HamXposition is a “Go,” September 10-12, 2021, Marlborough, MA

a field organization of the National Association for Amateur Radio®
Hamfests and ham radio flea markets
Bob DeMattia, K1IW, Northeast HamXposition 2020 Chairman writes:
Large indoor gatherings such as our convention are currently prohibited by Massachusetts state law. This is highly unlikely to change by November. Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold a physical convention this year.
However, we do plan some virtual activities, all free. We are currently working on the details for these and will keep you posted as they develop:
We plan to the operate the W1A special event station over the weekend of October 31st – November 1st. To avoid a conflict with the November Sweepstakes, we moved this to one week earlier. W1A will be operated from the operator’s home stations. Dennis, W1UE, is coordinating the schedule. If you would like to be a W1A operator, please contact W1UE by email at w1ue@hamxposition.org. For those who would like to work W1A, we will be posting the operating schedule once it is ready. Note that this will give regular attendees the unique opportunity to work W1A (something which would have been more difficult for many to do operating portable from a hotel room).
We will also be hosting a Saturday evening virtual banquet on November 7th, featuring a guest speaker. There will be no charge for this event. Order your favorite take-out or delivery, pull up a chair to your screen and join your friends for an interesting presentation. After the talk, virtual break-out rooms will be available for you to converse with your “table”.
The Nashua Area Radio Club will be running an online version of the “Ham Boot Camp”. This is a multisession program for hams young and old to learn about the various activities they can do with their license. Details to follow.
From the entire HamXposition committee, we wish you good health, be safe, and we look forward to seeing everyone in person at our 2021 convention on July 23-24-25, 2021.
Bob – K1IW
Chairman, HamXposition 2020
The Algonquin Amateur Radio Club will hold its Marlborough Flea Market on February 15, 2020 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the 1Lt Charles W. Whitcomb School, 25 Union St., Marlborough, MA. Talk-in is on the MMRA repeater, 147.27+ (PL 146.2).
A VE session will be held beginning at 9:00 AM. General admission is $5. Vendor tables are $15 before February 9, 2018, or $20 at the door if space is available. Each table includes one admission.
For more information, contact Tim Ikeda, KA1OS at 508-919-6136 (before 9:00 PM), email fleamarket@n1em.org or visit https://www.qsl.net/n1em/AARC_flea_2020_flier.pdf.
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2019 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except “____”
2019 Contact Source
8 June Windsor CT VR+CMus Antique John 860 673 0518
9 June Bethpage NY LIMARC @xBrierCl Richard K2KNB 516 694 4937
16 June Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
Third Sunday April thru October
21 July Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
27 July Windsor ME AARA @FG Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075 A+
3 Aug Milo ME PARC @Kiwanis George WA1JMM 207 441 6112 A+
10 Aug St Albans VT STARC @Elks Arnold N1ARN 802 782 6650 +
17 Aug Adams MA NoBARC @FG $5@7 $10/TG@6:30 Eric 413 743 9975 F+
18 August Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
25 Aug Newtown CT CARA @TownHall $7@8 $20/T John W1JGM 203 417 0160 +
7 Sept Windsor CT VR+CMus Antique John 860 673 0518
8 Sept Ballston Spa NY SCARA @FG Peter W2BEW 518 893 7484 A+
15 Sept Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
28 Sept Brookline NH NEARC antique 603 772 7516 +
8 Oct Queens NY HOSARC @HOS Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599
11,12 Oct Deerfield NH NEARfest XXVI @FG Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 +
13 Oct Meriden CT Nutmeg @Sheradon John Bee N1GNV : 203 440-4973 A+
20 October Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
27 Oct Queens, NY HOSARC @HOS Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 +
27 Oct Hicksvile NY LIMARC @LevitHall$6@9+$22/T@7 Richard K2KNB 516 694 4937 A+
2 Nov Gales Ferry CT TCARC @FireCo auction Tom WA2RYV 860 464 6555
7 Dec Windsor CT VR+CMus @8 Antique John 860 673 0518 +
LAST UPDATE 6-6-19 de W1GSL http://swapfest.us P 2 of 2
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Source F+= Flyer T= tentative early info + = new info this month
A= ARRL R= RAC list W= web WR NV CQ QST = Mags
This list has been compiled from many sources.
While we believe the info to be accurate the author can not be responsible for
changes or errors. Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details.
This list will be posted monthly to USENET.
Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu <- SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2019 W1GSL unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2020 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any
from the paper version.
2020 Contact Source
18 Jan Whitman MA WARC @KoC Rt18 $5@8:30 $15/T@7 Chris N1CFB 508 224 8528 +
7 Mar Chicopee MA MtTARA @Castle $5@8:30 S@6:30 Brian N1FI 508 478 6790 +
LAST UPDATE 6-6-19 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2019 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.
* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *
73 Steve F
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2016 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.
Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us
Hopkinton NH Hosstraders RIP 🙁 http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/
Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/
Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.
Chicopee MA MTARA http://www.mtara.org/
Falmouth MA FARA http://www.falara.org/
Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/
Marlboro MA AARC http://www.qsl.net/n1em/
Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/
Rockport MA CAARA www.caara.net
S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/
Wakefield MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/
Westford MA NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/
moved to Nashua NH
Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm
Whitman MA WARC http://www.wa1npo.org
Worcester MA WPI ACM http://acm.wpi.edu/swapmeet/
Dayville CT ECARA http://www.qsl.net/k1muj/
Gales Ferry CT RASON http://www.rason.org/
Gales Ferry CT TCARC http://www.qsl.net/
Goshen CT SBARC http://www.sberk.org +
Hartford CT ARRL 100th http://www.arrl.org/convention
Manchester CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/
was Enfield
Manchester CT PVRA http://www.pvra.net
Meriden CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com
was Wallingford
Newington CT NARL http://www.narlhamfest.org/
Newtown CT CARA http://www.cararadioclub.org/
North Haven CT http://www.yankeehamfest.com
Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.
Vernon CT NARC http://hamfest.na1rc.org/
Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com
moved to Meriden CT
Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://vrcmct.org/
Agusta ME AARA http://www.w1tlc.com/
Alexander ME StCVARC http://stcroixvalleyamateurrad
Hermon ME PSARC http://n1me.org/index.php?pr=
Lewiston ME AARC http://www.w1npp.org +
S. Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/hamfes
St. Albans ME PARC http://www.qsl.net/parc/hamfes
Thomaston ME PBARC http://penbayarc.org/
Windsor ME AARA http://www.w1tlc.com/
Brookline NH NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/
Deerfield NH NEAR-Fest http://www.near-fest.com/
Hampton NH PCARC http://www.w1wqm.org
Henniker NH CVRC http://k1bke.org/
Londonderry NH IRS www.irs.nhradio.org/
Manchester NH NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/
Moved to Westford MA
Moved to Brookline NH
N Conway NH WMARC http://www.w1mwv.com
Nashua NH NEARC www.nearc.net
was Westford MA
Rochester NH GBRA http://www.w1fz.org/
Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/
Sussex NJ SCARC http://www.scarcnj.org/www.sca
Ballston Spa NY SCRACES http://k2dll.net/
E Greenbush NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.w2egb.org/
Fishkill NY MtBARC http://www.wr2abb.org/
was LaGrangeville
Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham
Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest
Lindenhurst NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/
Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm
Middletown NY OCARC http://www.ocarc-ny.org/
Queens NY Hall of Science http://www.hosarc.org/
Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.or
Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterham.org/ha
Staten Island NY CPARA http://www.wa2cp.org +
Wallkill NY OCARC http://www.ocarc-ny.org/
Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/da
Forestdale RI RIFMRS http://www.qsl.net/riafmrs/Auc
Woonsocket RI BVARC www.w1ddd.org
Colchester VT HAM-CON VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/hamcon.htm
Moved to S Burlington
St. Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/
Springfield VT CVFMA http://www.cvfma.org/
Moncton NB TCARC http://www.ve9tca.org/
Quispamsis NB LCARC http://www.lcarc.ca/
Greenwood NS GARC http://www.greenwoodarc.org/
Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.raqi.ca/ve2crd/ham
Greenwood PQ GARC www.greenwoodarc.org
Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/
Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fes
Montreal PQ WIARC http://www.wiarc.ca/
Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/
Montreal PQ UMS http://www.ve2ums.ca/agenda/p
Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/
St Romuald PQ ARESdQ http://raqi.ca/ve2csq/
St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfe
Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/f
Greenwood NS GARC http://www.greenwoodarc.org/
Halifax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/
Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/
Montreal Area MARC List http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fe
Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/events/upco
Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamf
USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.
P4 LAST UPDATE 3-20-19 de W1GSL P 4
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2017 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
The 2019 ARRL New England Division Convention (now branded as “Northeast HamXposition @ Boxboro“) web site is now live. Sign-ups for speakers and volunteers are now available, as are applications for commercial, non-profit, and club vendor tables. Ticket pre-orders will be available in early June.
The three-day convention is held September 6-8, 2019 at the Boxboro Regency Hotel and Conference Center (formerly the Boxboro Holiday Inn), 242 Adams Place, Boxborough, MA 01719.
Be sure to make your reservations early as the hotel fills up quickly. See https://hamxposition.org/travel-and-hotel for details.
The Framingham ARA Spring Flea Market will take place on April 7, 2019 at the Keefe Technical School, 750 Winter Street in Framingham. Admission for buyers is $5; under the age of 12 is free. Tables are $20 in advance and $25 at the door if available. There will be refreshments, a VE session and door prizes.
For complete information, visit <https://w1fy.org/flea>.
