KM1CC On the Air for the 118th Anniversary of the First USA-UK Wireless Transmission, January 18, 2021

a field organization of the National Association for Amateur Radio®
New England ARES Academy
October 10-31, 2020
View the full schedule and sign up at
The first-ever New England Division ARES Academy, originally scheduled for the Division Convention in November, will instead be held over a period of several weeks in October via Zoom. There are five Basic Track classes for those just getting started, and more advanced classes and workshops for those who already have the basics. One-hour classes will be held on weeknights from 7:30 to 8:30 PM EDT, and two-hour workshop sessions will be held Saturday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00 AM EDT.
Just a few of the topics covered include:
* Go Kits
* Hardening Your Station or Repeater
* Expedient Training & Utilization of Volunteers
* Working with Served Agencies (Panel Discussion)
The NE-ARES Academy is an outgrowth of the successful NH-ARES Academy program that ran at the NH State Fire Academy for eight years. The program’s goal is to offer both basic and advanced skills training based in ARRL ARES training standards. Academy Instructors are all recognized experts in their subject area.
Event Details:
Date: October 10th to October 31st
Time: 7:30 to 8:30 PM EDT (weeknight courses), 9:00 to 11:00 AM EDT
(Saturday workshops)
Cost: Free
HamXposition Virtual Banquet
November 7, 2020, 7PM
Event registration at <
On Saturday, November 7th, the HamXposition Convention Committee will be hosting our very first Virtual Banquet! Order your favorite take-out or delivery, pull up a chair to your screen, and join your friends for an interesting presentation. The event will be emceed by our very own Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, and featuring Keynote Speaker Gordon West, WB6NOA.
In addition, there will be a grand prize drawing of a Kenwood TM-V71A Transceiver, Astron Power Supply, and dual band mobile antenna, generously contributed by the Minuteman Repeater Association (MMRA) (must be present during prize drawing to win).
The event is free, but we ask that you please register using the link above. Instructions and a link to join the event will be delivered to your inbox a few days before the event.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, November 7th
Time: 7:00 PM EST (UTC-05:00)
Location: Your computer or mobile device, anywhere!
Cost: Free
Ham Bootcamp
November 7, 2020, 10 AM
Sign up on the NARS website at <
The Nashua Area Radio Society (NARS) will again be hosting their wildly successful Ham Bootcamp, recently featured on the cover of QST magazine, on Saturday, November 7th via Zoom.
Ham Bootcamp is a series of activities designed to help newly licensed Technician and General class license holders get on the air and use their amateur radio license, or for prospective hams who are interested in seeing what the hobby has to offer, including:
* Radio Programming Tutorials and Help
* Getting Started with EchoLink
* Joining a Repeater Net
* Putting together a Station for Repeaters
* Building an HF Station including simple HF Antennas
* Putting up an HF Antenna, Feedline, and Ground
* Getting started with WSJT-X and FT8 Digital
… and more!
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, November 7th
Time: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST (UTC-05:00)
Cost: Free
W1A Special Event Callsign
November 6-8, 2020
Operating schedule and sign up at
The W1A special event callsign will operate from individual operator’s home stations during the weekend of the HamXposition Virtual Banquet. Yours could be one of these stations!
Event Details:
Start: Friday, November 6th 7:00 PM EST (UTC-05:00)
End: Sunday, November 8th 7:00 PM EST (UTC-05:00)
Location: Your shack!
Cost: Free
13 Colonies Event Week
July 1, 9AM to July 7, Midnight, EDT
(1300Z 1 July 2020 to 0400Z 8 July 2020)
Certificate: Only one 13 Colonies QSO gets you a certificate.
For a CLEAN SWEEP, you don’t need to work the Bonus Stations, WM3PEN & GB13COL.
[D-STAR is OK for Bonus Stations]
Working a Colony Station: use DX Summit to find a 13 Colonies S/E station.
Spotting: after working a colony station, you are encouraged to spot it on DX Summit: i.e., “K2H 13 Col MA.”
