WA1KLI: “Cybersecurity for the Radio Amateur” at Sci-Tech ARS Hybrid Meeting, October 11, 2022

New England Sci Tech logoThe New England Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society (NEST) will meet on-line and in-person on October 11, 2022 at 7 PM and feature “Cybersecurity for the Radio Amateur” by John Tarbox, WA1KLI. 

Cybersecurity is a hot topic with many companies being hacked and personal data being exposed. Hams can help protect themselves by taking simple precautions and being diligent. Particular concerns for hams are radios that they put on the internet for remote operation and Wi-Fi enabled devices. The unique needs of hams will be addressed. STARS members are encouraged to share their own approaches to ham cybersecurity in the meeting and to come prepared with questions about ham-specific cybersecurity.

John has been a ham since the 1960s and holds an Amateur Extra license. He has an MS in Computer Information Systems with a concentration in Cybersecurity from BU and has been Adjunct Faculty at York County Community College. John’s email address is WA1KLI@arrl.net.

K1YUB to Present at 40th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium, October 21-22, 2022

AMSAT logoPaul Graveline, K1YUB, of Andover, MA, will present at the 40th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium in Bloomington, Minnesota, on October 21-22, 2022. Paul will present in a session on the CubeSat Simulator.

The symposium will feature:

* Space Symposium with Amateur Satellite Presentations
* Operating Techniques, News, & Plans from the Amateur Satellite World
* Board of Directors Meeting open to AMSAT members
* Opportunities to Meet Board Members and Officers
* AMSAT Annual General Membership Meeting
* Auction, Annual Banquet, Keynote Speaker and Door Prizes !!

The Crowne Plaza Suites, 3 Appletree Square, Bloomington, MN, is centrally located between the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, Mall of America, Minneapolis Zoo, and Nickelodeon Universe Theme Park. Crown Plaza Suites provides a complimentary scheduled shuttle to and from the airport.

Additional information about the 2022 AMSAT Symposium can be found at https://www.amsat.org.

Cape Ann ARA Portable Operations Session, Rockport, October 15, 2022

CAARA logoDean Burgess, KB1PGH, writes on the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association mailing list:

Hello to all club members,

There will be a informal HF portable ops session next Saturday, October 15 starting at noon until the end of the day. The location will be in Rockport on the top of Hospital Hill, at the end of Summit Avenue—the same place field day was held. There will be hot dogs and hamburgers. This is a time for anyone who wants to set up any equipment to operate portable and to see some HF stations. Basically, we’re just hanging out, having some fun and playing radio.

The talk-in will be CAARA repeater 145.130 MHZ with a 107.2 PL tone. So far, the weather looks good; if it does rain, the rain date will be following Saturday, so monitor the repeater if you decide to go. Hope to see you there.


Dean Burgess, KB1PGH and Jon Cunningham, K1TP

WC1MA 53.31 6-Meter Mount Wachusett Repeater Is Back On the Air

Bruce Fant-KA1TZY Auburn RACES Officer – COMT/COML writes:

WC1MA It’s my pleasure to announce that the WC1MA 6 meter repeater 53.31 is back up and on the Air at Mt Wachusett with PL of 71.9. PL 162.2 will not work take note and change your PL if needed. The new repeater was donated in memory of Dale Thomas WA1RJC by John W1GPO. The Custom built antenna and tower work was donated by Clark N1PAH. After years of personally keeping it on the air then the Lightning strike over a year ago,  myself and fellow coworker Alex-AB1FC started talking and looking at ways to bring it back. We had some help from some other volunteers on install day Mike Girard from MEMA and our intern Joe-KC1EGK.

I’m getting reports from stations that it’s working great around the state. Give it a try and report back please.

Bruce Fant / KA1TZY
Auburn RACES officer
ComT / ComL

New Hampshire SOTA/POTA Activation, October 9, 2022

Rusty Moore, K1FVK, writes on the STARS-radio list:

Lorena, KC1MWH, and I will be operating from the summit of Mount Kearsarge (elevation 2923′), northwest of Concord, NH tomorrow, Sunday, Oct. 9. We hope to be on the air before 11 a.m., starting on 20m SSB, to activate both summit W1/HA-010, and park K-4918. We’ll try 2m simplex (146.520) as well, using a handheld Yagi and listen for friends back in MA. Hope to see you OTA.

Rusty, K1FVK

W1MJ Fox Hunt in Belmont, October 8-9, 2022

Eliot Mayer, W1MJ, writes on the NEMassFoxhunters list at 10:01 AM on October 8, 2022:

Noah and I are leaving in a few minutes to deploy the W1MJ 5-watt fox.  Due to a busy schedule, this will probably our last deployment this month.

Inspired by avid hunter Jeff AC1JR, who was getting tired of the same old messages, I have updated the soundtrack a bit.  It now goes for 18 minutes before repeating, a 50% improvement over the previous 12 minute loop.

