Massasoit ARA Assists In YMCA Road Race

Massasoit ARA members at E. Bridgewater YMCA Road RaceSeven members of the Massasoit Amateur Radio Association members volunteered to provide communication support for the East Bridgewater YMCA 4-mile Fall Frolic Road Race on Sunday October 24, 2004. The weather was overcast and the temperature started out about 50 degrees—perfect weather for a road race.

Carl Aveni, N1FY acted as NCS at at the starting line. The other Amateur Radio volunteers were positioned along the race course at key intersections. Shown in the photo (L-R): Bruce Hayden, NI1X; Carl Aveni, N1FY; Roy Logan, KB1CYV; Walter Fitzgerald, N1LHD; Gary DeCoster, WA1CIM; and Bob Mandeville, N1EDM with Maryanne DeCoster, N1SGW in front.

The YMCA had large signs made up and posted along the race course that alerted the traffic to the race in progress and helped everything run smoothly. The Amateur Radio operators were thanked by the YMCA staff for their support and were soon socializing over hotdogs and hamburgers after the race. Once again a great time was had by all. —MARA News, November 2004

Ham Radio Blood Drive, Worcester EOC, 11/20/04

Red Cross logoMark, WB1ARZ writes:

Hello everyone,

I would appreciate it if you would help me get the word out about the Amateur Radio Operators Blood Drive this Saturday on November 20th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The drive will be held at the Worcester EOC located at 50 Skyline Drive, Worcester, MA. This location is directly off of Belmont Street (Rt. 9) in Worcester and the EOC located in the brick National Guard Facility at the South entrance to Green Hill Park.

The Red Cross informed me today that there is a critical shortage of donated blood and it is very worrisome this early in the holiday season. They are hopeful for a large number of donors this Saturday at the Amateur Radio Operators Blood Drive.
Those who donate will be entered into a free raffle to be drawn at the end of the day (you don’t have to be present to win)for some HRO Gift Certificates and Gift Certificates to local Restaraunts. The Red Cross
is also giving out free “T” shirts to donors and will provide refreshments.

There will also be an information table and an event station at the site. Please help us get the word out to your friends and family, fellow hams and non-hams alike. We really need to have a big showing up at the EOC and it will help the critical blood supply shortage in the area.

Those that wish to can preregister for the drive by calling the Red Cross at 1-800-GIVE-LIFE. Walk-in donors are also very welcome.

For additional details go to

Thanks and 73,

Mark, WB1ARZ
ARES EC, Worcester

New Cape and Island Net Manager

New Net Manager for Cape & Islands Traffic Net.

Mike Wilbur N2JWW has been appointed Net Manager for the
Cape & Islands Traffic Net effective November 1, 2004. Mike
is an expeirenced Traffic Handler working both local and HF
Traffic Nets. Mike is a resident of Marstons Mills and is active
with local radio clubs. We welcome Mike to his new position
and ask everyone to support him and the Cape & Islands Net.

NCS Openings on Cape & Islands

Monday Open
Thursday Open
Saturday Open
Wednesday -N2JWW


Boston ARC To Operate From Blue Hill Observatory During SKYWARN Recognition Day

Boston ARC logoMark Duff, KB1EKN writes:

“The sixth annual SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) will take place this year on Saturday, December 4. For the second year in a row, the Boston Amateur Radio Club will participate in SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) at the Blue Hill Observatory in Milton MA. We will be operating on Saturday December 4 from 0900 to 1500 on HF and VHF.

SRD consists of Amateur Radio operators who set up at the National Weather Service (NWS) offices and other weather related locations and contact similar stations around the world. Many NWS Offices, including NWS Taunton, have permanently installed Amateur Radio equipment.

Hams have assisted the National Weather Service by providing real-time reports of severe weather and storm conditions. We recently played a key role by providing communications during the hurricanes that affected Florida and other Southeastern states.

