New England Public Service List 7/31/05

       PSLIST                                                July 31, 2005

Public Service Volunteer Opportunities in the New England Division

Listing public events at which Amateur Radio communications is providing
a public service and for which additional volunteers from the Amateur
Community are needed and welcome. Please contact the person listed to
identify how you may serve and what equipment you may need to bring.

The most up-to-date copy of this list is maintained as

**** Every event listed is looking for communications volunteers ****

Date Location Event Contact Tel/Email

Aug 13 Pittsfield MA MA Red Ribbon Ride EJ KB1LNU 413-781-1143
to Whately
Aug 14 Princeton MA MA Red Ribbon Ride EJ KB1LNU 413-781-1143
Aug 14 Stow MA MA Red Ribbon Ride EJ KB1LNU 413-781-1143
Aug 21 N.Oxford MA Ride for Kids Wayne NH6XW 508-892-3521
or 508-735-0807
Oct 8 Pepperell MA Fall Soccer Tournament John KB1HDO 978-772-5406
to 10
Oct 21 Cambridge MA Head of the Charles Regatta Jeff N1FWV
to 23

This list is published periodically as demand warrants by Stan KD1LE
and Ralph KD1SM. Our usual distribution is via packet to NEBBS, via
Internet mail to the arrl-nediv-list and ema-arrl distribution lists,
and on the World Wide Web (see URL above). If other mailing list
owners wish us to distribute via their lists we will be happy to
oblige. Permission is herewith granted to republish this list in
its entirety provided credit is given to the authors and the URL
below is included. Send comments, corrections, and updates to:

(via packet) KD1SM@K1UGM.#EMA.MA.USA,
(via Internet) KD1SM@ARRL.NET.

We make an attempt to confirm entries with the coordinator unless the
information is from another published source. We very much appreciate
the assistance we have been receiving from our 'scouts'; everyone is
welcome to send us postings.

Refer to for the most
recent version of the PSLIST.

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC Holds “August Rag Chew”

A Sturdy Memorial Hospital Amateur Radio Club member continues a summer tradition he calls the SMHARC August Rag Chew, on August 2, 2005.

“The Club does not hold meetings in the months of July and August so, a few years ago, I decided to have a gathering at my QTH just to get together and socialize,” writes Mario Veiga, WZ1K.

The Seekonk ham says that all Sturdy members are welcome, and refreshments and snacks–as well as a pool–are available.

Fox Hunting & Genealogy Combined in Bridgewater

Bridgewater fox hunters in cemetaryGeorge Davis, KC1FZ decided to do a little genealogy one Saturday morning in July. Davis was the fox and was hiding in the Scotland Cemetery located on Route 104 in Bridgewater. There he introduced the fox hunters to the final resting place of his father, Julian I. Davis (1883-1968) and his grandfather, George W. Davis (1850-1948). The first clue was when the “fox” said he was hiding near some “subterranean condominiums.”

The group conducts fox hunts every Saturday from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. The fox transmits on 146.565 MHz every five minutes for 30 seconds. Listen in from your home QTH, or mobile if you are on the road, and let the group know if you can hear the fox in your back yard. The fox hunters coordinate the start of the hunt on the Bridgewater 147.180 MHz repeater.

Photo (L-R): Bruce, NI1X; Roy, KB1CYV; and George, KC1FZ

—Thanks, Whitman ARC Spectrum, July 2005

Eastern Mass. ARES/CEMARC Chicken BBQ at SEMARA Saturday August 20th!!

Eastern Massachusetts ARES and CEMARC, the Council of Eastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Clubs is pleased to announce that the Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association will be hosting a Chicken BBQ on behalf of the two organizations. This BBQ is largely a social event for ARES members and CEMARC representatives and to express thanks to all those who have assisted Eastern Massachusetts ARES and CEMARC over the last several years. The BBQ will be Saturday August 20th, 2005 and begin at 11 AM with a 60-90 minute presentation on ARES and CEMARC accomplishments with video and audio clips from recent events. Food will be served between 12:15 and 12:30 PM. Scott Szala-W1EV, who runs activities for the SEMARA Club, will be putting together his Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Section famous Chicken BBQ, which has been the staple for lunch at past Emergency Communications Workshops done at the SEMARA Club and is the best Chicken BBQ you will ever have in the section!