Questions? See KU2US &
Whitman Amateur Radio Club members will operate a special events station over the Thanksgiving weekend, November 30-December 1, 2019, at the Plimoth Plantation, the home of the Mayflower II in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The participants will demonstrate Amateur Radio to tourists and visitors. In the past the group has logged over a hundred HF and VHF contacts with US and foreign amateurs, including a contact with Plymouth, England.
Volunteers are need for setup, breakdown, and station operations. Antenna and setup takes place on Friday, November 29 from 10 AM to 12 noon. On-air operations run in shifts on Saturday from 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM (shift 1); 12:00 PM – 4:30 PM (shift 2); Sunday at 8 AM – 12:30 PM (shift 1); 12:00 PM – 4:30 PM (shift 2). Antenna and station breakdown occurs from 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM on Sunday. ” Multiple volunteers are needed for each shift. Email with your name, callsign, cell phone number and the shifts you’re committing to.
The station will be on the air on or near the following frequencies: 18.160 14.260 7.260 and 3.860, as well as the Whitman 147.225+ PL 67.0 repeater (EchoLink: WA1NPO-R and IRLP node 8691).
If you make contact and would like an event certificate mailed to you, please send QSL/contact details and a full size 8.5 x 10 envelope to their call book/ address. A “green stamp” would be appreciated as well.
K1USN QSL cards will be available for all contacts with K1USN. Send # 10 SASE to K1RV or DX stations QSL via bureau.
QSL via K1RV
Contact: Pi, K1RV
“Please drop by if you want to operate or just to chat and have some coffee. Let me know if you want to be added to the growing list. We will make room for everyone. This is a fun event and a wonderful way to those who served,” writes K1USN Radio Club’s “Pi” Pugh, K1RV.
Bob Kelley, K1KVV writes on the Southeastern MA ARA web site:
I’m seeking operators for K2H, the shared Special Event callsign for all Massachusetts.
Please let all members of our club know about this opportunity. I can add both W1AEC and home station operators to the official 13 Colonies K2H operators list.
Do you want to have the experience of being called instead of calling to make a contact? You’ll get calls from both domestic and DX operators who want to qualify for the certificate endorsements. As an operator of K2H, you will automatically qualify for a certificate. You can also contact the other 13 Colonies S/E stations to earn your own endorsements.
You’d be surprised at how many contacts you can make with a simple wire antenna. You can work as many or few hours as you wish during the week. Each operator is self-scheduled by using an on-line calendar to reserve Band, Mode, and Hour blocks of air time. Also, at the end of the week, each operator submits their own Cabrillo logs to the Massachusetts QSO / QSL coordinator, Joe Casieri, KA1JBE and QSO totals to Ken Villone-KU2US, event organizer.
More details will be available shortly. Meanwhile, go to for more info. There you can then click on Massachusetts / K2H for other details. [This information will be augmented shortly.]
This event is NOT a contest; so 12m, 17m and 30m bands may be used.
Contact me if you would like to participate and/or if you need more information, etc.
— 73 de Bob K1KVV
The Whitman Amateur Radio Club will sponsor a ham radio exhibit and special events station at the 151st Annual Marshfield Fair August 17-26, 2018 from 1600Z-0059Z. The club will operate under the call sign NN1MF on the following frequencies/bands: 18.160, 14.260, 7.260, and 3.860 MHz. The station will also be active on EchoLink via the WA1NPO-R, and IRLP: 8691. Contacts will be acknowledged with a certificate and QSL at: Whitman ARC, PO Box 48, Whitman, MA 02382.
ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ writes:
The annual 13 Colonies Special Event will take place from Sunday, July 1st, 9:00 AM Eastern (1300 UTC) until Saturday, July 7th, 12:00 Midnight Eastern (July 8th, 0400 UTC).
Participants are encouraged to contact as many of the original 13 Colonies as possible in that timeframe. There are also two bonus stations: WM3PEN (Philadelphia, PA), and GB13COL (Durham, England). A nice certificate is available at the end of the event.
Each colony has its own callsign and list of operators. Massachusetts is K2H. If you are interested in being a K2H operator, contact Bob (K1KVV) at radioevents [at] semara [dot] org so he can put you on the official operators list. One must hold a General Class license, or higher, and should plan to operate from their home station.