The New England Antique Radio Club will hold its New England Vintage Electronics Expo 2 on Sunday, March 3, 2019 from 8 AM to 4 PM at the Courtyard Marriott Event Center, 2200 Southwood Drive, Nashua, New Hampshire. Billed as “the East Coast’s largest antique radio and vintage electronics show and flea market”, the event features over a hundred indoor tables and more than sixty vendors. Adult admission is $10; spouses, and children under 18 are admitted free. Flea market admission is free from 11 AM to 1 PM. Onsite parking is free. For more information, see http://www.nearc.net/swapmeetinfo.htm.
The Algonquin Amateur Radio Club is again holding its Marlborough Flea Market on February 16, 2019 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the 1Lt Charles W. Whitcomb School, 25 Union St., Marlborough, MA. Talk-in is on the MMRA repeater, 147.27+ (PL 146.2).
A VE session will be held beginning at 9:00 AM. General admission is $5. Vendor tables are $15 before February 9, 2018, or $20 at the door if space is available. Each table includes one admission.
For more information, contact Tim Ikeda, KA1OS at 508-919-6136 (before 9:00 PM), email fleamarket@n1em.org or visit http://www.qsl.net/n1em/FleaMarketFlyer.jpg.
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2019 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2018 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 1-15-19 de W1GSL http://swapfest.us P 1
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu <- SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2019 W1GSL unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2019 P2 of 2
2019 Contact Source
19 Jan Whitman MA WARC @KoC Rt18 Chris N1CFB 508 224 8528 +
2 Feb Springfield VT CVFMA @VFW Rob N1XSS 802 886 5478 A+
16 Feb Marlboro MA AARC @MidSch Timothy KA1OS 508 919 6136 A+
16 Feb Augusta ME AARA #Calumet Bill K1NIT 207 512 0312 A+
23 Feb S Burlington VT RAoNV @HI I89x14 $9@8 $15@6 Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589
3 Mar Nashua NH NEARC/NEVEC Radio50@Marriot CourtYard @8A 603 772 7516 F+
9 Mar Chicopee MA MtTomARA @Castle $5@8:30 S@6:30 Brian N1FI 860 478 6790 +
17 March Henniker NH CVRC #MidSch Larry KB1RIJ 603 496 2089 A+
24 Mar Southington CT SARA $5@8@HS $20/sp@6:45 John WA1JKR 860 621 8791 F+
29,30 Mar Lewiston ME AARC ME Conv @Ramada @8 Ivan N1OXA 207 784 0350 +
7 April Framingham MA FARA 9AM@KeefeHS $25/T Andy KC1DMM 508 310 5913 +
21 April Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
Third Sunday April thru October
28 April Thompson CT ECARA @ Raceway $3 $15/sp Jon KA1MPG 508 943 4467 F+
3-4 May Deerfield NH NEARfest XXV @FG Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 +
12 May E Greenbush NY EGARA FireCo Bryan W2RBJ 518 894 3500 A+
18 May Brookline NH NEARC antique 603 772 7516 +
19 May Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
2 June Queens, NY HOSARC @HOS Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 A+
16 June Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
21 July Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
18 August Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
25 Aug Newtown CT CARA @TownHall $7@8 $20/T John W1JGM 203 417 0160 +
28 Sept Brookline NH NEARC antique 603 772 7516 +
15 Sept Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
11,12 Oct Deerfield NH NEARfest XXVI @FG Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 +
20 October Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F+
LAST UPDATE 1-15-19 de W1GSL http://swapfest.us P 2 of 2
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Source F+= Flyer T= tentative early info + = new info this month
A= ARRL R= RAC list W= web WR NV CQ QST = Mags
This list has been compiled from many sources.
While we believe the info to be accurate the author can not be responsible for
changes or errors. Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details.
This list will be posted monthly to USENET.
Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu <- SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2019 W1GSL unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2019 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any
from the paper version.
2019 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 1-31-19 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2018 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.
* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *
73 Steve F
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2016 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.
Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us
Hopkinton NH Hosstraders RIP 🙁 http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/
Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/
Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.
Chicopee MA MTARA http://www.mtara.org/
Falmouth MA FARA http://www.falara.org/
Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/
Marlboro MA AARC http://www.qsl.net/n1em/
Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/
Rockport MA CAARA www.caara.net
S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/
Wakefield MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/
Westford MA NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/
moved to Nashua NH
Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm
Whitman MA WARC http://www.wa1npo.org
Worcester MA WPI ACM http://acm.wpi.edu/swapmeet/
Dayville CT ECARA http://www.qsl.net/k1muj/
Gales Ferry CT RASON http://www.rason.org/
Gales Ferry CT TCARC http://www.qsl.net/
Goshen CT SBARC http://www.sberk.org +
Hartford CT ARRL 100th http://www.arrl.org/convention
Manchester CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/
was Enfield
Manchester CT PVRA http://www.pvra.net
Meriden CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com
was Wallingford
Newington CT NARL http://www.narlhamfest.org/
Newtown CT CARA http://www.cararadioclub.org/
North Haven CT http://www.yankeehamfest.com
Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.
