Field Day Safety Resources

Bill Ricker, N1VUX writes:

The EMA Section Field Day Directory continues to receive donations of safety resources. All Field Day participants owe it to their loved ones and fellow club members to review the documents on avoiding Heat Stroke (from Kentucky ARRL), Lightning Safety (From NWS, another posted daily all week thru Thursday), Rob’s 2004 Skywarn note, and KC1US’s Safety Officer description.

Of course, the FD Directory also has maps and directions for all 23 club sites in EMA (counting two on Worcester border), and plans of the touring Section Leadership, and hints on scoring points while practicing your ARES and NTS skills.

(And for our friends in WMA, the Class A and F stations from FD2004 are plotted on a bonus map, )

Good luck in the /c/o/n/t/e/s/t/ Operating Event

and be Safe,

73 de Bill N1VUX


Flea At MIT Scores National Publicity–Again

MIT Swapfest signFor the second time in less than a month, the MIT Flea Market has attracted publicity in a major media outlet. Today’s Boston Globe ran an AP story entitled “‘Flea at MIT’ draws nerdy”. also carried an on-line version of the article. (Free registration required to view.)

As with the May 25 Wired On-line’s story, “Hamming It Up At Radio Meets,” the AP item also stressed the “Nerd” factor. Steve Finberg, W1GSL, who started the Flea at MIT 21 years ago is quoted several times in the article.

The Flea at MIT is sponsored by the Harvard Wirless Club, the MIT Electronics Research Society, the MIT UHF Repeater Association, and the MIT Radio Society.

[See also: Showcases Amateur Radio, MIT Flea] [The same AP story was picked up by on June 24, 2005, entitled Nerds unite at MIT Swapfest. -k9hi]

Massachusetts RACES Net/Eastern Mass. ARES Net Moved to 2nd Monday in July

Due to the 4th of July holiday falling on a Monday this year, the Massachusetts RACES Nets will take place at their regular times but on the 2nd Monday of July or Monday July 11th, 2005. Therefore, the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net will also move to Monday July 11th, 2005 at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater System. Don’t miss a night to take care of participating in your Emergency Communications duties by checking into the RACES and ARES Nets. Once again, the Massachusetts RACES Nets has been moved to Monday July 11th, 2005 and the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net has been moved to Monday July 11th, 2005 at 8:30 PM due to the 4th of July falling on a Monday this year. Thanks to all and hope to hear everyone on the nets!Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Massasoit ARA Members “Pull Double Duty” In Public Service Events

Members of the Massasoit Amateur Radio Association faced a conflict in supporting both Operation Atlas from the Bridgewater Emergency Operations Center (rescheduled to June 4, 2005) and the 10k Road Race at Camp Yomechas in Middleboro. Fortunately there were enough members available to support both events, with W1GMF, N1PYN and N1LHD pulling a shift at both locations. —MARANews, June 2005

Photo #1 (l-r): N1LHD, W1GMF, N1LCY; Photo #2: N1XTB, KD1CY; Photo #3: the Camp Yomechas Crew: NI1X, W1GMF, N1lHD, N1NVV, N1LCY, N1PYN. Photos courtesy KB1CYV and NI1X

Massassoit ARA members, June 4, photo 1Massassoit ARA members, June 4, photo 2Massassoit ARA members, June 4, photo 3

Field Day Safety Practices

Bruce Pigott, KC1US writes:

“Between tower raising, generator fueling and late night wanders around the site, being at Field Day can be dangerous. One person should be on the look out for hazardous situations.

“Here are some notes from having been responsible […] at the Wellesley Amateur Radio Society and […] also some observations at other sites…”

W1AA To Activate Boston Light, Graves Light, June 18

W1AA/Boston LightN1DT and K1VV will activate two historic lighthouses–Boston Light and Graves Light–as W1AA on Saturday, June 18, 2005 from 11:00 UTC (7:00 AM EDT) until 19:00 UTC (3:00 PM EDT), according to Robert “Whitey” Doherty, K1VV.

Look for W1AA on 40 and 20 meters CW and SSB on:

CW 7035.0 14035.0
SSB 7270.0 14270.0

Frequencies are kHz, plus or minus QRM. CW will commence on the half hour.

“We will be operating from Fort Revere in Hull, Massachusetts–elevation 120 feet above sea level–overlooking Boston Harbor and the islands,” writes K1VV.

Doherty invites interested parties to “drop by and take a turn at the key or mike.” They will be operating a mobile packet station so they can “spot” themselves on the worldwide DX packet cluster.

