“Snow Goose” Special Event Operation, So. Weymouth, August 20, 2017

image of W1NAS QSL cardW1OD writes:

W1NAS had another successful Special Event Station yesterday. Due to the Museum being smack in the center of a major site reconstruction program at the former Naval Air Station, we were fortunate enough to be operating from the K1USN Radio Club in nearby Braintree, MA. We made more than 75 contacts on CW and phone, despite the horrible band conditions. We actually made more phone contacts than CW for a change! Visiting board members from the Shea Naval Aviation Museum stopped by and enjoyed the event and took many pictures. 

This was the 59th anniversary of the flight of the blimp Snow Goose from NAS South Weymouth to Resolute Bay, as indicated above. Next year will be the 60th anniversary and we’re already thinking about what we’ll do and how we’ll do it. We’re hoping all the site work will be completed around the Museum and that we’ll be back open to the public once again.  For those wishing a high-quality QSL for yesterday’s event, please send a SASE to Steve, W1OD.

Many thanks to all those who assisted in yesterday’s SES: K1RV, Pi; N1VH, Marty, W1VP, Larry; KA1KIJ, Bob; W1TPB, Ted; WK1D, Jeff; K1WN, Bill; N1DC, Rick; WA1TPC, Bob; and a few others whose names I forget at the moment.

[courtesy http://qrz.com/db/w1nas]

Eastern MA 2017 Field Day Directory

The 18th Annual Eastern Massachusetts Field Day Directory contains some of the most comprehensive Field Day resource pages of its kind.

According to Bill Ricker, N1VUX, the section Field Day pages offer detailed information on individual field day club operations along with the complete event operating rules and helpful safety tips.

“Clubs which are reactivating a previous Class A or F site can confirm to the EMA Directory by simply putting their pin in at the ARRL Locator – conveniently linked from our directory. I’ll pick that up and mark them confirmed. I would appreciate an email from new clubs in Class A or F, clubs with new sites, clubs whose details on their EMA directory need updating, or who are definitely not using the site they had last year.”

The site also links to updated information on how to handle NTS radiogram traffic, and score bonus points during the event.

“A major goal always has been helping (and encouraging) EMA Field Staff & Leadership to plan visits to nearby field day sites, as is our custom — and helping us hit as many different ones as possible.”

Email n1vux at his arrl.net address.




New England QSO Party, May 6-7, 2017

New England statesTom Frenaye, K1KI writes:

The NEQP is a great time to check out antenna systems and offers a moderately paced opportunity to work new states and countries. You’ll find a wide variety of participants, from newcomers to experienced contesters, all interested in making contacts with New England stations. We’re working to make sure that all of the New England counties are active again this year and would appreciate your help. Get on for at least an hour or two and join in on the fun. Please let me know if you can put in any time at all so we can work on activity from the rarest counties. Will you be QRV? Let us know which county you’ll be on from with a message to info@neqp.org.

Oh yes, the NEQP is also lots of fun when mobile. Every time you cross a county line the action starts over again. It’s amazing what a 100w radio and mobile whip can do.

The QSO Party is 20 hours long overall, in two sections with a civilized break for sleep Saturday night. It goes from 4pm Saturday until 1am Sunday, then 9am Sunday until 8pm Sunday. Operate on CW, SSB and digital modes on 80-40-20-15-10 meters. For each QSO you’ll give your call sign, a signal report and your county/state.

The full rules are at http://www.neqp.org/rules.html.

It’s just a little over a month until the 2017 NEQP. Please make some QSOs even if you don’t want to send in a log.


YCCC 40th Anniversary Meeting, April 2

YCCC logoTony Brock-Fisher, K1KP writes on the YCCC reflector:

Plan to attend the upcoming General Meeting:

Sunday, April 2
Sturbridge Host
Sturbridge, MA

The Yankee Clipper Contest Club proudly celebrates its 40th Anniversary! We are honored to have the club’s original president, Jeff Briggs, K1ZM as a featured speaker!

Also on the program:

  • Tim Duffy K3LR – ‘The K3LR Story’ (via Skype)
  • Brian Machesney K1LI/J75Y – ‘Haminica’
  • Election of Officers
  • YCCC Youth Scholarship Prize Drawing
    (if we sell enough tickets, $25 per chance for a K3s, cash or checks OK)

We will also have special cake to celebrate the anniversary!

Reminder, – if you need a new name badge, please reply off-list. YCCC Awards will also be available for pickup.

Cape Cod Seashore Operating Events, April 2017

KM1CC signCape Cod Marconi Radio Club writes:

Cape Cod National Seashore is hosting two Amateur Radio events in April.

