Massachusetts RACES Nets – Monday 1/6/25 for HF, Region 2D VHF, NBEMS & Winlink – Times and Details Below

Don Rolph, AB1PH, Walpole area ARES Emergency Coordinator writes:

The MEMA RACES nets are held on the first Monday of the month, unless the first Monday is a holiday, when it is delayed one week, For Jan 2025, the MEMA RACES nets will be held on Mon Jan 6 at:

80 meter Voice net
6:45 PM
Frequency: 3930 KHz working up until the first free frequency
Jeff N1JCM will be net control

Region 2D VHF net:
7:30 PM ET VHF net on 146.865 MHz PL 103.5 (Sharon Repeater)
We will have a general call up of any RACES, ARES, or other interested stations. If there is time, we will have a simplex test.

Don WA1PLE will be net control.

HF 80 meters NBEMS net:
7:00 PM ET
Dial Frequency: 3584.5 MHx
Center Frequency: 1500 Hz
Initial mode: THOR22

We will have checkins, followed by an ICS-213 format message using FLMSG.

Don AB1PH will be net control

Winlink Net:

Bryan Marcotte KF1D will be net control.

Send a winlink checkin form to KF1D, copy AB1PH, between 0600 Monday Jan 6 and 2400 Monday Jan 6.

We look forward to you checking in!

Don Rolph

Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – 1/4/25 at 10 AM ET

Good Evening,

On Saturday January 4, 2025 the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Group will hold an Eastern MA Hospital Net commencing at 10:00AM.

We realize that some locations, individuals, and groups may be subject to COVID restrictions. We encourage everyone who is affected by these restrictions to utilize their home or mobile stations to check into the net if possible. Even if you cannot reach all the systems being used, please check-in on those you can.

We will use the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. West Bridgewater repeater 146.775 dcs 244
2. Attleboro Repeater 147.195 tone 127.3
3. DMR -Talkgroup 8851 Time Slot :1 on the following NEDECN repeaters: Boston 449.175 -5.M CC:1, Hingham 146.430 -1.5M CC:1, Sagamore 145.200 – 0.6M CC:10, Dennis 146.470 -1.5M CC:11, East Falmouth 145.210 -0.600 CC:9, Martha’s Vineyard145.180 -0.600 CC:10, and Walpole 145.380 -0.600 CC:12.
4. Danvers Repeater 145.470 tone 136.5
5. Simplex 147.420

We will then return to the West Bridgewater Repeater for Net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check-in procedure which is: Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to any health care facility, EOC of any city or town as well as RACES or ARES members to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested in trying your hand at Net Control please let us know. We can be reached by sending an email to or replying to this message. The goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many individuals and groups as possible.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct these monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event.

We hope to hear you Saturday.


Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH

MEMA RACES Net Control Stations Sought

RACES logoDon Rolph, AB1PH writes:
Happy New Year to all!
A number of amateur operators have been volunteering to be net controls for the monthly Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) RACES nets,  However to ensure continuity and stability in operation of these nets we need more volunteers to be net control stations.
We have the following nets for which we need volunteers:
1) 80 meter voice net 6:45 PM
2) 80 meter NBEMS net 7 PM
3) Sector 2D VHF net 7:30 PM
4) Sector 2A VHF net
5) Sector 2B VHF
6) Sector 2C VHF net
7) Winlink net
If  you are able to assist here:
– we have preambles and instructions
– we can assist you with coaching
Do try to volunteer if you can so we can have a strong base of operators as we enter the 2025 MEMA exercises.



Don Rolph

Capa Ann ARA Volunteer Exam Sessions in 2025

CAARA logoFrom CAARA Facebook page:

For those who wish to get their license or upgrade, here’s a list of testing times at the CAARA Clubhouse at 6 Stanwood St, in Gloucester, MA.

Test Sessions registered with ARRL VEC for first half of Calendar Year 2025:

Jan 12, 2025. 10am-12 Noon
Feb 9, 2025. “” “”
Mar 9, 2025. “” “”
Apr 13, 2025. “” “”
May 11, 2025.** “” “”
Jun 8, 2025.** “” “”

Anyone considering a new license or an upgrade is welcome to test with us. If you will be taking a test, please bring 2 forms of ID and $15.00 for the testing fee.
[View directions and a map to our clubhouse](

USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio Net 29 DEC 24

K1UN-Joseph Fratto – USCG Coast Guard Auxiliary & FCC General Radiotelephone Operator writes:

The USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio Net was held this Sunday 29 DEC 24 at 1030 hrs.