Directions to the SEMARA facility can be seen at the following link:

Pre-registration is required for this event and it will be limited to roughly 50 people due to the capacity of the SEMARA facility. To pre-register, please contact the following:

Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Section Manager:
W1MPN-Mike Neilsen Email:

Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator:
KD1CY-Rob Macedo Email:

Looking forward to seeing many of you at the SEMARA Club Saturday August 20th, 2005!
Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Advanced Emergency Communications Workshop Saturday August 13th!!

There will be an Advanced Emergency Communications Workshop on Saturday August 13th, 2005 from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM at the Sturdy Memorial Hospital Rice Webb Auditorium in Attleboro, Massachusetts. This session is being put on by the ARES Section Staff, and the Sturdy Memorial Amateur Radio Club in conjunction with its ARES Emergency Response Team.

This Advanced Emergency Communications Workshop will provide additional background in advanced emergency communication topics that will build on our
general level emergency communications workshop course. Those who have not attended our general level emergency communications workshop course may attend this advanced workshop but must understand that many of the basic topics that are covered in our general level course will not be covered in this specific workshop.

Please bring an HT to the workshop as it may be utilized during the workshop.

Topics for this advanced workshop include the following:

Emergency Communication Applications of Voice Over IP Technology
Amateur Radio Digital Communications and Applications for Emergency Communications
How to Be a Participant and How to Be Net Control for a NTS Traffic Net
How to Deploy, Setup and Operate at an Existing EOC When Asked to Deploy How to Deploy, Setup and Operate at a shelter or similar place of deployment

This training will also feature morning refreshments and lunch at no coerced charge to participants in the workshop, however, donations for lunch from participants would be helpful.

The Emergency Communications presentations will be given by other Amateur Operators well versed in the topics listed above. The training will be a worthwhile endeavor not just for emergency communicators but for anyone who is an amateur radio operator, and wants to
learn more about the hobby.

Preregistration is required for this workshop so that the club can assure enough food is provided so please decide as soon as possible if you would like to attend this workshop.

Directions to the facility can be obtained via the following link:

For any additional information and to preregister for the workshop, please contact:

N1FLO, John Benson by email
KD1CY, Rob Macedo by email
Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

New England Public Service List 7/19/05

       PSLIST                                                July 19, 2005

Public Service Volunteer Opportunities in the New England Division

Listing public events at which Amateur Radio communications is providing
a public service and for which additional volunteers from the Amateur
Community are needed and welcome. Please contact the person listed to
identify how you may serve and what equipment you may need to bring.

The most up-to-date copy of this list is maintained as

**** Every event listed is looking for communications volunteers ****

Date Location Event Contact Tel/Email

Aug 21 N.Oxford MA Ride for Kids Wayne NH6XW 508-892-3521
or 508-735-0807
Oct 8 Pepperell MA Fall Soccer Tournament John KB1HDO 978-772-5406
to 10
Oct 21 Cambridge MA Head of the Charles Regatta Jeff N1FWV
to 23

This list is published periodically as demand warrants by Stan KD1LE
and Ralph KD1SM. Our usual distribution is via packet to NEBBS, via
Internet mail to the arrl-nediv-list and ema-arrl distribution lists,
and on the World Wide Web (see URL above). If other mailing list
owners wish us to distribute via their lists we will be happy to
oblige. Permission is herewith granted to republish this list in
its entirety provided credit is given to the authors and the URL
below is included. Send comments, corrections, and updates to:

(via packet) KD1SM@K1UGM.#EMA.MA.USA,
(via Internet) KD1SM@ARRL.NET.