Although the NWS operates a network of 120 Doppler radars to track severe storms, at greater ranges weather radar has difficulty time sampling conditions close to the ground. The information hams provide plays a key role in aiding forecasters.

During the SRD, stations will exchange signal reports, location and a brief description of the current weather at their respective locations (“sunny,” “partly cloudy,” “windy,” etc). We also plan to send out unique QSL cards. This is a great opportunity for members to operate the club’s Yaesu 897 and make some DX contacts. If you are interested in participating please contact me directly at

—Thanks, Boston ARC The SPARC, November, 2004

“HAMsters” Help Bring Holiday Cheer to Children in Florida

HAMsters' toy driveThe “HAMsters” of Ms. LaRoche’s First Grade Class at Winn Brook School in Belmont (see Belmont First-Graders Want to “Ham It Up”) are just one of the many groups throughout the country who are helping to bring a little Christmas cheer back into the lives of Florida children made homeless by this year’s hurricane damage.

“My little ones, their families and my colleagues here at Winn Brook loved participating in the Toy Drive for Homeless Children in Florida,” said Donna LaRoche. LaRoche, who is a member of the Framingham Amateur Radio Association, has integrated Amateur Radio into her teaching curriculum in innovative ways.

The ARRL Toy Drive will fold into the United Way’s White Doves Holiday Project. Thanks to a disaster services grant from the State of Florida, the Volunteer & Community Resource Center has been developing a strong relationship with local amateurs. “We have been so impressed by the skill and dedication of the ham radio volunteers,” said a United Way spokesperson. “The way ham radio operators nationwide have embraced the White Doves Holiday Project reinforces our already strong opinion of hams.”

LaRoche’s students’ exemplary action just goes to show that you’re never too young to lend a helping hand to your community and to others.

Thanks, Donna LaRoche and ARRL

USS Salem ARC Veteran’s Day Operation 11/11/04, And Scouting Opportunities

K1USN QSL cardJ.C. Cunningham, W1AI writes:

Three things:

Don’t forget the Veteran’s Day operation on the USS Salem on Thursday (11/11/04). Bands permitting, we hope to have 5 concurrent operating positions. More operators are needed! Contact Pi at for details.

We are expecting almost 200 scouts on the USS Salem this coming Saturday (11/13/04).

I need several more volunteers to do the Morse code presentations and/or HF and VHF demos from 3pm to 6pm.

Please send me a message at if you can help. I need to know by early Friday morning at the very latest!

We are also expecting about 150 scouts on the USS Salem the following Saturday (11/20/04).

I’m taking a long-deserved vacation during the week of Nov 13-2. Therefore Bill O’Hara, N1EY, has agreed to coordinate the volunteers for that week.

Please contact Bill at if you can help that week.

No prior experience is necessary for any of these events.

JC Cunningham, W1AI
USS Salem K1USN Radio Club Scouting Program Volunteer Coordinator

MMRA’s Newest Repeater Is QRV

MMRA logoThe Minuteman Repeater Association announced that a new 222 MHz repeater is now operational from Slygo Hill in Marlborough. The repeater, along with a duplexer, was recently donated to the club; the MMRA board of directors voted to accept the donation at its last meeting. The repeater currently operates on 224.880 MHz under the callsign K1IW. In the near future, it will be coupled to the SCOM 7K controller on the replacement 147.270 repeater, at which time it will change to the club callsign W1MRA. According to MMRA president Bob DeMattia, K1IW, this is the club’s fourteenth repeater.

Thanks, The Minuteman, Volume 32, Number 2, November 2004

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC To Help With Annual Santa Parade

SMH ARC logoBruce Alexander, KA1IG writes on w1smh list:

“Yes, that time of year is here again. The Downtown Associates of North Attleborough, have once again requested our services to assist in the staging of the annual Santa Parade.

The parade will be held this year on sunday, november 28. The parade will step off at 3pm, from the St. Mary’s area of North Washington Street. Staging will begin at 1:30pm, at the St. Mary’s parking lot.

