W1MJ Fox Hunt in Belmont, October 8-9, 2022

Eliot Mayer, W1MJ, writes on the NEMassFoxhunters list at 10:01 AM on October 8, 2022:

Noah and I are leaving in a few minutes to deploy the W1MJ 5-watt fox.  Due to a busy schedule, this will probably our last deployment this month.

Inspired by avid hunter Jeff AC1JR, who was getting tired of the same old messages, I have updated the soundtrack a bit.  It now goes for 18 minutes before repeating, a 50% improvement over the previous 12 minute loop.

On Air:  October 8 (today) 11:00 AM, or sooner, until October 9 (tomorrow) at 5:00 PM

Frequency:  147.54 MHz

Location:  Lone Tree Hill Conservation Area, Belmont, MA

Trail Map:  https://www.belmont-ma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6831/f/file/file/lone_tree_hill_trail_map.pdf

Parking Lot (Goggle Maps): https://goo.gl/maps/Sst4rV3L4s1AGLQ27

The parking lot is close to the Rock Meadow parking lot, but on the opposite side of the street.  It is a paved lot.

The K1MJC Fox is Out, September 30, 2022

Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 4:37 PM on September 30, 2022:

Yes, the K1MJC Fox is out.

I put it out today, Friday, and it will be picked up late afternoon Sunday.

The fox is in somewhere in an area within the Beaverbrook reservation north; it’s a 15 milliwatt fox transmitting on 146.565 MHz. 

I’m hearing rumblings from Eliot [W1MJ] saying that his fox may also be put out sometime this weekend as well; his is a five watt fox, and on a different frequency. He’ll let you know that detail when and if he puts it out. You could end up with a “twofer” this weekend!

One of the maps on this page would prove useful!


Happy hunting!

Mike C. 73!

KD1D Fox On the Air, Westford, September 16-19

Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list:

The KD1D Fox transmitter operates on 146.565 MHz, transmitting a 25-second message every 60 seconds. 
It is currently located in the “Stepinski Parcel” adjacent to the Stony Brook Conservation land in Westford, MA.  Check out the following:


for more information on location and access. 

The KD1D Fox will be transmitting in this area from 3:30 pm from Friday, September 16 through Noon on Monday, September 19 , 

If you find it, please sign the logbook.  

Happy hunting and 73 de KD1D, Alan

Bristol County Repeater Association Fox Practice & Hunt, Fall River Vicinity, September 10 & 17, 2022

Bristol Co. RA club bannerSkip Denault, KB1CNB, writes:

Fox Practice – September 10, 2022

If you want to try out your equipment or just hone your skills there will be a fox active at Skip’s QTH 443 President Avenue, Fall River, MA (Latitude 41.71545°; Longitude -71.14864°) on Saturday, September 10, from 10am-4pm. I will be monitoring the Fall River repeater (145.150 MHz PL 123) if you have questions or you get here and want a tea, coffee (Hot or cold) or water. This is not a hunt – after all, I told you where it will be – this is just practice, if you want it!

BCRA Fox Hunt – September 17, 2022

10:00am to 2:30pm

5 mile radius from 25 Church St, Swansea MA — ONLY a 5 mile radius from our usual club meeting location.

Organizer: Skip Denault kb1cnb@bcra.club 774-644-3469

View Event


Bristol County Repeater Association
The next BCRA Fox Hunt has been scheduled!
Saturday, September 17, 2022
NOTICE NEW DETAILS BELOW WITH A NEW CHALLENGE! —  The radius is only 5 miles from the center point.
* Time: 10:00 am to 2:30 pm  — check-in starts at 9:45 am on the BCRA repeater, 145.150 MHz PL 123

* Location: The Foxes will be located within a 5 – mile radius from 25 Church St, Swansea MA
 A five-mile radius from our usual club meeting location.
 (41.724190, -71.202080).
* Fox1 will activate at 10:00 am on 146.565 MHz FM 
  Fox2 will activate at 10:02:30 on 146.430 MHz FM 

After the Fox Hunt, participants, friends, and anyone interested will have the option to gather at a nearby restaurant for food and refreshments.  There is no obligation, but many members have indicated an interest in gathering post Fox Hunt to discuss the event and see how everyone made out.  You will be notified of the restaurant’s location when you find the final Fox or at 2:30 PM. 