Vernon CT NARC http://hamfest.na1rc.org/
Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com
moved to Meriden CT
Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://vrcmct.org/
Agusta ME AARA http://www.w1tlc.com/
Alexander ME StCVARC http://stcroixvalleyamateurrad
Hermon ME PSARC http://n1me.org/index.php?pr=
Lewiston ME AARC http://www.w1npp.org/pages/mec
S. Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/hamfes
St. Albans ME PARC http://www.qsl.net/parc/hamfes
Thomaston ME PBARC http://penbayarc.org/
Windsor ME AARA http://www.w1tlc.com/
Brookline NH NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/
Deerfield NH NEAR-Fest http://www.near-fest.com/
Hampton NH PCARC http://www.w1wqm.org
Henniker NH CVRC http://k1bke.org/
Londonderry NH IRS www.irs.nhradio.org/
Manchester NH NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/
Moved to Westford MA
Moved to Brookline NH
N Conway NH WMARC http://www.w1mwv.com
Nashua NH NEARC www.nearc.net
was Westford MA
Rochester NH GBRA http://www.w1fz.org/
Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/
Sussex NJ SCARC http://www.scarcnj.org/www.sca
Ballston Spa NY SCRACES http://k2dll.net/
E Greenbush NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.w2egb.org/
Fishkill NY MtBARC http://www.wr2abb.org/
was LaGrangeville
Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham
Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest
Lindenhurst NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/
Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm
Middletown NY OCARC http://www.ocarc-ny.org/
Queens NY Hall of Science http://www.hosarc.org/
Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.or
Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterham.org/ha
Staten Island NY CPARA http://www.wa2cp.org +
Wallkill NY OCARC http://www.ocarc-ny.org/
Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/da
Forestdale RI RIFMRS http://www.qsl.net/riafmrs/Auc
Woonsocket RI BVARC www.w1ddd.org
Colchester VT HAM-CON VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/hamcon.htm
Moved to S Burlington
St. Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/
Springfield VT CVFMA http://www.cvfma.org/
Moncton NB TCARC http://www.ve9tca.org/
Quispamsis NB LCARC http://www.lcarc.ca/
Greenwood NS GARC http://www.greenwoodarc.org/
Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.raqi.ca/ve2crd/ham
Greenwood PQ GARC www.greenwoodarc.org
Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/
Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fes
Montreal PQ WIARC http://www.wiarc.ca/
Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/
Montreal PQ UMS http://www.ve2ums.ca/agenda/p
Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/
St Romuald PQ ARESdQ http://raqi.ca/ve2csq/
St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfe
Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/f
Greenwood NS GARC http://www.greenwoodarc.org/
Halifax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/
Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/
Montreal Area MARC List http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fe
Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/events/upco
Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamf
USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.
P4 LAST UPDATE 7-7-17 de W1GSL P 4
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2017 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
The Whitman Amateur Radio Club will hold its Winterfest on January 19, 2019 from 9 AM until 1 PM at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Route 18, in Whitman. A VE testing session will be conducted at the event. Admission is $5; tables cost $15. Raffle prizes will be drawn at noon. Talk-in will be provided on the Whitman ARC repeater: 147.225Mhz+ PL67. For vendor information, call: 781-523-5010 or visit http://www.wa1npo.org/WF/Winterfest2019Flyer.pdf.