Staging this year may be complicated to some extent, because of construction on North Washington, but we don’t have any details as to whether it will be done in time.

If you are interested in helping out, you can contact me in the following manners: 447.975UHF, 147.195VHF, E-mail, (508) 643-0008.

Thanks in advance for your help, this is always a fun event, & sort of sets the mood, at least for me, for the upcoming holiday season.

Bruce, KA1IG

W1TE Dies in Experimental Aircraft Accident

The Billerica Amateur Radio Society reported in its November newsletter that Charles Schwartz, W1TE, of Shirley, MA lost his life while flying an experimental aircraft in Leominster on October 26. The former Lowell, MA ham is survived by his wife, Lorraine, N1ZRO.

“Over the years I came to know him through my contesting activities,” commented Billerica ARS newsletter editor Ken Caruso, WO1N. “During the mid-90s Charley and I swapped first place SOLP Massachusetts finishes in the 160-meter contests. I asked him how in the world he could beat me on 160-meters living on a small lot in Lowell. [Charley] revealed he would go to his in-laws farm in Shirley and he would lay out beverage antennas and phased verticals supported by helium balloons. We had a good laugh over that.” According to Caruso, W1TE was instrumental in revitalizing the NEDXCC club; he also published the club’s newsletter.

Details of the October 26 crash were reported in a Lowell Sun article the following day. Dick Fahlbeck, the director of operations at the FCA Flight Center at the Fitchburg airport, did not see the crash but confirmed that the plane had been taking off before it went down. “He was an experienced test pilot,” Fahlbeck told the Sun. “He was the kind of guy you would want to test-fly your plane if he could.” —Thanks Billerica ARS, Lowell Sun

