Falmouth ARA Meeting Sights

Jim Valdes, WA1GPOFor your viewing pleasure, some photos from the 5/29/03 Falmouth ARA meeting. The meeting centered on field day planning, followed by a presentation on E. Ma. ARES by Section Emergency Coordinator W1MPN.

Shown here is Jim Valdes, WA1NPO, trustee of the Falmouth ARA repeater.

SEMARA Code Net?

SEMARA logoA Southeastern MA Amateur Radio Association (SEMARA) member is proposing the formation of a cw net for club members. He invisions an informal net, with variable speeds to accomodate different skills and abilities.

“If you haven’t done CW for a long time this would be a great time to dust off your key/paddle,” said Carl. He also indicated that code lessons for those who do not know morse code can be arranged at the SEMARA club house. “The net […] is a great opportunity for Techs to learn and pass element 1 and upgrade to General.”

Those interested may contact Carl at cbredberg@attbi.com.

SEMARA members mailing list

60 Meter Amateur Band Available July 3, 2003

radio frequency chartNEWINGTON, CT, Jun 3, 2003—The new five-channel 60-meter amateur allocation becomes available to US Amateur Radio operators at midnight local time on July 3. The FCC Report and Order (R&O) granting the allocation was published in the Federal Register, which announced the effective date today. The local time designation means that amateurs in the US territory of Guam likely will be the first to get a crack at the new band. [Full story]

Latest KD1SM Public Service List

PSLIST June 2, 2003
Public Service Volunteer Opportunities in the New England Division

Listing public events at which Amateur Radio communications is providing
a public service and for which additional volunteers from the Amateur
Community are needed and welcome. Please contact the person listed to
identify how you may serve and what equipment you may need to bring.

The most up-to-date copy of this list is maintained as
http://purl.org/hamradio/publicservice/nediv **** Every event listed is looking for communications volunteers ****

Date Location Event Contact Tel/Email

June 8 Wakefield MA ALA Walk Bruce KC1US 781-275-3740
Jun 13 Bethel ME Bicycle Trek Across Maine Bill W1LEE 207-624-3044
to Farmington ME W1LEE@arrl.net
Jun 14 Farmington ME Bicycle Trek Across Maine Bill W1LEE 207-624-3044
to Waterville ME W1LEE@arrl.net
Jun 15 Waterville ME Bicycle Trek Across Maine Bill W1LEE 207-624-3044
to Belfast ME W1LEE@arrl.net
Jun 21 Quincy MA MS Great Mass Getaway John N1PYN 508-588-3250
to Sandwich MA n1pyn@arrl.net
Jun 22 Sandwich MA MS Great Mass Getaway John N1PYN 508-588-3250
to Provincetown MA n1pyn@arrl.net
Jun 28 Princeton MA Longsjo Classic Bike Race Ralph KD1SM 978-582-7351
Jun 29 Fitchburg MA Longsjo Classic Bike Race Ralph KD1SM 978-582-7351
Jul 12 Hanover NH Norris Cotton Ride Walk Rex AA1KL 603-643-4329
Sep 12 Provincetown MA MS Challenge Walk John N1PYN 508-588-3250
to Dennis MA n1pyn@arrl.net
Sep 13 Dennis MA MS Challenge Walk John N1PYN 508-588-3250
to Truro MA n1pyn@arrl.net
Sep 14 Dennis MA MS Challenge Walk John N1PYN 508-588-3250
to Brewster MA n1pyn@arrl.net
Sep 21 Madison CT Bike Tour for MS Scott AA1WM 203-676-1016
to Moodus CT aa1wm@arrl.net
Sep 22 Moodus CT Bike Tour for MS Scott AA1WM 203-676-1016
to Madison CT aa1wm@arrl.net
Oct 17 Boston MA Head of the Charles Regatta Jeff N1FWV 978-536-2842
to 19 rwjeffa@attbi.com

This list is published periodically as demand warrants by Stan KD1LE
and Ralph KD1SM. Our usual distribution is via packet to NEBBS, via
Internet mail to the arrl-nediv-list and ema-arrl distribution lists,
and on the World Wide Web (see URL above). If other mailing list
owners wish us to distribute via their lists we will be happy to
oblige. Permission is herewith granted to republish this list in
its entirety provided credit is given to the authors and the URL
below is included. Send comments, corrections, and updates to:

(via packet) KD1SM@K1UGM.#EMA.MA.USA,
(via Internet) KD1SM@ARRL.NET.

We make an attempt to confirm entries with the coordinator unless the
information is from another published source. We very much appreciate
the assistance we have been receiving from our ‘scouts’; everyone is
welcome to send us postings.

Refer to http://purl.org/hamradio/publicservice/nediv for the most
recent version of the PSLIST.


Concord Repeaters On the Air!

MMRASteve Telsey, N1BDA wrote (on the PART/WB1GOF list):

“The Concord repeaters are up. Located at the Concord Rotary, they’re running 25W. Give them a try. Here’s the info:

145.110 pl 110.9
447.575 pl 110.9

Coverage so far has been pretty good. Let us know how your reception is.”



N1BLF CD Recordings for the Blind

Bob Zeida, N1BLFAn Eastern Massachusetts ham continues his selfless work in the production of audio materials for visually impaired and blind amateurs across the country.

Bob Zeida, N1BLF, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts recently completed recording June, 2003 QST and WorldRadio. He has also created a three-disc CD set containing materials from ARRL’s Level I Emergency Communications Course manual for the Courage Center Handi-ham System. The audio material is available only to blind members via the website at: http://www.handiham.org.

In addition to the extensive library of ham radio recordings, Zeida also produces audio materials for the Talking Information Center based in Marshfield, Massachusetts.