We make an attempt to confirm entries with the coordinator unless the
information is from another published source. We very much appreciate
the assistance we have been receiving from our 'scouts'; everyone is
welcome to send us postings.

Refer to for the most
recent version of the PSLIST.

KY1N List of New England Volunteer Exams

                         The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date Time Contact Location Phone
07/18/05 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
07/18/05 19:00 Richard Strycharz Jr, KD1XP Sunderland MA 413-665-2211
07/19/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
07/20/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
07/20/05 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
07/21/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-339-1089
07/21/05 18:30 John Ruggiero, N2YHK Worcester MA 508-982-0617
07/22/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
07/23/05 12:00 +Warren Hartman, W1LN Danvers MA 978-927-1015
07/23/05 09:00 Tom Senerchia, KA1VAY West Warwick RI 401-822-2592
07/27/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
07/30/05 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
07/30/05 15:00 George Rinalducci, KB1KBC Greenland NH 603-474-516608/06/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
08/07/05 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
08/07/05 12:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Scituate RI 401-263-6045
08/09/05 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
08/11/05 17:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
08/11/05 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-231-6045
08/11/05 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
08/12/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
08/13/05 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
08/13/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
08/13/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
08/13/05 09:30 Dick Finn, WA1VUU Stamford CT 203-323-0982
08/14/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
08/15/05 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
08/16/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
08/17/05 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
08/18/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-339-1089
08/22/05 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
08/24/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
08/24/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
08/26/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
08/27/05 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
08/27/05 12:00 +Warren Hartman, W1LN Danvers MA 978-927-1015
08/27/05 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
09/08/05 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-231-6045
09/08/05 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
09/09/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
09/10/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
09/10/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
09/10/05 12:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
09/10/05 12:30 Bill Crowley, K1NIT Windsor ME 207-623-9075
09/11/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
09/11/05 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
09/12/05 19:00 Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ Brookline MA 617-527-2968
09/13/05 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
09/14/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
09/15/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-668-0858
09/17/05 09:00 Mike Breckinridge, N1JXP Alexander ME 207-454-8571
09/17/05 11:30 Frank Sileo, N1PE Brookfield CT 203-438-0218
09/17/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
09/17/05 08:45 Conrad Ekstrom, WB1GXM Newport NH 603-543-1389
09/17/05 09:00 Bruce Howes, W1UJR South Portland ME 207-828-0248
09/19/05 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
09/20/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
09/21/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
09/21/05 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
09/23/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
09/24/05 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
09/24/05 12:00 +Warren Hartman, W1LN Danvers MA 978-927-1015
09/24/05 09:00 Jack P Garforth, N1JK Middletown RI 401-683-2250
09/24/05 09:00 Norm Smith, NY1B Rockland ME 207-354-6853
09/24/05 09:00 Tom Senerchia, KA1VAY West Warwick RI 401-822-2592
09/28/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
10/01/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
10/02/05 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
10/08/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
10/08/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
10/08/05 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Hopkinton NH 603-672-4035
10/08/05 12:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
10/08/05 10:10 Donald R Smith, AE1Q Winslow ME 207-495-3891
10/09/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
10/10/05 19:00 Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ Brookline MA 617-527-2968
10/11/05 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
10/12/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
10/13/05 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-231-6045
10/13/05 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
10/14/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
10/15/05 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
10/15/05 10:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Bath ME 207-799-1116
10/15/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
10/17/05 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
10/17/05 19:00 Richard Strycharz Jr, KD1XP Sunderland MA 413-665-2211
10/18/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
10/18/05 18:30 Wilburn A Scott, WA1YNZ Presque Isle ME 207-455-8333
10/19/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
10/19/05 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
10/20/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-668-0858
10/22/05 12:00 +Warren Hartman, W1LN Danvers MA 978-927-1015
10/26/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
10/28/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-575-2950
10/29/05 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-869-1059
10/29/05 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
11/05/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
11/06/05 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
11/08/05 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
11/09/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
11/10/05 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-231-6045
11/10/05 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
11/11/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
11/12/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
11/12/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
11/12/05 12:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
11/12/05 09:30 Dick Finn, WA1VUU Stamford CT 203-323-0982
11/13/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
11/14/05 19:00 Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ Brookline MA 617-527-2968
11/15/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
11/16/05 17:30 Donald R Smith, AE1Q Augusta ME 207-495-3891
11/17/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-668-0858
11/19/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
11/19/05 09:00 Bruce Howes, W1UJR South Portland ME 207-828-0248
11/23/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
11/23/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
11/25/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
11/26/05 12:00 +Warren Hartman, W1LN Danvers MA 978-927-1015
12/03/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
12/03/05 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-672-4035
12/08/05 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-231-6045
12/09/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
12/10/05 09:00 Don Tarbet, KD1XU Bangor ME 207-327-1453
12/10/05 10:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Bath ME 207-799-1116
12/10/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
12/10/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
12/11/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
12/12/05 19:00 Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ Brookline MA 617-527-2968
12/14/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
12/15/05 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-668-0858
12/17/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
12/20/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
12/21/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
12/23/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
12/24/05 12:00 +Warren Hartman, W1LN Danvers MA 978-927-1015
12/28/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
12/31/05 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
01/07/06 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
01/08/06 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
01/09/06 19:00 Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ Brookline MA 617-527-2968
01/11/06 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
01/12/06 19:00 Louis Mester, W1CH Providence RI 401-263-6045
01/13/06 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
01/14/06 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
01/14/06 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
01/18/06 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
01/19/06 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-944-9244