KY1N List of New England Volunteer Exams 11/01/04

                         The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date Time Contact Location Phone
11/05/04 18:30 Albert Noble, AA1CZ Saco ME 207-642-8830
11/06/04 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
11/06/04 09:00 Thomas Jaworski, WA1MJE Pittsfield MA 413-528-9002
11/07/04 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
11/08/04 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
11/09/04 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
11/10/04 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
11/11/04 19:00 Judy Nelson, KC1RI Providence RI 401-231-9156
11/11/04 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
11/12/04 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
11/13/04 09:00 Bill Sullivan, K1AG Bangor ME 207-947-4051
11/13/04 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
11/13/04 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
11/13/04 12:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
11/13/04 09:30 Dick Finn, WA1VUU Stamford CT 203-323-0982
11/14/04 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
11/15/04 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
11/16/04 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
11/17/04 17:30 Donald R Smith, AE1Q Augusta ME 207-495-3891
11/17/04 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
11/17/04 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
11/18/04 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-339-1089
11/20/04 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-683-4099
11/20/04 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
11/20/04 09:00 *Peter Leather, AE2D Orleans MA 508-225-9581
11/20/04 09:00 Bruce Howes, W1UJR South Portland ME 207-828-0248
11/20/04 09:00 Tom Senerchia, KA1VAY West Warwick RI 401-822-2592
11/22/04 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
11/24/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
11/26/04 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
11/27/04 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
12/04/04 11:30 Frank Sileo, N1PE Brookfield CT 203-438-0218
12/04/04 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
12/04/04 09:00 Jack P Garforth, N1JK Middletown RI 401-683-2250
12/04/04 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-672-4035
12/04/04 08:45 Conrad Ekstrom, WB1GXM Newport NH 603-543-1389
12/05/04 09:00 Richard Barton, N1NCZ Milford CT 203-877-5020
12/08/04 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
12/09/04 19:00 Judy Nelson, KC1RI Providence RI 401-231-9156
12/09/04 19:00 Kevin Cellini, N1KGM Trumbull CT 203-268-5015
12/10/04 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
12/11/04 10:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Bath ME 207-799-1116
12/11/04 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
12/11/04 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
12/11/04 12:00 Daniel Miller, K3UFG Newington CT 860-206-3379
12/12/04 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
12/13/04 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
12/14/04 19:00 Lawrence Polowy, KU1L Thomaston CT 860-283-4089
12/15/04 19:00 Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF Milford CT 203-933-9587
12/16/04 19:30 Richard Cantin, AA1TI Norwood MA 508-339-1089
12/18/04 09:00 William D Wilson, K1IN Bloomfield CT 860-683-4099
12/18/04 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
12/18/04 09:00 *Peter Leather, AE2D Orleans MA 508-225-9581
12/18/04 09:00 Bob Jones, WB1P Slatersville RI 401-333-4787
12/20/04 19:00 Arthur Denault, KB1CNB Fall River MA 774-644-3469
12/21/04 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
12/22/04 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
12/22/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
12/24/04 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
01/08/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
01/08/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
01/08/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
01/09/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
01/10/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
01/12/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
01/13/05 19:00 Judy Nelson, KC1RI Providence RI 401-231-9156
01/14/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
01/15/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
01/15/05 09:00 Bruce Howes, W1UJR South Portland ME 207-828-0248
01/18/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
01/19/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
01/20/05 19:30 Lou Harris, N1UEC Norwood MA 508-668-0858
01/20/05 18:30 John Ruggiero, N2YHK Worcester MA 508-982-0617
01/25/05 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
01/26/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
01/28/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
02/05/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
02/09/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
02/10/05 19:00 Judy Nelson, KC1RI Providence RI 401-231-9156
02/11/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
02/12/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
02/12/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
02/13/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
02/14/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
02/15/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
02/16/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
02/17/05 19:30 Lou Harris, N1UEC Norwood MA 508-668-0858
02/19/05 10:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Bath ME 207-799-1116
02/19/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
02/23/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
02/25/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
02/25/05 09:00 Mitch Stern, W1SJ Milton VT 802-879-6589
02/26/05 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
02/26/05 09:00 Jim Heedles, WW1Y Nashua NH 603-672-4035
02/28/05 19:00 Walton G Congdon, W1ZPB Northfield MA 413-498-2729
03/05/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
03/09/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
03/10/05 19:00 Judy Nelson, KC1RI Providence RI 401-231-9156
03/11/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
03/12/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
03/12/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
03/13/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
03/14/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
03/15/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
03/17/05 19:30 Lou Harris, N1UEC Norwood MA 508-668-0858
03/19/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
03/19/05 09:00 Bruce Howes, W1UJR South Portland ME 207-828-0248
03/23/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
03/23/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535
03/25/05 18:00 *Mitch Stern, W1SJ Essex Junction VT 802-879-6589
03/25/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
03/26/05 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
03/26/05 12:30 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Lewiston ME 207-799-1116
04/02/05 10:30 Larry Houbre, AA1FS Dartmouth MA 508-991-6055
04/08/05 18:30 Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R Burlington VT 802-878-6454
04/09/05 08:45 William J Needham, K1WN Braintree MA 781-843-4400
04/09/05 09:00 Joanne Reid, N1LNE Falmouth MA 508-548-1121
04/10/05 12:00 Bob Quinn, WV1A Gloucester MA 978-283-4660
04/11/05 19:00 Mike Ardai, N1IST Brookline MA 781-321-7939
04/13/05 19:30 Bruce Anderson, W1LUS Chelmsford MA 978-851-2886
04/14/05 19:00 Judy Nelson, KC1RI Providence RI 401-231-9156
04/16/05 09:00 Bill Wade, K1IJ Marlborough MA 617-699-3670
04/19/05 19:00 Paul Lux, K1PL Middletown CT 860-635-1742
04/20/05 19:30 Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX Cambridge MA 617-253-3776
04/21/05 19:30 Lou Harris, N1UEC Norwood MA 508-668-0858
04/22/05 18:00 David Cote, WA1DC Holyoke MA 413-592-4978
04/23/05 10:00 Bryce Rumery, K1GAX Bath ME 207-799-1116
04/23/05 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA Danvers MA 978-777-1608
04/23/05 09:00 Norm Smith, NY1B Rockland ME 207-354-6853
04/27/05 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH Shirley MA 978-597-6535