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2018 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2018 Contact Source
21 October Cambridge MA Flea at MIT Mitch 617 253 3776 F
Third Sunday April thru October
21 Oct Meriden CT Nutmeg John N1GNV 203 440 4973 A+
27 Oct Gales Ferry CT TCARC @FireCo auction Tom WA2RYV 860 464 6555
28 Oct Hicksville NY LIMARC @LevitHall Richard K2KNB 516 694 4937 A+
28 Oct Fishkill NY MtBeacon @DCE Adam AE2AN 845 849 3666 A+
3 Nov Bourne MA FARA @UpperCC VoTech $5@9 $10/S@7 Ralph N1YHS 508 548 0422
1 Dec Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Indoor John 860 673 0518 +
LAST UPDATE 10-17-18 de W1GSL http://swapfest.us P 1
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu <- SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2018 W1GSL unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2018 P2 of 2
2019 Contact Source
19 Jan Whitman MA WARC @KoC Rt18 Chris N1CFB 508 224 8528 +
16 Feb Marlboro MA AARC @MidSch Timothy KA1OS 508 919 6136 A+
23 Feb S Burlington VT RAoNV @HI I89x14 $9@8 $15@6 Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589
3 Mar Nashua NH NEARC/NEVEC Radio50@Marriot CourtYard @8A 603 772 7516 F+
9 Mar Chicopee MA MtTomARA @Castle $5@8:30 S@6:30 Brian N1FI 860 478 6790 +
24 Mar Southington CT SARA $5@8@HS $20/sp@6:45 John WA1JKR 860 621 8791 F+
29,30 Mar Lewiston ME AARC ME Conv @Ramada @8 Ivan N1OXA 207 784 0350 +
7 April Framingham MA FARA 9AM@KeefeHS $25/T Andy KC1DMM 508 310 5913 +
28 April Thompson CT ECARA @ Raceway $3 $15/sp Jon KA1MPG 508 943 4467 F+
3-4 May Deerfield NH NEARfest XXV @FG Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 +
12 May E Greenbush NY EGARA FireCo Bryan W2RBJ 518 894 3500 A+
18 May Brookline NH NEARC antique 603 772 7516 +
2 June Queens, NY HOSARC @HOS Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 A+
25 Aug Newtown CT CARA @TownHall $7@8 $20/T John W1JGM 203 417 0160 +
28 Sept Brookline NH NEARC antique 603 772 7516 +
11,12 Oct Deerfield NH NEARfest XXVI @FG Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 +
LAST UPDATE 10-17-18 de W1GSL http://swapfest.us P 2 of 2
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Source F+= Flyer T= tentative early info + = new info this month
A= ARRL R= RAC list W= web WR NV CQ QST = Mags
This list has been compiled from many sources.
While we believe the info to be accurate the author can not be responsible for
changes or errors. Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details.
This list will be posted monthly to USENET.
Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail w1gsl@mit.edu <- SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2018 W1GSL unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2019 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any
from the paper version.
2019 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 8-31-18 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2018 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.
* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to w1gsl@mit.edu *
73 Steve F
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2016 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.
Cambridge MA Flea at MIT http://www.swapfest.us
Hopkinton NH Hosstraders RIP 🙁 http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/
Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv http://www.boxboro.org/
Adams MA N BerkshireARC http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.
Chicopee MA MTARA http://www.mtara.org/
Falmouth MA FARA http://www.falara.org/
Framingham MA FARA http://www.fara.org/
Marlboro MA AARC http://www.qsl.net/n1em/
Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction http://www.wara64.org/auction/
Rockport MA CAARA www.caara.net
S Dartmouth MA SEMARA http://www.semara.org/
Wakefield MA Photographica http://www.phsne.org/
Westford MA NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/
moved to Nashua NH
Whately MA FranklinCARC http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm
Whitman MA WARC http://www.wa1npo.org
Worcester MA WPI ACM http://acm.wpi.edu/swapmeet/
Dayville CT ECARA http://www.qsl.net/k1muj/
Gales Ferry CT RASON http://www.rason.org/
Gales Ferry CT TCARC http://www.qsl.net/
Goshen CT SBARC http://www.sberk.org +
Hartford CT ARRL 100th http://www.arrl.org/convention
Manchester CT VHF/UHF Conf http://www.newsvhf.com/
was Enfield
Manchester CT PVRA http://www.pvra.net
Meriden CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com
was Wallingford
Newington CT NARL http://www.narlhamfest.org/
Newtown CT CARA http://www.cararadioclub.org/
North Haven CT http://www.yankeehamfest.com
Southington CT SARA http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.
Vernon CT NARC http://hamfest.na1rc.org/
Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv http://www.nutmeghamfest.com
moved to Meriden CT
Windsor CT Vintage R Mus http://vrcmct.org/
Agusta ME AARA http://www.w1tlc.com/
Alexander ME StCVARC http://stcroixvalleyamateurrad
Hermon ME PSARC http://n1me.org/index.php?pr=
Lewiston ME AARC http://www.w1npp.org/pages/mec
S. Portland ME PAWA http://www.qsl.net/pawa/hamfes
St. Albans ME PARC http://www.qsl.net/parc/hamfes
Thomaston ME PBARC http://penbayarc.org/
Windsor ME AARA http://www.w1tlc.com/
Brookline NH NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/
Deerfield NH NEAR-Fest http://www.near-fest.com/
Hampton NH PCARC http://www.w1wqm.org
Henniker NH CVRC http://k1bke.org/
Londonderry NH IRS www.irs.nhradio.org/
Manchester NH NEAntiqueRC http://www.nearc.net/
Moved to Westford MA
Moved to Brookline NH