This is a fun event and I hope a lot of you will participate. For more information:
“As of today there are now 106 ships/museums listed as active participants and the K1USN Radio Club will join them for the Museum Ships Weekend beginning Friday evening, June 2 at 0000 UTC (8:00 PM EDT). Check out the list here –
“We want to be on the air as much as possible during the entire 48-hour weekend event. Operators are needed to help keep [K1USN’s] three HF stations on the air. Please let me know if you are available to spend some time during the weekend. Remember that K1USN was the originator of this fantastic operating event that is now sponsored by the crew onboard the Battleship New Jersey. They have done a wonderful job promoting this event and continue to issue special certificates to stations that manage to work 15 participants during the weekend.
“I wish to remind everyone that Museum Ships Weekend is NOT an actual contest. There will be operating time available for operators with all skill levels. Due to the large number of anticipated contacts (1000+ in 2017) we do all logging using N1MM+ logging software. It’s quite simple to use and we will be happy to offer instructions.”
Additionally, look for other local museum ship stations on the bands:
“Whitey” Doherty, K1VV writes:
Maritime Radio Day is held annually to remember the nearly 90 years of wireless service for seafarers. Since its beginning in 1900, Maritime Radio was in use mainly until the end of 1999.
The MRD is open to all Amateur Radio Stations. Special stations (like Coastal radios and ship’s call signs) can participate to the MRD only if operated by former Commercial or Navy operators, or by radio technicians who worked in the installation and/or maintenance of naval equipments.
If you are a former Merchant Marine Radio Operator or former ship’s Electronic Technician please subscribe to this event automatically trough the following website http://www.mrd.
We must to push many colleagues to take part at our yearly Event, last year like in the past edition there has been a massive participation with many colleagues not included in the list of participants and it has been a very nice surprise against any prevision. There are still many Countries not reached by information about our Event and from U.S.A. and Far East – Unfortunately – still very few stations. Radio Officers are the men spent their lives in front a receiver watching 500 kHz and sending messages of any kind, our Category has gone but we know many aspects of radio waves and we cannot refuse to look forward to confirm the radio is still alive and in good health, the problem perhaps is another, there are many reasons to kill the radio and they are not properly justified by true facts but only using the famous word “OBSOLETE” we hear everyday and everywhere for promoting the consumption of technological toys such as Smartphones, iPhones, Tablets and so on.
Morse Code, the main language used by Radio Officers on ships and at shore, has been the sole international language that granted for a century radio communications at sea, nowadays used by many amateurs radio needs to be protected against the interference due to Hi-tech products and web communications, the Radio World is made at first of Morse communications and the code is easy to learn also if the tendency is to send and receive Morse with computer… the worst way to take practice of the code, the code is not a digital mode it is a “very special human way” to establish a communication between two points of the earth with no wires and no computer, just a small, old and used radio and a wire dipole or at least a piece of wire.
MRD Staff
Rules, Procedure and Certificate of partecipation
All traffic must to be done around the following International Naval Frequencies on Amateur Radio Bands (morse code)
1824 kHz
3520 kHz
7020 kHz
10118 kHz
14052 kHz
21052 kHz
28052 kHz
The Main working frequency is 14052 kHz plus or minus some kc/s. The WARC bands are NOT USED for MRD with exception of 30 meters band.
To give everyone a fair chance of having a QSO during the MRD, and because 14052 kHz is the most common calling frequency, it is suggested that we have a small band edge from 14055 to 14058 kHz for DX and QRP stations. It is also suggested that instead of calling CQ in “Contest Mode”, we give adequate time for weaker stations to be heard and listen especially for DX contacts.
So please use the band suggested as watching band reserved to radio stations in far distances.
– Date: 14th April 12.00 GMT 15th April 22.00 GMT
– Bands: 160m, 80m, 40m, 30 m, 20m, 15m & 10m
– Mode: CW only
– Power: not limited
– QSO: Exchange QSA, QRK, name, callsign of last or favorite ship / aircraft / maintance company QSA 1 .. 5, strength of receive signal QRK 1 .. 5, readability and additionally a tr, msg and/or a qtc if you like
– Silence Periods: need no longer be observed
– Deadline for submission of MRD logs is 1st of May.