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2004 test session fee of $12.00
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-672-4035,
via email at

MA RACES To Exercise on 60 Meters

Tom Kinahan, N1CPE writes:

“It’s the first Monday again, and we’ve got another new twist tonight. We’ll be running a net on 60 meters at 6:30pm, on on 75 meters at 6:45 and the normal 6 meter net at 7.

All stations are invited to check in to both HF nets.

The 60 Meter net will convene on dial frequency 5330.5 USB, and move up in the channels if the frequency is busy. There is no need to change frequencies if the channel is free and checkins can be made.

Channel Center Amateur Tuning Frequency (USB)

5332 kHz 5330.5 kHz

5348 kHz 5346.5 kHz

5368 kHz 5366.5 kHz

5373 kHz 5371.5 kHz

5405 kHz (common US/UK) 5403.5 kHz


-Tom N1CPE

Boston EMCOMM Radio Testing

Boston ARC logoBlake T. Haskell, K1BTH writes:

I need some help with radio testing next Saturday, November 6, 2004, from 0900 – 1200 (approx.). We have been approached by a potential “served agency” that may require our EMCOMM services and we need to test several of their locations within the City of Boston to see if we can hit a variety of repeaters on the UHF and/or VHF bands.

To participate you will need a car, a portable radio and a better than stock antenna. (A mobile radio will be nice but not necessary.) I’m looking for Boston hams with a good sense of the City.

We are going to various locations in the City and testing from the curb in front of a building. We can’t have access to the buildings yet but we should be able to get a good sense of how a portable should hit repeaters in and around Boston.

If you’re available and would like to help please email me at and we’ll determine a convenient meeting place. I’ll then brief you on the potential agency and their mission.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Blake T. Haskell, K1BTH
Vice President
Boston Amateur Radio Club

MMRA Interference NEW!

The MMRA has been encountering unintentional interference in the 2M HAM band (and adjacent services). We would appreciate wide dissemination of the forwarded message in case somebody out there can help us identify this noise source and/or so that other people can check in their local areas to see if they are encountering this as well. The MMRA believes that it has encountered at least 5 sources of this signal at this point and that there are probably others. We also believe that we have detected this noise interfering with other repeaters which are not operated by the MMRA.

More information can be obtained at: Interference

Some of the audio/video files are known to not work with quicktime but do work with windows media player.



—–Original Message—–
From: Bob DeMattia, K1IW
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 12:51 AM
To: Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN
Cc: Ed Hare, W1RFI; Gruber, Mike W1MG; Chuck Skolaut;
Subject: Interference at MMRA 146.61 Repeater Site

Hello Mike,

I’ve been speaking with some of the guys at the league concerning the interference problem we’ve been having on 146.61. Today, Mike indicated that I should make you aware of what’s happening.

The MMRA repeater in Marlborough has been receiving interference for approximately eight months now. It disappears for a few days or even a week at a time then comes back. It is strong enough to affect the intelligibility of all but the strongest signals.

The interference is not limited to our machine. One member has heard a similar pattern on the 146.97 repeater in Paxton, though it does not appear to be as often or as strong as the problem we have.

In scanning the band, we’ve also located several other similar-sounding signal sources at 143 MHz and 152 MHz, at multiple locations in Marlborough and Northborough.

More information is available at Interference

Hopefully, with the help of the league and others, we will be able to get this resolved.