On Air:  October 8 (today) 11:00 AM, or sooner, until October 9 (tomorrow) at 5:00 PM

Frequency:  147.54 MHz

Location:  Lone Tree Hill Conservation Area, Belmont, MA

Trail Map:  https://www.belmont-ma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6831/f/file/file/lone_tree_hill_trail_map.pdf

Parking Lot (Goggle Maps): https://goo.gl/maps/Sst4rV3L4s1AGLQ27

The parking lot is close to the Rock Meadow parking lot, but on the opposite side of the street.  It is a paved lot.

Boston ARC to Resume Volunteer Exams

Boston ARC logoJoe Chapman, NV1W, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:

We are finally resuming BARC volunteer exams after the pandemic. The  next exam session will be held on Tuesday, October 18, at 7:30 pm at the Artisans Asylum in Allston. For more information, see
https://www.barc.org/barc-exam-sessions/. For directions to the Artisans Asylum, see https://www.barc.org/directions-to-artisans-asylum-allston/. For more information, contact me directly at nv1w@arrl.net or 617-267-6349.

You must register for the exam session at least one day in advance, either with me or Jim Clogher, N1ICN, at n1icn@arrl.net. We cannot accept walk-ins.

ARRL accredited VEs: I welcome and appreciate your participation and help. Please let me know if you intend to attend so that I can let you know of any changes or if we have to cancel the session.


Joe Chapman NV1W / ARRL Volunteer Exam Liaison, Boston Amateur Radio Club

W1UE: “A Contesting Intro” at Algonquin ARC Meeting, October 13, 2022

AARC logoThe next [Algonquin Amateur Radio Club] meeting will be held in­ person on October 13 at 7:30 pm in the library of the 1st Lt. Charles W. Whitcomb Middle School, 25 Union Ave, Marlboro, MA. Enter from Agoritsas Drive next to police station and use Door #1 at rear of building.

The speaker for the October 2022 meeting will be Dennis, W1UE, on the topic “A Contesting Intro.” The presentation will cover :

• What is Contesting?
• What do you need to contest?
• How can you contest?
• Strategies for Contesting

PART of Westford Planning for JOTA

JOTA-JOTI logoGeorge Allison, K1IG, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:

The annual Scouting Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA) is the largest Scouting event in the world, and is held in the third full weekend in October. This year, it will be held October 14-16, 2022.
The local Westford Scout troop has several Scouts (and parents) who are interested in participating in the JOTA and pursuing the Radio Merit Badge and possibly an amateur radio license. If any PART members would be able to host a up to four Scouts and parents for a few hours during JOTA at your home station and making some contacts, please send me an email (k1ig@arrl.net) and let me know your availability.
George K1IG

K5TEC: “New England Sci-Tech STEM Program” at Billerica ARS Meeting Online, October 5, 2022

Billerica ARS logoThe next BARS Zoom meeting on Wednesday, October 5 will feature Bob Phinney, K5TEC, President of Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society (STARS). Join Bob Phinney, K5TEC, as he describes his STEM program at New England Sci-Tech in Natick.

Bob and his team just sponsored a highly successful ARISS Space Station contact at The BIG E multi-state fair in Springfield, MA on September 27. The event garnered much news and television coverage at the venue which attracts 1.5 million people during its 17-day run.

A dozen lucky students in Bob’s program got to ask questions of International Space Station pilot Bob Hines, KI5RQT, via a ground station in Belgium. Along with “Space Chat,” NESci-Tech is conducting a 12-month educational space science program that includes: 

  • Amateur Radio License Course
  • Model Rocketry workshops
  • Air-Powered Rocketry
  • Introduction to Basic Electronics
  • Introduction to Arduinos Electronics
  • Public Telescope Nights
  • Morse Code Introduction
  • Elementary Mathematics for Modeling Rocket Flight

Bob Phinney has a winning formula for engaging young people—and their parents—in an exciting program that has seen youths design payloads for high-altitude balloons and even NASA rockets! Come and hear how he does it.

BARS will announce the link to join the Zoom meeting before the meeting, but it will be posted to the BARS email list and should not be shared outside our Club. Are you on the email list? If not, please send an email to bars-subscribe@w1hh.org and then simply reply to the robot response from the server and you will be subscribed. Observing our Zoom meeting requires only a web browser and headphones/speakers. You do not need a webcam or microphone unless you want to speak or be seen. Before our meeting date, please go to https://zoom.us/test and see if it will function for you. If you have problems, we can try to assist – feel free to ask questions on the BARS email list. We are looking forward to “seeing” many of you on Wednesday 10/5 here at 1900 ET.

Algonquin ARC Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day Report, October 1, 2022

On Saturday, October 1, 2022, [the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club] supported the bi-annual joint Hudson-Marlborough Household Hazardous Waste Collection event.   This was our fourth event utilizing the larger layout at the Easterly Treatment Plant.   The volume for this event was lower than past ones.  Even though some cards were queued up as early as 7 AM, the lines remained relatively short.  By 10 AM, cars were flowing though the collection points with minimum delay.  During the first hour the cars per hour rate was about 10% faster than last session’s first hour.  So the efficiency of the process continues to improve.  After the first hour the rate dropped only because the volume of cards had dropped.  Last spring we processed 451 cars.  This session the number was 322.

