transmissions to allow priority break-ins, and the network to drop/refresh properly. In a real world situation, you would check in the MMRA network FIRST to relieve congestion on the area RACES repeaters, so this monthly net is practice for that as well. We are exploring the use of internet based protocols such as IRLP and Echolink, to expand our net to the entire section as soon as we can.
We are asking you to add one important new item to your checkin. Please indicate whether you have priority traffic to pass to the net control. In an actual exigency, priority traffic would be involve any important information that must be passed to net control and cannot wait for the completion of check-in’s or a roll call. The traffic could be a fresh incident report, a report of major damage, or a high priority agency request. In a real situation, you must use your best judgment on what is priority information, with net control then deciding how to handle your information and when to continue the checkin. In the real situation, you would receive important information in the net concerning the exigency, directions for mobilization (or standby information), and staging/rendezvous points when the mobilization begins.
Since there will not be this activity in the monthly net (unless we have an exercise), we will substitute other activities. Changes will be announced in the future, but for this month we will:
Run two or more rounds of check-ins
Make brief announcements
SEC’s monthly comments
Contributors comments. KC1US will be a regular contributor of brief PSE announcements with website references for details
Roundtable discussion. This month’s topic will be the February 8th exercise.
A procedural note. If the network experiences problems, we will ask you to shift to the next repeater west of your location to attempt to maintain contact. For example, if Quincy 146.67 would fail, shift to Quincy 224.4 or Weston 146.82. If Stoughton 146.715 would fail, shift to 446.725 or west to Marlboro 146.61, 449.925, 53.81 repeaters. Same procedure for those south using Shrewsbury and Hopkinton repeaters to move north.
I look forward to talking to you on the net. 73,
Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN
Section Emergency Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts Section
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