Bob – K1IW

Massachusetts EMA Training Opportunities

RACES logoTom Kinahan, N1CPE writes:

The following is a listing of the MEMA Training opportunities coming up:


3-5 Basic Public information Officer – MEMA Hq
18 Hazmat Awareness – MEMA Hq
30 Disaster Assessment Resource Management – MEMA Hq


1-2 ICS 200 – Region 3
7 Disaster Related Needs of Seniors – MEMA Hq
8-10 Excercise Design – Region 2

These classes are Free, but you MUST register for them by calling MEMA at

I Highly recommend the ICS 200 class for those that have not taken it.

Tom Kinahan, N1CPE
Massachusetts State RACES Radio Officer

Easton Ham To Install Remote Base in Iraq

W7DXX logoAn Easton, MA Amateur has announced plans to install a remote base system in Iraq. Keith Lamonica, W7DXX has obtained the call sign YI9DXX and identified a location to house the installation. In addition, Lamonica has recruited willing Iraqi Amateurs to help maintain the remote base.

“A group of us: Stan, W4MQ, Pete, W6PJ, George, K4GM, and I have gotten together with the idea of installing an Internet remote base in Baghdad, Iraq,” says Lamonica. “Working with the kind help of Diya Al Asadi, President of the Iraqi Amateur Radio Society and Mr. John B. Lyons, Chief of Staff, Office of Communication, Iraq Reconstruction Office, I have been able to obtain a license and a home for the remote base… Our group will donate [the equipment] to the Iraqi Amateur Radio Society.”

The list includes: a Kenwood TS-2000 transceiver and power supply, a Dell computer, an all-band antenna and coax, an uninterruptable power supply, “rig blaster” and other items.

Lamonica says he’ll personally assure funding to pay for a static IP for the Internet server.

“Once all the equipment is delivered we will set it up here in the U.S. to completely test it out. Then it will be sent either by military transport of DHL to Baghdad,” Lamonica adds.

The group will be constantly tied into YI9DXX Remote by PC-Anywhere so that password files and software can be updated.

The YI9DXX Remote Base System will be a closed system, available only to those control operators who have participated in the group’s existing remote base operations and have shown they can operate in a responsible manner.

“There will be Iraqi amateurs using the system of course,” says Lamonica. “Most of these fellows are in situations where they have no antennas, or dare not to erect any.”

W7DXX adds that his group will be sending more information on the project as it develops.

The ARRL awarded co-awarded Keith Lamonica, W7DXX, Bob Arnold, N2JEU, and Stan Schretter, W4MQ its 2001 Technical Innovation Award for their development of Internet control of remote HF stations with new and unique software and a hardware interface. Their efforts were recognized in an article, “Remote-Controlled HF Operation Over the Internet,” by Brad Wyatt, K6WR, which appeared in the November 2001 issue of QST.

EMa ARES Simulated Emergency Test 10/30/04

EMa ARES logoEastern Massachusetts ARES will conduct a limited ARES Simulated Emergency Test on Saturday October 30th, 2004 from 10 AM-Noon. This drill is being constructed to add-on to a medium difficulty drill that Cape Cod ARES has put together for their group. The original Cape Cod ARES drill had been designed around an immunization scenerio with the CDC (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention) involving flu vaccinations; however, it was cancelled by the CDC due to a lack of vaccine. The drill scenario for the Cape was changed at the last minute by Cape and Islands DEC Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O.

This SET will attempt to relay messages between Cape Cod and various points in the Eastern Massachusetts section utilizing HF, 6 Meters, Packet and 2 Meters. Local ECs and DECs are welcome to activate 2 Meter nets on their local ARES/RACES/SKYWARN frequency as they see fit. [Full story]

EMa ARES Limited SET Drill Sat. 10/30/04 NEW!