Communications with “Fox Control” can all be done over the BCRA repeater, including checking in when you have found the fox. You may also speak with us in the control vehicle using physical distancing if you wish.

There will be TWO foxes – one manned by KB1CNB, Skip, and one by N1KJS, Kevin. When you find one of the foxes, you will get a hint to help you find the second (if you want!).
Check-ins will begin at 9:45 am on the BCRA repeater, 145.150 MHz PL 123. Chat and help on the repeater also.
The Fox1 will activate at 10:00 am on 146.565 MHz FM, and Fox2 at 10:02:30 on 146.430 MHz FM with a 5-watt signal, and both will transmit 1 minute of tone followed by Morse Code ID and 4 minutes of silence. As the hunt progresses we may increase the transmission times – that will be announced on the BCRA repeater. The hunt will last until 2:30 pm or until all checked-in participants have found the transmitters, whichever comes first.
The Foxes will be located within a  5 – mile radius from 25 Church St, Swansea MA,  (41.724190, -71.202080).

 A five-mile radius from our usual club meeting location.

The Fox1 (in Skip’s vehicle, a blue/grey Jeep Commander marked BCRA) will be in a public place and be manned at all times. When you have found the fox, your time and order of arrival will be recorded, and a personalized certificate will be emailed to each participant.
The Fox2 (in Kevin’s vehicle, a blue Toyota Tacoma marked BCRA) will be in a public place and be manned at all times. When you have found the fox, your time and order of arrival will be recorded.
Participants are encouraged to work in teams and are asked to drive carefully and observe all applicable guidelines, both from the FCC and the state & local governments. Since participants are receiving only (except for radio check-ins), an amateur radio license is not required.
Email questions to Skip at kb1cnb@bcra.club or text to 774-644-3469. After the hunt, your comments, impressions, and suggestions will be welcome!
Join us and have some good amateur radio fun!

Double Fox Hunt, Belmont & Waltham, August 20-21

This weekend, K1MJC and I are once again putting our foxes out in the same general area.  They will be within two adjoining conservation areas:

  • Rock Meadow, Belmont, MA
  • Beaver Brook Reservation North, Waltham, MA (accessible from Rock Meadow by foot bridge)

Fox #1
Call:  K1MJC
Frequency:  146.565 MHz

Fox #2
Call:  W1MJ
Frequency:  147.540 MHz

Both foxes will be on the air from 10 AM Saturday until 5 PM on Sunday.  The best place to park for both foxes is the Rock Meadow parking area on Mill St. in Belmont.  If the lot is full, parallel parking on Mill St. is allowed, or you can use the Lone Tree Hill lot just up the street.

The following link shows a map of the area containing both foxes.  The Western Greenway Trail crosses a wooden bridge from the back-left-corner of Rock Meadow into Beaver Brook Reservation North:



Eliot, W1MJ

K1MJC Fox Has “Escaped,” July 29, 2022

Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 4:01 PM on July 29, 2022:

Yes, the K1MJC Fox is out, It must’ve been a little bit too hot in the cage, and he needed a little fresh air.

I noticed he was gone this Friday, afternoon but I’ll leave it to you as to how much of a risk looking you would like to take in this kind of weather … It’s probably better to go out in the morning, and hydrate hydrate hydrate!

The fox is in somewhere in an area within the City limits of Waltham, MA.

I think he’s roaming around the “Storer Conservation Area” again; seems he likes to hang out there.

As usual, it will be retrieved before Sundown Sunday.