Zeida isn’t sure exactly how time he has devoted to all of his recordings, but he guesses it’s been “thousands and thousands of hours.”

Handi-ham volunteer instructors recognized the need for an audio version of the manual following the successful culmination of a week-long emergency communications course at the Handi-ham camp in Malibu, California. They approached Zeida, who was also a camp volunteer instructor. He enthusiastically agreed to work on the project.

[This website highlighted a recent article about N1BLF featured in South Coast Today entitled Reading For Those Who Can’t.]

South Shore RA Comm Support for Walk

Amateurs from the South Shore Repeater Association supported communications for the Good Friday Walk. The Walk is held each year in Hingham in Wompatuck State Park. The hams who participated included: K1NFZ, W1BT, AC1N, K1VDQ, KA1PJX, KA1KHJ, WB1GZB, WG1L, N1ZMD, K1JV, KA1IG, and WB1ARU.

Anne, WB1ARU who coordinated support annually for the event, has done so for almost twenty years!

Capeway Radio Club members also participated in the event. The South Shore Repeater Association repeater is in South Weymouth, and operates on 147.30 MHz. —thanks, WB1ARU.

[This notice was a month or so late. I apologize; the initial communication escaped my attention until now. -K9HI]

HSAS Level Returned to Yellow

DHS LogoThe Homeland Security Advisory Level has been returned to Yellow.Please visit the DHS website http://www.ready.gov , or the FEMA website, http://www.fema.gov/library/prepandprev.shtm site for further information. Other information about our program can be found on our website, http://ares.ema.arrl.org.

FLASH! Hams Get Spectrum on 5 MHz!

spectrum frqeuency chartAccording to the ARRL, the FCC has decided to allow amateur operation on five discrete frequencies, or channels, on the 60 meter band (5 MHz). They are (in kHz): 5332, 5348, 5368, 5373, and 5405. Amateurs will be allowed 2.8 KHz bandwidth, SSB only, 50 watts ERP.

“Any additional spectrum, regardless of the restrictions in place, is a check mark in the ‘plus’ column,” commented Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI. “The addition of spectrum on 5 MHz should greatly enhance our ability to provide long haul emergency communications on HF for those difficult, in-between distances.” [Full story]

Falmouth ARA to Host ARES Presentation

Falmouth ARA logoThe Falmouth ARA will feature a presentation by Eastern Mass. Section Emergency Coordinator Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, at its May 29, 2003 meeting. ARRL Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI will also attend.

FARA meets monthly on the last Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Falmouth Town Hall in the Selectman’s meeting room (downstairs, east end of the building). Ample parking is available. —www.falara.org

Fall River Public Safety Day Display

Fall River area hams and RACES members will host a display at Public Safety Day on Saturday, May 31st. A display table at the Heritage State Park will feature literature and information about State RACES, ARES and the Fall River Emergency Management Agency. Additionally, 2-meter and APRS stations are planned along with an emergency management agency truck. The group invites on-air contacts and assistance from all who are interested and available to help. —Thanks, KB1FGI.

SEMARA Tower Goes Up!

SEMARA logoThe Southeastern Mass ARA continues to make steady progress on the erection of a new tower at its club house.

SEMARA Club treasurer Scott Szala,W1EV reports that the first 20-foot section of tower was recently mounted on the base; the section was leveled and torqued. Szala added that ground rods and a grounding loop must be added, and hard line cables need to be measured and cut. Additionally, a telephone pole will be placed between the tower and club house to help support the cables.

Plans call for the remainder of the tower to be raised by crane within the next two weeks.

Westford Code Class Debuts May 26, 2003

Police Amateur Radio Team of WestfordThe Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford will conduct code classes at the Westford Police Station in their main conference room at 53 Main Street. (The room is where the monthly meetings are held.) The classes will be held on Tuesdays most weeks, but will meet on Monday for the first class and on Mondays on the weeks of club meetings.
The following is a preliminary schedule:

Monday 5/26/2003 – 6:30 -8:30pm
Tuesday 6/03/2003 – 6:30 -8:30pm
Tuesday 6/10/2003 – 6:30 -8:30pm
Monday 6/16/2003 – 6:30 -8:30pm
Tuesday 6/24/2003 – 6:30 -8:30pm
Tuesday 7/01/2003 – 6:30 -8:30pm
Tuesday 7/08/2003 – 6:30 -8:30pm
Monday 7/14/2003 – 6:30 -8:30pm
Tuesday 7/22/2003 – Possible test night – Possible Test Practice session
Tuesday 7/29/2003 – Possible test night – Time to be announced
Tuesday 8/05/2003 – Possible test night – Time to be announced

Please contact AB1CW or ka8scp@wb1gof.org if you are interested in participating.

FCC Recinds CE Order for the OK area

FCC Logo (May 12, 2003) – The FCC has recinded the genreal communications emergency for the Oklahoma area. For details, click on the story in the ARRL news area in the bottom left column of this page. Press the link below to view the story of the original order.

s/Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN, EMa SEC(May 9,2003) — The Federal Communications Commission has declared a general communications emergency for the Oklahoma area. Effective immediately, amateurs are required to refrain from using 3900 kHz, plus or minus 3 kHz, unless they are taking part in the handling of emergency traffic. The declaration was announced May 9, 2003, in cooperation with ARRL Oklahoma Section leadership and under the authority of Section 97.401 of the FCC’s Amateur Radio Service rules and regulations [47 CFR Part 97]. The FCC said the declaration is to support amateur communications on behalf of The Salvation Army’s tornado relief efforts. The order, signed by Technical and Public Safety Division Chief Joseph P. Casey of the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau, remains in effect until rescinded.

s/Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN, EMa SEC