EMA-ARES Logo Eastern Massachusetts ARES will be doing a limited ARES Simulated Emergency Test for Saturday October 30th, 2004 from 10 AM-Noon. This drill is being constructed to add-on to a medium difficulty drill that Cape Cod ARES has put together for their group. The reason the notice is out late is because the original Cape Cod ARES drill which was suppose to be an immunization drill with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) for flu vaccine but it was cancelled by the CDC due to a lack of vaccine so the drill scenario for the Cape had to be changed at the last minute by Frank O’Laughlin-WQ1O. Special thanks to Frank for doing this as quickly as he did so that an exercise would still take place this coming Saturday for his region and we could add-on a regional component to it. Also, everyone should remember that even though its a drill, real emergency communications events could happen with far less than a week’s notice and we need to be able to react to all situations. The drill will also help to practice that as well.Purpose of the drill

The purpose of this drill is to be able to relay messages outside of Cape Cod to various points throughout the Eastern Massachusetts section and that various points across Eastern Massachusetts can bring message traffic into Cape Cod. This will be done utilizing HF, 6 Meters, Packet and 2 Meters where ARES groups can reach the Cape Cod area on 2 Meters. Local EC’s as well as DEC’s are welcome to activate 2 Meter nets on their local ARES/RACES/SKYWARN frequency as they see fit.


The drill scenario that Cape Cod ARES has devised is a major blackout coupled with a major storm system that will cause heavy rainfall and coastal flooding to their region. Cape Cod will be dealing with both facets and look to send status messages and reports to areas outside of Cape Cod. Eastern Massachusetts ARES will respond with messages in return using any mode that can reach the Cape. For many areas of Eastern Massachusetts, it will involve HF and 6 Meters with some 2 Meter communications to Cape Cod through stations in Southeast Massachusetts.

Frequencies to Be Utilized

The drill will utilize some of the following main frequencies to reach Cape Cod:

Primary 40 Meter frequency: 7232 Khz LSB
Secondary 40 Meter frequency: 7275 KHz LSB

Eastern Mass. ARES/RACES Primary Frequency:
7245 KHz LSB
Eastern Mass. ARES/RACES Secondary Frequency:
3943 KHz LSB

Please note if another net is active on the designated frequency, please move up the band first and then move down the band from the listed

6 Meter Liaision:
53.31/52.31 PL:71.9 Hz (Mount Wachusett Repeater)

Main 2 Meter liaison repeater for Cape Cod:
146.955 PL 88.5 Hz

As stated in the purpose section, EC’s may elect to start nets on 2 Meters and get involved in the drill locally or just support the Cape via 2 Meters, 6 Meters, and HF where appropriate. These repeaters will be the typical ones used in past drills and are the standard ARES/RACES/SKYWARN frequencies that are published on the various web sites.

What ARES Groups and Members Can do:

-Support the activity by checking in via HF and 6 Meters.
-Support 2 Meter Nets where DEC/EC’s activate them. ARES Members can check their local ARES/RACES/SKYWARN Frequency.
-Generate traffic including health and welfare traffic and status messages on whether the Cape needs support etc.
-Will try and have at least the SEMARA Club Station and possibly NWS Taunton active for this drill. Other stations may also be active.

Will try and update this note one or two more times if required before this Saturday. Special thanks to all who participate in this drill and please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Southeast Massachusetts ARES District Emergency Coordinator
SEMARA ARES Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

New England Flea Markets Oct. 23, 2004

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2004 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2004 Contact Source
23,24 Oct Waltham MA Photographica @HS ~photo~ Ed Shaw 617 965 0807 F

24 Oct Lindenhurst NY ToBARES @KoC $6@9 s@7 Walter KA2RGI 631 957 0218 W+

30 Oct Waterford CT TriCityARC Auction @10 Tom WA@RYV 860 464 6555

5 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @7:30PM Jim KK1W 413 245 3228 F

7 Nov Framingham MA FARA @WalshMS $5@9 $15/T@7:30 Bev N1LOO 508 626 2012 W+

13 Nov E Falmouth MA FARA @KoC $3@9 $9/S@7 Jim WA1GPO 508 840 3021 F

4 Dec Windsor CT VintgeR Museum @33MechanicsSt $12/T@8AM John 860 673 0518
2005 Contact Source
22 Jan Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $2@9 @StStan's Marty 603 938 5051 F