Titanic Memorial Event (W1MGY), Thursday-Saturday, April 13-15. (email w1mgycc@gmail.com for more info about operating)

International Marconi Day (KM1CC), Saturday, April 22

Details are in the attached press release. Hope to meet you on-the-air or in person. Frequencies for International Marconi Day will be posted on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/KM1CC/ and look for us on http://www.dxsummit.fi/

Whitman ARC Plimoth Plantation Special Event Operation Thanksgiving Weekend

Whitman ARC logoJeff Lehmann, N1ZZN writes on the Whitman ARC list:

This weekend is our annual special event station at Plimoth Plantation. Don’t forget, this year we’ll be using the NI1X call sign. We’ll be operating between 9 AM and 3 PM Saturday and Sunday. The advertised frequencies to look for us on are 18.160 14.260 7.260 and 3.860. Of course you can always find us on our 147.225+ PL 67.0 repeater, which is also accessible via EchoLink: WA1NPO-R and IRLP node 8691.

Princess Marconi To Participate In Special Contacts, June 20, 2014

Barbara Dougan, NN1NS writes:

KM1CC will have a special guest operator on June 20, Princess Elettra Marconi. Two contacts have been scheduled on 7.150 +- SSB on June 20 about 2:30-2:45 PM ET or 1830-1845 UTC. The scheduled contacts are with the World Radiosport 2014 Chairman, using WR1TC, and WA2GM. WA2GM is located at Marconi’s Wall, New Jersey station. Sorry, its listening only due to the short amount of time in the Princess’ schedule. We may be delayed, but the above is the plan.

Want to know more about Princess Marconi’s visit: www.marconi2014.com.

Barbara Dougan, N1NS, KM1CC trustee

KM1CC Marconi 110th Anniversary of First Transatlantic Message

Marconi Station Shelter

Barbara Dougan, N1NS writes:

Please make a QSO with KM1CC to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the first wireless Transatlantic message sent from the USA to Europe on January 18, 1903. This message was from President Theodore Roosevelt to King Edward VII; it was transmitted in International Morse code by Marconi from his Wireless Station in Wellfleet- now part of Cape Cod National Seashore. KM1CC will operate from the former Coast Guard Station, Eastham, MA-USA FN 51, Barnstable County.

When: Thursday, January 17 about 1800 EST through Sunday, January 19, 2013 1500 EST

Conditions and bands permitting find us +-10 kHz

17M 18.080 CW 18.160 SSB 20M 14.030 CW 14.260 SSB 40M 7.030 CW 7.130, 17.260 SSB 80M 3.530 CW 3.660, 3.860 SSB

We will post frequencies on http://www.dxsummit.fi/ We plan to operate mostly CW, but will switch to SSB now and then.

Please view KM1CC’s Facebook page for more information and photographs.

Barbara Dougan, N1NS, KM1CC trustee

Field Day 2012: Section Manager’s Report


2012 Field Day Logo PinField Day is now history. For many, it was the culmination of weeks of hard work and planning. For others, 24 hours of all-out contesting, or a last-minute decision to drop in to the local club’s site to socialize with old friends and to make new acquaintances. And for many non-hams, this last full weekend in June was their first opportunity to taste the allure and wonder of Amateur Radio.

On June 23-24, 2012, I and other members of the Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Section and ARES staff traveled throughout Eastern Massachusetts to visit with many of the radio clubs participating in the annual radio event.

Although I was unable to fit in all of the participating area radio clubs over the course of the weekend, I was privileged to visit personally with eleven. I wanted to share some observations and thoughts about the weeekend.

Genesis Amateur Radio Society, Plymouth

Genesis ARS Field Day 2012I began my travels with a visit to the folks at the Genesis ARS at the Plymouth Airport. Although I arrived at mid-morning, already twenty or so individuals were already hard at work with setup. Their club president and vice president were gracious to interrupt their activities for a few minutes to chat with me about Field Day and GARS’ activities.

Their efforts involved a number of scouts, and featured several homemade publicity displays (see photos) including one describing the ARRL, spearheaded by Judy, KB1SRO. I was most impressed! I was also pleased to hear that GARS offered a VE testing session during Field Day.

Barnstable ARC/Explorer Post 73 ARC, Yarmouthport

Barnstable ARC/ Explorer Post 73 Field Day 2012When I arrived at Camp Greeough in Yarmouthport, the folks at BARC/Explorer Post 73 ARC were also heavily involved in setting up. BARC members Rob, Mark, Tam and the rest of the gang had an elaborate 3A+GOTA operation housed underneath a large, open-air shelter. They specifically advertised for scouts and members of the general public to come and visit.

They all paused briefly as I took a group photo, holding Gov. Patrick’s official Amateur Radio Week proclamation, then it was back to work.

Falmouth ARA, Falmouth

Falmouth ARA Field Day 2012After a lunch break, I pulled into the Barnstable County Fairgrounds, the site of the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association’s Field Day site in Falmouth. Then entrance was well marked with excellent signage. FARA typically sports one of the largest and best-organized operations in the section and this year was no exception. This 2A operation also included a satellite station as well as two separate 1B operations being conducted from nearby Airstream trailers. All told, I counted six separate towers. The unique layout grouped together all operating positions in a “central hub.”

FARA president K1MGH introduced me to one of their special visitors, Jim McGuinness, the elementary school teacher who is working with FARA for the upcoming ARISS school contact from Falmouth Elementary School in October.

Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Assocation/Taunton Area Radio Group/South Coast MA Amateur Radio Group, Swansea

Pilgrim AWA/ Taunton ACG / South Coast ARG Field Day 2012I’m told the combined Pilgrim AWA/Taunton ACG/South Coast MA ARG 2F operation garnered some great publicity, with television coverage from Channel 6 in Providence as well as the New Bedford Standard Ties and the Herald News. A great-looking bucket truck/tri-bander beam dominated the scene, and a friendly crew welcomed hams and non-hams alike.

All too soon, however, it was time to head down the road to the next site.

Bristol County Repeater Association/Fall River ARC, Freetown

Fall River ARC/ Bristol Co. RA Field Day 2012The Bristol County Repeater Association/Fall River ARC crew were set up in their traditional location in the Freetown State Forest next to a busy recreational area.

Roland, Dave, and the rest are certainly practiced in deploying the famous HamCow quickly, along with its antennas and gear, thanks to practice from numerous past Field Day and Martha’s Vineyard operations. The seasoned crew had four different operating positions on the air and buzzing with contacts.

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC, N. Attleboro

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC Field Day 2012I arrived at the Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC site in North Attleboro just as a storm was ominously threatening to hit. As luck would have it, the rains held off and only a few sprinkles could be felt.

The W1SMH crew were camped in the pleasant, wooded (and high) location at Veterans Park. They sported some nice wire antennas and towers with beams. They also employed a GOTA station that was being put to good use. I took a photo of their excellent club banner.

The crew also posed for a group photo for me, holding the Governor’s proclamation.

Wellesley Amateur Radio Society, Needham

Wellesley ARS Field Day 2012After a dinner stop, I pulled into the center of Needham and dusk, catching the crew from the Wellesley Amateur Radio Society as they were breaking off operations for the evening. Dan, Barb, and the rest of the crew were kind enough to stop and chat for a few minutes and recap their day.

Their site is situated at the Town’s gazebo situated next to the high school. W1DAN explained to me that the majority of their contacts were made via solar power. However, the group also featured a “vintage” station consisting of a Heathkit DX-60 that operated under commercial power.

Clay Center ARC/Waltham ARA, Brookline

Clay Center ARC Field Day 2012I began my Sunday visits by traveling to the Dexter School in nearby Brookline, site of the Clay Center ARC/Waltham ARA’s 3A operation. Excellent signage and directions were posted for visitors to follow.

Their Field Day featured a cool 3-element wire antenna for 40 meters, designed and built by one of the students. It was refreshing to see the younger ops dominating the event.

ARRL PIO KA1MOM had put together an impressive PR table with literature. The school’s science and technology director, K5TEC, told me that he had conducted tours for at least ten families and their children.

MIT Radio Society/Harvard Wireless Club, Cambridge

MIT Radio Society/ Harvard Wireless Club Field Day 2012The MIT Radio Society/Harvard Wireless Club Field Day site was situated directly in front of the MIT Student Center, just off busy Massachusetts Avenue.

The 2A operation featured a GOTA station under a large tent. Although a skeleton crew was present Sunday morning when I arrived, the two clubs kept the station staffed all night long. The group had, in fact, weathered heavy downpours the previous evening.

North Shore Radio Association, Danvers

North Shore RA Field 2012I arrived at around eleven a.m. at Endicot Park in Danvers, the traditional Field Day site of the North Shore Radio Club, NS1RA.

The various stations (including a GOTA) were busy making QSOs but I had a chance to chat with several of the folks who were “off duty” including Al, W1DUW. The group always puts on a great meal for its partipants. Safety is also very much a priority at their Field Day event.

Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association, Gloucester

Cape Ann ARA Field Day 2012My last stop of the day was in Gloucester at the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association’s Field Day at the Fuller School.

The group survived some nasty weather visited upon them by Murphy, as well as bad electrical noise from a nearby power line. But on a brighter note, CAARA was also visited by the Mayor of Gloucester, as well as Sen. Bruce Tarr (N1UIU).

Final Thoughts

I’d like to leave you with a few final thoughts–thoughts I expressed in a Field Day report ten years ago but which are no less relevant today.

As a group, hams can be very innovative and flexible. When equipment breaks or last-minute plans change, we take it in stride. We are adaptable.

We like to stick to plans and strategies that have worked in the past, but we’re not afraid to try new methods, either.

We’re quick to set aside the “contest” aspect of Field Day to give a helping hand to hold a rope, to hammer in a ground rod, or spend a few minutes explaining ham radio to a visitor.

We come to Field Day to be with one another. We’re sociable. We want to achieve and to accomplish.

We’re patriotic. We realize that when we invest our time and energies in this weekend event, we are making our communities and our nation a safer place to live. But above all, we genuinely respect each other, and we enjoy one another’s company. We share a mutual interest in a hobby and service known as Amateur Radio. And as a result of our efforts, the world is a little better off than it was before.