New Section Managers Train In Newington

K9HI operating W1AWApproximately ten new Section Managers from across the United States attended a Section Manager’s Workshop September 17-19,2004 in Newington, Connecticut. The Section Managers heard talks from Headquarters employees regarding the various services offered by the ARRL, ranging from Field Services and Training to Certification and Continuing Education to Marketing and Public Relations. The SMs also received a large quantity of useful materials and handouts.

The weekend event included time for discussions about problem-solving and informal social networking, as well as an opportunity to tour ARRL Headquarters and operate W1AW. The SM Workshop is a regular event; it is held annually in Newington, Connecticut at ARRL Headquarters.

Also present was Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI of Watertown. Temples, a three-term Section Manager, was invited by the workshop organizers to participate and to share his experiences as a veteran Section Manager.

[photo: K9HI on 30m cw in W1AW Studio One]

Public Information Officer Appointments

Phil and I would like to officially welcome these PIO’s to the Section Staff. Bill – KA1MOM has been here for a while but a “snafu” in the database never registered his appointment. Ron – W1PLW was appointed last year and Jeff – N1SOM is new to the crew. The Eastern Mass Section Staff looks forward to working with you all and if there’s anything we can do to help, let us know.

Jim Duarte – N1IV
Eastern Mass PIC

Full Story at:

EMA Staff Meeting Minutes, Feb. 12, 2004

EMA ARRL logoMembers of the Eastern Massachusetts ARRL staff met on Thursday, February 12, 2004 in Burlington for their quarterly-annual staff meeting. Those present were: Phil Temples, K9HI, Section Manager; Bob Salow, WA1IDA, Assistant Section Manager; Elaine Chase, N1GTB, Assistant Section Manager; Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, Section Emergency Coordinator; Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator; Frank Murphy, N1DHW, Affiliated Club Coordinator; Mike Ardai, N1IST, Bulletin Manager; Mike Goldberg, K1LJN, Official Observer Coordinator; Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI, State Government Liaison. Those staff members who were unable to attend: Stan Laine, WA1ECF, Assistant SM; Jim Duarte, N1IV, Public Information Coordinator; Jim Ward, N1LKJ, Section Traffic Manager.

The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:40 pm.

Phil announced the resignation of Technical Coordinator Greg Richardson, N1QLS. Phil indicated that a potential candidate for the vacant position has already been in contact with Phil. K9HI will consider other qualified applicants as well.
Mike Goldberg, K1LJN reported that he attended the retirement party of outgoing FCC New England Engineer-in-charge Vince Kajunski. Mike mediated a reported interference case involving an FM simplex EchoLink node. He also forwarded a malicious interference case in Southern California to Riley Hollingsworth. K1LJN reported that many OO appointees have not been filing monthly reports. KlLJN also announced that he is seeking an assistant to help with OOC matters.

Frank Murphy, N1DHW reported on his affiliated club activities. He attended six meetings in the recent past. Frank has been very involved with Salvation Team Emergency Radio Network communications activities. N1DHW presented about SATERN as a guest speaker at the Boston ARC. Discussion ensued about the CEMARC Youth Net. The Youth Net was suspended to lack of activity. With the activation of an MMRA EchoLink Node it is thought that the Net might enjoy greater success.

Phil Temples, K9HI reported on several recent items, including: a possible letter-writing project in support of the Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act (H.R. 713, S. 537) and the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Consistency Act (H.R. 1478); potential funding of Eastern Massachusetts emergency communications projects from Citizens Corps; a recent ARRL financial grant (The “Big Project”) to a Cambridge elementary school; attendance at the recent ARRL New England Division Cabinet meeting in Springfield; the EMA ARRL Speakers List; efforts by PIO KA1MOM to be featured on a talk-show on WBZ radio. Phil passed out the latest list of EMA section field organization appointments. Some list corrections were given to Phil from WA1IDA.

Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI reported that there has been no movement on the “hands-free” cellular telephone legislation on Beacon Hill. He reminded all that there is almost 11 months before these bills will expire. Shawn distributed a well-written document with “Do’s and Don’ts” for communicating with legislators. (This document will soon be posted at Discussion ensued on a plan to construct a web page that might allow users to select “canned text” to “painlessly” produce a letter to their respective legislators to comment on pending congressional bills.

Mike Neilsen, W1MPN and Rob Macedo, KD1CY jointly reported on the multitude of ARES-related activities in Eastern Massachusetts over recent months.

Those activities included: an emergency communications workshop in Littleton; ARES presentation to the Genesis ARS; annual Section Emergency Test (SET); SKYWARN activation for strong winds; Plymouth and CC ARES Districts self-activation due to a widespread power failure; major Nor’easter SKYWARN activation report; New Year’s Day limited ARES activation for Red Cross and Salvation Army for Boston First Night; Red Cross and ARES Communications Committee update; ARES leadership meeting; Cape Cod ARES drill; SKYWARN leadership meeting. Upcoming ARES and SKYWARN events include: ARES exercise on 2/21/2004; ARECC test at the SEOC in Framingham, February 2/28/2004; numerous SKYWARN Training Seminars; NTS-ARES Coordination meeting; Emergency communications workshop in Hingham, 4/3/2004; future Red Cross/ARES Communications Committee meetings. (A comprehensive list can soon be found on the EMA ARES web site at

Discussion ensued about Citizen Corps funding opportunities, and whether the monies available for Amateur Radio via Citizen Corps and those for cities and towns for CERT were one-in-the-same.

Mike Ardai, N1IST reported on his recent listserv activities.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

From the Section Traffic Manager

Jim Ward, N1LKJHello to all. I want to bring to your attention some of what’s going on with the Traffic Nets.

First off, we want to welcome N1OTC back to the Net’s. Jack Boles underwent Heart surgery in December which was very successful. Jack is now back up and running again on the phone and CW Nets. It is good news.

We also want to welcome KC1ML Mark Loring to the Traffic Nets. Mark has been on the local VHF Nets and just recently joined the CW Nets under the tutelage of Marcia KW1U and Jack N1OTC.

We also welcome Marino Coppoleti N1PVP into the Traffic ranks. Marino will be working the CW Nets and will certainly be a welcomed there to fill a big need.

Also rejoining the Traffic Nets will be NG1A, Fred Butts a seasoned Traffic handler who
took some time off to visit Germany and move into a new house. Good to have Freddy
back. Freddy is also a member of the CW Nets and VHF Nets.

We all are aware of the problems with the Boston Repeater. The window washing equipment blocking our antenna. Since this has happened all the far out stations have not been able to get into the repeater, myself included. I have suggested to Jack N1TPU to move the net to the Waltham repeater until further notice. The Waltham repeater is having some problems too, but I think it will be better than Boston for the time being. Let us hope the winter passes quickly and things will get back to normal.


New Section Managers Train in Newington

W1AW tower and antennas
W1AW tower and antennas

Approximately 15 new Section Managers from across the United States attended a Section Manager’s Workshop September 5-7 in Newington, Connecticut. The Section Managers heard talks from Headquarters employees regarding the various services offered by the ARRL, ranging from Field Services and Training to Certification and Continuing Education to Marketing and Public Relations. The SMs also received a large quantity of useful materials and handouts.

The weekend event included time for discussions about problem-solving and informal social networking, as well as an opportunity to tour ARRL Headquarters and operate W1AW. The SM Workshop is a regular event; it is held annually in Newington, Connecticut at ARRL Headquarters.

Also attending were New England Vice Director Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF of Chelmsford, and Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI of Watertown. Temples, a three-term Section Manager, was invited by the workshop organizers to participate and to share his experiences as a veteran Section Manager.