Check Ins: Radio Roslindale
Radio Wilmington
Mobile 5F
Mobile 5G
Radio Winthrop

Net Control: Radio Waltham NCS

Traffic: Radio tests were made. Weather is about 51* a great day to get a few things done outside.
Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday. Just one more to get through. New Year’s Day.
Hopefully the weather will hold out and it will be a warm New Years Eve. With all the celebrations
going on please use caution while driving. With Everything else going on always be aware of
your surroundings. Situational awareness in USCG language.

Any member wishing to become a Ham Radio Operator is advised to check out the MMRA.ORG
Web Page. Minuteman Repeater Association web page for further information on taking the Ham
Radio Exam. You can also go on the ARRL.ORG for new license information. On the second
Wednesday of the month in the evening the MMRA has a very nice training session. This is a Zoom
meeting and there are experts on hand to answer any all radio and license questions you may have.
The Zoom training is free and open to anyone interested in Ham Radio. Check out

The “Auxiliary Net” held on Sunday Mornings at 1100 on the MMRA network is still going strong.
If you know any Auxiliarist that is a Ham, tell them to join us on the Net. The MMRA radio frequencies
can also be heard on your scanner radio at 146.67 or 147.715 MMRA system.

The following Hams checked in this morning:


Net Control: K1UN NCS

Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License

December 2024 Section Update

To all: Merry Christmas! Fantastic Festivus! Happy Hannukah! Kewl Yule! Wonderful Winter Solstice! Festive Kwanzaa! And if I missed your winter holiday, please forgive me and accept my heartfelt Season’s Greetings! Welcome to the December 2024 EMA Section Update! As for the past several updates, I’m publishing this to the EMA Section and NE Division websites and sending it to all clubs I have email addresses for. Please distribute this widely. The email-blast-to-all-section-members function is still down, a casualty of the cyber-attack on ARRL HQ; there is currently no ETA.   

Well, that unseasonably warm weather in November came to an end, and we’re back to seasonably chilly temperatures. Fortunately (from my perspective), we’re just now getting a tiny bit of snow here on Cape Cod, though I know some of us had a wintry blast a few weeks ago. Ah well, it’s winter in New England, and we’re from hearty stock so we can take it. I hope! Let’s keep our fingers crossed for not too much snow and not too many winter storms. It’s SUCH a pain to fix downed wire antennas when there’s snow on the ground!  

* Swampscott High School’s Permission for Fun Day!  

On Wednesday Nov 27, Swampscott High School hosted special event station W1B for the school’s 2024 Permission for Fun Day. Each year on the day before Thanksgiving break, the school holds a “Permission for Fun” day where teachers and students share their hobbies and interests and take part in fun and creative activities together. Great fun was had by all. Full details at  


* ARRL Sweepstakes Notes from the Field 

 Jack, W1WEF, kindly contributed his observations about ARRL SS this year. Jack writes: 

“Hi Jon.   I operated SS phone AND CW.  SS was the first contest I ever entered, in 1952 my first year licensed. The only reason I know I was in it is that I ran across a QSL with a Feb 1953 postmark (and a 2-cent stamp) from W1NY saying thanks for the Sweepstakes contact!   I always enjoyed SS because it takes me back to my NTS days in the 50’s, when I started out checking into WMN and working my way up to EAN NCS and TCC liaison. That was all CW and was where I learned to love CW.” 

Thanks for the reflections, Jack! 


* Recruiting Volunteer Webmaster(s) for the EMA Website   

Phil, K9HI has done a fantastic job of maintaining the https://ema.arrl.,org website. I (still) need to recruit some backup resources. If you have basic skills with WordPress and can help maintain the website – mostly posting new articles at the suggestion of me and others – please contact me at You’ll be helping me – and the League – immensely!  