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2005 test session fee of $14.00
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-672-4035,
via email at

Assistance For Boston’s 375th Birthday Ride 9/25

Boston ARC logoThe Boston Amateur Radio Club has been called upon to provide communications assistance for the Boston Bike Festival on September 25, 2005.

“We’ve been asked by the Mayor’s office to help out in a bicycle ride,” says Boston ARC’s Public Service chair Bob Salow, WA1IDA. “It is a major part of the (not well known) celebration of the 375th anniversary year of the founding of the City of Boston.”

Salow adds that the event is actually a series of bicycle rides conducted entirely in the city. “It represents an opportunity for us and ham radio to serve the community directly and be noticed.”

Event participants will interface with police, EMS, the administration, the media and the public. “It’s a great chance to show our stuff,” notes Salow.

Interested persons are urged to contact Bob Salow at or 508.650.9440.

—Boston ARC The SPARC, July 2005

USS Massachusetts QRV For Museum Ships Special Event July 16-17

USS MassachusettsJohn Morris, W2EUA writes on BCRA-Club List:

There are plans for an event station on the USS Massachusetts this weekend [in] the Museum Ships Special Event. N1EPL is the call sign of the USS Massachusetts Radio Association.

[The Museum Ships Special Event is scheduled for July 16, 2005 from 0001Z through July 17 to 2359Z. For more information, visit]

New England Flea Markets July 1, 2005

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2005 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2005 Contact Source
9 July Union ME PBARC @ComCtr Rt17+131 $5@8 $3/T@7 Scott KB1ESW 207 354 6809

9 July Charlottetown PEI SPARC @Flying Assoc $5@8 $3@10 Rodney VY2CGA W+

16 July Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $2@9 @StStan's Marty 603 938 5051 F

17 July Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

13 Aug St Albans ME PARC @SnomobileCLB rt152 $5@8 George WA1JMM 207 965 8864 F+

21 August Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

10 Sept BallstonSpa NY SCRACES fri6P $5+5/T+15cmp Darlene N2XQG 518 587 2385

10 Sept Windsor CT VintgeR Museum @6AM @115 Pierson Ln John 860 673 0518 W

10 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG Rt32 Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075 A+