[Photo gallery]

New Public Information Coordinator: Jim Duarte, N1IV

K9HI writes:

Jim Duarte, N1IV“I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Duarte, N1IV to serve as the E.MA. Public Information Coordinator. Jim is a member of the Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC and is their Public Relations Manager. He has held the position of ARRL Public Information Officer for the Attleboro area for about two years. Jim is also involved with the Sturdy ARES group and SKYWARN as well as Plainville EMA/RACES. His other interests include computer graphics, woodworking and golf!

“Jim has a small, home based graphic design business and has developed a successful marketing campaign for the Sturdy club. He also designed and maintains their web site. “Jim’s background in business marketing and promotion combined with his interest in ham radio have helped him with his public relations duties. N1IV looks forward to promoting our hobby, helping grow our membership and working with the section staff. He also looks forward to working closely with the section P.I.O. and PR Managers.

“Please join me in welcoming Jim Duarte, N1IV to this important leadership position.”

SGL Site On-line

Massachusetts State HouseA new web site has been added under the family of web sites. Thanks to Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI, MA’s State Government Liaison, PRB-1 type material and other content has been placed under

This site’s reference material has already been utilized by one other non-MA group that is currently attempting to pass PRB-1 type legislation in their state.

[The MA State Government Liaison appointment is a “dual appointment” for both the EMA and WMA ARRL sections.]

EMA Public Information Coordinator Resigns

ARRL bannerI received communication earlier this week from Ed Hennessy, N1PBA in which he tendered his resignation as the Eastern Mass. Public Information Coordinator. It is with regret that I accept Ed’s resignation. Ed and I go back many years to the time that he served faithfully as chair of the PR committee when I was president of the Boston ARC. I’ll miss Ed’s counsel in the public information realm.

Quoting from Ed’s letter:

“I have been honored to serve in this section with a great group of radio amateurs who have worked and continue to work hard to promote amateur radio within and beyond Eastern Massachusetts. I intend to stay active in amateur radio as much as possible, and it is my hope that in the future, should my situation allow, that I would again be considered for section appointments.”

On behalf of the EMA ARRL staff, I want to express my sincere thanks to Ed for all of his fine years of work in the PIC role.

Ed’s term as PIC will end on March 1, 2003.


Phil Temples, K9HI

Mark, KB1EKN Appointed Metro DEC

I am very pleased to announced that Mark, KB1EKN, has accepted the appointment as DEC for the Metro District, which incorporates the City of Boston and the surrounding metropolitan area. Mark brings experience, impeccable qualifications and a strong positive leadership style to the position. Please join me in welcoming Mark to this important position, and wishing him the best in his endeavors. Mark relieves Bill, N1VUX, a long time veteran of the ARES program, who tendered his resignation citing personal and job related reasons.Bill contributed a great deal in his over 8 years of service to the ARES program. He wrote most of the material for our workshop, and was invited to contribute to what was to become the League ECC Level One course. Among other contribrutions, Bill also hosted the venerable monthly ARES net on the MMRA network, which he began more than 6 years ago. Please join me in thanking Bill for his long dedication to our program.

Bill, N1QPR, New EC Appointment

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Northup, N1QPR, as an ARES Emergency Coordinator (EC). Bill will provide direct liaison between ARES and the Minute Man Repeater Association (MMRA), which provides significant support to the RACES and ARES programs.As most of you know, the MMRA provides significant repeater coverage to north and central EMa when their system is linked.

Please join me in welcoming Bill to the ARES leadership. 73,

Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN
Section Emergency Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts Section
Pager: 1-800-759-8888 PIN 1155084
Admin: w1mpn (symbol for at)
978-562-5662 Primary/Voice Mail
978-389-0558 FAX/ EFax Voice Mail

New Middlesex DEC, Steve Telsey, N1BDA

It is my distinct pleasure to announce the appointment of Steven Telsey, N1BDA to the position of District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) of the Middlesex District of the Eastern Massachusetts Section.The Middlesex District comprises most of Middlesex County, except those portions inside of Rt. 128 (I-95) that are part of the Metro Boston District. The Middlesex District contains RACES Sectors 1B, 1C, and 1D. Steve also accepted an appointment as EC to Concord, MA.