* Recruiting a New Section Youth Coordinator  

 Sadly, our Section’s former Section Youth Coordinator, Paul K1YUB, is now a Silent Key. I need to fill this important position on the EMA Section Staff. The SYC requirement and job description is at  If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact me at  – I’ll appreciate it greatly!  


* N1ILZ for a Final   

Stay safe and warm out there!  I hope everyone has a great Winter Holiday. Batten down the hatches just in case we have a killer Winter and have fun getting ready for Winter Field Day! 

Can you write a paragraph or two about your ham radio New Year’s resolutions for 2025? Or just a few words about what you’re up to, so I can publish it in the Section Update? Let me know via email at!   


* For always up-to-date news, please visit the EMA Section website at   

This Section News Update is brought to you by Section Manager Jon N1ILZ.  



USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio Nets 22 DEC 2024 & 15 DEC 2024

K1UN-Joseph Fratto – USCG Coast Guard Auxiliary & FCC General Radiotelephone Operator writes:

The USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio Net was held this Sunday 22 DEC 2024 at 1030 hrs. The
Net was held on the Roslindale repeater.

Check Ins: Radio Roslindale
Radio Wilmington
Radio Harvard
Radio Winthrop
Mobile 5F
Mobile 5G

Net Control: Radio Waltham NCS

Traffic: There are still positions available to work the upcoming Boat Show. If you are interested
please go through your FC or contact our Division Officers. Temperature this morning was
12 * and this is a real test for electronic equipment. In the old days radio rooms were always
toasty warm with all the vacuum tube radio equipment. Today we depend on expensive

Thank You to all stations for your continued support of our radio nets. We wish all stations
a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. To our members on sick leave please get
well soon. All members are urged to use caution and stay safe during this cold weather.

The “Auxiliary Net” on the MMRA Ham Radio Network is going great. We are getting about
twenty Ham Radio Operators weekly checking into the net. This is a force multiplier for the
USCG Auxiliary Comms Program. This week the following Hams took the time to check
into the net and say hello:


Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License

The USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio Net was held this Sunday 15 DEC 24 at 1030 hrs.

Check Ins: Radio Roslindale
Radio Wilmington
Mobile 5F
Mobile 5G
Radio Winthrop

Net Control: Radio Waltham NCS

Traffic: General information was discussed on the Net. They are still looking for
available members to work the Boat Show. The Division 5 / 12 activation
for inclement weather SKYWARN went well. During weather events please
tune to the Roslindale repeater for information.

Just a reminder that the ID machine is back up and running normal. The
“Auxiliary Net” held on the MMRA Network is going strong. The following
stations checked into the Net this morning.

K1UN Net Control Station

Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License

Massachusetts – Rhode Island STM Report for November 2024

The Massachusetts – Rhode Island STM Report for November  2024 can now be found at Note reports from the net managers about new and returning traffic handlers and trainees, holiday greetings via radiogram, information about Station Activity Reports (SAR), and POTA – thoughts about emergency preparedness. Holiday greetings to all!

“Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s antenna laboratory, Software Radio Design course, and STEM in general at WPI” at Sci-Tech ARS, December 17, 2024

New England Sci Tech logoTue, December 17, 2024 at 7 PM: “Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s antenna laboratory, Software Radio Design course, and STEM in general at WPI” by Alexander M. Wyglinski, WPI Professor & Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Bio: Dr. Wyglinski is an internationally recognized expert in wireless communications, cognitive radio, spectrum coexistence, 5G/6G, connected vehicles, software-defined radio, dynamic spectrum access, satellite communications, and vehicular technology. Dr. Wyglinski is a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering and Robotics Engineering as well as the Director of the Wireless Innovation Laboratory (WILab) at WPI. Throughout his academic career, Dr. Wyglinski has published nearly 50 journal papers, over 120 conference papers, nine book chapters, and three textbooks. Dr. Wyglinski is a Senior Member of the IEEE, as well as a member of Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu, and the ASEE.

USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio Nets – 8 DEC 24 & 1 DEC 24

K1UN-Joseph Fratto – USCG Coast Guard Auxiliary & FCC General Radiotelephone Operator writes:

The USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio net was held Sunday 8 DEC 24 at 1030 hrs.