One of The maps on this page would prove useful!


Mike C. 73


Forgot to mention, 146.565 MHz

Mike C. K1MJC 73

Fox Hunters Meeting at 2022 HamXposition

George Allison, K1IG, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list:

The forum schedule for the Northeast HamXposition has been published, and theres a Fox Hunters meeting scheduled for Sunday, August 28, at 11:00 AM. Since our members are spread out around MA (and parts of NH), we haven’t had an opportunity to all get together in one place, so this is a great opportunity for us to:

  • Meet each other in person
  • Compare equipment
  • Discuss techniques
  • Discuss variations in types of hunts
  • Look at ways to attract new hunters, especially non-licensed youth

We’ve got over a month to talk about topics.  What would you like to see?

George, K1IG

KC1OAV Fox is Out, Stow, July 16-17, 2022

Eric L. Johnson, KC1OAV, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on July 15, 2022 at 6:11 PM:

Hello Fox Hunters:

The KC1OAV fox will be out tomorrow July 16 to Sunday July 17.  This is my first fox deployment so I welcome any suggestions for improvement.

The fox is in Stow, MA, and may be heard from the Town Forest parking lot at the end of Bradley Lane in Stow, after 8:00 AM Saturday. I will retrieve it Sunday around 5:00 PM. 

The fox broadcasts for 12 seconds every minute at 146.565 MHz, with a power output of 15 MW. There is a log book attached to the fox so you can sign in. This should be an easy* hunt. The fox will be just off a trail. 

If you find the fox, or just want to ramble, be sure To explore the area near the Assabet River.  From there you may see small aircraft at nearby Crow Island field, as well as some practicing trapeze artists.

Here is the map of Stow Town Forest:


and a link to Stow regulations:



[ *Text or email for a clue. ]

Eric L. Johnson KC1OAV
978 501-2136

KD1D RF Fox is out again, July 8, 2022

Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on July 8, 2022 at 3:54 PM:

The KD1D Fox transmitter is hidden off of one of the trails near Kennedy Pond in Westford, MA.  More information on the sits can be found at:


 There is a parking area at the end of Trailside Way.  You may find it easier to start from the other parking area near the end of Texas Road or to park on Vine Brook Road away from the cul de sac and walk in to the left of the dirt road barrier.  There is an unofficial “No Trespassing” sign (MA law requires the name and address of the owner), but the land immediately to the left of the gate is Westford Conservation Land open to all.  Be polite and don’t park in the circle if you choose this route.   

The fox transmits on 146.565 MHz FM for about 25 seconds repeating once a minute.  It was set loose around 15:00 EDDT on Friday July 8 and will be retrieved sometime after noon on Monday, July 11. 

If you need a hint, email me at kd1d@arrll.net

Happy Hunting and 73 from KD1D

W1MJ Fox Deployment, Burlington Landlocked Forest, July 9-10, 2022

Eliot Mayer, W1MJ writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list:

My dog Noah and I plan to deploy our fox for the weekend in Burlington Landlocked Forest.  Per Google Maps, the parking area is only 22 minutes from Westford and 17 minutes from Waltham.

Fox details:

  • Callsign:  W1MJ
  • Start & End Times:  Sat July 9 at 10:00 AM  –  Sun July 10 at 5:00 PM
  • Frequency:  147.54 MHz
  • Suggested Starting Point: Burlington Landlocked Forest Trailhead, close to 43 Turning Mill Rd, Lexington, MA.  Lot is under the power lines, close to the Grimes Rd intersection.
  • Directions from Google Maps:  https://goo.gl/maps/19VYCvL9T8mEj26N7

73 DE W1MJ

W1HFN Fox Deployed, Littleton, July 5, 2022

Barry Fox, W1HFN, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on July 5, 2022 at 2:01 PM:

The W1HFN Fox has been deployed. Dig out your old Latin textbook and go to “hymenoptera apidae bombini” park in Littleton. Frequency is 146.565 with a 20 second voice ID every 60 seconds. Batteries should last until the weekend (I hope). Please sign the log when you find it.