The weather was cool in the 50s (F) with off and on light rain.  We had a smaller support team but with the smaller volume everything flowed smoothly.

Notes:    The Hazardous Waste column also includes cars that had electronics

Thanks for the leadership of Ted Scott, Marlborough DPW and his team; Joe Leatham, Katlyn Miller, and Alex Szczepaniak.   Also for the support from Eddie St Louis from the Hudson Heath Department.

Thanks to the following volunteers from the Marlborough Emergency Management Team and the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club who managed the flow of cars:
Ann Weldon KA1PON
Frank McInnis K1IX
Paul Zompetti
Ed Fitzgerald K1DIN
George Conrad N1ABC
Eric Williams KV1J

Eric Williams
Communications Officer – Marlborough EMA
(ref  EMA hours: 26   ARES hours: 20)


Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net – Monday October 3rd, 2022 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater System

Hello to all…

The October Eastern Massachusetts ARES section net will be Monday October 3rd, 2022 at 830 PM on the MMRA Repeater system.

For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:
https://mmra.org/repeaters/repeater_linking.html (Click the ARES box to see the repeaters and other systems linked)

We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net. We will have several announcements on the net regarding Eastern Massachusetts ARES and fall public service events in the region. In addition, we want to include this special request from Air Force MARS from AJ1Y-Joe Rogers regarding Amateur Operators being able to hear ASOS/AWOS sites.

We in 1st AFMARS Comm Wing Information are trying to identify which airport weather broadcasts that amateur radio operators can receive over the air in New England. These broadcasts are transmitted on VHF AM. If you or your contacts visit Surface Weather Observation Stations – ASOS/AWOS (faa.gov) and put in your state, you will see the frequencies for the VHF airport weather broadcasts in your state. If you or they could check out which ones if any you/they can receive the weather information from and send a message to me at aj1y@arrl.net or aj1y@winlink.org identifying the station(s) that you/they can receive, it would be greatly appreciated. If they could include their email/Winlink address so that we reach out to you if necessary.

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – https://twitter.com/wx1box

Massachusetts RACES Nets – Monday 10/3/22 for HF, Region 2D VHF, NBEMS & Winlink – Times and Details Below

AB1PH-Don Rolph – Walpole area ARES Emergency Coordinator writes:

The MEMA RACES nets are held on the first Monday of the month, unless the first Monday is a holiday, when it is delayed one week,

For Oct, the RACES nets will be held on Mon Oct 3..

The Races nets will be held on Mon Oct 3 at:

The HF net will start at 6:45 PM EDT: using the following frequency plan:
We will start at 3930 KHz moving up to 3955 KHz until there is a clear frequency,
Marc Stern WA1R will be net control.
Region 2D VHF net:
7:30 PM EDT VHF net on 146.865 MHz PL 103.5 (Sharon Repeater)
We will have a general call up of any RACES, ARES, or other interested stations. If there is time, we will have a simplex test.
Don Rolph using WA1PLE will be net control.
7:00 PM EDT
Dial Frequency: 3584.5 MHx
Center Frequency: 1500 Hz
Initial mode: THOR22
We will have checkins, followed by an ICS-213 format message using FLMSG.
Don Rolph AB1PH will be net control.
Winlink Net:

To participate:
– create a checkin form using the Winlink standard checkin form
– send via winlink after 6 AM EDT Mon. July 11 and before 0000 EDT July 12 (any mode, but include mode in checkin form) to Bryan Marcotte KF1D
– Tues I will create the checkin report and send to all of you

We look forward to you checking in to any or all nets!

Don Rolph

WO1E: “Contesting with FT8 and FT4” at Framingham ARA Hybrid Meeting, October 6, 2022

Framingham ARA logoJohn Iwuc, KB1VXY, writes on the Framingham Amateur Radio Association mailing list:
You are invited to our next [Framingham Amateur Radio Association] meeting to be held at the main Framingham Public Library [on October 6, 2022] at 7 pm (note time change).
This meeting will be a hybrid zoom meeting with in-person meeting at the Costin Room in the main Framingham Library located on Lexington Street. There is a parking lot next to the building. The meeting will start at 7 pm.
Register by Zoom even if you will attend live so we can have an accurate count.
Members will receive a zoom invitation.  Non-members may request an invitation by sending an email to John president@w1fy.org.

The K1MJC Fox is Out, September 30, 2022

Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 4:37 PM on September 30, 2022:

Yes, the K1MJC Fox is out.

I put it out today, Friday, and it will be picked up late afternoon Sunday.

The fox is in somewhere in an area within the Beaverbrook reservation north; it’s a 15 milliwatt fox transmitting on 146.565 MHz. 

I’m hearing rumblings from Eliot [W1MJ] saying that his fox may also be put out sometime this weekend as well; his is a five watt fox, and on a different frequency. He’ll let you know that detail when and if he puts it out. You could end up with a “twofer” this weekend!

One of the maps on this page would prove useful!


Happy hunting!

Mike C. 73!