DX QSLs are via the W1 bureau, while stateside are via W1AA callbook address; self-addressed, stamped envelopes are requested. A color photo QSL of both of the light houses will be furnished.

For more information about Amateur Radio Lighthouse operations, visit the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society’s web site at

North Shore RA Public Service Events

NSRA logoThe North Shore Radio Association is conducting several public service communications events this summer and is seeking volunteers:

* 7/3/05, 1700-1900 ET – Horribles Parade, Gloucester, MA

* 7/4/05, 0900-1200 ET – July 4th Parade, Manchester by the Sea, MA

* 7/16/05 – Blackburn Challenge, Gloucester, MA (Rowing Race around Cape Ann)

* 7/24/05 – Bike Ride from Lynn, MA to Gloucester, MA (for a Cancer Charity)

Contact Eric Horwitz, KA1NCF at to volunteer.


Boston ARC Volunteer Exam Summer Schedule

Boston ARC VE team membersThe Boston Amateur Radio Club Volunteer Exam team has announced changes in its summer schedule. Due to renovations at the Pierce School in Brookline, the team will suspend test sessions over the summer months.

According to BARC VE Team Liaison Mike Ardai, N1IST, “we will cancel [the sessions] for July and August unless there are enough requests, and then may hold a special session.”

Interested parties are encouraged to call Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ, at (617) 527-2968 or email if interested in arranging for an examination.

Boston ARC VE team members (l-r): Jim Clogher, N1ICN; Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ; Ed Matteson, KA1KHK

“Bring Your HT To Work Day” June 21, 2005

Handi talkieAn innovative ham radio promotional activity called “Bring Your HT To Work Day” is gathering national momentum.

“On June 21st we are encouraging all hams in the US that have an HT to take it with them to work. Wear it on your belt, put it on your desk or some other place where your co-workers can see it. We hope that it will raise curiosity and questions,” writes John Williams, KF4VGX on the web site.

“This is a chance for you to talk to them about ham radio! At lunchtime, show them how it works. Make some contacts while they are watching. Even better, let them talk on the radio. Then invite your co-workers to come see you at Field Day weekend.”

Williams requests all participants of “Take Your HT To Work Day” to send in a report afterwards to ARRL Headquarters, at:

HT Workday
225 Main St
Newington, CT 06111

Include in the report: your callsign; the number of non-hams who observed you making contacts; how many non-hams spoke over your radio; and, how many non-hams indicated they would visit your Field Day site.

The people with the highest activity levels will be eligible for prizes, including the new ARRL Handbook, or Antenna Book or Operating Manual.

According to Williams, there will be monitors on various repeaters randomly scattered throughout the country. “If you’re heard during the lunch hour from 12 noon to 1 PM local time demonstrating ham radio to a non-ham, you may automatically win a new ARRL Repeater Directory.”

In addition, W1AW will be checking into repeaters and sites across the country via EchoLink, giving away repeater directories to hams who participate in Bring Your HT To Work Day.

This is a chance to have a lot of fun, recruit new hams, invite people to Field Day, get publicity, and show off Amateur Radio. “I hope you have fun and make the most of it,” adds Williams.

W1NAU Receives Framingham ARA Scholarship

Tim Nau, W1NAUThe Framingham Amateur Radio Association has awarded its 2005 FARA Scholarship to a college-bound young amateur from Milford, MA, according to Framingham ARA Vice President Gordy Bello, K1GB and FARA Scholarship Committee Chairman Richard Cosma, AA1VI.

“I am pleased and honored to announce that this year’s recipient of the FARA scholarship is Tim Nau, W1NAU,” announced Bello. “Tim will be attending Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston to study electrical engineering.”

Nau, a life-long resident of Milford, initially became interested in radio while in the third grade. “My father, a firefighter in Framingham gave me a scanner to listen to him on the radio,” writes Nau. “And my uncle was the Director of Communications for Boston EMS. He gave me a lot of radio knowledge.”

W1NAU credits two hams in particular for spurring his interest in ham radio: Bryan Cerqua, W1BRI and George Cleveland, WA1QGU, both of Milford. “George is the first ham that I ever knew and Bryan is my neighbor who has taught me the many technical aspects of radio, including repeater building.”

W1NAU was first licensed in August, 2003. He is a member of the Framingham ARA, the Minuteman Repeater Association and the ARRL.

[Left-right: Tim Nau, W1NAU; Gordy Bello, K1GB. Photo courtesy KB1FHJ]

[See also: Framingham ARA Announces Scholarship]

SEMARA “Kids Day” Event, June 18

Ron Silvia, WB1HGA writes on SEMARA Members List:

Don’t forget that June 18 from 1800Z to 2400Z is Kids Day. Now is a good time to bring potential young hams into the fold.