N Conway NH WMARC http://www.w1mwv.com
Nashua NH NEARC www.nearc.net
was Westford MA
Rochester NH GBRA http://www.w1fz.org/
Bergen NJ BARA http://www.bara.org/
Sussex NJ SCARC http://www.scarcnj.org/www.sca
Ballston Spa NY SCRACES http://k2dll.net/
E Greenbush NY E Greenbush ARA http://www.w2egb.org/
Fishkill NY MtBARC http://www.wr2abb.org/
was LaGrangeville
Lake Placid NY NNY ARA http://www.northnet.org/nnyham
Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES http://www.tobares.org/hamfest
Lindenhurst NY GSB ARA http://www.gsbarc.org/
Long Island NY LIMARC http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm
Middletown NY OCARC http://www.ocarc-ny.org/
Queens NY Hall of Science http://www.hosarc.org/
Rochester NY AWA http://www.antiquewireless.or
Rochester NY RARA http://www.rochesterham.org/ha
Staten Island NY CPARA http://www.wa2cp.org +
Wallkill NY OCARC http://www.ocarc-ny.org/
Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC http://users.ids.net/~newsm/da
Forestdale RI RIFMRS http://www.qsl.net/riafmrs/Auc
Woonsocket RI BVARC www.w1ddd.org
Colchester VT HAM-CON VT Conv http://www.ranv.org/hamcon.htm
Moved to S Burlington
St. Albans VT STARC http://www.starc.org/
Springfield VT CVFMA http://www.cvfma.org/
Moncton NB TCARC http://www.ve9tca.org/
Quispamsis NB LCARC http://www.lcarc.ca/
Greenwood NS GARC http://www.greenwoodarc.org/
Drummondville PQ leCRdeD http://www.raqi.ca/ve2crd/ham
Greenwood PQ GARC www.greenwoodarc.org
Laval PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/
Montreal PQ MARC http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fes
Montreal PQ WIARC http://www.wiarc.ca/
Montreal PQ MS-SARC http://www.ve2clm.ca/
Montreal PQ UMS http://www.ve2ums.ca/agenda/p
Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/
St Romuald PQ ARESdQ http://raqi.ca/ve2csq/
St Therese PQ CRALL http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfe
Summerside PEI SPARC http://www.summersidearc.com/f
Greenwood NS GARC http://www.greenwoodarc.org/
Halifax NS HARC http://www.halifax-arc.org/
Timonium MD GBHC http://www.gbhc.org/
Montreal Area MARC List http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fe
Canada RAC List http://rac.eton.ca/events/upco
Phila. Area VARA List http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamf
USA ARRL List http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.
P4 LAST UPDATE 7-7-17 de W1GSL P 4
Additions/ Corrections via Internet w1gsl@mit.edu
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2017 W1GSL http://www.swapfest.us SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
The Falmouth Amateur Radio Association will hold its FARA Fest on November 3, 2018 from 9 AM-12 Noon at the Upper Cape Regional Technical School, 220 Sandwich Road, in Bourne. Details can be found at https://tinyurl.com/ybuw648w.
The SEMARA Flea Market 2018 will be held on Saturday, October 6, 2018 at the SEMARA Clubhouse located at 54 Donald Street, Dartmouth, MA. The event will be held rain or shine from 9:00 AM to 12 noon, with vendor setup beginning at 8:00 AM. There is handicapped parking and access available. Over the air talk-in will be on the SEMARA 147.000 repeater. We will also be conducting a VE exam session inside the clubhouse at 10:30 AM for anyone interested in obtaining or upgrading their amateur radio license.
For more information, please contact us at (508) 997-7070 or hamfest [at] semara [dot] org.
NEAR-Fest will be held on October 12-13, 2018. It is held twice annually, spring and fall, rain or shine, at the Deerfield Fairgrounds in Deerfield New Hampshire beginning on Friday at 0900 and ending Saturday at 1500 hours.
Admission is $10. Persons under 18 and over 80 are admitted free of charge upon presentation of government-issued ID. Inside parking is available for $10 and includes a “reasonable amount of flea market selling space” for PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS selling their own personal property. Commercial vendors must register and pay applicable fees. If you are wondering if you are a “commercial vendor” you probably are. One complimentary inside commercial space is available for clubs, estates and other “non-profit organizations” on an “as available” basis.
Overnight camping, trailer and RV hookups are available. Three food vendors provide meals and snacks at reasonable prices. The Deerfield Community Church ladies serve up a breakfast that has to be consumed to be believed. Angelino’s offers hamburgers, steak, sausage submarines and other great “fair food” specialities and Patty’s Polish Kitchen menu features wonderful “Mitteleuropa” cuisine. No one goes hungry at NEAR-Fest. We are extremely proud of the high quality of food that these vendors offer our guests while they are at the ‘Fester.
NEAR-Fest typically attracts attendees from the six New England states, NY, NJ, PA, MD and other states as well as from Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in Canada. Some attendees travel great distances; one gentleman from Los Angeles has attended fifteen events and in 2010 one radio amateur traveled from Greece to join us for the fun.
The program of activities and events at NEAR-Fest is extensive; a huge outdoor electronic flea market, three buildings full of commercial vendors, forums, technical seminars and symposia, demonstrations, exhibits, displays, licensing examinations, special events radio stations, a “jam session”, good food, fellowship, fun and general mishigoss. NEAR-Fest is the largest event of its kind in the Northeast and has once been described as the “Woodstock of Amateur Radio”.