19 Feb Marlboro MA AARC @MS $3@9 $15/T@7 Ann KA1PON 508 481 4988 +

26 Feb Milton VT RANV Mitch W1SJ 802 979 6589 +

19 Mar Pomfret CT ECARA @CommSch Rt101+169 Paul KE1LI 860 928 2456 A+

2,3 April Timonium MD GBARC @FG 6AM 800 HAM FEST F

9 Ap Londonderry NH IRS @Lions Club $10@6 $3@8 Paul K1NL 603 883 3308 F+

10 Ap Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf @Radisson Mark K1MAP 413 566 2445

17 April Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776
Third Sunday April thru October

23 Ap Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $2@9 @StStan's Marty 603 938 5051 F

24 Ap Southington CT SARA @HS $5@9 $10@8:30 $18/T@6:30 Alex 860 214 3013 F+

6,7 May Hopkinton NH HossTraders @FG x7 I89 Joe K1RQG 207 469 3492 +

15 May Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776

20-22 May Dayton OH

28 May WashTownship NJ BARA @WestwoodHS $5@8 $15@6 Jim K2ZO 201 664 6725 F+
LAST UPDATE 10-23-04 de W1GSL P 1 of 2
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2005 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 10-23-04 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2004 W1GSL SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

This list has been posted... as a service of the individual home page
owners, to the following WWW sites.

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2004 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC

Adams MA N BerkshireARC

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv

Framingham MA FARA

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA

Whately MA FranklinCARC

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf

Southington CT SARA

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus

Lewiston ME AARC

Portland ME PAWA

Henniker NH CVRC

Bergen NJ BARA

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES

Long Island NY LIMARC

Massapequa NY GSB ARA

Queens NY Hall of Science

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA

Rochester NY AWA

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC

Milton VT RANV VT Conv

Montreal PQ MARC

Montreal PQ WIARC

Montreal PQ MS-SARC

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T

St Therese PQ CRALL

Halafax NS HARC

Canada RAC List

Phila. Area VARA List


Affiliated Club Questionnaire

Frank Murphy, N1DHW writes:

Please take the time to answer Norm’s questionnaire (below). You can meet Norm, W3IZ at the upcoming Nov 4th Framingham Club meeting. Check their website.

Frank N1DHW

—– Original Message —–
From: Fusaro, Norm W3IZ
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:29 AM
Subject: Hamfest Survey

Hi Clubs.

We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to respond to this small survey about hamfests.

Once we gather the information we will share it with you in the hope that you may be able to use it to make your events more successful.

Thank you.

Hamfest Survey (clubs)

1. Does your club sponsor a Hamfest?

A) Yes

B) No

2. If so, is this the largest portion of your clubs fund raising?

A) Yes

B) No

3. What size is the event?

A) Large (over 100 vendors and tailgaters)

B) Medium (35 to 99 vendors and tailgaters)

C) Small (fewer than 35 vendors and tailgaters)

4. Is it held?

A) Indoors

B) Outdoors

C) Both

5. Are there forums or guest speakers at the event?

A) Yes

B) No

6. Is there VE testing at the event?

A) Yes

B) No

7. What types of door prizes are offered?

A) HF radio

B) VHF /UHF radio


D) Publications or books

E) Other

8. In the past years has the turnout

A) Increased

B) Decreased

C) Stayed the same

9. What would you consider the draw or main attraction?

A) Vendors (Dealers)

B) Tailgaters

C) Guest speakers or forums

D) Door prizes

E) Food

F) Socializing

G) VE Exams

10. Feel free to write any other comments about your club’s hamfest or hamfests in general:


Norm Fusaro, W3IZ
ARRL Affiliated Club/Mentor Program Manager
225 Main St.
Newington, CT 06011