If you know anyone, do plan to attend this event at the [Southeastern MA Amateur Radio Association] club station. I will be looking for some volunteers to man the station as “control ops” while the kids have fun being exposed to a “cool” hobby.

EMA ARES Provides Support For “Operation Atlas”

Op Atlas participant badgeEastern Massachusetts ARES participated on June 4 in “Operation Atlas”, a federally sponsored anti-hijacking exercise held at Boston’s Logan International Airport. This was its second federal exercise this spring.

Operation Atlas is the Department of Homeland Security’s code name for the Boston Logan Airport Drill where a United Airlines plane was hijacked and brought down to Logan Airport by military fighter aircraft. Various federal agencies, especially the Department of Homeland Security agencies practiced the skills required of them by the DHS mandate. The American Red Cross provided Mass Care and Disaster Mental Health Services per their charter through FEMA and DHS mandate. EMA ARES provided direct communications support to the Red Cross at their Waltham and Boston chapters, with net control support being provided away from the incident at the EMA ARES Incident Command Post in the town of Bridgewater, MA. In addition, Amateurs from Western Massachusetts ARES lent support operations to the Northeast Service Area Headquarters, which is co-located with the Central Massachusetts Red Cross Chapter in Worcester, Massachusetts.“Operation Atlas gives Eastern Massachusetts ARES its first agency tied exercise within its home section since the Democratic National Convention mobilization of July 2004,” stated EMA SEC Robert “Rob” Macedo, KD1CY. He continued stating that “The eyes of many agencies will be on how ARES supports the Red Cross so it will be important to execute our role as well as possible and learn from an experience that we may not have again for several years. Eastern Massachusetts ARES earned high marks for the support given to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, the city of Boston EOC, and the National Weather Service for the DNC mobilization.”

EMA SM Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN, stated that 14 EMA amateurs responded to the scene, donating 140 person-hours of effort including driving time. Using the National Association of Amateur Radio guideline of $10/hour equivalency that translates to over $1400. Add $280 of out-of-pocket privately owned vehicle expenses represented by an average of 50 miles traveled per volunteer to their mobilization sites, for a total of $1680.

Neilsen, himself a participant, stated that “the ARES mobilization was professionally planned and executed. We continue to demonstrate a high state of readiness for an actual disaster response.”

Satisfaction on the part of the Red Cross could be summed up by comments made by David Belsky, Gov’t liaison lead. “I’d like to take a moment to extend my thanks to you and the ARES team for the excellent work done before and during Operation Atlas. I know that the Red Cross RAT [Rapid Action Team] appreciates your efforts towards making this exercise a success. I received many compliments on the team’s performance during the course of the day!”

Historic LST Museum Ship Arrives in Boston

LST-325 with amateur station WW2LST, photo #1 by N1VUXLST-325 with amateur station WW2LST, photo #2 by N1VUXThe museum ship LST-325 arrived yesterday in Charlestown Navy Yard, saluted by tugboats (photo, left) and accompanied by a Coast Guard vessel (right).

The ship–a 327-foot World War II vessel designed to transport and deploy tanks and troops during coastal beach landings–is equipped with an Amateur Radio station, WW2LST. She will be in port for four days at the Yard before sailing to New York City.

Photos courtesy N1VUX

See also:
“LST-325 On Historic Cruise To Massachusetts”
“USS LST Ship Memorial – 2005 Voyage”

Fall River ARC, Bristol Co. RA Featured in Herald News Story

Kuss Middle School/Fall River ARC newspaper photoMembers of the Fall River Amateur Radio Club and Bristol County Repeater Association received kudos in a feature article published in the Herald News on Sunday. The Fall River paper ran a half-page story accompanied by photos describing the hams’ efforts in working with students at the Kuss Middle School.

The hams have conducted licensing classes for the students at Kuss and set up a ham club station. The school hopes to receive permission for a scheduled contact with the International Space Station and NA1SS–perhaps as early as this summer.

The school is a participant in NASA’s explorer program. Rosemary Millham, NASA’s education liaison to Kuss, is quoted in the article, saying, “The Fall River ARC has provided invaluable service to Kuss. Not only do members come to school every week to work with students and help them prepare for the licensing test, but they also serve on the steering committee for the [explorer] program.”

Club member Roland Daignault, N1JOY, commented in the article, “The momentum is really building now… Now that we have enough kids who are licensed, they bring other kids into it to talk on the radio.”

