NN1C Featured on Newsline: “Young Contesters of Team Exuberance Live Up to Their Name”
Newton teen Marty Sullaway, NN1C, was featured in the March 1, 2019 Amateur Radio Newsline broadcast in a segment entitled, “YOUNG CONTESTERS OF TEAM EXUBERANCE LIVE UP TO THEIR NAME.” He’s interviewed by the anchor about a group of youths working together as a multi-operator contest team for CQ WPX later this month.
Marty was also mentioned for the lead-in to the next story announcing nominations for the 2019 Young Ham Of The Year Award:
NEIL/ANCHOR: A team of young hams is being assembled for the CQ Worldwide WPX contest March 30th and 31st. Co-leader Marty Sullaway, NN1C tells how it all started.
MARTY: The idea for this project came from Violetta, KM4ATT. Violetta was the one who approached Tim Duffy, K3LR, the owner of the K3LR superstation, to make this a go. She was inspired by her operations from PJ2T as part of the Dave Kalter Youth DX project, and wanted to continue her operating career.
NEIL: Planning is a major undertaking, but the team is fulfilling that role as well.
MARTY: Part of multi operator contesting is working together as a team to build the contest plan, as well as figuring out all the logistics for the actual contest operation. So as a youth team, we are internally handling all the logistics regarding flights, hotels, meals, contest scheduling, operator scheduing, station information and handbooks; and really making this a comprehensive effort. We are taking this extremely seriously, and we hope our diligent planning will pay off, all of this being handled by fantastic youth. So we’re really looking forward to that.
NEIL: Marty also talked to me about the goals of this event.
MARTY: We really view this as an excellent opportunity to get youth involved in amateur radio contesting, youth that already know how to contest get more experience, work together as a team, have fun (because we do this to have fun, right?), and gain skill. So this is an activity in skill building, team building, networking, having a lot of fun on the radio contesting… Hopefully this is the start of some bigger work to engage youth in contests in North America.
NEIL: To provide funding for some of the young hams to get to the K3LR superstation, a GoFundMe page has been set up. You can find it at TeamExuberance.org.
NEIL: Youthful exuberance is, in fact, one of the core criteria we look for in candidates for Young Ham of the Year. We just heard from Marty Sullaway NN1C who was Amateur Radio Newsline’s Young Ham of the Year for 2017. Last year’s winner was Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO, of Montgomery, Alabama. We have opened up the nomination period once again and are in search of candidates who, like Marty and Bryant, have offered the amateur community the best of their talents. All information is available on our website, arnewsline.org, under the YHOTY tab. You’ll be able to download a nomination form which is due back to us before midnight on May 31st.