Window Closing on July 15, 2019 Volunteer Monitor Program Applications

From ARRLWeb:

As of the close of business on Monday, July 15, applications for the new Volunteer Monitor Program no longer will be accepted. Some 250 applications have been submitted to fill approximately 150 Volunteer Monitor (VM) positions in the program, which is succeeding the Official Observer (OO) program. Retired FCC special counsel and former Atlantic Division Vice Director Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, is overseeing ARRL’s role in the development and implementation of the program, and he has been interviewing every applicant. Those not selected as VMs will be placed in a reserve pool. Current OOs were invited to apply for appointments. [Full story]

ARRL Field Day is This Weekend

Tom Walsh, K1TW, writes on the ARRL Members Only list:

ARRL Field Day  weekend

ARRL Field Day represents the very best of the Amateur Radio service. 
Join your local club or other local operation for ARRL Field Day weekend
on June 22-23, 2019.  

EMA Field Day Directory

Has your club provided complete information for this year’s EMA Field
Day Directory?  If not please send the details to Bill Ricker, N1VUX, at 

View the Directory to find operations near you or anywhere in our
section by visiting 

“Triple Play:”   MA Hams Receive Amateur Radio Proclamations,
Resolutions from House, Senate, and Governor

Massachusetts ARRL staff received copies of proclamations and
resolutions congratulating the Amateur Radio community for its service
to the Commonwealth, and for the upcoming annual Field Day exercise June
22-23, 2019. 

The Massachusetts House of Representatives document “offers its
sincerest congratulations to the American Radio Relay League in
recognition of The ARRL Field Day and the Tireless Work of Amateur Radio
Operators.” The document was signed by Robert A. DeLeo, Speaker of the

The Massachusetts State Senate weighed in with a resolution, adopted May
9, 2019. “[The Senate] extends its appreciation to Amateur Radio
operators as they celebrate Amateur Radio Week and Field Day.” The
resolution was signed by Senate President Karen E. Spilka and Michael D.
Hurley, Senate Clerk. It was offered by Senator Bruce E. Tarr (N1UIU),
who represents the 1st Essex and Middlesex District.

The Governor’s Office issued a proclamation proclaiming June 22, 2019
to be “Amateur Radio Day” in the Commonwealth. The proclamation was
signed by His Excellency Charles D. Baker, Governor of the Commonwealth,
Karyn E. Polito, Lt. Governor of the Commonwealth, and William Francis
Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Our ARRL section MA State Government Liaison, Hank McCarl, W4RIG, was
instrumental in securing the three documents.  

You can view all three documents at

Section Manager visits

Traditionally EMA ARRL section staff visit as many FD sites as feasible
during the weekend.  This year K1TW (Section Manager) and K9HI
(Assistant Section Manager) will travel to several clubs in Plymouth,
Bristol and Barnstable counties.  Time permitting, we may add further
visits.  We will be bringing the state government documents along for
all to see.  

Bonus for NTS message sent to Section Manger or SEC during field day

You will receive 100 bonus points if you send an NTS radiogram to either
your Section Manager (K1TW) or Section Emergency Coordinator (KD1CY). 

You should include your club’s name, number of participants, Field Day
location, and number of ARES operators involved with your operation.  

One hundred bonus points is equivalent to making 100 SSB Q’s or 50 CW
Q’s so the bonus is well worth the time to complete.  

If you have 75/80-meter capability at your Field Day site, you can
originate and easily send your message by checking into the MARIPN
(phone net on 3978 kHz) at 6 PM on Saturday or the MARI (CW net on 3565
kHz) at 7 PM on Saturday.  

Otherwise, a list of all the EMA NTS nets operating during Field Day can
be found at:

Other Bonus points 

Bonus points can make a huge difference in your club’s final score so
check out all the other bonus point possibilities in the Field Day rules

Enjoy Field Day.  Wishing everyone an enjoyable and safe Field Day
weekend.  Remember: “Safety First!”

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW

“Put Howard to Work” Operating Event Cancelled

ARRL flagFrom the ARRL Web:

Earlier this week, ARRL announced that ARRL CEO Howard Michel, WB2ITX, would be on the air at W1AW on Monday, May 13, giving ARRL members a chance to chat with the CEO and get to know him better as a ham. An issue was raised, however, that this event may pose a potential FCC rule violation.

The particular rule is §97.113: “A station is also not allowed to transmit communication in which the station licensee or control operator has a pecuniary interest, including communications on behalf of an employer.” [Full story]


ARRL Rolls Back Outgoing QSL Bureau Rates to 2011 Prices

ARRL flagvia ARRL Web:

ARRL is rolling back Outgoing QSL Bureau rates to 2011 levels. Effective May 15, 2019, the new rates will be:

  • $2 for 10 or fewer cards in one envelope.
  • $3 for 11 – 20 cards in one envelope, or
  • 75 cents per ounce for packages with 21 or more cards. For example, a package containing 1.5 pounds of cards — 24 ounces, or about 225 cards — will cost $18.

No transaction service fees.

Any cards received before May 15 will be charged the current rate. There will be no adjustments for cards received before May 15.

More information is on the ARRL website.

K1VR Presents at Nashoba Valley ARC Meeting, March 21, 2019

Bruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club’s March meeting will be Thursday, March 21st at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell).

Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, our newly-elected ARRL New England Division Director, will join us this month. Fred suggested discussing antenna zoning (his specialty) and current ARRL matters (his new job). He’s an accomplished speaker, a contester and an alumnus-affiliate of a local college radio club, so the session just might easily meander following audience interests.


Need directions? Click here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Section Manager Presentation at PART of Westford, March 19, 2019

PART of Westford logoAt the [PART of Westford] meeting next Tuesday, March 19, our speaker will be Tom Walsh, K1TW, Section Manager for the ARRL Eastern Massachusetts section.  He will explain the various activities and appointments within the section:

“My talk is focused on the ARRL Field Organization which consists of the volunteers in a section, many of which make ARES run among many other kinds of activities.  I have a volunteer staff of 11-12 who in turn manage about 100 volunteers throughout the section, many of who are PART members already.  I explain how a section is organized and how people can be involved.”

Please come with questions about ARRL activities within the section.

ARRL Leadership Talk at Billerica ARS Meeting, March 6, 2019

Billerica ARS logoThe Billerica Amateur Radio Society will feature presentations by Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Section Manager Tom Walsh, K1TW, and ARRL New England Vice Director, Mike Reisbeck, K1TWF, at its monthly meeting in Chelmsford on March 6, 2019 at 7 PM. Mike will discuss the ARRL Board of Directors meeting; Tom will describe the proposed hands-free cell bill now in the Massachusetts Legislature. Additional information and directions can be found on the club’s web site.

[This talk was rescheduled to March when a dangerous ice storm forced cancellation of the original February meeting.]

ARRL New England Director Election Results Announced

ARRL flagARRL has announced the results of contested elections for Director and Vice Director. Ballots were opened and counted on November 16 in seven contests within five ARRL Divisions.

In the New England Division Director contest,  Lincoln, MA amateur Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, edged out incumbent Tom Frenaye, K1KI, by a count of 1,432  to 1,383. 

Hopengarten will take office at noon on January 1, 2019.  


[Full story]