Sitting at the radio, left to right: Megan DeSouza, KB1LJH; John Nery, WA1ESO; and Shantae Martins, KB1LKW. –Herald News photo

New England Flea Markets June 3, 2005

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2005 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2005 Contact Source
3-5 June Rochester NY $9@6AM+$10/sp Harold K2HC 585 424 7184 W

3 June Feeding Hills MA HCRA @CongCh $5/T@6:30PM Dave KB1MU 413 596 6605

4 June Herman ME PSARC Roger KA!TKS 207 848 3846 A

5 June Queens NY HoSARC @9A Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W+

11 Jun Windsor CT VintgeR Museum new site@115 Pierson Ln John 860 673 0518 W

11-12 June Newington CT NARL @HS $20/T@5 $8@8:45 Dan K3UFG 860 206 3379 W

12 June Bethpage NY LIMARC Rick K2RB 516 526 6975 A

19 June Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

9 July Union ME PBARC @ComCtr Rt17+131 $5@8 $3/T@7 Scott KB1ESW 207 354 6809

16 July Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $2@9 @StStan's Marty 603 938 5051 F

17 July Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

13 Aug St Albans ME PARC @SnowmobileCLB rt152 $5@8 F

21 August Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

10 Sept BallstonSpa NY SCRACES fri6P $5+5/T+15cmp Darlene N2XQG 518 587 2385

10 Sept Windsor CT VintgeR Museum @6AM @115 Pierson Ln John 860 673 0518 W

17 Sept Alexander ME SCVARC Skip KB1HCX 207 454 2156 A

17 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW rt146 8A flea+auct Rick K1KYI 401 725 7507

18 Sept Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

18 Sept Newtown CT CARA @Town Hall Bill N1PJG 203 798 2831 A+

25 Sept Bethpage NY LIMARC Rick K2RB 516 526 6975 A

2 Oct Queens NY HoSARC @9A Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W
LAST UPDATE 6-3-05 de W1GSL P 1 of 2
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2006 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 6-3-05 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2005 W1GSL SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

This list has been posted... as a service of the individual home page
owners, to the following WWW sites.

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2005 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC

Adams MA N BerkshireARC

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv

Framingham MA FARA

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA

Whately MA FranklinCARC

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf

Newington CT NARL

Southington CT SARA

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus

Lewiston ME AARC +

Portland ME PAWA

Henniker NH CVRC

Bergen NJ BARA

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES

Long Island NY LIMARC

Massapequa NY GSB ARA

Queens NY Hall of Science +

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA

Rochester NY AWA

Rochester NY RARA +

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC

Milton VT RANV VT Conv

Montreal PQ MARC

Montreal PQ WIARC

Montreal PQ MS-SARC

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T

St Therese PQ CRALL

Halafax NS HARC

Canada RAC List

Phila. Area VARA List


Massachusetts Statewide Hurricane Sophia Exericse Update

The Massachusetts Statewide Hurricane Sophia Exercise is Monday June 6th from 7-9 PM. Briefings were held at the MEMA Framingham State EOC and the MEMA Region II Headquarters in Bridgewater on May 14th and 16th respectively. ARES members and SKYWARN Spotters are urged to participate in this drill. The National Hurricane Center station, WX4NHC, will participate via VoIP (meaning Voice Over Internet through Echolink/IRLP). A document describing operations has been sent out to the various email lists and has been posted to this web site. The link on the web site is under the training section of the main menu. The document describes ARES, SKYWARN interaction in this drill and how the sealed envelope RACES scenario will get distributed over the air to inform participants on how the exercise scenario is unfolding.

Please contact myself or your ARES EC/DEC with any questions on this exercise and we look forward to working with everyone on this very important drill for our section.


Genesis ARS HoldsTech Class, Exam Session

Genesis ARS logoThe Genesis Amateur Radio Society conducted a Technician class at an area high school on May 14 & 21 that included a demonstration of ham radio and a volunteer exam session, according to Bob Allan, WF1M, Genesis ARS’ Public Information Officer.

“I was approached by David Crooker, KB1KSE, one of the instructors at the Upper Cape Cod Technical High School in Bourne,” said John Williams, KB1EVY. “He asked if I would like to do a class at the school and then follow with testing. I got in touch with the Genesis membership and received the go-ahead to get dates for the class.”

The club arranged with the school to reserve space for two class sessions on two consecutive Saturdays in May. “I felt this was a good arrangement, giving the students time to study and practice testing between and during the two sessions,” Williams added.

In all, eight Genesis ARS members turned out to teach the course. Additionally, two members turned out for the demonstrations; four VEs were present for the testing.

Despite a lower-than-expected passing rate, Williams was delighted by the turnout and the effort put forth by his fellow club members. “I am very proud of all that came and gave on their days off.”