TNX / 73,

Barry – W1HFN

Double Fox Hunt This Weekend in Belmont and Waltham, June 18-19, 2022

Eliot Mayer, W1MJ, writes:

This weekend (June 18-19, 2022) K1MJC and I are putting our foxes out in the same general area.

Fox #1
Call:  K1MJC
Frequency:  146.565 MHz
Location: Rock Meadow, Belmont, MA
On air now through Monday morning.

Fox #2
Call:  W1MJ
Frequency:  446.075 MHz
Location:  Beaver Brook Reservation North, Waltham, MA (accessible from Rock Meadow by foot bridge)

Map:  https://walthamlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/2017-07-29-GOS-Beaver-Brook-North-Reservation.pdf

On air from 10 AM Saturday until 5 PM on Sunday

Best place to park for both foxes:  Rock Meadow parking area on Mill St. in Belmont.  If the lot is full, parallel parking on Mill St. is allowed.

The following link shows a map of the area containing both foxes.  From Rock Meadow, the Western Greenway Trail crosses a wooden bridge into Beaver Brook Reservation North near back-left-corner (sorta) of Rock Meadow:



Eliot, W1MJ

Bristol County RA Fox Hunt, June 11, 2022

From bcra-club groups.io list:
* Time: 10:00 am to 2:30 pm  — check-in starts at 9:45 am on the BCRA repeater, 145.150 MHz PL 123
* Location: The Foxes will be located within a 10-mile radius of the center of the Veteran’s Memorial bridge connecting 
Fall River and Somerset MA on US Route 6 (41.7266508, -71.1516237).
* Fox1 will activate at 10:00 am on 146.565 MHz FM 
  Fox2 will activate at 10:02:30 on 146.430 MHz FM 
Communications with “Fox Control” can all be done over the BCRA repeater, including checking in when you have found the fox. You may also speak with us in the control vehicle using physical distancing if you wish.
There will be TWO foxes – one manned by KB1CNB, Skip, and one by N1KJS, Kevin. When you find one of the foxes, you will get a hint to help you find the second (if you want!).
Check-ins will begin at 9:45 am on the BCRA repeater, 145.150 MHz PL 123. Chat and help on the repeater also.
The Fox1 will activate at 10:00 am on 146.565 MHz FM and Fox2 at 10:02:30 on 146.430 MHz FM with a 5-watt signal and both will transmit 1 minute of tone followed by Morse Code ID and 4 minutes of silence. As the hunt progresses we may increase the transmission times – that will be announced on the BCRA repeater. The hunt will last until 2:30 pm or until all checked-in participants have found the transmitters, whichever comes first.
The Foxes will be located within a 10-mile radius of the center of the Veteran’s Memorial bridge connecting Fall River and Somerset on US Route 6 (41.7266508, -71.1516237).
The Fox1 (in Skip’s vehicle, a blue/grey Jeep Commander marked BCRA) will be in a public place and will be manned at all times. When you have found the fox your time and order of arrival will be recorded and a personalized certificate will be emailed to each participant.
The Fox2 (in Kevin’s vehicle, a blue Toyota Tacoma marked BCRA) may not be obvious from a town/city road.  But is on public property with road access.  This fox will be in a public place and will be manned at all times. When you have found the fox your time and order of arrival will be recorded.
Participants are encouraged to work in teams and are asked to drive carefully and observe all applicable guidelines, both from the FCC and the state & local governments. Since participants are receiving only (except for radio check-ins) an amateur radio license is not required.
Email questions to Skip at kb1cnb@bcra.club or text to 774-644-3469. After the hunt, your comments, impressions, and suggestions will be welcome!
Join us and have some good amateur radio fun!

