PART Field Day Chairman George Allison, K1IG writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:
Field Day is just a little over two weeks away!
– Dates: Saturday, June 23 – Sunday, June 24. Antenna setup is Friday, June 22, from noon to sunset.
– Location: Concord Rod & Gun Club, 24 Strawberry Hill Road, Concord, MA
Field Day preparations are just about complete and it looks like this year’s event will be even better than last year’s! We’ll have six stations up and running: CW, Phone, Digital, VHF, GOTA, and satellite, and of course, our award-winning meals in the clubhouse. There may even be a few foxes hiding around the Field Day site.
Send an email to Bob, W1IS,, if you can be on the antenna setup team on
Friday, June 24. You don’t have to be there for the entire time.
If anyone has a presentation or training lecture they’d like to present to the club at Field Day, let me know by return email. We can schedule one or two presentations before Field Day operations begin on Saturday.
Full details of Field Day plans, including a schedule of events, station operating instructions, and the all-important safety briefing, will be presented at the PART meeting on Tuesday, June 19, at the Cameron Senior Center in Westford, starting at 7:30 PM.