Check Ins: Radio Roslindale
Radio Wilmington
Radio Winthrop
Mobile 5F
Mobile 5G

Net Control: Radio Waltham NCS

Traffic: Traffic consisted of radio checks this morning. Just a reminder that if the
weather conditions warrant we will be activating our SKYWARN net on
the Roslindale repeater. Stations are encouraged to check in and report
weather conditions and other happenings. (wires down or trees down and
power outages etc.)

The theme of this week’s net is safety when handling Christmas decorations.
Whether indoors or outside, be careful and use caution. Remember that the
Christmas lights we handle can shock and kill you when defective or not
handled and set up properly.

Our Ham Radio Auxiliary Net we sponsor on the MMRA network is going well.
The following stations checked into the net this morning.

K1UN Net Control Sta.

Please pass the word around to other members that the Auxiliary Radio net
is held weekly at 1100 hrs. on the MMRA network. Please join in, all you need
is a Ham Radio callsign. This is a wide area network so most stations will be
able to access the network. You can even hear it on your scanner. Please tune
into 146.82 or 146.79 Mhz and you will hear us.

The MMRA is sponsoring an “Elmer Training Session” this Wednesday evening
on Zoom Net. The Elmer net will be once a month and it will be manned by Ham
radio experts and engineers. They will answer and explain any radio related
questions. Please look up to get the sign on Zoom link information. This
elmer net is open to all and has been very well received as an excellent source of
knowledge. The best part is it’s free.

There are numerous sites online that offer free tutoring to obtain your entry level
Technician class Ham radio license. It is easier than ever to take the FCC exam
to get licensed. Equipment to get on the air is now very inexpensive to buy.

Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License

The USCG Auxiliary combined Divisions 5 / 12 Radio Net was held this Sunday 1 DEC 24 at 1015 hrs.

Check Ins: Radio Wilmington
Radio Winthrop
Radio Roslindale
Mobile 5F
Mobile 5G

Net Control: Radio Waltham

Traffic: Radio traffic was limited. With the talk of inclement weather remember the SKYWARN weather
net will activate on the Roslindale repeater if needed. In conversation with NWS personnel we
will offer a SKYWARN training class around April for members on Zoom.

There are still openings to assist and work at the upcoming Boat Show. Please contact your FC
or Don Zidik directly to volunteer.

Hope everyone ate well on this Thanksgiving Holiday. Jim Healy is still on Sick Leave Roster we
hope he is feeling better. The Auxiliary Net on the MMRA network is still going strong. The following
stations checked in this morning:

K1UN Net Control Station

Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License

2025 Boston Marathon Volunteer Registration Expected to Open on Monday 12/9/24

The Boston Marathon Communications Committee writes:

Volunteer registration for the 2025 Boston Marathon is expected to open on Monday, December 9th. Returning volunteers will receive an email from the BAA that includes registration instructions. In order to make registration as smooth as possible, we are providing specific instructions for our Amateur Radio Operator (ARO) volunteers.

If you haven’t previously volunteered, or have a friend who would like to volunteer, please go directly to the Volunteer Registration page and follow the instructions for new volunteers.

Step by Step Sign Up Guide:

A few notes for volunteers:

Almost all amateur radio positions are single person assignments. We are not able to group people on a single assignment, but we will try to accommodate which segment you are assigned to in order to allow for similar start/end times.

Do you want to run Boston?

In recognition of the contribution the Amateur Radio Communications team provides to the Boston Marathon every year, the BAA has granted us an invitational bib to be awarded to one of our volunteers! Here’s how it works:

Applicants must be Boston Marathon volunteers who have served on the Amateur Radio Communications Team in at least one (1) of the most recent three (3) Boston Marathons.

Applicants must agree that if selected, they will pay the applicable entry fee ($375) to the BAA.

Applicants must agree to comply with all terms and conditions set by the BAA.

Applicants must be capable of completing the Boston Marathon within the allotted time.

Applicants must hold a valid Amateur Radio license (of any class) issued by the FCC (or regulatory body in the applicant’s home country) at the time of application.

Applicants must be eligible to participate in BAA events.

The Amateur Radio Communications Committee will utilize the following criteria to determine how the Invitational Entry will be awarded:

All interested eligible parties must fill out the linked Google Form to express their interest

Applications must be received by January 3, 2025.