Steve is a very talented individual and enthusiastic Ham Radio Operator. Steve has completed all three ARRL Emergency Communication Courses, and he is also both Emergency Communication Certification Instructor and Examiner, for those course offerings. Steve has notable credentials as an ARES member, participating in ARES exercises and public service events, as well as an active SKYWARN observer and net controller. He is the Concord RACES officer, and has been instrumental in setting up the EOC and equipping it. Steve is a member of three important regional clubs, and contributed to each of the clubs’ emergency communication programs. N1BDA has other notable accomplishments that are highlighted by pressing the link with his name to the left under “ARES Leadership Staff”.

Please join me in welcoming Steve to the ARES Leadership.

New EC Appointments in EMa

The Eastern Massachusetts ARES leadership would like to welcome the following Emergency Coordinator (EC) appointments into the Eastern Massachusetts section.

Carl Aveni, N1FY, Brockton and Bridgewater EC
John Benson, N1FLO, EC to the Sturdy EmComm Team, and
Darrel Mallory, K1EJ, EC based in ChelmsfordCarl Aveni, N1FY, has been appointed as the ARES Emergency Coordinator for the Bridgewater-Brockton area. Carl brings years of Emergency Communication and Public Service experience to the Eastern Massachusetts ARES program. Carl is an Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator and was first licensed in 1988. Carl is a member of the Massasoit, Marconi and Boston Amateur Radio Clubs and is a psuedo member of the Whitman Amateur Radio Club. Carl serves on the NWS Taunton Board of Directors where he is also a NWS Taunton Operator. Carl has been doing NWS Taunton Operations as a member of South Shore SKYWARN, acting as an alternate single point of contact for SKYWARN NWS operations when needed and has been one of the primary NWS Taunton Operators since 1996. Carl has assisted in numerous SKYWARN Activations including staying all night for activation for Tropical Storm Floyd and assisted in numerous large scale Severe Weather Outbreaks across the region.

Carl has worked diligently with the Bridgewater Emergency Management Director to build a team of ARES and RACES operators for the town of Bridgewater and is the Communications Officer for the town of Bridgewater. Carl established a strong bond between the Massasoit Amateur Radio Club and the town of Bridgewater. Carl has also been named the Disaster/Ham Radio liaison for the Brockton Veterans Administration Medical Clinic (VAMC) where Carl is professionally employed as a clinical social worker in the Acute Psychiatry Unit for 35 years.

Carl and his team have participated in numerous Eastern Massachusetts ARES drills. Carl was the first person to have a team of trained Emergency Communicators ready to deploy to NYC for the September 11th terrorist attacks. Carl also assisted in emergency communications efforts for Y2K for the Brockton VA Hospital. The Eastern Massachusetts ARES staff is proud of Carl’s accomplishments and leadership skills and we have recognized Carl with the appointment of Emergency Coordinator for the Brockton-Bridgewater area of Northern Plymouth County Massachusetts.

John Benson, N1FLO, has been appointed as the ARES Emergency Coordinator for the Sturdy Memorial EMCOMM (Emergency Communication) team, which is a team based out of the Sturdy Memorial Amateur Radio Club in Attleboro Massachusetts. John received his technician license in 1988. In 1990, John became involved in the National Traffic System (NTS) and as an Official Relay Station (ORS). John later became the net manager of the Heavy Hitters Traffic Net (HHTN). In 1992, John became the net manager of the EMRI CW Net and at the same time, became active in the Navy/Marine Corps MARS program.