See also: NEAR-Fest XXIII to Host Youth Science and Technology Expo
This Coming Sunday, the September Flea at MIT
Summary: Buy Sell SWAP Ham Radio Electronics Computers 9AM – 2PM ***
!!!! In our Traditional GARAGE !!!!! ****
so come rain or shine or super heat the Flea is on !!!
Summary: Buy Sell SWAP Ham Radio Electronics Computers 9AM – 2PM
*** !!!! In our Traditional GARAGE !!!! ****
so come rain or shine or super heat the Flea is on !!!
********* $1 buyers discount with hardcopy of this notice ********
Sunday September 16th 2018
Come to the city for a great flea – plenty of free parking.
MIT’s electronics and ham radio flea will take
place on the third Sunday of each month this summer,
April thru October.
There is tailgate space for over 300 sellers!
Buyers admission is $6 (you get $1 off if
you’re lucky enough to have a copy of our ad)
and sellers spaces are $20 for the first and
$15 for each additional at the gate.
Early Bird Buyers admission is $15, allows
entry after the prepaid sellers ~ 7:15AM
See registration form for season rate.
The flea will be held at the corner of Albany and
Main streets in Cambridge; right in the Kendall
Square area from 9AM to 2PM, with sellers set-up
time starting at 7AM.
SEASON PASS + Advance Discounts
A sellers discount season pass is available which
offers a 30% discount. By prepaying you get a
discount and earlier admission. See the registration form
for full seller info.
*** Attention Sellers ***
Prepaid vendors.. Season Pass or monthly,
will be admitted FIRST.
Separate lines will form prior to gate opening
for prepaid and nonprepaid vendors
!! RAIN or SHINE !! Have no fear of rain, a covered
well illuminated tailgate area is available for all
sellers (6’8″ clearance).
Talk-in: 145.23- (PL 88.5) W1BOS/R and
W1XM/R-449.725/444.725 (PL 114.8/2A).
Sponsors: MIT Electronics Research Society
MIT UHF Repeater Association (W1XM)
MIT Radio Society (W1MX)
Harvard Wireless Club (W1AF)
For more info / advanced reservations 617 253 3776
********** $1 buyers discount with hard copy of this notice ************
Mail the coupon below by the July 5th for advanced reservations.
FLEA at MIT 2018 Rates
To use your spaces the named vendor MUST be present.
Rates include one admission per space.
Season Pass $99 First Space – includes $70 for Cambridge Vendor Licenses
$70 Each additional space
Advance $17 First space – includes $10 Cambridge Vendor License
$12 Additional Spaces
Must be received by the 5th of the month.
Gate Admission $20 First Space – includes $10 Cambridge Vendor License
$15 Additional Spaces
Admission is after the prepaid vendors
Early Bird Buyer -Admission after the prepaid vendor line is admitted. ~ 7:15AM
** You may not sell. **
$15 per person at the gate.
$70 Season Early Bird Buyer
cut and return
FLEA at MIT 2018 Advance Space Application
_____ 1st Season Pass @ $99 _____ Additional Season Spaces @ $70
____April ____May ____June ____ July ____Aug ___Sept ____Oct
@ $17 for the first each month + $12 each additional
_____ Season Early Bird Buyer @ $70 ** NB You may not sell. **
Name ________________________ Call __________ $ Included______
Address ________________________ Phone __________ Make Check to
The MIT Radio Society
City ____________________ State _______ Zip _______ PO Box 397082
Cambridge MA 02139
E-mail ______________________________
Steve Finberg W1GSL w1gsl@mit.edu
PO Box 82 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139-7082 617 258 3754
The 2018 Boxboro! ARRL New England Division is pleased to announce that the Nashua Area Radio Society (NARS) will be presenting an Amateur Radio Exposition for Young People on September 8-9, 2018. This exposition will include many hands-on activities, videos, and displays about amateur radio and wireless communications, including:
In addition to the displays, the exposition will also feature a kit building activity. For a small cost ($20), you can purchase a kit and build it using NARS’s equipment and help from their mentors. The kit is a fully functional Morse code touch keyer and practice oscillator. It is available on a walk-up basis anytime on Saturday or Sunday that the Exhibitor hall is open.
The exposition will also include a computer-controlled satellite ground station. Using this satellite ground station, folks can communicate with other amateur radio operators using satellites in space.
For more information, please visit https://www.boxboro.org/exposition-for-young-people.
This Coming Sunday, the August Flea at MIT
Summary: Buy Sell SWAP Ham Radio Electronics Computers 9AM – 2PM ***
!!!! In our Traditional GARAGE !!!!! ****
so come rain or shine or super heat the Flea is on !!!
Outdoor space is questionable for this month, call ahead if your will not fit in 6′ 8″ height.