All applicants will be entered into a random drawing for the Invitational Entry following the application deadline.

The selected applicant will be notified by email by January 6, and is required to formally respond and accept within seven (7) calendar days. If after seven days, the selected applicant has not accepted the Invitational Entry, that applicant’s Entry will become void and a second drawing will be held for the Entry to be reassigned.

Following receipt of an Invitational Entry from the Amateur Radio Communications Team, recipients will be ineligible to receive this Invitational Entry again until the fourth Boston Marathon following their award.

Help us get the word out by forwarding this email to your club and other amateur radio operators who might wish to volunteer. Most volunteers first learn about the event through word of mouth. If you know new licensees who might like to join us, please make sure to let them know about it. Even just a quick mention at your club meeting can be a big help!

If you have any questions about the upcoming volunteer registration period, the invitational amateur radio bib program, or the 2025 Marathon in general, please get in touch anytime. Volunteering at the Marathon is a big job and we appreciate the time and effort everyone puts into it. We’re happy to do what we can to make your work fun, comfortable, and effective.

We look forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Thank you, and 73,

Boston Marathon Communications Committee

Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net (EMHN) – Saturday 12/7/24 at 1000 AM

Good Evening,

On Saturday December 7, 2024 the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Group will hold an Eastern MA Hospital Net commencing at 10:00AM.

We realize that some locations, individuals, and groups may be subject to COVID restrictions. We encourage everyone who is affected by these restrictions to utilize their home or mobile stations to check into the net if possible. Even if you cannot reach all the systems being used, please check-in on those you can.

We will use the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. West Bridgewater repeater 146.775 dcs 244
2. Dartmouth Repeater 147.000 tone 67.0
3. DMR -Talkgroup 8851 Time Slot :1 on the following NEDECN repeaters: Boston 449.175 -5.M CC:1, Hingham 146.430 -1.5M CC:1, Sagamore 145.200 – 0.6M CC:10, Dennis 146.470 -1.5M CC:11, East Falmouth 145.210 -0.600 CC:9, Martha’s Vineyard145.180 -0.600 CC:10, and Walpole 145.380 -0.600 CC:12.
4. Sharon Repeater 146.8655 tone 103.5
5. Simplex 147.420

We will then return to the West Bridgewater Repeater for Net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check-in procedure which is: Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to any health care facility, EOC of any city or town as well as RACES or ARES members to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested in trying your hand at Net Control please let us know. We can be reached by sending an email to or replying to this message. The goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many individuals and groups as possible.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct these monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event.

We hope to hear you Saturday.


Jeff N1SOM and the South Shore Hospital Group W1SSH

Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net – Monday December 2nd, 2024 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater System

Hello to all…

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend and we are thankful for your support of Eastern Massachusetts, ARES, SKYWARN, RACES and public service! The December Eastern Massachusetts ARES section net will be Monday December 2nd, 2024 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater system.

For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1: (Click the ARES box to see the repeaters and other systems linked)

We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net. We will have several announcements for the net including SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) 2024 information which is on Saturday 12/7/24 – 0000-2400 UTC (Friday Evening 12/6/24 7 PM EST-Saturday Evening 12/7/24 at 7PM EST) and volunteer registration for the 2025 Boston Marathon will be opening on Monday 12/9/24.

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503
Email Address:
Like us on Facebook –
Follow us on Twitter –
Subscribe on YouTube –

Massachusetts RACES Nets – Monday 12/2/24 for HF, Region 2D VHF, NBEMS & Winlink – Times and Details Below

Don Rolph, AB1PH, Walpole area ARES Emergency Coordinator writes:

The MEMA RACES nets are held on the first Monday of the month, unless the first Monday is a holiday, when it is delayed one week, For Dec 2024, the MEMA RACES nets will be held on Mon Dec 2 at:

80 meter Voice net
6:45 PM
Frequency: 3930 KHz working up until the first free frequency
Jeff N1JCM will be net control

Region 2D VHF net:
7:30 PM ET VHF net on 146.865 MHz PL 103.5 (Sharon Repeater)
We will have a general call up of any RACES, ARES, or other interested stations. If there is time, we will have a simplex test.

Jim WJ1R will be net control.