– Certificate of participation ( CoP): SWL’s – send a complete log to be able to verify qso data by selection. Licenced operators – send a postcard / letter or e-mail with number of QSOs with – ship stations – coast stations – special stations – other Amateurs contacted. Send your application with data and your email address to : Rolf MarschnerNarzissenweg 10 53359 RheinbachGermanyor via e-mail: dl9cm@t-online.deCertificate is only available by e-mail!
– QSL cards: Each participant manages their own QSL cards. There is no QSL manager.
– General Comment: Coastal radios and ship’s callsigns should be operated only by former Commercial or Navy operators and from radio technicians who worked in the brand of installation and in the maintenance of coastal and ship’s radios equipments and antennas.
“Procedure” Example QSO :
cq mrd cq mrd cq mrd de dl9cm dl9cm dl9cm k
dl9cm de ik6ijf gm rolf QSA5 QRK 5 hr is alfredo shipname/icjr or last ship was icjr k
ik6ijf de dl9cm gm alfredo QSA 5 QRK 5 op rolf shipname/dlcm or last ship was dlcm ik6ijf de dl9cm tnx 73 .-.- or put details in a telegram like this : Origin nr xx ck zz date time = address = qsa x qrk y shipname call = signature+ or similar.
The above are only examples . You may send different content, but the least you must include are QSA, name, ship’s call sign or progressive number if you are only amateur! To subscribe free your participation at the next Maritime Radio Day send an e-mail to R/O Rolf MARSCHNER: or automatically subscription is possible and preferred on the following website: http://www.mrd.
Rick Emord, KB1TEE and other members of the Massasoit Amateur Radio Association are planning a special events operation to commemorate the birth of the Boy Scouts of America aboard the USS Massachusetts on Saturday, April 28, 2018 using the call sign W1BSA. The group conducted its first operation aboard the museum ship in 2015.
MARA members and amateurs from other area clubs will serve radiomen (operators) on the ship from 0900 until 1600. In the past, the crew has activated six stations on the air for this event on 2, 10, 20, and 40 meters and CW on 80 meters using some of the ship’s original equipment.
“Pi” K1RV writes:
The K1USN Radio Club will once again be on the air to celebrate Veterans Day as we take time to show our appreciation for those who have served; as well as their family members.
Local hams are invited to visit us in Braintree, MA at 85 Quincy Ave.
Our operating frequencies will be:
SSB – 3860, 7260, 14260, 18160, 21360, 24960, 28360 and 50160.
CW – 3539, 7039, 10109, 14039, 18079, 21039, 24899, 28039 and 50109.
IRLP – NODE # 4086 ( AE1TH 442.500 118.8 P/L in Braintree, MA )
K1USN QSL cards will be available for all contacts with K1USN.
Send # 10 SASE to K1RV or DX stations QSL via bureau.
QSL via K1RV
Contact: Pi – K1RV
Jeff Lehmann, N1ZZN writes on the Whitman ARC list:
This weekend is our annual special event station at Plimoth Plantation. Don’t forget, this year we’ll be using the NI1X call sign. We’ll be operating between 9 AM and 3 PM Saturday and Sunday. The advertised frequencies to look for us on are 18.160 14.260 7.260 and 3.860. Of course you can always find us on our 147.225+ PL 67.0 repeater, which is also accessible via EchoLink: WA1NPO-R and IRLP node 8691.
Amateurs will help commemorate the 100th anniversary of Reginald A. Fessenden’s first voice and music broadcast with a special events operation from the Governor Winslow House in Marshfield, MA on August 4, 2006 from 1500-2100 UTC.
W1AA will operate on 7225-7270, above 14310, and on 17 meters, above 18150. The station will operate on cw 40 khz up from the bottom of the bands, plus or minus QRM.
Stations contacting W1AA will receive a special commemorative QSL card. Please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Watch the DX Summit for W1AA Spots, at
For further information, contact Dave Riley, AA1A at
[See also:]