Due to changes in the construction crane, we may have some street space for
oversize trucks for the next couple months. Call for details.
Summary: Buy Sell SWAP Ham Radio Electronics Computers 9AM – 2PM
*** !!!! In our Traditional GARAGE !!!! ****
so come rain or shine or super heat the Flea is on !!!
********* $1 buyers discount with hardcopy of this notice ********
Sunday August 19th 2018
Come to the city for a great flea – plenty of free parking.
MIT’s electronics and ham radio flea will take
place on the third Sunday of each month this summer,
April thru October.
There is tailgate space for over 300 sellers!
Buyers admission is $6 (you get $1 off if
you’re lucky enough to have a copy of our ad)
and sellers spaces are $20 for the first and
$15 for each additional at the gate.
Early Bird Buyers admission is $15, allows
entry after the prepaid sellers ~ 7:15AM
See registration form for season rate.
The flea will be held at the corner of Albany and
Main streets in Cambridge; right in the Kendall
Square area from 9AM to 2PM, with sellers set-up
time starting at 7AM.
SEASON PASS + Advance Discounts
A sellers discount season pass is available which
offers a 30% discount. By prepaying you get a
discount and earlier admission. See the registration form
for full seller info.
*** Attention Sellers ***
Prepaid vendors.. Season Pass or monthly,
will be admitted FIRST.
Separate lines will form prior to gate opening
for prepaid and nonprepaid vendors
!! RAIN or SHINE !! Have no fear of rain, a covered
well illuminated tailgate area is available for all
sellers (6’8″ clearance).
Talk-in: 145.23- (PL 88.5) W1BOS/R and
W1XM/R-449.725/444.725 (PL 114.8/2A).
Sponsors: MIT Electronics Research Society
MIT UHF Repeater Association (W1XM)
MIT Radio Society (W1MX)
Harvard Wireless Club (W1AF)
For more info / advanced reservations 617 253 3776
********** $1 buyers discount with hard copy of this notice ************
Mail the coupon below by the July 5th for advanced reservations.
FLEA at MIT 2018 Rates
To use your spaces the named vendor MUST be present.
Rates include one admission per space.
Season Pass $99 First Space – includes $70 for Cambridge Vendor Licenses
$70 Each additional space
Advance $17 First space – includes $10 Cambridge Vendor License
$12 Additional Spaces
Must be received by the 5th of the month.
Gate Admission $20 First Space – includes $10 Cambridge Vendor License
$15 Additional Spaces
Admission is after the prepaid vendors
Early Bird Buyer -Admission after the prepaid vendor line is admitted. ~ 7:15AM
** You may not sell. **
$15 per person at the gate.
$70 Season Early Bird Buyer
cut and return
FLEA at MIT 2018 Advance Space Application
_____ 1st Season Pass @ $99 _____ Additional Season Spaces @ $70
____April ____May ____June ____ July ____Aug ___Sept ____Oct
@ $17 for the first each month + $12 each additional
_____ Season Early Bird Buyer @ $70 ** NB You may not sell. **
Name ________________________ Call __________ $ Included______
Address ________________________ Phone __________ Make Check to
The MIT Radio Society
City ____________________ State _______ Zip _______ PO Box 397082
Cambridge MA 02139
E-mail ______________________________
Steve Finberg W1GSL w1gsl@mit.edu
PO Box 82 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139-7082 617 258 3754
Information on forums and presentations at the 2018 Boxboro! New England Division Convention September 7-9, 2018 is now on-line, according to Boxboro Program Chair Phil Temples, K9HI. This year’s program spans three days, beginning on Friday, September 7 at 10:00 AM with a special ARES/SKYWARN track and concluding on Sunday, September 9 at 1:00 PM with the main prize drawing and convention wrap-up.
See http://boxboro.org/forums-and-classes/forum-schedule for program presenters, titles, times, room locations, and abstracts.
Dennis Egan, W1UE, Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, and Rich Assarabowski, K1CC, represented the Yankee Clipper Contest Club at the 2018 LRMD (Lithuania) Hamfest held on July 27-29, 2018.
The event was held in Miego Klinika, a rural resort on a small lake in the middle of a forest in the northern part of Lithuania. Dennis, Fred, and Rich traveled to LY-land following the 2018 World Radiosport Team Championship in Germany. (See also: https://ema.arrl.org/2018/07/06/yccc-well-represented-at-wrtc2018-july-12-16-2018/)
“The tradition of summer radio amateur meetings in Lithuania goes back to 1989. This was at the end of the Soviet occupation, when the country was a republic in the Soviet Union. This year, Lithuania is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its independence right after the First World War. This was a turning point for many European nations. It looks like the Lithuanian Amateur Radio is going through a very active and successful period right now.”
For the complete story, visit https://dxnews.com/lithuanian-hamfest-2018/.