HF 80 meters NBEMS net:
7:00 PM ET
Dial Frequency: 3584.5 MHx
Center Frequency: 1500 Hz
Initial mode: THOR22
We will have checkins, followed by an ICS-213 format message using FLMSG.
Don AB1PH will be net control

Winlink Net:
Bryan Marcotte KF1D will be net control.
Send a winlink checkin form to KF1D, copy AB1PH, between 0600 Monday Dec 2 and 2400 Monday Dec 2.

We look forward to you checking in!

Don Rolph

Swampscott High School Special Event Station W1B “Permission for Fun Day,” November 27, 2024

Swampscott High School logoEric Cottrell, WB1HBU, writes on the Billerica ARS mailing list:

Swampscott High School , MA, USA . SPECIAL EVENT

Listen for us on the on the Air today Wed 11/27 as W1B

2024 Permission For Fun Day! Wed 27 Nov, 2024

Each year on the day before Thanksgiving break, our school holds a “Permission for Fun” day where teachers and students share their hobbies and interests and take part in fun and creative activities together.

This year we will be hosting an amateur radio station using the special event 1×1 callsign, W1B and having students try their hand at making contacts around the globe!

Control operator for the station is Brian, KC1OOH, a Chemistry/AP Environmental Science/Earth Sciences teacher at the school.

We will be operating voice on 10m SSB (possibly 17m, and 20m) depending on band conditions and propagation.

Some local VHF/UHF possible too.

No digital modes

November 2024 Section News Update

HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone!! Welcome to the November 2024 EMA Section Update! I am publishing this update to the EMA Section and NE Division websites and sending it to as many clubs as I have email addresses for. Please distribute this widely. The email-blast-to-all-section-members function is still down, a casualty of the cyber-attack on ARRL HQ; there is currently no ETA.  

Wow, that unseasonably warm weather we’ve been having this month is crazy, right? I’m not complaining, mind you – extra days for outdoor antenna projects and nice long walks are always welcome! I just wish we were not amid the driest 3-month period in recorded weather history.  I’m hearing stories of some cool POTA activations in the section.  Viva POTA! 


* Election for ARRL New England Division Director  

 By now I’m sure you’ve heard/seen the results of the election for new Division Directors.  In the New England Division, Tom Frenaye, K1KI (1,593 votes), of West Suffeld, Connecticut, was declared the winner, defeating incumbent Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC (1,452 votes). Thanks to all of you that voted in this important election. And congratulations to Tom on his return to the Board! I look forward to working with Tom in his new term. See also  


* ARRL Sweepstakes Was Earlier This Month 

 The ARRL Sweepstakes – the oldest domestic ham radio contest – happens in November. ARRL Sweeps CW was Nov 2, 2024, 2100Z to Nov 4, 2024, 0300Z, and ARRL Sweeps SSB was Nov 16, 2024, 2100Z to Nov 18, 2024, 0300Z. Full details are at  

 Did you play in either of the sweepstakes? If you did, please email me at to tell me about all the fun you had!  


* Eastern MA Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Saturday, Nov 9, 1000-1200 EST 

Eastern Massachusetts ARES conducted a section exercise and Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on Saturday 11/9/24 from 10 AM-12 PM dubbed “November Gale”. The exercise practiced skills like previous exercises conducted over the course of 2024 and will serve as a means of practice heading into the 2024-2025 winter season. 

 Full details at  


* Cape & Islands ARES Sets Up AREDN Test Net for Served Agency Test 

 Members of the Cape and Islands Emergency Communications Network – Frank WQ1O, Bruce WA3SWJ, Al WW1RF, Rich KC1TCA, Rob K1UI, Chris WA1CMR, and Paul NM1Z –assisted Sandwich, MA Public Safety with a successful exercise, an important part of which including deploying an AREDN mesh network. More details at  and  


* Recruiting Volunteer Webmaster(s) for the EMA Website  

Phil, K9HI has done a fantastic job of maintaining the https://ema.arrl.,org website. I (still) need to recruit some backup resources. If you have basic skills with WordPress and can help maintain the website – mostly posting new articles at the suggestion of me and others – please contact me at You’ll be helping me – and the League – immensely! 