After a 4-year hiatus from active public service Amateur Radio roles from 1997-2001 to spend additional time with his family, a few members of the Sturdy Memorial Amateur Radio Club began working John and put together an Emergency Communication team. John trained members on NTS traffic, traffic handling and became the team leader for the Sturdy Memorial EMCOMM team. John and his team have done two drills, including one that they designed themselves and critiqued on their own. The second drill was done in concert with Eastern Massachusetts ARES last November where they did their first ever SKYWARN mock activation and it was highly successful. It included a field operation with an outdoor EOC setup and people doing mock damage assessments in the area. John’s team assisted with coordinating an Emergency Communications Workshop working with Eastern Massachusetts ARES. John has team members that lead effectively when he is unable to participate and this exemplifies John’s strong delegation of leadership when needed.

John has meetings often with his team and the team is very active Emergency Communications team. John has offered the 147.195-Attleboro Repeater for ARES-SKYWARN Activations and that repeater will be utilized as needed for both SKYWARN and ARES purposes. The Eastern Massachusetts ARES staff is proud of John’s accomplishments and leadership skills and we have recognized John with the appointment of Emergency Coordinator for the Sturdy Memorial EMCOMM team in the Attleboro area of Northern Bristol County Massachusetts.

Carl Aveni, N1FY, and John Benson, N1FLO, will report to Rob Macedo, KD1CY, who is the ARES District Emergency Coordinator for Bristol and Plymouth Counties and is the ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Taunton. Congratulations to Carl Aveni, N1FY and John Benson, N1FLO, on their Emergency Coordinator appointments.

DARREL came to Amateur radio in 1996 after taking classes given by the local VEC. Darrel passed the tech plus requirements and was granted N1YDJ. After passing the general, advanced requirements, he earned the Amateur Extra in April 2000. Darrel is a VE since August 2001. Darrel applied for and received his present vanity call K1EJ. After visiting the Trade Center on Labor Day 2001 and then seeing the aftermath a week later, it became evident that emergencies were possible. Darrel started talking up the ARRL course at club meetings and completed the three levels within a year. He is a Certified Instructor and Examiner by the ARRL and has tested peers in the course. Darrel will use his knowledge to teach other members of his team and to certify them in Emergency Communications. Darrel is a member of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society and the Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford. Diversification is important to keep abreast of community work and to have increased resources. Darrel is a net control for PART training net. Darrel also enjoys growing bonsai and working on midi music, building antennas. (Contributed by K1EJ)

Darrel will report to SEC, Mike, W1MPN, for administrative matters, and Ed, N1VSJ during emergencies. Congratulations to Darrel, K1EJ for his appointment!

VRC Field Organization Recommendations

ARRL FlagHello Section Managers,

The ARRL Volunteer Resources Committee asked me to forward the following message. Best wishes to you for this Holiday Season.

Steve, WV1X

[more] To: ARRL Section Managers
From: VRC

During the past 12 months, the Volunteer Resources Committee has held many discussions about emergency communications and traffic handling. These discussions included the review of excellent responses to questionnaires, forwarded by Steve Ewald, from Section Managers, their Field appointees and from NTS officials. At a VRC meeting in early November the committee’s discussion continually returned to the following: professionalism, reliability, discipline, skills, training. The VRC concluded with the following recommendations:

* SMs develop in their Field volunteers at all levels increased professionalism so as to meet more effectively the needs of served agencies

* SECs and STMs, earn Level 1, 2, and 3 certification as soon as possible

* DECs and NMs earn at least Level 1 and 2 certification as soon as possible

* ECs and OES appointees earn at least Level l certification as soon as possible

* SECs, and STMs strongly encourage all ARES and NTS members to earn Level l certification in order to prepare them for possible future disasters and in order to prepare them to become future leadership officials.

* SECs make effective use of OES appointees — the guidelines for this Field appointment are left somewhat open to allow the SEC flexibility in order to meet the needs of the particular Section

* SMs, in collaboration with their SECs and STMs, should be encouraged to study, on a continuing basis, the training needs of their Sections and the effectiveness of training programs in place, in order to heighten the state of readiness of Amateur communicators within their Sections.

73 and best Season’s Greetings
From the VRC