17 Sept Alexander ME SCVARC Skip KB1HCX 207 454 2156 A

17 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW rt146 8A flea+auct Rick K1KYI 401 725 7507

18 Sept Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

18 Sept Newtown CT CARA @Town Hall Bill N1PJG 203 798 2831 A

24 Sept Drummondville PQ CRdeD $5@9 $15@7 Jacques VE2WJG 819 478 2847 W+

25 Sept Bethpage NY LIMARC Rick K2RB 516 526 6975 A

2 Oct Queens NY HoSARC @9A Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W

7,8 Oct Hopkinton NH HossTraders @FG x7 I89 Joe K1RQG 207 469 3492 W

8 Oct Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $2@9 @StStan's Marty 603 938 5051 F

8 Oct Lake Placid NY NNYARA $5+$10/T FriSetup Thomas WB2KLD 518 827 4852

9 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv $20/sp $7@9 John N1GNV 203 440 4468 W+

15 Oct Kingston NS GARC @GreenwoodComm Ctr $3@10 Guy VE1NC 902 825 6151 R
LAST UPDATE 7-1-05 de W1GSL P 1 of 2
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail d twice a month - look for the latest version
Source F= Flyer T= tentative early info + = new info this month
A= ARRL R= RAC list W= web WR NV CQ QST = Mags
This list has been compiled from many sources. While we believe the info to
be accurate the author can not be responsible for changes or errors.
Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details. This list will be
posted monthly to USENET. Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail - SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2005 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2005 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2006 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 7-1-05 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2005 W1GSL SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

This list has been posted... as a service of the individual home page
owners, to the following WWW sites.

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2005 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC

Adams MA N BerkshireARC

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv

Framingham MA FARA

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA

Whately MA FranklinCARC

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf

Newington CT NARL

Southington CT SARA

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus

Lewiston ME AARC +

Portland ME PAWA

Henniker NH CVRC

Bergen NJ BARA

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES

Long Island NY LIMARC

Massapequa NY GSB ARA

Queens NY Hall of Science

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA

Rochester NY AWA

Rochester NY RARA

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC

Milton VT RANV VT Conv

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD

Montreal PQ MARC

Montreal PQ WIARC

Montreal PQ MS-SARC

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T

Summerside PEI SPARC +

St Therese PQ CRALL

Halafax NS HARC

Canada RAC List

Phila. Area VARA List


Amateurs Needed For Mt. Washington Hill Climb, July 9-10, 2005

Mt. Washington Vintage Hill Climb logoAdditional Amateur Radio operators are needed for the Mt. Washington Vintage Hill Climb, July 9-10 in New Hampshire.

“We expect an exciting car turnout and are doing everything that we can to make this an enjoyable event,” writes the coordinator. “We want to be able to start everyone up the mountain about 7:00 AM both days so that, with the inevitable delays and last minute adjustments we are ready to go before 8:00 AM.”

The event will secure just after 11:30 AM on both days. “You should be off of the mountain by 12:00 noon. There is a car show and, on Sunday there will be an awards program. And, of course, you will be able to drive your own car to the top in the afternoon.”

The schedule of events are as follows:

Friday: BBQ in the Stage House starting at 5:30 PM
Saturday Meeting/Breakfast at 6:30 AM
Sunday Meeting Breakfast at 6:30 AM
Additional activities – TBA

If you are interested in participating, please contact Steve Chisholm or Jean Petryshyn at (860) 536-3196 between the hours of 6-9 PM.

—Thanks, N1HTS

Boxboro: “Not ’til Next Year”

Boxboro logoListings in the July QST “Hamfest Calendar” (pp. 93-95) contained incorrect information, including an erroneous entry for a 2005 Boxboro New England Division ARRL convention! This has caused confusion among some League members in Eastern MA and elsewhere.