* Recruiting a New Section Youth Coordinator 

 Sadly our Section’s former Section Youth Coordinator, Paul K1YUB, is now a Silent Key. I need to fill this important position on the EMA Section Staff. The SYC requirement and job description is at  If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact me at  – I’ll appreciate it greatly! 


* N1ILZ for a Final  
Stay safe and warm out there!  I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Wrap up those Autumn antenna projects, and batten down the hatches just in case we have a killer Winter. 

Can you write a paragraph or two about what you’re up to, so I can publish it in the Section Update? Let me know via email at!  

* For always up-to-date news, please visit the EMA Section website at  
This Section News Update is brought to you by Section Manager Jon N1ILZ. 


Nashoba Valley ARC: W1 QSL Bureau Sort, Pepperell, November 21, 2024

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club‘s November meeting is Thursday, November 21st at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell). We start gathering at 7 PM to socialize before the meeting starts. The November meeting is traditionally our W1 QSL Bureau night where the club sorts several thousand QSL cards for the bureau.  Eric Williams, KV1J, the bureau manager, will give a short presentation on how the bureau works. Pizza and soft drinks follow the card sort.  It is, by far, my favorite club meeting of the year.  It’s a social experience you won’t want to miss, and it’s a lot of fun.  I personally can’t wait to hear this presentation!

As always, feel free to bring a friend

Come and join the fun!

If you need directions to the club meeting, please click <> here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG
978-772-2773 or  <

Cape and Islands ARES AREDN Test Nets Press Coverage in Sandwich’s “The Enterprise”

Screenshot from Sandwich's "The Enterprise"Lem Skidmore, W1LEM, writes on the Barnstable ARC mailing list:
Members of the Cape And Islands Emergency Communications Network–Frank WQ1O, Bruce WA3SWJ, Al WW1RF, Rich KC1TCA, Rob K1UI, Chris WA1CMR, and Paul NM1Z–assisted Sandwich Public Safety with a successful exercise.
Here’s some press coverage of the event (focus is on the Sandwich personnel, which is where it should be):

Minuteman Repeater Association “Elmer Forum” Meets Monthly on Zoom

Ken  Horton, KA1GFN, writes on the Algonquin ARC mailing list:

Starting in December, the Minuteman Repeater Association (MMRA) will start an Elmer Forum on Zoom on the second Wednesday of each month. There are currently four scheduled dates. The first of which is December 11th.

All are welcome to attend whether an MMRA member or not.

This is being started because statistics have shown that many new hams never get on the air and their license eventually expires without being renewed. These statistics have been presented to both the MMRA and Algonquin ARC by Fred, AB1OC.

See attached PDF for more information.

There is no need to respond if you plan to attend or not. If there is something important worth noting, then I will forward it on.

MMRA Elmer Forum

USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio Net 17 NOV 24

Joseph Fratto-K1UN – FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License writes:

The USCG Auxiliary Division 5 / 12 Radio Net was held this Sunday 17 NOV 24 at 1015 hrs.

Check Ins: Radio Wilmington
Radio Roslindale
Radio Winthrop
Mobile 5F
Mobile 5G

Net Control: Radio Waltham NCS

Traffic: Stations were able to radio test their facilities. Mobile 5F and Mobile 5G were at the beach
in the Hull area working on servicing their boat. Radio Winthrop’s boat has been put away
for the winter. Radio Wilmington’s boat is also out of the water and in the shop for service.

The Auxiliary Net on the MMRA is going strong and we increase our check ins weekly.
This is a fellowship unofficial net on Ham Radio with a lot of interest. We depend on Hams
to help us out if needed with communications.

Check Ins: WB1EMS

Keeping these stations on our network is a good way for testing the performance of the linked
repeater network. The only traffic for the net was for the Thanksgiving Parade coming up on the
23 NOV 24 at 0800 Muster and Marching from 1000 to 1200 hrs. Contact your FC or Don Zidik
for further info. The New England Boat Show is coming up on JAN 8 to 12 at the Boston Convention
and Exhibition. Any interest in working the show please contact your FC or Don Zidik directly.

We mentioned the Military Auxiliary Radio System, a DOD sponsored Ham Radio Auxiliary servicing
DOD. Attached is a short video on USAF MARS which I am an emeritus member of.

Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License