MMRA Fox is Hiding, Stow, May 20, 2022

Bob Evans, N1BE, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on May 20, 2022 at 3:56 PM:

The MMRA Fox Box is at the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge in Stow.

The Fox transmits on 145.63 MHz with a 146.2 Hz PL.

Transmissions repeat approx. every 165 seconds. 

I plan to retrieve the Fox on Tuesday, May 24th.

Email me directly if you want a hint to help locate the fox.

Happy hunting,

Bob Evans, N1BE

K1MJC Fox is “A-Foot,” Waltham MA, May 13, 2022

Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the Waltham ARA list and NEMassFoxHunters list at 4:16 PM on May 13, 2022:

Yes, the K1MJC Fox’s  are  a-foot!

I put it them out  today, Friday.

The fox’s are close to each other somewhere in an area within the City limits of Waltham, MA.

 “School”  is the clue. 

The extra added bonus here is this time, I’ve placed a UHF fox out as well. 

This is an experimental unit, made up of a Arduino  pro mini 3.3 V with a 433 MHz  AM transmitter with very low power. 

It does tend to drift 10 kHz on either side of the stated frequency possibly with battery voltage; and for those of you who have “AM“ capabilities in your handheld, this is an extra added bonus.

Also, I’m not sure how long the battery life will last with the AM Fox so the sooner you hunt it the better ; ( possibly 2days?)

Note: It can be heard on FM, but it is scratchy and noisy. AM reception is the best!

Fox Frequencies are:

VHF 146.565

UHF 433.975 (thereabouts).

(There is only a log with the VHF fox. Nothing with the UHF fox).

As usual, they will be retrieved before Sundown Sunday.

One of The maps on this page would prove useful!


Happy hunting!

KB1OIQ 80m Fox Deployed, Westford MA, May 13, 2022

Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ, writes on the  NEMassFoxHunters list at 9:27 AM on May 13, 2022:

The fox is on the loose!

I verified that the signal can be (weakly) heard from the Cider Mill Pond parking area.

It will be out all day today (Friday) and Saturday.

If you are in the neighborhood, feel free to visit my home QTH.  I should be there most of the day today.  My info is good on QRZ.com.

I am willing to tweak your R3500D fox receiver for peak performance by adjusting the capacitor and two transformers.  LMK if you are interested.

Have fun(!) and 73,


[See also: Interest for an 80m Fox?]

MMRA Fox Box On the Air Near Acton, May 11, 2022

Bob Evans, N1BE, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on May 11, 2022 at 7:41 PM:

The MMRA Fox Box transmits on 145.63 MHz with a 146.2 Hz PL.

Transmissions repeat approx. every 165 seconds.

The box has been heard in the town of Acton, MA.

I plan to retrieve the Fox on Monday May 16.

Email me directly if you want a hint to help locate the fox.

Happy hunting,
Bob Evans, N1BE

KB1OIQ Fox is On the Loose, Westford, May 8, 2022 (Updated)

Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on May 10, 2022 at 6:36 AM:

Good morning fox hunters!

I have moved the KB1OIQ 2m fox.  It is still in Cider Mill Pond, but now you should(?) be able to hear the fox from the parking area.  The battery has been replaced and it should be good for the entire day.

Have fun and 73,


Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on May 8, 2022 at 10:02 AM:

146.565 FM is the fox frequency.

Go to the Cider Mill Pond conservation area in Westford.

A fox awaits you.  Have fun and good luck!  Cider Mill Pond is a very large
area (100? acres).

I’ll leave it out there for today and Monday.



Interest for an 80-Meter Foxhunt?

Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on May 8, 2022:

I have a fox for the 80m band, and I’m wondering who has gear to receive the signal.

It is a real CW signal on the color burst frequency, roughly 3.579 MHz.

One possible receiver is shown here: http://crkits.com/r3500d.jpg

The fox has not been deployed.  I’m just assessing the interest level of such a fox hunt.