New England Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI writes, “A story about the errors was published on the ARRL web site last Wednesday.” He adds that the August QST will be out in mid-July with the corrected listings.

Whitman Team Participates in Hurricane Drill

Whitman CERT membersMembers of Whitman’s Emergency Management Agency took part in a hurricane drill in the Commonwealth on June 19. Among those volunteering were Bill Hayden, N1FRE, and Emergency Management Agency Director Bob Schmitt. In addition, four members of the Whitman Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) assisted at the event by plotting the course of hurricane “Yolanda” and assessing the situation.

The CERT members are currently studying to earn their Amateur Radio licenses.

[Photo: L-R: Erika La Flamme, Skip O’Mally, Jean Duncan and Bob Schmitt]

—Thanks, Whitman ARC Spectrum June, 2005

Taunton Ham Assists NWS During Pacific Hurricane

WP4US at Taunton EOCCarlos Wharton, WP4US assisted the National Weather Service in Taunton when a hurricane struck the Pacific coast of El Salvador earlier this month. NWS SKYWARN Coordinator and Eastern MA Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY contacted Wharton and asked if he could obtain information or reports from the affected area via EchoLink. WP4US contacted a Spanish net in El Salvador and provided Spanish translations for NWS personnel.

[photo: WP4US operating the Echolink station from the Taunton Emergency Operations Center.]

—Thanks, Whitman ARC Spectrum, June 2005

WB1HGA Operates From Gay Head Light House

Gay Head Light HouseThe Gay Head Light House on Martha’s Vineyard was activated on May 5-7, 2005 by Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association member Ron Silvia, WB1HGA. Silvia traveled to the island by ferry from his home in Fall River, MA. Silvia set up three separate stations, including VHF/UHF operation and fast scan Amateur TV in his camper. His visit to Gay Head Light coincided with the 2005 New England QSO Party.

“We did as well as expected despite some lost antennas,” writes Silvia, who had to contend with “gusts of near hurricane force winds and driving rain.”

WB1HGA hopes that “it’s nice and warm” when he returns next year.

—Thanks, SEMARA Zero Beat, July 2005

KB1EKN Sworn In As “The Chief”

KB1EKN sworn in as fire chiefMark Duff, KB1EKN was sworn in by town officials as the new Fire Chief of the Hingham Department of Fire and Rescue Services on June 23.

Duff, who had served as Deputy Fire Chief, is Hingham’s Emergency Management Director. The life-long resident of Hingham also serves as Chairman of Hingham’s Emergency Planning Committee. KB1EKN is ARRL Assistant Section Manager for Eastern MA.

[Mark Duff, KB1EKN is sworn in by Hingham Town Clerk Eileen McCracken. Center: Geri Duff, KB1ISG. Photo courtesy W1MPN]

Police Amateur Radio Team Votes to Support High School Ham Project

Police ART of Westford logoThe Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford has voted to support a ham radio project in the Chelmsford High School, according to PART’s Arthur “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM. “A unanimous vote was taken at the June PART meeting to support the project with a $200 donation, writes Budinger. “The funds will be used to purchase a ‘classroom bookshelf’ of ARRL publications related to wireless communications. In addition, it establishes PART as the sponsoring ham radio club for this activity.”

The request was presented to the club by KB1LD and KB1LQC. In addition, Dave Steeves, KB1MKW, a physics teacher at the school also spoke of the project. Steeves, a newly-licensed amateur, sees ham radio as a great classroom teaching tool. Steeves intends to apply for Chelmsford High School to be a pilot school under the ARRL’s Big Project. One prerequisite of a successful pilot school project is the willingness of local ham radio volunteers to provide technical assistance to the teacher and students.

“This is an excellent way to give young people a greater appreciation of ham radio,” comments Budinger. In writing to the PART membership, WA1QYM adds, “I fully support this project and hope that the rest of you will do the same. I suspect in the following months we will be called upon for some support in the form of equipment or technical knowledge.”